

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Happy Friday the 13th!

    What superstitions do you have? Here are a few of mine...
    • When I spill salt, I tend to throw a little bit over my left shoulder to prevent bad luck. Come to find out, this superstition is 5,500 years old.
    • I was a painter's kid, so I don't walk under ladders, 'cause that's just good sense.
    • If a cat runs across the road, I always check to see what color it is. I don't DO anything about it, I just check.
    • I knock on wood.
    • I still say "bless you," when people sneeze.
    • Not sure if it's superstition, but I ALWAYS tell the people I care about that I love them when I get off the phone, or when I leave them or they leave me. Should either of us die, the last thing we hear should be that we are loved.

    Lisa in AR

    There are certain subjects which are to be completely and entirely avoided in conversation pertaining to cycling. Even thinking about them, as I am now, is bad luck. One of the main ones has to do with the bicycle itself.

    Excuse me while I spit three times and walk in a circle.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Lisa - I touch wood. My brother, a born again Christian, always looks very disapproving. :p

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm a Christian, but I "touch wood". I don't believe touching wood makes any difference at all, it's just an expression.

    "When you are talking about a good situation, you say touch wood to mean that you hope this continues and that you will not have bad luck."

    If I were to actually speak of the situation which flitted through my mind concerning my bicycle (see a post above), I'd be touching wood immediately after. :smiley:

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    When i was trying to go to sleep last night which i didnt until after 10:30,I couldnt get comfortable ..i feel.better if I sleep on my right side,but i toss and turn and dont get good sleep at all,i wont say i had palpatations but it felt like my heartbeart was very fast...
    The more i think about it the more i think it is heart related. And these jokers at the Drs monday in the telemed appt im sure will send me over for another Covid test. But I want an answer and I want to feel better .as they say in the Garth Brooks song im much to young to feel.this damn old..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Machka - He disapproves of astrology, even as a joke, Halloween isn't allowed, anything that is at all superstitious. Nor gambling, like in the Lottery. He is a lovely person though. :D He is a Baptist. And is great fun to be with. <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! Not superstitious, so it is okay that it is the 13th. Yesterday one of my little ones turned three. He has been a very reluctant potty trainee, making his parents reluctant to start him. I have a 2 1/2 year old that is starting to want to sit on the potty; so I told the new three year old that we only have enough diapers to get him through the week. He will HAVE to start potty training on Monday. He agreed to this. SO...another potty bootcamp begins. IF I can get these two boys potty trained, I will only have four in diapers! Whoot! That brings me down to 16 diapers a day from 24!
    Machka- I currently have one dress that fits and I bought it for one of my own kids graduation. I have one beach dress. In high school and during my single years I wore pencil skirts or mini skirts (depending on the event). I pretty much stopped wearing dresses when I had kids. I love a sharp pair of dress slacks or a pant suit.
    Heather- I feel like my body and brain has aged since Covid started. STress. Yuck. I feel like my memory is shot.
    Sue WA- I am always stunned at how active you are with your horses and animals! You must love your life/lifestyle though so much work! Hugs to you!
    Lisa- I didn't know saying "Bless you" was a superstition! I always thought it was manners. lol
    Kay- You look great in both pics! I like the short jacket pic better, though. You do look longer/leaner in it. So sorry to hear about your aunt! Hugs to you!

    More of you I wanted to respond to but my brain has got nothing for me. covidbrain. ugh. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Michele The PBA app has levers to get your ball to hook or you can tilt the screen. I prefer the levers. As you progress you can get different balls some that hook and of faster speeds. You should start with practice until you get the hang of how to shove the ball out and when and how much to use the levers. Once you get all this down, then you can go into league play. You gain points that can be used to get balls and such. There is so much to it. I am just perfecting throwing the splitting ball and can pick up most splits. The thing is you have to earn energy so you can't use the ball until it is recharged. Also, I save the bomb ball for games where the 10th frame must have a strike to win.

