Do you believe in ghosts?



  • desertfoxcoffee
    desertfoxcoffee Posts: 46 Member
    I'm on the fence. I've had some experience but it could've just been sleep deprivation. I've done a few ghost "hunts" in 3 different cities, one was in an abandon sanatorium and didn't find anything. Was very disappointed.
  • ___Soundwave___
    ___Soundwave___ Posts: 1,190 Member
    edited May 2021
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    So, if space aliens exists..... do they also have ghosts ?

    How would one fight-off a space alien ghost ?

    I'm beginning to feel a little overmatched here.

    The aliens will be robots.

    No ghosts.

    Okay, yeah.... there is a very high likelihood that aliens (if they exist), in first contact, would be mechanical entities.

    However, the mechanical alien(s) would need to be somehow produced from an intelligent lifeform, amiright?

    And.... no alien ghost robots (although that would be pretty cool too.)

    Yes. I believe the idea is that through evolution, organic life becomes inevitably intelligent enough to create strong AI. Which, in turn takes on the job of traversing space to connect nodes of solar systems...looking for material needed to sustain the AI.

    By the time the AI reached another viable node, the authoring organic life would have long since gone extinct (because of the vastness of space, and time involved to travel).

    In a way, the alient robots would BE the ghosts of the alien civilization.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited May 2021
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    So, if space aliens exists..... do they also have ghosts ?

    How would one fight-off a space alien ghost ?

    I'm beginning to feel a little overmatched here.

    The aliens will be robots.

    No ghosts.

    Okay, yeah.... there is a very high likelihood that aliens (if they exist), in first contact, would be mechanical entities.

    However, the mechanical alien(s) would need to be somehow produced from an intelligent lifeform, amiright?

    And.... no alien ghost robots (although that would be pretty cool too.)

    Yes. I believe the idea is that through evolution, organic life becomes inevitably intelligent enough to create strong AI. Which, in turn takes on the job of traversing space to connect nodes of solar systems...looking for material needed to sustain the AI.

    By the time the AI reached another viable node, the authoring organic life would have long since gone extinct (because of the vastness of space, and time involved to travel).

    In a way, the alient robots would BE the ghosts of the alien civilization.


  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Have experienced something ....
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    Do you want to share? @FabulousFantasticFifty
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    Was it Ghost Adventures? @MsCzar
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited May 2021
    Was it Ghost Adventures? @MsCzar

    I honestly don't remember. It was just a paycheck. I think it aired on ABC Family around Halloween.
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    Interesting but I don't know what the video has to do with ghosts. @NVintage
  • Thoin
    Thoin Posts: 961 Member
    MsCzar wrote: »
    A thousand years ago, I worked as a PA on one of those TV ghost hunter shows. Everything was faked for the cameras since time is money and we've got a schedule to keep. Younger me got to play the role of 'mysterious footsteps upstairs' and 'strange wall tapper.' The grip guys rigged up a cool trick where a large bell rang in the middle of a snow-covered yard without leaving any footprints in fresh snow. The 'ghost voices' were prerecorded in by the audio guy who had disabled the recorder's 'record' function. Spoooooky!

    My roommates insist that our house is haunted.

    But I've lived there for 274 years and never once met a ghost.
  • Jennliftsandspins
    Jennliftsandspins Posts: 151 Member

    I haven’t seen a ghost but know a few people I think are reliable sources who have.

    I have had a weird experience staying in a resort house with a group of friends. We found out after the house was haunted when we asked about the odd things that happened.

    The ghost was a young woman who died shortly after witnessing her fiancé fall through the ice on the nearby lake as she watched him walk across from the dining room window. She etched her name in the window which is still in the dining room hanging after being saved from a renovation by the current resort owners.

    We stayed at that resort for a girls’ weekend 4 years in a row. We all felt a sense of unease in the house and no one ever felt comfortable in the dining room alone though we didn’t know why at the time.

