Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    @ClearNotCloudyMind I am so similar! It's a problem because sugar is my go-to in stress. Alcohol, stress, and overall unhealthy lifestyle are other triggers. I have so much respect for you being able to cut out sugar, and so worth it! I am trying to start with eliminating sugar binges, while allowing myself to have the occasional snack.
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    Seven years ago, I lost over 70 lbs, but them life hit me like a ton of bricks between stress at work and issues with depression and anxiety with my oldest son. Needless to say, I gained it all back. I've tried several times over the past few years to lose it again, but I'm older now and it's harder.

    Last month, I went to the doctor for something unrelated to a checkup... and he asked if I'd eaten breakfast. I hadn't, so he did bloodwork. I found out my A1c is 5.8 which puts me at pre-diabetic. I need to get it down to 5.6 or less to be in a healthy range. So, this is me kicking myself in the *kitten* and getting back on that lifestyle change.

    I'm doing intermittent fasting (16:8) and tracking my calories, carbs, and sugars now. I'm down 5.2 lbs as of yesterday and I'd started tracking 15 days ago. I think that's pretty good! I know some of that was water weight.

    I KNOW what I need to do to lose weight, I just need to stick with it. I need friends on here to help motivate me and I'll do the same in return. I typically shy away from friend requests from guys though, just an FYI.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Hi NyteMirage.

    Welcome. This is definitely a group to keep checking in on; it helps to hear from others going through this.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Today was a pretty good day, I ordered some more healthy snacks to keep at work so I'm less tempted to eat crap. (Atkins brownie bars and Smart Sweets licorice this time around). Did some yoga this morning and was right at my calories, even though I'm trying to be under given how bad I've been recently.
    Hi @NyteMirage and welcome you are in good company. I didn't lose as much as you have, but all of us have essentially been here before. Now you know what to do you have a better chance for success, can't wait to hear more about your journey. I did IF briefly and am thinking of restarting, have you done it before?
    Hi @SwtHedgehog I agree with you, I love this thread it helps me feel like I'm not alone in what I'm going through.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    @Gold6767 thank you that's really kind! Not sure I deserve it though as it's genuinely taken me 4 years to wean myself down after I started noticing the pattern... if I feel like pants after eating something, eventually even I have to learn that it's not really that nice after all!!! Chocolate now literally smells like headaches to me :( It sounds like you're being really good about eating and stuff. The yoga sounds great (I'm a recent convert) and the healthy snacks too.

    Actually after being a bit smug about not having had a migraine in ages, I did have one yesterday morning after a *dreadful* night's sleep. On the up side, it did go away with magic pink pills and a short walk, so I can't really complain. Don't know what set me off - it may have been the raisins my husband put into the stewed apples for Sunday's dessert (the rest had crumble on top), but maybe I'm over thinking it and not everything is food related.

    @NyteMirage a welcome from me too. I've found this a lovely group myself, and really supportive. I've also tried IF in the past. It's definitely effective for dropping the weight so congratulations on your loss so far! I think IF is also supposed to be massively effective in reversing Type2 diabetes, so hope you see some great results from it.

    Had a surprising loss on the scale this morning, which means I'm now only half a kilo from the healthy weight range. Am trying to look through weight to body happiness so it's just a milestone in the road, but so exciting to see it coming! Of course I'm now going to have a month of plateau... will try not to celebrate too soon!
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Great to hear from everyone!

    I started getting migraines because of screens and lighting I dealt with... I changed the bulbs and try not to do too much quick flying around on screens and it helped. As does increased water! Amazing but really easily helped.

    I found trousers that are flowy and breathable! Hurray!

    I have skin issues and going to Ethiopia for Christmas is gonna kill me, so I'm battle planing and stoked I found pants that I could wear! Also good shoes I could walk in without rashing skin or hurting ankles/back ha. Cheap too! 💃💃🥳

    I'm also down on the scale though I've only barely begun moving more etc. Really does great for morale over here ha!-🍻

    The babe is getting bigger so we can better enjoy walks in the increasingly nice weather! Also, multivitamins including D3 and Iron is super helping I think. Along with my daily cup of green tea.

    Here's to looking fabulous! Haha

    Stay strong and keep on charging through!!!

    We can DO IT!

    (Best of luck on cutting sugars ha. I commend you guys!)
  • stillkicking257
    stillkicking257 Posts: 658 Member
    Been on here since 2011! I’m back and hopefully for the last time. Everyone feel feee to add me. I’m active every day. Good luck to all. 💪💪💙
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Checkin in...

    My head and eyes say sleep more while you can, my other brain says I should get some hours of work in while I can (9hr day ahead) . ... then the body while wanting to sleep also really would love to workout.

