Less Alcohol - MARCH 2021



  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    edited March 2021
    lmlmrn wrote: »
    We plan to visit TX and may even retire there but.....DH is not much on heat and humidity. Is there anywhere in TX that has lower temps?

    Texas is huge! You've got a coast, forests, grasslands, hills, mountains... Houston (and the coast) are humid, but the rest of the state has moderate to low humidity, especially in west Texas where you get into the mountains. Hot... well, June, July, and August get hot everywhere. The average along the coast is low 90s, but you have way more humidity. The average everywhere else is mid/upper 90s, and you'll have a few 100+ days. People love to say it's fine because "it's a dry heat," but hot is hot. Invest in a good AC, wear sunscreen, drink lots of water, and enjoy the other 9 months of the year with (normally) mild winters and 75 degree springs and autumns.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    geltner1 wrote: »
    Life alcohol free is not a deprivation. It's a free and happy, healthful life. Alcohol is a toxin and a carcinogen. Why put that into your precious body?

    Because it's delicious.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    Still AF but barely....

    Yesterday was a challenge day for me. I found a new trigger! It's my wonderful spouse. He was having a really bad work-from-home day and his grouchiness polluted the energy in the home so to speak. I made it to dinner time and was prepping dinner, feeling ravenously hungry. Then a delivery came and it was a new house phone. Surprise...one I was not consulted on and one I did not like. Ugh. Now the scene involves 3 triggers all together: grouchy spouse + hunger+ the unwanted surprise making me angry. I ran into the triple-trigger!

    My head said we need to jump in the car right now and go to the store for wine because it couldn't take it anymore...yes it did....UGH.

    Thought I was done with this BS....so I retreated into another room, grabbed my "workbook", the one that I am using to help me manage my responses to triggers and just skimmed it for some inspiration. Ten minutes later the impulse is gone and husband apologizes. Life is back on track.

    Wow, you overcame the triple trigger!!!! Good for you! You go girl!!! That’s amazing and very inspiring.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Checking in to keep myself accountable. Not off to a stellar week.
    3/15 - 1 Torchy’s Tini
    3/16 - 3 (1 skinny margarita lunch, 2 wine dinner)

    @dawnbgethealthy - You've got this!!! Good luck with your interview.

    The week ain’t over yet! You can still slow down the boat. We have all been there.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    3/1-3/7: Very bad, lots of drinks
    3/8-3/14: 4 AF days, 8 drinks
    3/15: AF
    3/16: AF

    Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today is my favorite holiday. I live in the neighborhood that throws the St. Patty's Day party in normal times. It starts off with a 5K (I'm wearing one of my 5K shirts today!), then a parade with tacky, adorable floats, then the street gets closed for the rest of the day and people slowly migrate from my neighborhood down south to the restaurants and bars. Several live bands play until after dark. A lot of my neighbors hold house parties, and some guys will sit on their lawns and hand out beer to passers-by. Every year there's been a wealth of stories, photos, and fun, but not these past two years. I haven't gotten to pull my gold headband, green eyeshadow, and clover knee-highs out. I haven't sipped green champagne by the pool. I haven't had side-splitting laughs with strangers. I am looking forward to this SO MUCH next year, and there's a high chance I will be running - actually running!!! - the 5K. But tonight husband and I will put on the St Patty's Day Pandora station and drink Guinness (well, I will have a single Guinness. He will have 3, plus some Jameson, and he will be hung over tomorrow) and talk about next year.

    Your town sounds fantastic! I love the community spirit. Sorry you didn’t get to wear the cute green accessories. Here’s hoping next year we can have big bashes again.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    lmlmrn wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy good luck with the interview! I am excited for you. haha, stay calm and remember you are interviewing them too.
    @globalhiker wow great job on controlling the urge. I am about 1/2 through the workbook. I actually set it aside for about a week but am ready to dive back in.
    @Lilylady3k it is great you are checking in and being accountable here for yourself. We are here and I would love to help if you need it
    @chocolate_owl We plan to visit TX and may even retire there but.....DH is not much on heat and humidity. Is there anywhere in TX that has lower temps?

    Last night AF so tonight will make 15 out of 17. I don't plan to drink all week and may skip this weekend too. I am finding it a bit easier to do and I am so competitive with myself I want to beat my Feb goal. What is wrong with me?

    I am a bit nervous about our upcoming trip to OH, visiting relatives always triggers the drink devil. I don't sleep well in unfamiliar places and have used alcohol to knock me out. I won't do that this time so I need to develop another strategy between now and May 1....suggestions?

    I’m a huge fan of Advil PM if I really need to sleep. Let’s me sleep through the night and I wake up refreshed. I used it on a parent/child Cub Scout overnight to the Battleship NJ. I slept like a baby surrounded by hundreds of snoring men!!!!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,576 Member
    @chocolate_owl isn't Texas known for no state taxes on pension and income? That's huge.
    Companies are moving there in droves and Texas does have good food and friendly people.
    I don't know other places but hear there are hills up north. It's the tornadoes that panic me but I may consider Texas in the future, especially if AZ continues to absorb the rest of California. It's getting unbearably congested and housing prices are nuts here.

    @Womona wow almost at goal! Any secrets or tips?

    @lmlmrn I know the feeling you describe about the family trip thing. I have to do the same every year and it turns into a drinking event. Here is my plan:

    1.No drinking at airport or on plane, period. Try to fly out early morning so there's no urge anyways.
    2.After landing hit the local stores and buy non-alcoholic drinks to bring over their house. Agree to start with those and have at least 2 non-alcoholic before starting on the booze. Get a variety of stuff in case others start drinking your stash.
    3.Agree in advance with my spouse over when we'd drink. We discussed no drinking until dinner because if we "start" at lunch then we keep going through the afternoon until dinner. Yep it happens.
    4.Staying for 3 or more days? Aim for no drinking on day 1 because chances are by day 3, the stress level will be really, really high and I'd need those drinks then for sure. Good luck!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,802 Member
    Hello. Newbie here. I have been drinking since I was 18 and aside from pregnancies, I have never been able to quit for more than a month or 2. I am for now starting with a small goal of stopping at 7pm. Hopefully it will give me better sleep and help to lose weight. I do low carb so I have gotten used to no beer or sweet drinks. I have to do this. Seriously. Hopefully make bigger steps soon.

    Good plan. Welcome to the thread : - )