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  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    edited October 2023
    Have you tried chugging them raw ala Rocky? It turned him into a world champion, I'm sure it'll increase your job performance, too.

    My company will soon be holding annual enrollment for next year's benefits: health insurance, Health Savings Account, and more. All the options overwhelm me every year, so I wind up just picking something randomly and hope it works out. Is there a better method to select the correct benefits package for me and my family?
  • Woodyslunchbox
    Woodyslunchbox Posts: 1,113 Member
    edited October 2023
    Decline them all, use extra $$$ for fast food and beer.

    What’s the best movie ever ?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    Movies are over rated. Try documentaries instead.

    The history of accounting

    The formation of rocks from Big bang to modern times

    Secrets of successful lawn growing

    All bound to be riveting watching!

    Or what about one of those slow programs from a few years ago, these were a real thing. Watch a train in real time travel for 7 hours. All night movie session!


    I have tried eating raw eggs as suggested in previous post.
    Half a dozen a day

    What to do with all the shells? Seems so wasteful just throwing them in the bin.

  • Woodyslunchbox
    Woodyslunchbox Posts: 1,113 Member
    Eggscellent question? Mosaics would be the way to go. We break ours up in smaller pieces and have made a backsplash in the kitchen. Also did a walkway to the pool to give it that beach vibe. Possibilities are endless.

    Eggs can be a great moisturizer. Have you ever washed your hair with eggs?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    🤥 Yes I have and I don't recommend it. It left my hair totally scrambled.
    The whole thing with shampoo is it should have some kind of pleasant scent. So if you want to wash your hair with something edible, try pickle juice, or mustard, or garlic, or something along those lines. The problem with eggs is they don't have a strong enough smell. Hmm... well, rotten eggs do I guess, so that's an option.

    So, I'm still ~20 pounds heavier than I'd like to be, and I'm up a bit this past week. Despite that, I opted for a grilled cheese sandwich and caramel frappuccino from Starbucks today for a total of 1,000 calories. And I followed that with a slice of Marie Callender's Chocolate Satin pie. Was this wise? Have I lost all discipline and self-control? What should I do?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    You are totally out of control, ordering that grilled cheese sandwich from some restaurant. It's against the law to eat a grilled cheese which isn't homemade. I'll let you off with a warning this time, don't do it again or I will have to contact the authorities.

    I traded work shifts with a coworker but forgot to tell the boss our new schedule. Boss-man got all upset, but the work was still getting done, so I don't see what the problem is. Can anybody help explain to me why he got upset, so I can have more empathy in the future?
  • Woodyslunchbox
    Woodyslunchbox Posts: 1,113 Member
    First off I totally agree with the grilled cheese having to be homemade.
    Your boss and coworker have been taking Tango lessons together during their lunch break for sometime now and the boss is paying for them. Just happened to be on the same day you swapped. Boss cannot be reimbursed for the cost of the lesson. Should have been more considerate and divulged your plan to the boss. Now he’s out the $19.99 and missed a lesson.

    What’s something that you have splurged on you regret?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    edited October 2023
    I regret my recent purchase of black licorice. I bought a dozen gross (aka great gross aka dozen dozen dozen), but I find the taste of black licorice to be gross (ironically). I had just read about how familiarity breeds contempt, and had the idea that perhaps with black licorice and me, it's the inverse: that is, lack of familiarity breeds contempt. So I thought I could change that by changing my diet, at least for a while, to nothing but black licorice. In hindsight, this might have been unwise.

    I'd rather not have to eat a great gross of gross black licorice, but I'd hate to just throw it out. Is there something else I can do with this stuff, like build a log cabin?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    I recommend you melt it down and use as icing for all the fruit cakes you plan to ship through the mail to all your relatives for Christmas. Trust me, it'll be an improvement.

    My computer crashed recently, and though I was able to restore most of my files, my family budget Excel spreadsheet was unrecoverable. I've been adding to this file for almost fifteen years, and now it's gone. Any suggestions on how to recover all of this missing information?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,312 Member
    edited October 2023
    Unfortunately, there is no way to recover your family budget spreadsheet. It's on permanent vacation in Aruba with my Quickbooks work files - all 19 years of them. Last month I had a blue screen of death computer crash that took out everything. I received a postcard from my Quickbooks file about 2 weeks later and another one shortly after your spreadsheet got to Aruba. You can expect your "hello from sunny Aruba" postcard soon.

    After losing cellular service on my most recent business trip, I ventured out today to upgrade my phone to a new 5G phone. That process took about 10 minutes. Why does it take 2 hours to transfer everything from the old phone to the new one?
  • Woodyslunchbox
    Woodyslunchbox Posts: 1,113 Member
    edited October 2023
    @cmsienk Your previous phone has been needing an upgrade for many years. Verizon posted a picture of your previous phone to honor your vintage phone user status

    Are Cell phones just a way for the government to track us? Gotta go men in suits at the door, did anyone else see that black helicopter?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    Cell phones and other electronic devices have gotten such bad reputations as somehow allowing the government to track us. I stand before you today to tell you this is completely false. The government has no need to track electronic signals, because it's already been tracking every breath you take for decades. Every time you exhale, billions of atoms which have been interacting with your lungs are released into the environment. With sophisticated tracking equipment (you didn't think those were simply light poles, did you?), the government monitors these atoms in order to tell where you are, as well as where you have been for the past three weeks or so. The central repository for all these records is Area 15, which was mistakenly referenced in a newspaper article back in the 50's by a dyslexic reporter as Area 51. So as you can see, there's no need to track your cell phone, or hover black helicopters near your house, when they can sit back and simply look at a map to know where everybody in the world is located. (Fun fact: they still cannot find Waldo or Carmen San Diego.)


