So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, thought so. I love the pools at the Y with those huge windows letting in the sun when it does shine in the real world. It did this morning and that was nice. Of course the indoor pool at the cyber cafe is all windows, and they can be opened as well. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a porter house steak with baked potato and lots of butter. A salad with that, and a coca cola please. For dessert I could go for a slice of Angel food cake with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha. After swimming this morning I'm pooped.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hey, Zzyyggy. Francois made a cheeseburger and cheesy fries for me earlier, but it’s time for a plate of Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.

    We’ll have to spend the day at the indoor pool tomorrow. Fortunately, there’s a cute little coffee and juice bar right near the entrance to the pool with tables and lots of big potted trees and plants.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    It’s a beautiful late Wednesday afternoon at the cybercafe! Francois made potato cheese soup and there’s warm, crusty bread just out of the oven. I’m heading for one of the tables by the fireplace for dinner. Can’t wait to have the soup and then Christmas cookies and coffee for dessert. I saw a cranberry pecan cake with white chocolate icing in the bakery case on the way in. I might have a piece of that. 🤔
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, I hope I didn't scare everyone else away. That potato and cheese soup sounds good. Today has been really raw outside weather wise so an evening by the cyber fireplace sounds perfect. For dessert I'm going to have a slice of Boston Cream Pie and an iced mocha. Oh Viktor thank you for remembering the coca cola with my dinner.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    It does feel good by the fire tonight, Zzyyggy. Francois made my favorite chocolate mint Christmas cookies. I’m nibbling on those and reading my book. I do actually have to make Christmas cookies this year. Our new neighbors have little kids and I like to make tiny little molasses ginger cookies cut out as gingerbread men for the kids. I had to promise some to my daughter-in-law (the daughter of my heart) because they are her very favorite. She had surgery yesterday and it’s been rough going today, but she’ll be okay. The littlest sweetie had knee surgery last week. He broke a bone there and they had to go in and clean everything up, but once his knee heals it will be better than new. Our little Sweetie (son) has neck surgery just before Christmas, so with all three of them out of commission for Christmas it will be a quiet holiday. We’re planning on making meals and Christmas cookies and running to the store whenever they need us.

    We’re having a cold night tonight. The temperature is already 36 degrees. Our daytime temperatures have ranged from 45 to 75 degrees, while the norm would be in the 50’s and 60’s with nighttime temperatures in the 30’s and 40’s. I’ve enjoyed the weather for the most part except we’ve been moving into moderate drought. The best news though is that we got an inch of rain last night and the fire ban was lifted. They were able to get the two wildfires under control this last weekend and the rain will be a help.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, Hope your family gets on the mend soon. Aren't you glad you can help out though. I think families are the most important thing around. I don't know what I would do without my sisters. Your weather sounds like ours. We had snow today again. It does look pretty though. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the prime rib dinner with baked potato and a salad. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'm going to have a slice of dutch apple pie. I don't know what it is lately but I've been craving all things apply and cheesy. I'll have an iced mocha with that too please. An evening reading by the fire place sounds perfect with hot tea and biscuits or tea cookies.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My great grandfather liked to eat his apple pie with cheddar cheese, Zzyyggy. I could go for some of that about now. There are Christmas cookies in the house that I’m trying to ignore. I’m much better off eating at the cybercafe. Hopefully, the tin of cookies gets sent to the kiddies tomorrow. I’m making some balsamic chicken to drop off, too.

    Viktor, may I please have a cup of tea with my apple pie and cheese?
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, here for dinner. I think I'll have a huge plate of macaroni and cheese, and lots of bread and butter. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies. I think it's going to be an early night to bed today. I'm pooped.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Mm, that macaroni and cheese was yummy. I ate so much of it I can’t move. Good thing I’m already in my recliner. I’ll have to ask Viktor to make sure to wake me up in the morning before customers start coming in.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Good morning all!! I'm in the mood for some obscene nibbling. Start with a Brie appetizer(I'm in the mood for some roasted almonds and maple syrup on top), lots of different kinds of crackers, maybe add some grapes and dates, mixed nuts. :)

