Less Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Well just finalized a weekend road trip, leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. On our area temps are expected to reach the 100's so we are going to travel north to cooler weather. I think we may even make it to the racetrack to watch the cars go in circles on a dirt track...exciting huh? This will mean I need to plan my drink(s). Do I do a Friday/Saturday one or just wait until I get home on Sunday or skip altogether? That is unclear right now.

    @MissMay how is the garage/studio doing??n any progress on organizing and downsizing?

    Oh the comment I had about not enough food last night, well apparently I found some and the scale said it found where it went, to the tune of 3lbs hahaha

    more later, I am in the midst of changing all my accounts (over 100) from two email address that no longer work to two news ones. It really is a pain and I hope to have my list completed in the next month so I can completely close the old emails out. Right now I have to log into the webhosting service to read them...just not worth it.

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Anyone else try 'Ritual' brand alternative spirits? I'm sipping an AF gin & tonic, and though it doesn't really taste like a regular g & t, I like it. DH does not, he thinks it tastes weird. It has a lot of botanicals, and they try to replace the warmth of the alcohol with heat from spice. Anyway, I'm glad I do like it because a bottle is comparable to the price of a decent gin!

    I have never heard of this brand, but then again we dont get a huge variety up where I live. Glad your enjoying the taste and satisfaction from it.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,644 Member
    I am continuing with my usual goal, 16-20 AF days for the month, diary style

    Sunday Aug 01 - Drinks, planned drinks day - 2 1/2 drinks. Thursday is my next planned drinks day.
    Monday Aug 02 - AF
    Tuesday Aug 03 - AF
    Wednesday Aug 04 - AF - Planned drinks tomorrow night after work
    Thursday Aug 05 - 2 drinks
    Friday Aug 06 - 2 drinks
    Saturday Aug 07 - Drinks - I had planned to be AF, and then my schedule got changed and I am off tomorrow, so going to have a couple tonight.
    Sunday Aug 08 - AF - I get off at 3 on Wednesday and don't go back to work until 5pm on Saturday. Planning drinks for a couple of those days. Haven't even had Mojitos yet this year and the Mint is so perfect right now. That might be on the agenda.
    Monday Aug 09 - AF - Surprise double/split shift. Very tired.
    Tuesday Aug 10 - AF - I will be having drinks on my days off, and finally will have the time to go to a lake or even a motel with a pool. This could be the last few hot days of the season, I was working too much to enjoy the hot weather prior to this. Very excited about getting a few days off. I know that I still want at least 10 more AF days this month.
    Wednesday Aug 11 - Mojitos with a friend out of the mint that I grow, the first of the season. Planned drinks again for Thursday.

    Rolling total: 6AF days out of 11 days
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,334 Member
    Aug 1 AF
    Aug 2 AF
    Aug 3 wine
    Aug 4 wine
    Aug 5 wine
    Aug 6 AF
    Aug 7 AF
    Aug 8 AF
    Aug 9 wine 3 glasses
    Aug 10 wine 4 glasses - went a bit off the rails last night and feel icky this morning. Goal is AF for the next 4 days
    Aug 11 AF
    Aug 12 AF
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited August 2021
    DH is AF tonight (and Tuesday) so his running total is 2 AF for August. This is double last month!

    August accountability: 9/12 days AF
    Alcohol: 3 days (7 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    @Fit_Happens_2021 seems normal lots of people drink to relax or in my case, deal with frustrations, but the physical symptoms you describe sound a bit more intense than the norm, like approaching a panic attack. There's lots one can do to fix this without drinking...possible to change course without much effort.

    I like listening to Pandora - Gregorian "Masters of Chant". It puts me in a mellow state in no time. I play it a lot, like today it will be on all day long while I work and it makes my husband mellow out too. Yoga helps me too as does getting in the daily cardio to sweat out my stress. Otherwise, that stress keep on accumulating and it starts to do internal havoc. I also cut out the 2nd coffee and no caffeine after midday or any type.