    One night we brought up that we all felt it was haunted. As we talked about this the exit sign above the common room door started flashing and buzzing. It then stopped and never did again while we were there.

    That night in one of the bedrooms a heavy fireplace grate fell from the hearth to the floor. My two friends staying in that room struggled to lift it back up together. They said it had to weigh about 100 lbs. The front desk clerk said it had never fallen before. She told us that the cleaning staff often reported hearing footsteps or the sounds of “someone” in the dining room.

    So while we didn’t actually see anything that place definitely has a weird vibe.

  • NVintage
    NVintage Posts: 1,463 Member
    edited May 2021
    Interesting but I don't know what the video has to do with ghosts. @NVintage
    Sorry, I got off topic...I was thinking about alien ghost robots.Blame them,haha!
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    So, if space aliens exists..... do they also have ghosts ?

    How would one fight-off a space alien ghost ?

    I'm beginning to feel a little overmatched here.

    The aliens will be robots.

    No ghosts.

    Okay, yeah.... there is a very high likelihood that aliens (if they exist), in first contact, would be mechanical entities.

    However, the mechanical alien(s) would need to be somehow produced from an intelligent lifeform, amiright?

    And.... no alien ghost robots (although that would be pretty cool too.)

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    In the fall of 2018, I contacted my uncle and asked him to send me a specific picture of my grandfather. Weeks later I received several photographs, much more than I asked for, pictures of ancestors and some I don't even know who they are and my uncle didn't even know who they were but they were in a picture with other loved ones. But they're family, somehow, or they were a friend of a family member. Some of the people passed away decades before I was ever even born, my great grandmother, a great uncle.

    Ten pictures went up on the wall in frames in my bedroom in December of that year. Shortly, thereafter, I began experiencing events that kept me awake at night. Things I couldn't explain because I couldn't see who or what was doing them. I have felt things, seen things, heard things.

    My son was 8 months old at the time and when I explained it to my husband, he'd tell me I was sleep deprived getting up with the baby all night or that I had an overactive imagination. I desperately wanted that to be the case. I was hopping I had an overactive imagination. Ninety percent of the events happened when he wasn't around, but there would be nights where we were laying in bed that he'd sleep through the noises, sometimes only two feet from the bed. I asked him how he could sleep through what I was experiencing and he said after two tours to Iraq and bombs going off all around him, he learnt how to sleep through so much or he'd never have slept.

    But that December, initially, I never told anyone. My, then, twelve-year-old opened the door in the middle of the night and terrified said to me, "Momma, can I sleep with you, please Momma, there's a ghost in my room." Never in twelve years of her life had she ever said anything to me about a ghost in her bedroom and I knew she wasn't lying. She was terrified. I tried convincing her that she'd imagined that an object flew into her bed and hit her knee while she slept. She adamantly declared that she was sure there was a ghost in her room. It wasn't until weeks later that I told her what I'd been experiencing.

    I was raised to believe in heaven and hell, only heaven and hell. I spent 40+ years of my life watching ghost stories on TV but never in a million years did I think I'd have experiences of my own.

    There are four women I've confided in who've had experiences. One is my playdate friend and she's been having experiences since she was very young, starting in her grandmother's home. There are three other women, one being my aunt, one being my daughters' stepmom, and one being a coworker. Not one of them has a reason to lie to me about any of it.

    I've journaled so many of the events over the years but there are many, many more.

    Yesterday, my friend was telling me some of the difficulties, health issues, that she's been having and that she wants to see a healer for a cleanse. She's worried that something is attached to her. She suffers from sleep paralysis and in her dreams there is a demon drawing close to her that won't let her get even two words of a prayer out. She explains the terror but I cannot empathize because her experiences are much more terrifying than mine and I am at least able to pray during my experiences. She's experienced touching, smells, and even seen things and all while she's awake.

