Less Alcohol - MARCH 2021



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Happy March!

    I am continuing with my goals that I have mostly been following for a year:

    16-20 AF days per month
    Don't drink 2 days in a row
    Try to keep 2 AF days in between drinks days

    I choose the diary style so that I check in every day, keep myself accountable, and can see at a glance where I am at.

    Monday March 01 - AF - Had to start the new month off with an AF day : - )
    Tuesday March 02 - AF - Needed to wait 6 minutes many many times, I really felt like having a couple of drinks tonight. I know that I (and my waistline) will be happy tomorrow that I resisted.
    Wednesday March 03 - AF - Early start for work tomorrow, so AF tonight. 4th AF day in a row.
    Thursday March 04 - Drinks. Busy busy day. I had lost my hearing aid on a hiking trail yesterday, so was having a pretty hard time of it today not being able to read lips whilst everyone was wearing masks. Replacement will take one week to get here. Finishing work for the day and for the week was so lovely. Relaxed with a few drinks.
    Friday March 05 - AF - Tomorrow will be a challenge since I am going to be with my bubble friend who drinks wine every day. Going to try really hard to get my 2AF days in a row though.
    Saturday March 06 - Drinks, 2. Already broke one of my own rules this early in the month. Willpower just gave out I guess.
    Sunday March 07 - AF - I will be again tomorrow.
    Monday March 08 - AF - Our 90+ people were able to make appointments today to schedule a vaccine. It will be quite awhile until they work their way down 5 years at a time. Keeping myself fit and healthy. Possible drinks tomorrow night.
    Tuesday March 09 - Drinks, 2. Very long workday, Tuesdays always are for me. if I am going to have drinks 2 or 3 times per week then Tuesdays are a really nice time for me to do so while I unwind.

    Rolling total: 6AF days out of 9 days.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Happy March!

    I am continuing with my goals that I have mostly been following for a year:

    16-20 AF days per month
    Don't drink 2 days in a row
    Try to keep 2 AF days in between drinks days

    I choose the diary style so that I check in every day, keep myself accountable, and can see at a glance where I am at.

    Monday March 01 - AF - Had to start the new month off with an AF day : - )
    Tuesday March 02 - AF - Needed to wait 6 minutes many many times, I really felt like having a couple of drinks tonight. I know that I (and my waistline) will be happy tomorrow that I resisted.
    Wednesday March 03 - AF - Early start for work tomorrow, so AF tonight. 4th AF day in a row.
    Thursday March 04 - Drinks. Busy busy day. I had lost my hearing aid on a hiking trail yesterday, so was having a pretty hard time of it today not being able to read lips whilst everyone was wearing masks. Replacement will take one week to get here. Finishing work for the day and for the week was so lovely. Relaxed with a few drinks.
    Friday March 05 - AF - Tomorrow will be a challenge since I am going to be with my bubble friend who drinks wine every day. Going to try really hard to get my 2AF days in a row though.
    Saturday March 06 - Drinks, 2. Already broke one of my own rules this early in the month. Willpower just gave out I guess.
    Sunday March 07 - AF - I will be again tomorrow.
    Monday March 08 - AF - Our 90+ people were able to make appointments today to schedule a vaccine. It will be quite awhile until they work their way down 5 years at a time. Keeping myself fit and healthy. Possible drinks tomorrow night.
    Tuesday March 09 - Drinks, 2. Very long workday, Tuesdays always are for me. if I am going to have drinks 2 or 3 times per week then Tuesdays are a really nice time for me to do so while I unwind.
    Wednesday March 10 - AF - Easy to do because I have a busy workday tomorrow and want to be sharp.

    Rolling total: 7AF days out of 10 days.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    @globalhiker "HALT" I like that and I think all of those would fit me at any one time. I am not sure where boredom falls in that category? or just plan routine.

