

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather- Having the front door light on is an invitation for trick or treaters to ring the bell where we live. Lights out means not to ring the bell. It seems like our traditions are similar. :smiley:

    Amber- JR is very lucky to have you for his mom. :star:

    Tracey- I bought candy, we ate too much of it and bought more. :ohwell: :embarassed: I have plenty for the estimated number of trick or treaters. We live on a street with only a few children & I’m hoping we get to see some of them.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    I just heard about this 2011 movie that seems more like a prophecy than fiction. I am trying to see if I can find where to watch it. Has anyone seen it? "Nothing spreads like fear." That phrase caught my eye.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 946 Member
    Hi All...I haven't been here for a few days and got so far behind.

    Well, good news is that I can finally run without issue again. At least a couple of miles. Most of my injured areas seem to be healed enough. Just need to avoid re-injury. Will start by buying new running shoes.

    On a less positive note, I can't shake the few pounds that just want to hang on. I need some reason to get really serious. I guess as long as it doesn't keep rising, I'll be OK.

    Facebook: I've always just used it to keep in touch with my family and friends. Mostly to see photos of my nieces and nephews. My sisters do a great job of keeping me in the loop. Lately, however, I've gone on a No FB sabbatical. I can't stand the political garbage that fills it up. Nothing anyone says on there is going to change my mind and too many people just share junk about which they have not bothered to check sources or facts. That annoys me most. So, I'm off until after the election at a minimum. I've tried switching to Instagram. It's far less political and businesses I want to support seem to be better at communicating information such as opening hours, menus, etc. on there.

    I have an ad blocker, so I don't see ads anywhere in my browser and I don't mind the friend suggestions. I rarely click them, but sometimes I see someone from my past, go "Hmmm" and just cruise on by.

    Christmas Decor I don't decorate. The mister likes to, but them I'm stuck clearing it all away on my own. We are rarely home for that time anyway.

    Family/Friends - They are who you bond with. No blood necessary. If they cause you anxiety, distance is fine and perhaps recommended.

    Halloween - I love the imagination around Halloween, but we don't participate. I don't like getting into costume, the mister is European so doesn't fully understand it anyway, and we don't personally know any kids around here we care to distribute candy to.

    I guess I'm a holiday scrooge. We don't celebrate any of them. Well, tonight we are going to a favorite pub to participate in its anniversary celebration. Does that count?

    Machka - So happy you have more time in your life for de-stressing. I know exactly what it's like to come home and not have assignments to complete. It's so freeing.

    I am trying a yoga class this weekend at a pub with my former instructor who sets the yoga instructor bar so very high. If it's too crowded, I won't go back, but yoga will do me good.

    Glad to see those we've missed checking in again. Welcome to the newbies. Hugs to all who are in need.

    Tina in CA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My new pants finally arrived this afternoon! YAY! Some of the old, well worn ones will be donated. :)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,951 Member
    we went to Jelly Belly Factory that is near us and bought at their case lot sale- They are trying to clear out what is not selling now that they can't do tours- The neighbor kids right next door will get a 2lb bag of Jelly Belly's and my one day care girl will get some. We will be sending some to adult friends who like them, just as a treat.
    10 bags for $20 was too good of a deal to pass up.
    We will turn our lights out and bungee the gate closed( the light off doesn't always keep the kids from ringing the door bell)

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Julie - I personally love my family and miss them terribly. I have to do all of the work to stay in contact though and there have been points that I’ve waited and waited to see if they contact me but I always call just because I genuinely care.

    I consider my best friend my sister and I’m closer to her than any other family member except my husband and daughters. We continually check in with one another. I think that friends can become family and the bond can be deeper than blood.

    I understand what you are saying though, if they bring you no joy, were abusive or mean why continue to subject yourself to that. Make your own family as needed.

    I think if I was to disappear off Facebook or something it would be my friends contacting me to see if I was ok, not family except for one cousin.

    Lanette - love the memes.


    I am like you, I am the main one that contacts family, with the exception of my dad. He will call me just because he is thinking about me. Both sisters only contact me when they want something. Pretty much all the nieces and nephews have no contact with family, again, until they want/need something. I have stopped sending Christmas gifts because I never even got confirmation that they received the gift. After so many years of hearing nothing, I stopped- they are all adults(my son is the youngest grandkid of the 8 and he is 22).
    Staying in touch with friends and cousins really does bring joy to me too.
    Once in a while I will stop contacting certain ones but always end up being the one to contact them. Just the way I am.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,752 Member
    Lanette ... love the memes!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member
    Did Joyce Vidral’s Fat Burning Upper and Lower Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Bikini Boot Camp DVD

    Rebecca – you will be sorely missed when you’re not here. When you do get on, be sure to post lots of pics of Athena. They really do help me since I very seldom see my grandson and don’t get many pics at all. At least I can see what he’s probably doing (walking, etc) by seeing Athena’s development. Oh well. Like you, it makes me sad when people say they facetime with their grandchildren and I don’t (not that I wouldn’t). But I am very happy for those who do and it’s nice to hear about it.

    M – I’m really in a sense pushing the decorating this year. Mainly because people have had so much taken away from them, they (and us) need a little joy. People look forward to it, the children do (we’ve been told this). If we stopped and went on a hike or a bike ride, I’d feel horrible for the other people. On another note: Jess has hosted Thanksgiving for many years. So I asked her if she was going to again (last year we ordered dinner from a grocery store but the important thing was that we were together). Vince commented today that his cardiologist appt is the next day and if he can’t change it, then we can’t go. To me (and I may be wrong) he was looking for a reason not to go. I think it would be good for us to just get away, even if it’s for a short time. I think he’ll be able to reschedule it.

