Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Idk bout you guys, but I'm pooped.

    Kicking butt is hard work!

    πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ» we got this guys!! Stay strong!!!!!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Dukare, I agree.I started adding in intensity to my 2orkouts and realize how long it's been since I've worked out like that. I am so grateful I splurged and got a massage gun, and have the flexibility that comes with working from home. Although, I probably shouldn't be so reliant on so many naps.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Looking for some advice:
    So I "relapsed" again recently and I know that I have a gain of about 10 pounds, maybe more, in just the past few months. My debate is this: do I weigh in "officially" and log my current weight or wait until I am back on track a bit so it doesn't look as bad. Really I know that I've gained, but there is something about actually seeing it in my history AGAIN that I don't know if I'm ready for.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Weigh in officially and log it. Use it as motivation and a visual reminder that you don't want to continue down that path. If you wait to log it, it will become too easy to make excuses and continue down the past-you path. I hope everything gets better. :-)
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Hi, I hope I am not too late to jump into this.

    I am 34 and have been on MFP since 2011. I started gaining weight in late 2019 and it just got worse in 2020. I am back up to my highest known weight and really want/need to lose weight.

    I haven't worked out yet today, but plan to. The weather here is gross, very hot and humid, lots of rain this summer.

    I am also having a hard time with accepting that I've gained weight and buying new clothes for this body.
    I am trying to find healthy meals to make for my whole family, not just me.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Zombella,

    Welcome to the group; it's a great thread and everyone is very supportive and understanding. Deciding to get back into this is the first step. We try to make sure we have vegetables in/with every meal, and we try to do it as simple as possible. We found whole wheat pasta is one of the easiest things to add a ton of veggies to. But we are also always trying new recipes and are happy that we are in the midst of Farmers' Market season and garden season, even if our crops this year isn't so great.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you @SwtHedgehog I am weighing in "officially" tomorrow since Fridays were/are my regular weigh in day. I'm anxious about it and honestly embarrassed to really see how much I messed up my previous progress...again, but hopefully you are right and I'll use it as motivation to stop this cycle I have created for myself.
    @Zombella I can sooooooo relate. I just bought some new pants for work in a size I have not worn in more than a year. It's hard to deal with mentally, but we lost the weight before and we can do it again. Personally I find this thread to be very supportive and it helps to talk about my struggles with people who have been through similar struggles.
    Here's to everyone making progress!
  • AmberlyMarlene
    AmberlyMarlene Posts: 120 Member
    I've been on this app since forever. I once successfully lost 70 lbs using it and was overjoyed to have surpassed my goal. It didn't last long. I slipped up baaadd and was too depressed to stop spiraling. Ultimately I gained 130 lbs in a little less than 2 yrs by time I put my foot down. If that's not a relapse I don't know what is! Anywho I'm much better now as far as mental health goes and I'm trying to follow suit with my physical health. So far I've lost just over 45 lbs of the 130 lbs since December but I keep faltering off and not pushing beyond that. I've been at a stand still for the last few months. It is for this reason I'm looking to add friends for motivation and support, and to keep my head in the game!

    If you're interested in being a supporter for me and having me as a supporter for you, please send me a friend request!

    Thank you.

    I look forward to being more active in this group πŸ™‚
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Hey all! Just wanted to pop on to say hullo! You guys are doing great!!

    I know it's terrible seeing numbers and clothes sizes you wish to never see again, but it's also good to get clothes that fit right.... while you work on bettering yourself.

    I'm all for habit and positive mindset! My mother is queen of Emotional eating and depression, and while I'm glad I don't have it as bad as she does, seeing those relapses really takes its tolls mentally above all else. Rise above and keep going though!! It's just a dip in the water but that shouldn't stop you from swimming to shore!


    Baby time ... best of luck all! Always cheering for you!!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    I am still working through my training. This past week is the first one in a really long time where I haven't cried or stressed because of my speed or anything. I am starting to feel and see myself as strong. Of course, nutrition is still a struggle for me. I don't eat super bad, but I still want/need to incorporate more veggies.

    I was at Open Water Swim last night and didn't struggle as much. The coach noticed that my legs were flailing all over the place (apparently my wet suit is super buoyant). He also said that I've made a lot of progress since the first swim.

    I hope everyone is doing well on their journey.
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    edited August 2021
    @SwtHedgehog way to go! Keep at it πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— I've faith in yaπŸ˜‰ getting back into things always takes time and determination- you've got this!!