    As odd as it sounds, I've experienced things that have made me smile and I've experienced things that have terrified me. I don't think there's just one spirit here. I think there's at least a few and I'm basing this on both the amount of activity and the feelings or instincts I draw from it. There's been times at night laying in bed where I know I'm not alone even though I can't see who or what is there but I feel it, that sixth sense in action. But there's also a feeling where I'm not I'm not alone even though I can't see who or what is there, but I know it's a calming presence.

    Many months ago, possibly even a year ago, I was nearly broken down tired and I said out loud, "(What I called my loved one who I think is the most dominant, yet, loving and protective presence), if this is you doing this, I love you but please stop because you're terrifying me." The activity significantly subsided, for months. I think this soul is protective and very much still here but only to make sure that I am safe exactly as he did in life. In life, he represented love and he was my rock growing up.

    Everything happened after those pictures went up. I think there's at least a few of those souls here, truly I do, whether I knew then in life or not.

    Anyway, yesterday my friend and I were sitting on the couch facing each other with the kitchen to one side of our face and the living room to the other and we were just chatting as we usually do. The two hanging lights in the kitchen flickered and dimmed, and I asked her "Did the lights just flicker?" "Yes they did," she said kind of surprised. Then it happened a second time. I waited for the third and that happened, too. The lights have never flickered and dimmed before and they haven't done it since. She looked at the oven and pointed out that had we lost electric, it would've set the oven clock blinking to 12:00 and it wasn't, and she pointed out that the TV stayed on the whole time, too. There's always sceptics and I'm one of them. But having had so many diverse experiences, I no longer chalk it up to an electrical issue. Someone may have been saying "Hey, I'm here!" That is what I believe, and not because I want to.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2022
    The wild, wild west is riddled with ghost stories and hauntings. This hotel is one I'm familiar with. :DB)

    We have Amelia Earhart's cabin...

    Liver-Eating-Johnson buried at Old Trail Town

    Jackson Hole
    Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch, Town Square
    A shadowy figure can still sometimes be seen late at night falling into the middle of Broadway and quickly disappearing.

    The Hole In The Wall
    Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid

    Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico have similar places and stories. Who you gonna call... out in the middle of nowhere.

  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    Idk whether I'm hypersensitive or just plain mentally ill( i veer to the latter though) I moved into a new apartment in September and things were great no hallucinations nothing and then suddenly around Jan Feb I started seeing things. I saw a really old lady in a white headcover and a messed up face watching me and I also saw a 3 y/o kid covered in tar standing near my bed watching me. I don't have kids, don't plan to have any, maybe but all this really freaked me out and i went to a new shrink so it's a bit under control. Tbh I don't mind having spirits around me but I'm too much of a coward to look at them esp the ones I see. I just don't have the balls to ask them what they want so I am kinda looking into past life regression therapy.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Idk whether I'm hypersensitive or just plain mentally ill( i veer to the latter though) I moved into a new apartment in September and things were great no hallucinations nothing and then suddenly around Jan Feb I started seeing things. I saw a really old lady in a white headcover and a messed up face watching me and I also saw a 3 y/o kid covered in tar standing near my bed watching me. I don't have kids, don't plan to have any, maybe but all this really freaked me out and i went to a new shrink so it's a bit under control. Tbh I don't mind having spirits around me but I'm too much of a coward to look at them esp the ones I see. I just don't have the balls to ask them what they want so I am kinda looking into past life regression therapy.

    I don't think you're crazy. That's disturbing, mental illness or spirits but I find it irritating that no matter what, your psychologist will gear this toward a mental health issue diagnosis and I say this as someone who's got a degree in the field and I've also seen misdiagnosis of people I know. It's a soft science guess at best, my opinion.

