Less Alcohol - MARCH 2021



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Today will be day 30 of my AF streak.....husband is still doing it with me....

    I have really INCREDIBLE news! You can't see me but I am dancing with joy right now.....

    I get to sign up for the covid vaccine today finally! Now all I need is for the vaccine passport idea to be implemented and the Canadian border to open so I can schedule a really, really good hiking experience!!! And party with @dawnbgethealthy ...!

    Great job on your AF journey.
    How fabulous that you will be getting the vaccine!
    We are way behind in Canada due to delays in them arriving. We have 500,00 more due to arrive this week, they will now be going to 80+ people and the second dose will be delayed up to 4 months to get a first dose into more people. We are a ways away still. Hoping that the Johnson and Johnson gets approved by Health Canada soon, it is a one dose shot.

    I am so excited that you will be coming here : - )
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,576 Member
    March day 2 AF done! Good news is I was able to get a Covid appt slot for Monday. Yippie. So stressful having to book it! Only 50k appointments and the demographic for this is about 800k not counting visitors. But we're in!

    @Womona how super exciting to get a sailboat! Keep us posted on where you'll be sailing! Share pix please :)

    @mainelylisa Cheetos how tasty....was it the flaming hot kind? Now I am craving something crunchy and salty and spicy.....

    @lmlmrn I can relate to your job hunting post...I've gotten some wild reject responses so far. It's just the times - so many out of work and so many applying, etc. just requires a ton of patience. But you managed to stay AF so well done! And the universe will deliver what you seek if you keep that positive intention going.

    Me, I am holding off applying for some weeks here and maybe assessing a career change. I need that job hunting stress to stay far away at least for a little bit longer until I feel a bit more resilient. I know my "current" stress limits and need to stay under max limit for a bit longer.

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,949 Member
    1.5 glasses of wine ... stress snacking during the afternoon and then gave in and shared the bottle of wine DH opened to go with dinner. Not the best day for me overall but I did get outside and walk twice and finally got on my recumbent bike again that I've been mentally & physically avoiding. Today I think I'll do more yard clean up in the afternoon to keep out of the kitchen.