Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    gfinley49 wrote: »
    Hi there, question, does anyone eat any frozen meals such as "healthy choice", lean cuisine, etc.? For those nights when I just don't feel like cooking or on the go, looking for a quick but healthier choice option. Thank you!!!!

    I used to but I don't so much more. I did when I worked in an office five years ago but I found they really upset my stomach or left me hungry not long after.
    I try to prep a bunch of food on one of my days off or whenever I have the time then go with that.
    Like I might cook a bunch of chicken in the crock pot and also steam broccoli on the stove then eat it until it's gone.
    Or cook a bunch of chicken cut up veggies and make five dishes of salad
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all! The week's been a bit hectic - another scholarship meeting (looks like those will be weekly for a bit) and some other stuff that's just got me drained energy/emotions wise. I am still maintaining the steps needed to keep up with my Stepbet challenge though! I'm going to plan on re-setting foodwise on Saturday when I can get some more groceries and go through what I've let go bad in the fridge (it's not been a good 2 weeks!) but it's just not realistic for me to do that this week on a weeknight after work with the way things have been going. I'm trying hard to be compassionate and kind toward myself, and accept that perfection is not the goal!
    gfinley49 wrote: »
    Hi there, question, does anyone eat any frozen meals such as "healthy choice", lean cuisine, etc.? For those nights when I just don't feel like cooking or on the go, looking for a quick but healthier choice option. Thank you!!!!

    I definitely try to keep a few of these on hand. I try to find ones that aren't too low on calories (ex. the <250 meals just aren't really meals!) and that have a decent amount of protein and some veggies, and that aren't too horrendous in salt. I find they're helpful for meals when I either don't feel like cooking or just don't want to eat what I originally planned.
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Hey all, I hope everyone is bearing up - nearly the end of January, hooray! Just about to join a zoom for my mum's birthday, I'm always pleased to see the end of this month. I backed fruit muffins as a slightly healthy treat to join the birthday celebration, but sadly the power went out as I finished the mix... I didn't want to waste it so attempted to cook them on the gas BBQ, which was only partially successful :D they look a little flat, but will hoepfully taste ok :)

    I've had a really tough week, apart from just being really busy with work and home school, some of my meetings have been incredibly emotionally draining as they have covered trick situations including some potential redundancies and an underperformance as well as supporting two colleagues with mental health issues, so I was absolutely exhausted by the end of yesterday, but feeling a little more human today. I've managed to keep up my steps every day so I'm quite pleased about that and haven't been too bad food wise. This week I've stayed steady which is better than nothing. It means I've lost 2.5lb in a month which if I can keep it up is a healthy steady loss...

    @ClearNotCloudyMind we wanted solar panels but apparently our roof is not suitable hence being able to get the cross trainer! I'd definitely prefer the panels though :). Interesting to hear your experiences with calories, I'm allowing myself to eat at least some of the extra calories my garmin calculates through the day and I definitely think that's helping me to keep it up. 1200 calories is fine for the odd day, but the deficit does seem to add up. I also get much more hungry when I'm tired and need (well, emotionally need...) carbs when I'm stressed, and eating a little more seems to help regulate.

    @Dukare well done for making some meals, I remember what a challenge anything beyond loading the dishwasher could be some days (and even that was sometimes a challenge!). I try to do a big batch of something when I have a chance because I just love the evenings I don't then have to cook!

    @HealthyTrent I hear you with the busy and touch work - well done for keeping going. a good dose of protein is definitely the way to go in those times too. I hope you have a dog pee free weekend!!

    @heather9986hg I too am intrigued by munster cheese!

    @seschreck I hope you managed to get that exercise in and felt the benefit - it's counter intuitive sometimes isn't it when you are exhausted (although sometimes you do have to give yourself a break!). I do love getting my workout in early to tick it off, but sometimes in the evening I'm surprised by how much better it makes me feel. I read an article the other day that a walk after your main meal is the best time to walk as it helps regulate blood glucose.

    @gfinley49 I don't generally keep frozen meals, but we always have frozen stir fry veg (which I cook with either meat or cashews or pine nuts), Mediterranean vegetables for a really quick side and also spicy bean burgers for when I'm feeling lazy. I try to batch cook too so I have things like chilli, casserole (stew), curry etc to grab when it's too busy to cook something healthy.