    My friend has suggested a medium/psychic/healer. She has seen one and believes she was helped. Have you ever thought of doing that? I know it goes against some people's beliefs and I struggle with the idea of it, too.
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    edited March 2022
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    Idk whether I'm hypersensitive or just plain mentally ill( i veer to the latter though) I moved into a new apartment in September and things were great no hallucinations nothing and then suddenly around Jan Feb I started seeing things. I saw a really old lady in a white headcover and a messed up face watching me and I also saw a 3 y/o kid covered in tar standing near my bed watching me. I don't have kids, don't plan to have any, maybe but all this really freaked me out and i went to a new shrink so it's a bit under control. Tbh I don't mind having spirits around me but I'm too much of a coward to look at them esp the ones I see. I just don't have the balls to ask them what they want so I am kinda looking into past life regression therapy.

    I don't think you're crazy. That's disturbing, mental illness or spirits but I find it irritating that no matter what, your psychologist will gear this toward a mental health issue diagnosis and I say this as someone who's got a degree in the field and I've also seen misdiagnosis of people I know. It's a soft science guess at best, my opinion.

    My friend has suggested a medium/psychic/healer. She has seen one and believes she was helped. Have you ever thought of doing that? I know it goes against some people's beliefs and I struggle with the idea of it, too.

    Im looking into hypnotherapy/past life regression as a belief especially from the culture i come from a lot of people believe that what we're experiencing now is because of what karmas we did in the past. Funnily, i Googled hypnotherapists around my area and all three are not answering their phones and some are very far from home and I'm too lazy to travel lol. But Dr Brian Weiss has a self past life regression video on YouTube but i seriously don't know wanna what I'll find out and i dont wanna try anything without expert supervision!
  • Whydahdad71
    Whydahdad71 Posts: 318 Member
    It hasn't happened for a very long time, but several times in my life while I was laying in bed the bed would feel as if it were shaking. I used to feel this when I was young and I would climb out of bed and look underneath. There was never anything there. Later, about 25 years ago I was laying down with my ex ready for a good night sleep and I felt it happen again. I thought "this must be in my head". My ex then spouted at me "stop shaking".
    I never knew what was the cause of this. It only happened at night and in different residences. I still don't know, but it hasn't happened for quite a long time.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I dont believe in ghosts

    But I do have a ghost story, if that makes sense.

    This was years ago but I still remember it pretty well.

    So I am laying in bed trying to get to sleep, I am laying on my stomach with my head pointed away from the edge of the bed.

    I hear my dog come into my room, walk around my bed to where my head is and he just stands there breathing on my neck. For some reason I can't move. Then the dog leaves, I look up and my bedroom door is shut. Odd must be a dream right? Not a dog that can walk through doors.

    Then another night days later. Same set up with me laying in bed.

    I hear my dog enter the room, not only hearing the foot steps as he walks around my bed but I can feel the floor/bed shaking with each step as the floor boards are soft or weak or what ever they need to be to make vibrations pass through them.

    Again the "dog" is around near my neck, I can feel it breathing on my neck again.

    But this time it jumps up onto my back with its front paws, I can feel the weight of the dog pushing down on me, making my bed squeak with the increasing weight and movement. Bed springs creaking.

    Again I cant move. Again I hear him leave. Again I then see the door is shut.

    So I dont believe in ghosts. But this seems a lot like a ghost dog. Maybe the dog I had growing up which died a few years before this event. Or maybe it was just a weird half asleep dream/sleep paralysis?
  • MintMoijo
    MintMoijo Posts: 17 Member
    Oh yea they’re real, but just ignore them if you can 👍
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    MintMoijo wrote: »
    Oh yea they’re real, but just ignore them if you can 👍

    What if they just get louder? And scarier?