    ... if I get up I have to decide and make breakfast, and I'm just not ready for that yet.. . Even though I'm getting increasingly hungry.

    What day is it?


    Who's with me! Lol

    (Get some music playing can help achieve the activation of motivation to do great things...... like take a shower before baby starts needing me again 😋😋....

    💃💃💃Rock the day guys!!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just checking in. Doing good exercise and food wise this week. Weight not budging but hopefully will come soon.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Oh @Dukare... sleep while you can is definitely a rule to live by with a small one. Hope your 9hr day went well and that your solo shower was glorious! Have utterly lost track of days as I'm teaching from home. Literally have to check my phone to see if it 's Monday or Tuesday! It will all change next week when we're all back in the classroom...

    I'm having an odd week. I've upped my calories and have been reconciled to losing weight slowly but steadily, just so long as I keep feeling good. But this week it's just GONE! In the past week I've lost a whole kg which would be a month's worth of loss. I'm not eating less, I no longer feel cold (which I now associate with a big calorie deficit), but suddenly the scale is being kind. I don't trust it, basically.

    Nice thing to have as a "problem" but it really has thrown me a bit off balance!

    As Dukare says... rock on folks :)
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    @Dukare Sleep! For heavens sake sleep! lol
    @renaegry keep up the good work and the weight will happen
    Had a pretty good couple of days minus a few too many chocolate chip cookies that put me over calories today. Trying to get back to my regular workouts, the nice weather has been helpful because I'm able to run outside. We found out that a good friend of my boyfriend died unexpectedly this morning so we're pretty rocked by that. He has two teenage daughters I can't stop thinking about.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    @Gold6767 so sorry to hear about your friends family. Hard to find the happy in a situation like that. Hope they are doing as well as possible.

    Have just discovered a local plain yoghurt which is very very nice. And filling! Am becoming steadily addicted, and it’s so nice heading to the farm to pick it up. The problem is they also do cream... am trying not to notice!

    @Dukare i hope you are getting lots of sleep
    @renaegry lovely to hear from you! It will come...
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Hi all! Jealous of local finds! I'm able to get yogurt in via Chobani yogurt drink- mango. Heck expensive per bottle but it's great for portion and protein

    @renaegry patience! It'll surely drop eventually- and in the meantime you're doing awesome and hopefully feeling it in other ways!

    @Gold6767 condolences, it is never easy to lose people close to you! Hope they can find peace 🥺

    Nature is definitely great for the soul!

    We are doing 3 mi approx walks in the park and it's really great having sunshine again.

    I'm not moving on the scale but when I keep things up it'll suddenly drop! Slow and steady, habit forming has always worked for me ... just might take a bit but then I'll suddenly see a drop- more than I otherwise would have.

    Here's to a goof weekend of smiles, good food and sunshine! ...or at least a good pillow and decent TV 🤣

    I'm going to try and not buy twizzlers or redvines . ....or jusssst not eat a lot of them 😢🤣

    What's happened to the others? .... it's been awhile...........
  • gfinley49
    gfinley49 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there!!!
    Feeling super discouraged today. Have been on a healthy 1200 calorie a day plan, drinking 94 ounces of water a day and in 10 weeks have only lost 10 lbs. I'm beyond sad and frustrated. Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution? Sigh...
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Hi @gfinley49 sorry you’re feeling frustrated. I think 10lbs in 10 weeks sounds brilliant! However you know you and what is good for you.

    The only thing I can suggest is the old chestnut that this is a marathon not a sprint. If you’re eating healthily, feeling good and losing steadily then you are getting closer every day to where you want to be. That’s got to be better than the alternative.

    I had a complete stall weightloss wise in January and was also frustrated and sad. Bizarrely what kicked me out of it was RAISING my calories from 1200 to 1480 and starting doing very gentle yoga.

    I immediately stopped feeling so flipping COLD all the time, and despite the yoga burning no calories my body felt so much better for the stretching. Started feeling more toned and then whoosh the weight started to fall again.

    Hope you find something that works for you? Am celebrating your 10lb loss over here anyway ☺️
  • gfinley49
    gfinley49 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi @gfinley49 sorry you’re feeling frustrated. I think 10lbs in 10 weeks sounds brilliant! However you know you and what is good for you.

    The only thing I can suggest is the old chestnut that this is a marathon not a sprint. If you’re eating healthily, feeling good and losing steadily then you are getting closer every day to where you want to be. That’s got to be better than the alternative.

    I had a complete stall weightloss wise in January and was also frustrated and sad. Bizarrely what kicked me out of it was RAISING my calories from 1200 to 1480 and starting doing very gentle yoga.

