Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 148



  • starrjulia8
    starrjulia8 Posts: 552 Member
    Happy Birthday! @beagletracks
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,080 Member

    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015)
    UGW - 130

    2021 Goals — 165; eat mindfully; meditate most days; exercise for the pleasure of moving.

    History 2020-21
    R100 1/7/20 end weight 177.6
    R101 1/17/20 end weight 177.6
    R102 1/27/20 end weight 177.2
    R103 2/6/20 end weight 178.6
    R104 2/16/20 end weight 179
    R105 2/26/20 end weight 180.2
    R106 3/7/20 end weight 180
    R107 3/17/20 end weight 180
    R108 3/27/20 end weight 180.8
    R109 4/6/20 end weight 180
    R110 4/16/20 end weight 180.6
    R111 4/26/20 end weight 181.2
    R112 5/6/20 end weight 181.4
    R113 5/16/20 end weight 181.8
    R114 5/26/20 end weight 183 ugh.
    R115 6/5/20 end weight 182.6. 10-day calorie ave 1554
    R116 6/15/20 end weight 181.8. 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R117 6/25/20 end weight 181. 10-day calorie ave 1341
    R118 7/5/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1674
    R119 7/15/20 end weight 181.4. 10-day calorie ave 1651
    R120 7/25/20 end weight 181.2 10-day calorie ave 1695
    R121 8/4/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1706
    R122 8/14/20 end weight 182.8. 10-day calorie ave 1747
    R123 8/24/20 end weight 182.6. (-.2) 10-day calorie ave 1624
    R124 9/3/20 end weight 182.2. (-.4) 10-day calorie ave 1493
    R125 9/13/20 end weight 182.2 (0). 10-day calorie ave 1612
    R126 9/23/20 end weight 181.6 (-.6). 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R127 10/3/20 end weight 182 (+.4). 10-day calorie ave 1821
    R128 10/13/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1659
    R129 10/23/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1552
    R130 11/2/20 end weight 183 (+1). 10-day calories ave 1856
    R131 11/12/20 end weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1776
    R132 11/22/20 End weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1358.
    R133 12/2/20 End weight 182.6. (-.4). 10 day ave cals 1633.
    R134 12/12/20 End weight 182.6. (+/-0). 10-day ave cals 1547.
    R135 12/22/20 End weight 181.6. (-1lb). 10-day ave cals 1460.
    R136 1/1/2021 End weight 183. (+1.4lb). 10-day ave cals 1885.
    R137 1/11/2021 End weight 183. (+/-0). 10-day ave cals 1789.
    R138 1/21/2021 End weight 183. (+/-0). 10-day ave cals 1753.
    R139 — End weight 183. (+/-0). Didn’t track calories.
    R140 — end weight 183.
    R141 — end weight 183. Ave calories 1587. (Goal 1600) ⭐️
    R142 3/2/21. End weight 183.2. Ave calories 1720. (Goal 1500)
    R143 3/12/21. End weight 184. Ave calories 1733. (Goal 1500)
    R144 3/22/21. End weight 183. Ave calories 1690.
    R145 4/1/21. End weight 183.2. Ave calories 1504. (Goal 1500). ⭐️

    My scale readings bounced up 4 pounds when I changed batteries, so I didn’t suddenly gain 4+ pounds. I didn’t want to write that down but, other than the horror of gaining, what difference does it make? So I’m going with the new readings, dammit.

    R146 4/11/21. End weight 184 (188.6). Ave calories 1516. (Goal 1500).
    R147 4/21/21. End weight 188 (-.6). Ave calories 1526. (Goal <1500.)

    Day/Weight Change/Calories/Comment

    4/22 - 187.4 - 1527
    I’m setting a new goal for the coming 6 months to get myself back to my old walking habit — 1,000 miles by Halloween, with monthly increases in daily and weekly distance goals. I used to walk 6-8+ miles almost every day, and got out of the habit 3 years ago when PMR practically immobilized me with pain. Now’s the time!

    4/23 - 187.6 - 1557
    Off to get some limestone pavers for a path through my new side garden. Also known as weight training! Happy Friday, all!

    4/24 - 188.4 - 1647
    Oopsie. Was hungry after lugging pavers! This morning I’m off to buy soil. Whee!

    4/25 -
    4/26 -
    4/27 -
    4/28 -
    4/29 -
    4/30 -
    5/01 -