    Today's a good day. Weights sometimes going down then sits but I'm just continuing through.... revving engines lol

    There's a mental battle every time I start seeing a drop, where I almost panic at the thought of losing "too much". Ha. Other side of thought is that I can coast cause I'm on track...

    Oh the joys of weight loss journeys!

    Cheers everyone!! You got this!!!!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    I'm just checking in to see how people are doing; it's been nearly 10 days. Some days are better than others these days, but I keep at it. This week has been one of those lazy weeks with life/work. I blame it on all the hot/humid days and storms.

    Keep at it.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited August 2021
    Sorry accidentally bumped old post
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited August 2021
    Oh. I just saw first page.

    I am a relapsed back again. Started at 195 down to 165 stopped logging gained back to 175. Stayed there until Jan of this year. Slowly lost to 160 and stalled. I am doing keto and think I am overdoing fat calories. I am cutting back and doing 14 hr overnight fasting to keep down the late night snacking. I log my food but could be more accurate

    Goal. I really want to get under 160 and stay there. Then, normal.bmi at ,150. Then I will see where I am at and decide
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    @SwtHedgehog it must be the summer into Fall... things have gotten so busy and draining ahha.

    Glad you stickin to it! Weather is always a factor in moods I think. It's a rough go some days for sure!!

    @lorib642 welcome! Best of luck!! Numbers sound awesome though! Just keep chuggin! I'm a firm believer of balance πŸ€—πŸ€—

    I'm makin headway, but always keepin head barely afloat ha. The house smells like diaper so that's something to look forward to every day ....🀣πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜«πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Charge forth and conquer everyone!! We can do this!!!!!!!
  • nycirl2018
    nycirl2018 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all. This thread definitely spoke to me! Back on the wagon for 1,000th time. I finally braved the scales last Friday after months of avoidance. Was sobering to see I'm 274 lbs with a BMI of 42.9. (29F, 5'7). I've been here before. Believe it or not I tipped the scales at 282 last April, my highest ever lost 25 lbs and now I'm nearly back there again. I carry it all in my belly making the health implications even worse. Suffer from binge eating disorder. It's hard to stay positive but after a sobering weigh in, i felt sad and defeated but now I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other.

    Here's the thing. I really cannot afford to fall off this wagon. I can't stick my head back in sand. I know I need to force myself to reach out here and get the support and make sure I never see 274 on the scales ever again.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Hi nycirl2018,
    Welcome to the group; everyone has been very supportive and very understanding. Just remember to take it one day at a time and make small changes. If you have small victories or need to work through something, feel free to bring it to the group. :-)
    You got this.
  • nycirl2018
    nycirl2018 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi nycirl2018,
    Welcome to the group; everyone has been very supportive and very understanding. Just remember to take it one day at a time and make small changes. If you have small victories or need to work through something, feel free to bring it to the group. :-)
    You got this.

    Thank you! I really do have to take it one day at a time and try and break up such a daunting challenge into something small. I think I have processed some of my shame and sadness and am ready to throw myself into being more proactive and taking steps day by day. I really really need the support, I know I can’t isolate myself with this. So grateful for these forums.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Since there hasn't been any activity for a while, I thought I'd post something on here to keep it fresh and in people's minds.:-)
    This week has been a real struggle for me (return policy on PTO if life got in the way and you couldn't enjoy it?)

    Anyway, I had my dentist appointment today. Everything is good and so are my vitals. The top number was a little lower than typical, which I suspected, but is still find. Heart and high blood pressure issues run on both sides of the family, so it becomes a challenge/pride for me to get my numbers as low as possible.

    I hope everyone else is doing well and continuing on in their journeys.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    I had my first attempt at completing the WI HalfIronman (any half for that matter.) I got a DNF for not completing the bike on time. I'm still grieving, but I'm trying to learn from it so I can try it again and complete it.

    To look at the bright side (I guess that's my term for the Glad Game in Pollyanna); although the outcome was not what I had wanted; it was definitely epic.

    I made the swim cutoff time (barely) and I made the ride back. But I was so slow that the volunteer at the transition didn't know what do (timing chip). He sent me up the ramp to the full Ironman transition to read the chip there. In front of the large cheering section, I had to explain to the volunteer and/or Ironman Worker the situation. From there, he wheeled my bike in tow (with me walking behind him) down the ramp as Ironman athletes were riding up to their transition and the crowd telling me not to be discouraged, and had to discuss it with the other volunteer. on the bright side, I may have saved 2-3 bikers from that experience, unless they got a ride back with two different sags.