    Allie it isn't unreasonable at all to suspect your heart, especially since it sounds like you live with a lot of stress.

    Sue Mud, horses, cattle, liquified manure, and ranch life is something I don't miss. The only place I would have a house or barn is on the top of a hill.

    M in Oz Pencil skirts have always been my favorite. The pencil skirt with a sleeveless top sounds very classy and it would be easy to add a light, open front, long sleeve jacket. I regret getting rid of my charcoal color pencil skirt and matching jacket during my downsizing.

    Barbara Does your dentist use the happy pill? The cost of an oral surgeon was twice the dentist that pulled my 22 remaining teeth. I took the happy pill an hour before and he deadened me up it took 20 minutes to pull them all. The last tooth that had a root around the bone near the nerve had to be cut off leaving the root so it wouldn't damage the nerve. It took 9 of the 20 minutes. He did it all standing up as he said it is the easiest way to get a pull with minimal gum aggravation. I remember it all but it didn't seem like it took but a couple of minutes. Some people don't even remember what happens during the happy pill sedation. Yes, get the genetic cancer testing. They test for all cancers.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Lisa- I didn't know saying "Bless you" was a superstition! I always thought it was manners. lol
    KJ (Kelly)

    I've actually stopped saying "Bless you". I used to do it automatically, like when people say "Thank you" I respond, "You're welcome".

    But I've had people ask me not to say "Bless you" and a few have become rather upset. It implies things they don't believe.

    M in Oz
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Lanette That looks awesome healthy and tasty. I try to get a balance in all my meals of quality protein, good carbs, and good fats. I just estimate it. Your meal looks very well balanced for the ratios the doctor recommended for me.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    Are y'all getting flooding where you are? They just said on the news that 7 people had died due to flooding in NC.


    I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time getting help for your symptoms. Hope the new practice will give you more support. Can you have face-to-face visits? We can where I live or can choose tele-med ones. I have to go back for blood work on Tues and am also going to my Ortho doc for my shoulder pain.

    Carol in GA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Dresses or skirts I was never one for dresses, but I did and still do love skirts. I like the idea of having a separate top. Alson with my long torso, finding a dress that fit was difficult and I never liked making dresses, but I did like making skirts, especially pencil and mini. I do love pants suits but have no reason to wear them. I have a few pair, like new, Dockers with the flat front that I love, but just don't have the occasion to wear them. My high waist mom jeans seem to fit in everywhere and go with any top.

    Do you get dressed if at home all day? Most of my age or older retired friends may wear their nightshirts all day long if around the house. They think I am weird because the first thing I do is fluff up my hair, do hot rag on my eyes, (sometimes mascara) then put on sports bottoms and bra and do my workout and then change into sports undies and light bralette and put on mom jeans and a T-shirt. Touch up my hair and I am ready for the day. Sometimes my bestie calls to go out to dinner and says give her a few to get on her bra, and I say thanks for the reminder, it is time to take mine off. I have a 12-hour rule. I don it at 3 AM so off it comes at 3 PM.

    Superstition I have no such that I know of. My rule about never putting your butt on my bed where my head goes comes from distant Romani heritage. It is more of a cleanliness thing rather than superstition. My great-grandma had two sets of dishes, one for family and one for the company. Also, males couldn't use the same plates females did. Also males were not allowed in the kitchen during cooking. It was all from her Prussian Sinti Grandparents. If anyone messed up the defiled plates had to be broken. While this may have started for sanitation reasons way back when in her case it was a superstition in my opinion.

    Fae in North Central Or
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    Dresses or skirts I was never one for dresses, but I did and still do love skirts. I like the idea of having a separate top. Alson with my long torso, finding a dress that fit was difficult and I never liked making dresses, but I did like making skirts, especially pencil and mini. I do love pants suits but have no reason to wear them. I have a few pair, like new, Dockers with the flat front that I love, but just don't have the occasion to wear them. My high waist mom jeans seem to fit in everywhere and go with any top.

