So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Zzyyggy, you’ve got me thinking about meatloaf leftovers. I’m going to order a meatloaf sandwich. I’ll join you in a minute, I’m just checking the bakery case for pumpkin pie.

    Okay, got my order in. Great table Zzyyggy. I think we’ve got a view of the entire valley with the farm and orchards all lighted with fairy lights. Beautiful.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Viktor, how are you today? Yes, I’d like to order a chicken salad sandwich with potato chips and bread and butter pickles. I’ll have a Dr. Pepper with dinner and coffee with dessert, please. Dessert? A slice of caramel Dutch apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

    I’ll take the table by the fireplace. It’s 46 degrees outside and that’s cold, at least to me. I need to warm up.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, it's cold around here as well. I'll join you by the fireplace. I'm going to have a huge bowl of french onion soup with lots of bread and butter for dipping. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some devil's food cupcakes with chocolate frosting and an iced mocha. Aaaah the fire feels nice.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda. Mmmmm does it ever smell good in here today. I can sniff the fragrant smells of pumpkin and apple pies coming from the kitchen for tomorrow. The huge grill is all set up for tomorrow's turkies. Tonight for dinner I'm going to have a roast beef grinder with the works, mayo and cheddar cheese, a bag of chips with that please and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have one of those large chocolate chip cookies, and an iced mocha. Maybe tomorrow we can spend the day by the pool swimming, and then have a late lunch or early dinner of turkey and all the fixins.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Zzyyggy, the plans for tomorrow sound great to me. Your grinder sounded so good, I ordered the same thing. Igor just put another log on the fire so let’s go relax in our recliners our cookies and coffees. I like my chocolate chip cookies small and crispy and my coffee hot tonight.

    Zzyyggy, I’ve been getting all my prep work done for dinner tomorrow. I think we’ll manage. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, mmmmm the place smells good, and it's nice and warm in here. Winter has deffinitely arrived here in the North east and it's cold. A swim in the nice warm pool, and then dinner by the fire place should warm me up. I'll have the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes and green beans with a coca cola. For dessert I'll have a slice of apple, and pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha. Happy Thanksgiving Linda.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hey, Zzyyggy. Francois and Viktor outdid themselves, but I ate too much. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    @Dees_Apples_ nice to see you back at the cybercafe.

    The holiday season is in full swing here. Hanukkah starts Monday and then it’s on to Christmas and Kwanza. I raided the cybercafe’s kitchen and had Thanksgiving leftovers earlier this morning. Now it’s time for a piece of sweet potato pie with whipped cream and some whipped cream in my coffee, too.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi everyone. In here early because I'm off to bed early. Welcome back Des-Apples nice order. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the fried scallops with french fries and lots of tarter sauce. A huge bowl of seafood chowder with that please. For dessert I think I'll have some chocolate chip cookies and an iced mocha. After dinner I think I'll read by the cyber fire place.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Ooooh fried scallops, haven't had those in ages! Yes, double the tartar sauce. Add on some really good cole slaw and some sweet potato fries and I'll be waddling out to the pool to order dessert later.

    Thank you!
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Aw, gee, I didn’t make it to the cybercafe yesterday. I got my hair cut and visited with friends. There’s non-virtual ice cream at my house. I’m sure it won’t last long. sigh. I’ll have to swim laps on the cyberpool. Maybe Zzyyggy’s wolf pack will go swimming and I’ll be able to go surfing in the pool. First, I think I’ll take a nap. After that I’ll order the Tijuana Burrito platter and iced tea.

    I know it may seem early for a nap, but when you wake up at 3:00 am, 8:30 am is not too early for a nap. Maybe a swim in the cyberpool this afternoon?
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda it's never too early for a nap. We'll certainly kick up some waves for you. For dinner tonight I'll have a huge slice of prime rib with baked potato and lots of butter. A salad and coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have a brownie with chocolate ice cream dripping with chocolate sauce and an iced mocha. Did anyone say chocolate? Alright Viktor you twisted my arm I'll have some mini m&ms on that as well. Keep them out for Linda.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    M&M’s! It’s probably one of the few things I haven’t eaten in the last three days! I’m going to head on into the cybercafe’s kitchen to raid the refrigerator. I love Thanksgiving leftovers. My sister’s family doesn’t eat leftovers. Mind boggling. There’s obviously a genetic mutation there. Someone needs to help me pull out these containers and then we can just nibble. Oh, an intact drumstick and stuffing. Oh, look extra cans of whipped cream. I must remember that for later when I find the pies. I’m fairly certain there are leftover mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole and broccoli lima bean casserole. Where is the cranberry salad? It’s got to be here somewhere.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, Did you find everything? I could go for some thanksgiving left overs as well. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, the string bean cassarole, and yes cranberry sauce. A coca cola with that please. For dessert a slice of each apple and pumpkin pie with lots of that whipped cream and an iced mocha. Maybe the mocha will wake me up. I'm going to take my dinner in the dining room by the fire place. Winter has arrived in the real world and I've been chilled all day so a hot dinner by the roaring fire will do me good. Maybe I can tempt Linda in with a bowl of mini m&ms.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Zzyyggy, while you’re having winter weather, my weather is warming back up out of the 40’s and 50’s and into the 60’s and 70’s. It’s supposed to be 76 degrees on Friday. I was enjoying our crisp fall weather. Mm, thanks for the mini M&M’s. They’ll pair perfectly with my cafe mocha. I know the leftovers won’t last forever, but it sure was nice to have one more yummy Thanksgiving dinner at the cybercafe.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi everyone, coming in for an evening of dinner and relaxation. I deserve it. I've been busy all day. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a Philladelphia Cheesestake sandwich, I spelled that all wrong I know, an order of onion rings with that and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies and an iced mocha. An evening infront of the big screen tv with popcorn in the lounge sounds great. What shall we watch? As anyone seen the Amazon version of Cinderella. That's a good movie.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Two crepes with strawberries and blueberries topped with whipped cream, and a cortado will do me right

    Okay, I had to look up cortado, @Dees_Apples_ I’ve seen a couple of articles about adding honey to coffee. Have you had a honey bee cortado? I’ve had coffee with steamed milk that had a wonderful caramel flavor. I wonder how the honey would taste.

    Zzyyggy, I haven’t seen Amazon’s Cinderella. I’ve just started watching Cowboy Bebop on Netflix. We have to start watching the Christmas movies. As far as your spelling goes, Sweetie claims there is more than one way to spell a word. As long as you can be understood, what does it matter? Well, except for the autocorrect function. That can lead to some unintended responses! 😯

    Now that I’ve finished my turkey sandwich with coleslaw, stuffing, and cranberry sauce I’m ready for dessert. We didn’t have turkey for Thanksgiving, it’s a good thing Francois made all the classic Thanksgiving dishes. I think I’ll order the caramel popcorn with mini M&M’s while we watch Cinderella.