    Can somebody please explain to me the correct rules for tipping? Used to be only waiters at a restaurant received a tip, maybe your taxi driver or hairdresser. But now I'm being asked how big a tip I want to give when picking up a coffee, or a deli sandwich, or a bank teller. Everybody wants a tip, but how big a tip should I be giving?
  • Woodyslunchbox
    Woodyslunchbox Posts: 1,113 Member
    As a movement to redistribute wealth globally common practice is to tip a minimum of 50%. We typically tip in the 75% range to the mailman ( based on outgoing and incoming stamp value) , garbage collector , cashiers at grocery stores ( 25% to the self checkout kiosk) police and parking enforcement 50%. At medical and dental offices we tip the receptionist and the assistants equally 50%and then the Dr. the 75%. We also started tipping our Pastor. Recently added to the budget kids teacher , bail bondsman (long story) and probation officer. These are just a few examples. As you can see tipping matters. So do your part.
    Getting ready to plan and budget for a vacation ( tips included) Do you plan an itinerary Or just vacation on the fly?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    Wait, you take vacations? Like, actual leave the house, don't go to work, vacations? Is that even legal? I'm pretty sure there's a union by-law somewhere which you're in danger of violating, the one which says we must work every day until we die. (I looked it up...it's chapter 6, section 6, paragraph 6.) *confused pause* Wait, you're not a part of a union??? *strangled silent pause* I...what...but...can I come, too? I promise to not be a burden! I'll even wear a disguise! The one where I grow a mustache and shave it off, so nobody suspects I'm me! Please?


    What other disguise suggestions should I utilize to avoid being identified by "the man" as having shucked work to go on vacation with @Woodyslunchbox?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    Have you considered dressing as a vacation tour guide?

    I've discovered a food blog by a "computer scientist / Google engineer / mommy" that has "mini batch" recipes, her idea being, I suppose, not to have too much of a good thing all at once. Here's one such recipe:

    Since I do like to bake, but don't do so because I would generally be baking only for myself, and I find it difficult to moderate my consumption of the baked item, I'm wondering if I should give some of her recipes a try. But what if I end up just increasing my frequency of baking, following two or more recipes every day of the week? Wouldn't that be just as bad, or worse, than following "normal batch" recipes every now and then? How can I have my cake and eat it too?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    edited January 15
    It lives! The thread LIVES!!!


    You're approaching your dilemma from only one side of the equation: production. You are struggling to find a solution to making too much/too little based on the assumption about the other side of the equation: consumption. You assume you are the only person eating, therefore having trouble with scaling the baking accordingly. Your problem will disappear entirely if you were not the only person eating! There are three popular methods to increasing the number of people eating:

    A. Me, myself, and I. This approach allows your various internal monologue voices to all be temporarily silenced by feeding each of them an equal portion of whatever it is you make.

    B. Open Door Policy. People often share baked goods with their neighbors, which is well and good, but there are so many homeless people in the world who are also in need of baked goods. The solution to both their problem and yours is to invite them into your house! Once you have a few dozen homeless people cycling through your kitchen, you won't be able to bake fast enough to keep up with the demand! Now you can try every single recipe you find, guilt free, as often as you like! What is that? Why not leave the homeless where they are, and bring the baked goods to them? Absurd, sir! They would get cold during the drive, and everybody knows baked goods must be eaten piping hot straight from the oven for maximum effect.

    C. Share with Family. This option is NOT suggested, since everybody knows family drives each other crazy.


    With much of North America being pummeled by frigid temperatures, staying warm seems almost impossible. Here I'm sitting in my office still wrapped in my winter jacket! Short of setting fire to your coworker's cubicle for added warmth (tried it, the heat's short-lived once they put the flames out), what else can we all do to stay warm?
  • Hach8214
    Hach8214 Posts: 53 Member
    You can move over here to England, the weather may be dull, however it isn't ever that cold! Although we had snow one time in March.

    What will your next holiday be?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,554 Member
    I love to learn so I’m thinking my next holiday will be taken at the garbage dump. I can either learn about sustainability or take up making creative recycled art.

    I made garlic toast to go with my chili tonight but now all I can taste is garlic. How can I get rid of this overpowering taste?

  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,120 Member
    Ghost pepper Sundae for dessert. They have such a lovely taste. And I hear they're good for weight loss. They might also help nossmf keep warm.

    My front door is frozen shut. Does this constitute an emergency? Should I call 911? When?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    Do you have a blow torch handy? No? Has this ever happened before? No? Well, I wouldn't worry... wait until next year, and if it's still frozen, think about moving to a warmer climate.
    Alternatively, don't call 911, just invite some friends over, and ask them to bring a blow torch or some dynamite. That would provide the quickest solution.

    So, I was feeling a little "peckish" this evening, and decided to have some cereal. That is, of course, more of a breakfast food. So, I'm wondering if I can have another breakfast tomorrow morning (2nd breakfast, if you will) or if I should instead have something like a full 9-course dinner.

    (BTW, the hip term for creative recycled art is FoUnD aRt. It's a confusing/ambiguous term, but well, that's art (and artists) for you.)