    Have a good weekend all, we are due a lot of rain, it's already impossibly muddy and flooded in places around here, so it's going to be more challenging to get out but I'm intending to get a decent run in if I can one day and a long family walk the other - we'll see how that goes!
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 454 Member
    Hi all :)
    My name is Suzanne and I'm back on here after lockdown and some health problems conspired to get me off-track. I've thrown together a simple home gym and I'm trying to do something every day even if it's just a brisk couple of km walk. I know I'll get back on track... I've done it before... but I'd love some company along the way.
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    I worked out this morning already
    I've been tracking my calories and trying to choose healthier foods. I'm working with someone who wants to help me lose weight and needs to see my intake so that's kind of motivation in itself
    I'm hoping she has some good suggestions for me though
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Hi all, isn’t it seasonal today! Just back from a rather short and blowy hack out with my daughter, so feeling relaxed and post-exercise as I wait my turn in the nice shower...

    Have been keeping away from the intense cardio I usually go for (running or cycling) and doing more yoga and riding. It’s been a revelation how good the yoga in particular feels, and how my body seems to be getting back to *maybe* starting to drop weight again 🤞. I do hope so... I’d love to break through this 72.5kg barrier!

    @tinybry we were told our roof was unsuitable for solar panels at first... then another company was happy to install on a closer look. Might be worth trying someone else just in case if you’re still keen?

    @HealthyTrent you’ve been a machine the last few months... if your body needs a few weeks to recover (and you have other stuff taking your energy) that’s all part of the journey! How’s the stepbet going?

    @gfinley49 re the frozen foods, we eat as a family so frozen meals don’t really work out easier. Having always eaten homecooked food I’ve never really gotten into prepared meals, but I do use them for ideas if I’m knackered and browsing the shelves looking for inspiration!

    @SuzanneC1l9zz welcome! This is definitely the place for someone who has been down this road before. Looking forwards to cheering you on.

    @dukare hope the start of your husbands new job went well and that you are enjoying being just your family now your mother has gone home. There’s something very sweet and lovely about being the grown up in your family for the first time, I think.

  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all! popping back in. Even though my eating's been going wonky, I've still been maintaining the steps needed to keep up with my stepbet. I just started week 5 of 6. I'm getting back to logging my food - that feels like the best 1st step to getting back on track with things. I have a few things to get done today, but this evening I'm planning on cleaning up the kitchen and setting myself up for better eating over the next week. Sadly, I think I'll have to toss out a lot of the fresh veggies I bought in my last grocery run.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Great stuff @HealthyTrent. Cheering your stepbet on from England!

    Am definitely liking having a higher calorie budget. Its not a licence for munchies but having the space for 3 meals plus snacks a day is nice.

    Today I broke out of the house in the light and went for a jog with my son after school finished. It was surprisingly pleasant, but wow I was hungry afterwards. Nice being a bit more active.

    Hope you’re all well. Happy February!
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    I was finally able to get some time off with my partner and decided to just enjoy it and not worry about tracking for the week. I'm expecting a gain on the scale but I'm not gonna let it stress me out, I needed that time away. Coming back to work is already very stressful, even in these COVID times our management is trying to force us to rotate to different areas which is very anxiety provoking because it effects a lot (patient level/needs, time off, coworker issues, etc...) So I'm trying to manage that while digging out the snow that made both me and my partner late for work today.
    @ClearNotCloudyMind that's fantastic news Congratulations on getting past that stubborn spot!
    @SuzanneC1l9zz Welcome back! You'll be amazed what a simple home gym can do in these lockdown days
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks for the welcome back everyone! My shoulder's bugging me so I took an extra rest day yesterday and spent most of the day on the couch with the dog.

    I don't regret that but I'm frustrated with my diet. I'm eating well, but I'm having some health problems and temporarily need a supplement (prescribed) that's adding around 500 calories/day. Without it I'd be right on track :/ . But it's not great for a lot of other nutrients so the doc says I need to still mostly eat as normal and not cut way back to compensate. Thankfully it's just temporary but between that and putting on muscle I'm not expecting to lose a ton of weight any time soon.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi again everyone! As if I didn't have enough going on, one of my dogs is having some health challenges right now that I'm really concerned about...I'm still not back to hopping on here/tracking daily (clearly) but I'm starting to feel things shift back.