    Then I'll think about my dinner.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi ladies, ReenieHJ welcome back. I see Linda slept here during the day. She looks so comfortable in her recliner I may sit in mine after dinner. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a bacon cheeseburger with french fries and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies, and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I didn’t spend the entire day sleeping, Zzyyggy. I was awake enough to nibble on some of ReenieHJ’s appetizers. So good. Plus, Francois made a cheese and freggies platter with my favorite little cheese crackers, too. And I had a bowl of macaroni and cheese between naps. It’s time for coffee and holiday cookies. I might even get a chance to read my book.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi Linda, here for the early early bird special. I'm going to have the roast beef platter with mashed potatoes, peas and lots of gravy. A dinner roll or two and a coca cola would be great. For dessert I'll have some brownies and an iced mocha. Aaah Igor that Christmas tree in the library is just a tad too close to the fire could we move it to the opposite corner. That's the ticket. I do love the stockings over the fire though. Hopefully we don't have any grinches coming to call. I haven't heard of any around these parts.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member

    No grinches, Zzyyggy, but Santa came to visit! Of course, then we ate too many Christmas cookies. I asked Viktor to bring a cheese and fruit and veggie plate and a glass of iced tea for me. I think I need a break from all those cookies.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Oh yes, even *I* think I'm sugared out and that's darn near impossible.

    Lots of ice cold water sounds good right now. :) And I'll just sit and people watch. I've always liked to people watch, imagining what they're like.

    Ahhhhh, sitting back in the recliner, watching people. Watching Viktor. Wondering what happened to that Giraffe waitress in the roller blades. Oooh, that person has a delicious looking bacon cheeseburger over there. Ohhhh Viktor!!! Please could you bring me one too? Maybe if I order fries, she'll reappear. :)
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi ladies, ReenieHJ I think I scared her away with the offer of a free plate of fries. I hope not. She was a good waitress. Linda the Santa in the cradle looks like how I feel some nights. On Sparkpeople Alumni on Facebook Santa is on a diet and we're suppose to leave him carrot sticks and water to munch on. I think the better alternative for him would be power bars to get him through the night. For dinner tonight I think I'll have the Fried Chicken platter with mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have a slice of Devil's food cake with chocolate ice cream and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,195 Member
    If we leave a trail of French fries do you think @PaperDoll_ will follow it? I bet she would prefer apple pie with vanilla ice cream smothered in caramel sauce. Oh, talking about sweet stuff, I made my mini gingerbread people. They’re really molasses ginger cookies. I made them for the little kids across the street and for my daughter-in-law. I had to eat some because some of them didn’t pass inspection. I had forgotten how sweet those little fat bombs are!

    Gee, Zzyyggy, poor Santa. Is nothing sacrosanct? Look at all the stuff I miss because I don’t have Facebook.

    I’m really tired tonight. I think I’ll just have a cup of tea and some carrot sticks (yeah, right) and take a nap in my recliner. Useless has already joined me in my recliner and is purring away.
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,850 Member
    *Looks around the cafe and has a seat.* I have a new job now. Giraffe pole dancing. It pays well. Okay.. fine… people throw nickels at me. But! The cafe is free and I’m hungry. Who’s the waitress here? I heard there were fries. 😋 Also, think they’d notice if I stayed the night and slept here? Rent is expensive and this new job isn’t covering it yet. I have a pillow and my own blanket. Maybe I’ll sleep in the supply closet. 🤔
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    @PaperDoll_ Maybe they'll add poles for dancing in this cafe?? When Santa visits we could talk him into showing off his long red underwear and smooth moves, maybe?

    You could always barter for a place to stay? Nickels aren't going to pay much are they? Maybe you ought to up your pole-dancing routine. Just sayin.....

    Not sure if there is a new waitress in town. Usually we holler at Viktor and ignore his bad shoes. I've also been known to pick up a party tray on the way to the table. But don't tell anyone.

    I'm craving a cheesy veggie omelet this a.m. With crispy hash browns. No sugar for me today. :#
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hi everyone, welcome back Paperdoll. There are rooms upstairs that would rival the finest 5 star hotel. And best of all they are free. Linda you don't miss much not having facebook. Sometimes I think I'll give it up but I like the support from a couple of the groups I'm in. For dinner tonight I think I'll have the meatloaf platter with lots of mashed potatoes and gravy. Corn on the cob with that, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have the assorted mini cupcakes and an iced mocha.