Less Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,967 Member
    Thank you for the photos!!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,780 Member
    Thursday is here & finally no rain this morning. Time to go out for a run and start the day right.

    AF this week so far. I've been terrible with the diet this week and working super long hours and haven't lifted a weight in a month or more. Sitting, sitting, sitting....and spreading quickly.

    Hitting the RESET button. Time to get back on track...Vacation coming up in about a month and I need to get myself in working order to be able to hit the trails, otherwise I will be really sore and achy the whole time.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,967 Member
    I am continuing with my usual goal, 16-20 AF days for the month, diary style

    Friday Aug 13 - Drinks. Friday the 13th!! I had intentions to be AF, but just wasn't. Had an awesome day at another lake. Photos to come.
    Saturday Aug 14 - AF - I am at about 50% this month so far, kind of like last month where it was top-loaded with drinks days.
    Sunday Aug 15 - AF - Schedule change and I have the day off tomorrow - this sometimes signals that it would be a good time to have drinks. I think that with working as much as i did all through the spring when days off didn't exist, I became very self-indulgent once they appeared and I knew that I actually had the next day off. Still a good idea for me not to drink if I have work the next day. Refrained today, more for my waistline than any other reason : - )
    Monday Aug 16 - AF - I was up in Kimberley hanging out with my guitar player and bass player. They were having beers and I was offered, but had to drive back to Cranbrook and have a split shift tomorrow, so refrained. Smoky up there too, but seemed a tad less bad with all of the trees pumping out oxygen. Burning eyes are the norm around here.
    Tuesday Aug 17 - AF - Long busy day, a drink would have been nice, but I have to get up in around 6 hours, so AF probably until Friday.
    Wednesday Aug 18 - 2 drinks. It was not a planned drinks day at all, but I was finished work at 3, worked in the garden until 6, and then really enjoyed a couple.
    Thursday Aug 19 - AF - Planned Mojitos with a friend tomorrow evening.

    Rolling total: 11AF days out of 19 days
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,967 Member
    I was raised by parents who had lived through the Depression. I was taught to never throw anything out or be wasteful.
    One of my elder sisters lives the edited life and loves it.
    I just couldn't. I like my stuff too much.
    I guess i am similar to those elderly gentlemen lol.
    I have like 30 bathing suits and only made it to the lake twice this year. I do wear them while gardening to get a tan. I did wear all 30 several times each last summer. Once I can get the time off and go to the Caribbean I will take like 10 swimsuits with me. Really trying to justify my love for too much stuff : - )