Welcome to Fun and Games! Many of the discussions in this category are games based on responding to the most recent comment. Please take a moment to refresh the page and make sure you are replying to the most recent comment to keep the game going!

Wrong answers ONLY!



  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    edited August 2023
    You've had sixty days during which to give her the silence treatment. Did it work? Did you display the range of emotions that usually do the trick: anger, pouting, sad eyes, distain,...? And still, she insists on doing as she wishes? Oh, those are all emotions she turned on you? Unbelievable! Well then, your only option is to tell her if she doesn't want to serve in the military, you fully expect her to become Commander-in-Chief.

    So, the latest Mission Impossible movie is Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One, and Part Two won't be out until next year. Is this some kind of joke? How do I know it's worth a full five to six hours of my time? If part one is good, how will I instantly stream part two, and if it isn't good but leaves me hanging, what choice will I have but to wait a year for closure? And what if they continue next year and say there'll be a part three? I mean, should I even bother?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,678 Member
    edited August 2023
    Didn't the very title clue you in to the situation? Did you really think "Mission Impossible" meant the events within the movie? The title actually refers to the very situation you find yourself in, trying to determine the answer to your impossible questions. To avoid this conundrum in the future, next time make plans to watch a movie with a clear-cut ending, such as "Fast and Furious X".

    It took two months before I received an answer to my last question. How can I ensure the next answer doesn't take another two months before being delivered?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    you have already missed the opportunity to ensure such a scenario does not happen again - you should of tagged every single person who has ever posted in this thread as well as copying and posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc
    A lone post posted in a thread in the middle of the forest of social media makes a noise that nobody hears.

    I want to get noticed on social media but my life is ordinary and boring - how can I embellish my ordinary and boring life so that my post goes viral?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,678 Member
    Advertising agencies have already figured out what to do to get noticed: include pictures of women wearing bikinis. Selling cars? Bikinis! Selling life insurance to old people? Bikinis! Selling bikinis? You guessed it...a close-up of sweat sliding down the side of a beer bottle! So go out there and slap on photos of bikinis on every single one of your social media posts. You'll be noticed in no time!

    I pulled shift work for over a decade before getting promoted to day staff. Due to losing several people recently, I'm back on shift until we can get some new people trained. I really hate graveyard shifts, so cannot wait until the new peeps are ready. How can I get the new guys trained faster so I can leave shift work faster?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    By now, you might have already succeeded in training the new guys. But if not, I can make a suggestion. I'm surprised no one has suggested the obvious: if you want to get the new guys trained faster, make the job simpler. The simpler the task, the easier it will be for them to learn how to do it. Make the job trivial enough and you'll not even have to train them!

    I've just been reading about the polar vortex forming over the North pole. I'm wondering if I could hang guide up in the polar vortex. Seems like it could be a good long flight, although I'd probably have to dress fairly warmly. What do you think?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited September 2023
    You'll have to find a different vortex over which to hang glide. The North Pole has been designated a 24/7/365 no-fly zone due to the increasing number of aerial incidents involving reindeer. You might try a vortex closer to the Equator - either hemisphere.

    Delta Airlines just changed the way they calculate the way their customers reach 'status', making it more difficult ('expensive') for the average traveler to gain access to upgrades, etc. What's a good way to let them know I'm dissatisfied with this money grab?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    Nvm. I got tired of waiting for you lot. I've solved my own problem; I decided to start my own airline. That'll show 'em.
    Carry on.
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    That doesn’t sound like a wrong answer to me but since it is….

    What perks should Air @cmsienk offer?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited September 2023
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    That doesn’t sound like a wrong answer to me but since it is….

    What perks should Air @cmsienk offer?
    It's only half a wrong answer. I really did get tired of waiting. 🤣
    Some of you will probably compile your list faster than I will, so her question still stands...
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    edited September 2023
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    What perks should Air @cmsienk offer?

    I haven't compiled a complete list, but I can offer a first suggestion:
    1. A delicious Ristretto Latte with whipped cream is served shortly after takeoff, just before landing, and at several points midflight.

    Who has a suggestion for perk #2?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    The most elite travellers get the coziest middle seats with shoulder nappers on each side.

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    Perk #3: @Cmsienk Air offers free flights to Los Angeles for select coffee-drinking travelers.

    Perk #4?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    Perk #4: meals in flight are all served puréed for your convenience
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    Okay, no one seems to have any further suggestions for @Cmsienk Air, so I'll ask a new question, because I'm in urgent need of an answer:

    My Garmin watch offers challenges/badges for all kinds of activities, including activities I never do, like cycling, running, climbing, scuba diving, and more. I just ignore those and focus on walking, swimming, yoga and strength (I wish they had a tai chi challenge!).