    AF last night so rolling 9 out of 10 day

    I have not seen @mainelylisa everything ok?
    @dawnbgethealthy I am a long way off for my 1st shot, they have just lowered the age to 65 so DH is having his first today but I am a few years younger.
    @Womona I celebrated with you in spirit (no alcohol though hehe), don't know what the good news was but any good news is reason to celebrate!
    @Lilylady3k we are here for you, is there something we can do for you to help you refocus right now?...you are in my thoughts
    @chocolate_owl wow that was a long trip to get your vaccine! and then to skip some wine....I am more than impressed, really I am

    saw my GP today about my b/p....think we have finally got our meds figured out so no more crazy on that front....now to just figure out about this dry nasal stuff and sore throat going on. Dr. said he did not think it was side effects to medication since I have been taking it for 3 months and this is the first sign...so I will chalk it up to seasonal cold/allergies.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,576 Member
    Good point @lmlmrn agree let's add boredom to the HALT list. I used to drink when bored too especially Saturday afternoons.

    Switching topics, does anyone have any summer plans or ideas on where they plan to vacation?

    I am lost on this one. I was checking vacation rental sites in states that are "open" and allow visitors but availability for anything remotely affordable with a kitchen is like ZERO (especially Colorado)....times like these I wish we had a pickup truck that could pull a simple camper attachment.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Good point @lmlmrn agree let's add boredom to the HALT list. I used to drink when bored too especially Saturday afternoons.

    Switching topics, does anyone have any summer plans or ideas on where they plan to vacation?

    I am lost on this one. I was checking vacation rental sites in states that are "open" and allow visitors but availability for anything remotely affordable with a kitchen is like ZERO (especially Colorado)....times like these I wish we had a pickup truck that could pull a simple camper attachment.

    Rent an RV?

    Our vaccine appointments opened up today to those in the 85-89 age range.
    We will be awhile here in Canada yet.
    I am hoping that by the time that it comes around to me that I can get the newly Canada approved Johnson and Johnson 1 and done. Refrigeration only, no freezers. Hopefully then pharmacies will be able to start doling it out.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Happy March!

    I am continuing with my goals that I have mostly been following for a year:

    16-20 AF days per month
    Don't drink 2 days in a row
    Try to keep 2 AF days in between drinks days

    I choose the diary style so that I check in every day, keep myself accountable, and can see at a glance where I am at.

    Monday March 01 - AF - Had to start the new month off with an AF day : - )
    Tuesday March 02 - AF - Needed to wait 6 minutes many many times, I really felt like having a couple of drinks tonight. I know that I (and my waistline) will be happy tomorrow that I resisted.
    Wednesday March 03 - AF - Early start for work tomorrow, so AF tonight. 4th AF day in a row.
    Thursday March 04 - Drinks. Busy busy day. I had lost my hearing aid on a hiking trail yesterday, so was having a pretty hard time of it today not being able to read lips whilst everyone was wearing masks. Replacement will take one week to get here. Finishing work for the day and for the week was so lovely. Relaxed with a few drinks.
    Friday March 05 - AF - Tomorrow will be a challenge since I am going to be with my bubble friend who drinks wine every day. Going to try really hard to get my 2AF days in a row though.
    Saturday March 06 - Drinks, 2. Already broke one of my own rules this early in the month. Willpower just gave out I guess.
    Sunday March 07 - AF - I will be again tomorrow.
    Monday March 08 - AF - Our 90+ people were able to make appointments today to schedule a vaccine. It will be quite awhile until they work their way down 5 years at a time. Keeping myself fit and healthy. Possible drinks tomorrow night.
    Tuesday March 09 - Drinks, 2. Very long workday, Tuesdays always are for me. if I am going to have drinks 2 or 3 times per week then Tuesdays are a really nice time for me to do so while I unwind.
    Wednesday March 10 - AF - Easy to do because I have a busy workday tomorrow and want to be sharp.
    Thursday March 11 - Drinks. Still haven't had drinks 2 days in a row, but I have missed my 2 AF days in between drink days twice already this month.

    Rolling total: 7AF days out of 11 days.