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    The past two days, I've woken up in the witching hours. The first night I could hear movement in the kitchen and my door rattled, not uncommon. Last night, I heard lots of noises outside of my bedroom, sometimes at my door, and three tapping sounds on my window near my bed, only feet from me. Things come and go in spurts, it seems, but they're escalating again. I remember one point, years ago, where I was waking up in the witching hours every night for a few weeks with paranormal activity. It's disturbing and it's exhausting. I used to get anxious going to sleep at night because I knew I'd be woken up. I pray, over and over again I pray for protection.
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    This is not like a ghost story but a near death experience i had when I was 12 years old. I remember i was just sitting in my tutor's house and suddenly I felt like my soul was being pulled from the top of my head. It was literally "dying" to get out of my body.
    And then I saw a beautiful vision of a man. He had shoulder length hair, beard and a very beatific smile. I think it was Jesus and it was my time to leave the world but I got so scared and i also felt such ugly demons around me screaming and yelling at him through me. My face was really contorted with hatred and anger and the vision vanished.
  • LBSwartz
    LBSwartz Posts: 10 Member
    No, I believe in the strength of the human spirit, which can linger long after the person is gone, for whatever reason.
  • ChillTheBathWater
    ChillTheBathWater Posts: 32 Member
    I'd say yes & no, since I believe that we're not all necessarily from the same place or going to the same place after this life.

    Some religions believe that this life is it & nothing happens after death (Jewish)... others believe we return over & over (Hindu)... others believe we go to heaven, h*ll or somewhere in-between (Catholic). What if all are correct? For some, it's their only life... others have many... others' souls go to another realm.

    Our lives on this earth plane aren't all the same... my life isn't like a millionaire, celebrity kid who grew up in the lap of luxury, nor like that of a homeless person in New Delhi. So, if we're not all cut from the same cloth, with different upbringings, nationalities, heritages, some with parents, some adopted, some unwanted... why should we all go to the same place/s after death?

    Maybe some return as ghosts for a variety of reasons... don't know they're dead, are evil & want to harm others in death as they did in life, are too attached to people/place/home, are lost souls & choose not to go anywhere, yet. Maybe some are dead, buried & that's it.

    I've had many experiences, but I don't know if they were real, my imagination/fear, bad dreams where I thought I was awake & wasn't. Sometimes I've heard loud sounds (crashes, in fact, like a heavy baking pan being dropped from waist height)... even recently in the last 2 apts I lived in & disliked from the moment I rented. Was it noise that traveled from somewhere else & sounded as if it were in my home... a headache in which I heard a genuine noise inside my head, but somehow thought it was outside of my head?

    I've seen things, as well, many times... real or not, I don't know. I've dismissed most of those as I am quite a scaredy-cat of a girl. If I watch a scary movie, I've been known to sleep with a light on for a few days. I am afraid of the dark, even as an adult. Therefore, it's easiest for me to dismiss fleeting things I think I've seen out of the corner of my eye or in the dark.

    I've smelled roses 3-4 times in my life, when I've suddenly felt my grandmother was around. There were no flowers present. Is it just some sort of memory appearing out of nowhere & for some reason, I've associated roses with her... maybe she once had roses in her house when I was a kid & I don't readily recall?

    I don't believe in much. I don't believe in god, angels, fairies, ghosts, souls. Although raised Catholic, I never have believed in god & am more from the school of thought that we are born, live & die & that's it. But, maybe that's just me. If anyone around me believes in all the above, maybe their experiences differ & they truly have met up with genuinely metaphysical things that are stronger than the supernatural events I've been readily able to dismiss.

    I've experienced a lot, but still feel that logically, it can be easily explained away. But, if I were to be shown the opposite, then I think I'd have no problem in believing. I'm just not a strong believer in anything other than animal/human/mother nature & that's not all grand & positive.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2022
    I shared but mainly to support @LoveyChar There's more I would like to say but it falls into religion and spirituality and that's against the rules.
  • ChillTheBathWater
    ChillTheBathWater Posts: 32 Member
    I shared but mainly to support @LoveyChar There's more I would like to say but it falls into religion and spirituality and that's against the rules.

    Didn't know it was against the rules, but schools of thought would be an acceptable word replacement, no?