    One challenge I usually attempt requires getting at least 10,000 steps every day for 30 consecutive days.
    Okay, fine, but Garmin recently introduced a bunch of additional 30-day challenges:
    • 30 For 30: record an activity of at least 30 minutes every day for 30 consecutive days
    • Walk Streak: walk 1 mile in a single activity every day for 30 consecutive days
    • Run Streak: run 1 mile in a single activity every day for 30 consecutive days
    • Swim Streak: record a swim activity every day for 30 consecutive days
    • Hydration Streak: track 64 oz. of water intake daily for 30 consecutive days
    • Sleep Savant😴😂: receive sleep data for 30 consecutive days
    My questions is are:
    Am I obligated, as a Garmin device user, to participate in all these challenges?
    What happens if I do participate but can't complete all these challenges?
    Should I consider switching to a fitness device that is less demanding?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,678 Member
    Not only are you required to participate in all the new challenges, but you are in danger of your Garmin membership being redacted if you don't immediately resume all the other challenges you have been neglecting to date.

    Failure to complete any of these challenges will result in a visit from R. Lee Ermey (the drill sergeant from "Full Metal Jacket") who will personally motivate you to complete them post haste.

    If you are willing to wimp out of your current Garmin contract, you must hand-deliver your resignation letter to the Garmin Headquarters Central Office. It must be notarized, signed only using a penguin quill pen, and cannot be transported via motorized means, only using natural methods. The long walk to deliver the letter allows users a chance to reconsider their rash decision and remain loyal Garmin users for life.


    My daughter has a school marching band team competition this Saturday. I want to be a good father and present to support her, but it's my day off from work and I want to spend the day watching television or reading a book. How do I mesh these two desires into one?
  • lifesnotfare1
    lifesnotfare1 Posts: 7 Member
    This is so easy! Obviously, take a generator to power your TV at the competition. Make sure it's super loud to help drown out those pesky band noises. If it's too loud for the TV, just wear headphones so it doesn't bother you, just everyone else. Arrive super early so you barely have to move and can start to relax while also avoiding the massive crowds that happen at marching band competitions. You'll also be able to make sure you're at the 50 for the best viewing and you'll barely have to redirect your eyes from the screen to admire her performance. Rest your TV on a cooler full of Jello shots and be sure hand them out to the kids as they come off the field to help refuel their energy, oranges are BS.

    If a rooster laid an egg at the peak of a barn that was facing North and South, but there was a 15mph wind coming from the West, who gets the cookies?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    Outstanding. Welcome to the thread @lifesnotfare1. I'm sure @nossmf - as well as the rest of the band competition viewing audience - will enjoy your solution.

    The answer to your question is: the rooster. Any rooster that can figure out how to lay an egg deserves all the cookies.

    I'm leaving soon to get my hair cut and I'm thinking about changing it up a little. Any suggestions for a new style I should try?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    cmsienk wrote: »
    Outstanding. Welcome to the thread @lifesnotfare1. I'm sure @nossmf - as well as the rest of the band competition viewing audience - will enjoy your solution.

    The answer to your question is: the rooster. Any rooster that can figure out how to lay an egg deserves all the cookies.

    I'm leaving soon to get my hair cut and I'm thinking about changing it up a little. Any suggestions for a new style I should try?
    I realized, albeit a little too late, that my answer probably wasn't wrong enough, so I've decided to change it. Frank (@frankwbrown) gets the cookies. Especially if they're chocolate.

    Same question applies
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,433 Member
    edited October 2023
    Thank you, @cmsienk. I'll accept all the chocolate, peanut butter, oatmeal and most of the others, but the Rooster can have all the ginger snacks and snickerdoodles. 😂

    As for a new hairstyle, my first thought was how about a stylish mohawk?

    Then I found a few hairstyles either of which would help you stand out on any occasion:
    Express your inner Viking with this one:
    Or, feeling like a feminine Bob Marley? How about this one:
    Or perhaps you'd like something a little less flamboyant?

    For more ideas, check these out: https://hairstyleonpoint.com/50-ridiculous-haircuts/

    @lifesnotfare1's question raises yet another question:
    If a rooster can lay eggs, what's he crowing about?

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited October 2023
    Roosters are like the males of human species - they make a lot of noise without actually having done anything productive, the female has done all the work but the male wants to show off about it.

    Not sure that is even a wrong answer ;)B)

    eggs are very tasty - but I am over omelettes, boiled eggs, egg salads etc - what are some new ways I could incorporate them into my diet?