    Worked then we made the last cut of the grass for the season. I worked more on getting the pool closed, brought the chairs under the deck next to the pool shed. We just had a zoom meeting with the condo assoc board. I like zoom meetings, makes me feel like I’m more a part of the condo assoc. They were saying how they missed the pot lucks and other gatherings. I do, too; but there’s nothing that can be done (thank you China)

    Made a HUGE mistake earlier. I accidentally threw out the rest of my sourdough starter after getting the bread ready. Oh well, looks like I just have to order more and start from scratch. But I did bake a loaf today. I think I may know what I’m doing wrong (there aren’t air bubbles in mine). I will most likely wind up taking a lot of this to Food Lion since I really don’t need it. Hope the new starter comes soon. Steve is supposed to be here Nov. 2 and I’d like to make him a loaf. Update: I put that loaf in the freezer, I may have to give the rest of it to him, maybe I'll cut some up so that it doesn't look like I had some, which I did.

    – that’s why I feel that my religion is helping me during this all – God has a plan. I know it’s a good plan. I feel sorry for Vince that he doesn’t have this type of feeling.

    Regarding Facebook – I don’t go there much at all. I do stop in every day because A friend from high school posts a poem every day (one he wrote) and I find that interesting. I try to just keep informed about friends and family. You don’t need to go on very often to find that out

    Amber – welcome back! You were missed a lot, I don’t know how many times I’ve though of you, JR, your daughter, etc

    Heather – hope Johnny is feeling better real soon. What are his symptoms?

    Allie – Vince got tested and within a few hours he got the call back that he was negative. HORRAY for negative results

    Debbie – oh, that’s funny about those guys. I remember once when Vince was on business late at night this guy came to ask if he could use my phone. I offered to phone the police for him. The minute he saw out 120lb dog, he had no problem with me calling. Actually, the dog would have probably licked him to death, but the sight of this big dog was enough for him. Wow! What a deal you got!

    Tracey – how nice of you to dress up. Don’t know if I’ll be working at Food Lion or not, but they frown on things like that. I bet they don’t want you to wear elf ears or anything like that. I am going to wear my spider earrings, tho. If they say something to me, I’ll just take them out

    Katla – so glad your pants came. Feels good to get rid of things, ehh?

    Just saw that TSO is having a virtual tour this year. Ken, Lynette and us were going to go out to dinner, so I’m asking her if she’d like to go to dinner first (the concert is at 8) and then they come over to watch it?

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • smrshealthy
    smrshealthy Posts: 237 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,883 Member
    edited October 2020
    Facebook - I think I am the odd one out, I love it. It keeps me connected to my very large extended family, with my daughters friends that used to be at our house continuously that I miss terribly since they have all grown up. The funny things people post, I have become very adept if it's not something I want to read or think about I just scroll on by, this includes the suggested friends and ads.

    I'm with you!

    I love it too!

    It connects me to family and friends.
    I've liked and then organised pages so that I can see what I want.
    I go through and clean up the ads from time to time so that I'm not cluttered with things I don't want to see.
    I am a member of a few groups, mostly cycling and mostly just exchanging information about rides.
    I tried to be part of a brain injury group, but nothing about that group connected with me so after a couple weeks, I dropped them.
    I was a part of a Christmas group, but that group was so active that my newsfeed was flooded with high calorie recipes ... not good for wanting to lose weight! So I hid them. Sometimes I unhide them for a couple weeks around Christmas.

    Basically, like I said, Facebook is what you want it to be. I'm thankful they've given us the tools to customise it how we like ... for the most part. :)

    But FB isn't the only reason to be online.

    I use Flickr, a cycling forum, this forum, and a photography forum or two. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,883 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I’m really in a sense pushing the decorating this year. Mainly because people have had so much taken away from them, they (and us) need a little joy. People look forward to it, the children do (we’ve been told this). If we stopped and went on a hike or a bike ride, I’d feel horrible for the other people.

    Michele NC

    As long as YOU enjoy it.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,883 Member
    This week is National Bird Week and each National Bird Week they do a backyard bird count. I've never done it but something an ABC Classic FM presenter said made me think that I might do it. He said he sat in the backyard for 20 minutes just focusing on the birds he could see. Nothing else. Not the pandemic, economy, things to do, etc. etc. ... just look for and watching birds. And he felt refreshed after. Meditation and I don't get along, but the idea of just focusing on the birds is appealing.


    Do you have a national bird week and backyard bird count in your country?

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :) I called the vet this afternoon to make an appointment to get Bernie's nails trimmed. He is catching them on everything. I was so excited when they said that I could bring him in immediately.

    :) I have a very strong personal spiritual program that sustains me during this difficult time. It has made the difference between hope and despair. It doesn't matter what sort of spiritual or religious program anyone has if it helps a person deal with difficulty.

    :) I was only moderately connected to my family of origin, so now that they are all gone, I don't feel lost. I have a great connection to my husband and some friends. That is enough for me.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Barbara..... darn so sorry to hear Joe is having eye pain
    Tracey.... love the sneak glance at the kids. So cute.
    Allie......great you tested negative.
    Lisa.....healthy thoughts your way. Good to see you.
    Rebecca....Rats that your fire tablet died.
    Katla..... enjoy your new pants...fun

    Betsy in NW Washington.....