    I've been keeping up my activity - I walked 5 miles last weekend to get in a nice outdoor session before it got cold again this week. I've been hitting my minimums needed to maintain my status in my stepbet. Eating has been so-so. Yesterday I refrained from going to get fast food for dinner even though I really wanted to, which is a victory.

    @ClearNotCloudyMind - congrats on losing your half-kilo!
    @Gold6767 - I really do think everyone occasionally needs a break from tracking to just relax & "be". Hope you enjoyed your time off!
    @SuzanneC1l9zz - that sounds frustrating to deal with, regarding the supplement!
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi! I got down to under 191 last spring and then COVID hit and I uprooted my life with a move back to the US (I was studying in Belgium) and then just ate/drank my feelings about this change. During this, I got up to a new high of 232 and am now down to 221.

    So here we go again....
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    I tracked my calories for a whole week and shared them with the health professional I'm working with...
    So apparently I eat pretty good she said. She would prefer I not eat my kashi cereal but that's going to be hard cause I love it :(
    I eat alot of veggies already and she suggested salads and soups which I love too just didn't eat this week. She thinks I should eat a protein shake with nutrients in though since I don't always hit my calories but I guess I'm afraid if I add a shake I'll gain weight...
    I also have a sweet tooth and my husband likes to take us out to eat once a week. She suggested we cook at home instead...not sure what he would say about that though
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    I found some protein shakes-muscle milk- at a discount store today. A whole case for 3.50 even my husband said it was a great deal
    I got two cases
    I'm willing to give it a try maybe do my cereal 2x a week and the rest of the week do muscle milk and fruit like she said
    I also got some fish, lima beans and pepper and onions
    I did my workout this morning too
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 454 Member
    edited February 2021
    My exercise yesterday, and will be again today, is helping move a 200 lbs elliptical onto and off my hubby's truck and into my parents' home gym. We got it part way there but needed more help for the stairs so we have to go back today and finish. There's obviously no way to log that, so my diary just looks like a stupid amount of calories burned for a very low step count because I didn't move too far after doing that. I use a Garmin smart watch for steps and calories, and it's right that it was definitely a workout!
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    Today I did the protein shake and banana for breakfast
    Then later had eggs and one slice of french's french toast day but I only had one
    Lunch was good I had fish, carrots and baked beans
    Snack I had 2 clementines
    For dinner hubby wanted wings so we got some from Weis...I really shouldn't have. I ate only 6 though and had broccoli on the side so I'm not sure how bad that is
    I also did my piyo workout dvd called sweat
    That means I worked out four times this week when my goal was three
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Hi all, I have written at least two messages on this board this week and must be failing to submit them because neither are here :# which pretty much sums up my week :D:s it's been another toughie!

    I do enjoy reading everyone's messages on here though when I have a chance to check in and it's definitely helping me to stay close to on track :) I've planned out meals for the week in an attempt to get back properly on track again and lose a bit more after a two week stand still. I'm not too bothered by staying the same as long as it does shift down occasionally and doesn't head back up again! I'd rather be slow and steady. And to be totally frank, life is tough at the minute, work is hard, some other personal commitments I have are hard, my kids are finding home school becoming challenging and my youngest has had a week of getting sad and frustrated which is so unlike him... so I'm all for the little wins!

    Yesterday was almost warm and felt like a glimmer of spring on its way. Today has been bitterly cold and the forecast says we have this to look forward to for the next 2 weeks, so really it's just head down and take another day at a time. I'm trying to get out whenever there is sun and make sure I get my steps in each day. That and eat fairly well.

    @HealthyTrent I hope your dog is feeling better now.
    @Gold6767 enjoy giving yourself a bit of slack for now!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind ace news that you have managed to shift your weight down, a bit of progress is very good for the motivation!
    @heather9986hg well done for beating your exercise goal.
    @SuzanneC1l9zz well done on moving the eliptical and for managing your diet as well as you can with those constraints.
    @kali31337 you are in the right place!
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    I have to say thank you to the nice coworker who brought pizza, hot dogs and snacks to the break room today. She told me to make sure I got a piece of pizza and I assured her I would. But then when she left I ate my fish and lima beans 👍
    I feel accomplished for the day
  • heather9986hg
    heather9986hg Posts: 60 Member
    Did good yesterday all but panera bread cookie my husband got me...
    Breakfast was muscle milk banana and eggs
    Lunch fish lima beans sweet potatoes
    Snack two clementines
    Dinner chicken fajita homemade
    Chocolate chip cookie :(