    I immediately stopped feeling so flipping COLD all the time, and despite the yoga burning no calories my body felt so much better for the stretching. Started feeling more toned and then whoosh the weight started to fall again.

    Hope you find something that works for you? Am celebrating your 10lb loss over here anyway ☺️

    Thank you!!! I am going to try to increase the calories per day, perhaps my metabolism needs a kick! I think what depressed me most is in 13 days..that darn number on the scale didnt move at all! Not even a 1/4 of a lbs!! Will just keep at it and hope for a better week! Thank you again for your encouragement 😊
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    gfinley49 wrote: »
    Hi there!!!
    Feeling super discouraged today. Have been on a healthy 1200 calorie a day plan, drinking 94 ounces of water a day and in 10 weeks have only lost 10 lbs. I'm beyond sad and frustrated. Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution? Sigh...
    That's a pound a week! That's actually really good! You don't want to go much faster than that, tempting as it may be.
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    @gfinley49 I think that is also fantastic! I can only dream of doing a lb a week like that...and I'm not surprised you got a bit stalled, but I agree with what the others say. Keep at it! Slow and steady definitely wins the race and I'm pretty sure you'll get putzing along perfectly fine! Best of luck!!!

    I personally am fond of not going below 1500, especially if you are active as you should be to help lose... or just be active.

    Breastfeeding mama here has to hit 2k or no less than 1800 calories to keep my milk and while that's fine n dandy... I'm starving less than 2300 ha. S0 I'm just taking things in stride and trryyyyying to eat better every day, shrinking some portions as can. Luckily, the weather being so nice we are getting walks in and I'm fortunate to finally be seeing a change!

    I've learned my body does best with calories and a good workout, and lots of water with sleep. That's what does it for me.... while my 70 yr old mother cuts cold turkey the goodies as she is an emotional eater mainly, so can live on lettuce and chicken while I need a Breakfast bagel 🤣😭

    Anyways. Today for me was fantastic. I have been, thankfully, stuck abouts 225.# for months now, and sometimes I'll see 228 but finally I'm back to seeing some lower numbers! I saw 224 and today 223!! (I weigh daily and take trend because the day I choose to weigh is the day I'm bloated or ate particularly heavy etc etc. So this works best for me Lol).

    The outdoor walking and my new hairdo (much needed me time today) makes me feel like I'm ready to conquer this year and my weight challenge! .... course it also wasted a much needed Sat and I'm exhausted but ah well. Always next weekend ha.

    Cheers everyone!! Best of luck this week!! 💃💃💃🥳🥳🍻🍻
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Celebrating running my first 5k of 2021!!! It was slow, but went through the Park we’ve been riding in. It was so lovely to be able to get out of town under my own steam. Then we did a sunny family walk in the beautiful hills near Stroud. Needless to say I was HUNGRY after!

    Managed to keep it to just a leetle extra at supper. But I need to watch this cardio. It makes me too peckish.

    @Dukare your post made me really happy, so glad you are seeing your work pay off. I can’t wait for my first post-lockdown haircut. It’s going to be a very happy moment.

    For me, I’m set to .25kg/week which has me at 1430 kcals a day. That’s about the rate that I’m losing, which has me into “normal” BMI by the end of this month. However I’m loving how I’m feeling eating food that feels right and exercising regularly. So long as it feels good, I’m keeping on with it. No idea where I’ll end up and that’s secondary anyway!

    Nervous about the return to school tomorrow. Teaching my first classroom lesson of this placement (I’m a trainee teacher). It’s all planned out but the butterflies are multiplying!
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    @gfinley I understand the frustration when it seems like your hard work isn't showing on the scale, but I agree with everyone, 10lbs in 10 weeks is very good progress and I think it leads to better long-term results. I think that plateau can also happen with a very consistent exercise regimen, sometimes the body gets complacent even with a good routine and some change can be helpful.
    @ClearNotCloudyMind great work on the 5k! Getting outside like that does great things for body and mind. Hope you have a good first day back, there's probably a lot of emotions on everyone's part, but it'll feel good once everyone is back in a routine.

    I had a pretty good weekend, haven't worked out the past two days, but I stuck to my calories so I think I'll see some progress if I can get in a workout the next few days. I have a lot going on this week, I'm expecting to change primary work assignments which provokes a lot of anxiety for me. My partner is on a different shift now so we've been passing ships in the night, which adds to my anxiety. And we have a bunch of work to get done at the house that I have to take the lead on, so throw some more anxiety sprinkles on top and I'm kind of all over the place. I'm going to try to anchor in my routine as best I can, stocked the fridge with healthy foods that I actually like so I won't be too tempted to return to my ole foe: stressful-sugar-binge. Hope everyone has a good week!