    Do you get dressed if at home all day? Most of my age or older retired friends may wear their nightshirts all day long if around the house. They think I am weird because the first thing I do is fluff up my hair, do hot rag on my eyes, (sometimes mascara) then put on sports bottoms and bra and do my workout and then change into sports undies and light bralette and put on mom jeans and a T-shirt. Touch up my hair and I am ready for the day. Sometimes my bestie calls to go out to dinner and says give her a few to get on her bra, and I say thanks for the reminder, it is time to take mine off. I have a 12-hour rule. I don it at 3 AM so off it comes at 3 PM.

    Fae in North Central Or

    Mostly I wear skirts and tops because they are easier, I think. My skirts are usually semi-full and fairly long. My dresses tend to be what North Americans call "jumpers" and what people here might refer to as pinafore dresses. They're usually loose and could possibly be worn on their own but are usually worn with a top underneath. Super comfortable! And very versatile. Can be worn in winter with long sleeves and tights or summer with a sleeveless top.

    I'll wear pencil skirts and a more "formal" top if I have meetings or something.

    At home I wear lightweight stretch pants (full length or capris length) and tank tops ... unless I'm exercising in which case, I'll change into exercise wear.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited November 2020
    Lisa and M my story about Gesundheit "Bless you" is when I was on a train going through Germany these two young men joined my friend and I and I said it to one of them when he sneezed. The other one took offence and was very snarky after that. It turns out at that time the proper etiquette was to ignore if a person sneezed. I do say it here.

    I also like to look up how these superstitions came into use.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,441 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I lay out clothing for walking the dogs before I go to bed. After dog walking I shower and put on a different set of clothes. They look almost the same---jeans, turtleneck, cotton shirt, sweatshirt or sweater. I am always comfortable. When I was working, I wore a jumper dress with a turtleneck and flat shoes. I love having a :"uniform" to wear. It helps me avoid "decision fatigue".

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I lay out clothing for walking the dogs before I go to bed. After dog walking I shower and put on a different set of clothes. They look almost the same---jeans, turtleneck, cotton shirt, sweatshirt or sweater. I am always comfortable. When I was working, I wore a jumper dress with a turtleneck and flat shoes. I love having a :"uniform" to wear. It helps me avoid "decision fatigue".

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Barbie I'm am also a turtleneck lover because of my long neck. I wish Carhartt would make their long sleeve Tee in a turtleneck. I am sure loving my sleeveless turtleneck with mask top for wearing under on these cool PNW mornings, but can't afford anymore. Do you have any special brands of turtleneck T's you like?

    I also lay out my clothes every night. It is a habit I do in case of an emergency. I can be dressed with shoes on in seconds. As a retired fireman/paramedic, Zek didn't believe I could fully dress and get out of the door in less than one minute. He timed me at 33 seconds which included putting on a bra, panties, jeans, top, socks, and slip-on shoes.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara: I hope your follow up appointment is full of positive news. :star:

    Sue: I’m happy that your medical appointment went well. I hope the heart monitor provides useful information. We’ve been in drought mode for months, but this morning is a gully washer. Mud season does not sound like much fun for you. :ohwell:

    Machka: My mom used to take me to Woolworths and Kresses for a meal at their lunch counters. It was a special treat for us both. They’ve both been gone from Oregon for a very long time. Meyer & Franks, now Macy’s, had a lunch counter and a nice dining room. We haven’t been there to shop since the beginning of the pandemic. We’ve gone to Portland for medical visits and come straight home afterward. We have one of the lowest CoVID cases in the state. One or two other counties are also very low in CoVID cases. I hope the vaccine is effective and they produce enough to protect us all. :heart:

    Lisa: My mom would toss salt over her shoulder, too, followed by knocking on something wooden, sometimes my own head, We also say ‘love you’ when finishing a telephone call with our adult children and grandchildren. :star:


    We have had months of dry spell. Today we have rain. I welcome it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member