October 2021 - Daily/Weekly Accountability Check-In



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,668 Member

    Good going on staying in One-derland.
    Congrats on your determination : - )
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    My name is Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 54
    MFP starting weight: 149.2 (3/30/21)
    September results: -.2
    September end weight: 135.0
    October starting weight: 134.8
    October goal weight: 132 (maybe this is the month)
    Ultimate goal weight: 128

    10/01 - 134.8 (135.4 trend)
    10/02 - DNW
    10/03 - DNW - 4 mile walk

    10/04 - 136.2 (135.7 trend)
    10/05 - 136.4 (135.8 trend)
    10/06 - 135.2 (135.7 trend)
    10/07 - 135.6 (135.7 trend)
    10/08 - 135.6 (135.7 trend)
    10/09 - DNW
    10/10 - DNW

    10/11 - 139.4 (137.0 trend)
    10/12 - 136.0 (136.9 trend)
    10/13 - 133.8 (136.5 trend)
    10/14 - 132.2 (135.9 trend)
    10/15 - DNW
    10/16 - DNW
    10/17 - DNW

    10/18 - 138.4 ( 137.0 trend)
    10/19 - 136.0 (136.8 trend)
    10/20 - 135.4 (136.7 trend)
    10/21 - DNW
    10/22 - DNW
    10/23 - DNW
    10/24 - DNW

    10/25 - 138.0 (137.2 trend)
    10/26 - 136.6 (137.1 trend)
    10/27 - 136.6 (137.0 trend)
    10/28 - DNW - to be honest, I felt bloated and heavy so I just ignored the scales this morning
    10/29 - 136.6 (136.9 trend) - not going to see goal for sure, probably won't see October 1 weight either. I really dislike the months I end up heavier at the end
    10/30 - DNW - out of town
  • LuckiS32
    LuckiS32 Posts: 156 Member
    @ashleycarole86 Awesome job, you are doing great!
  • LuckiS32
    LuckiS32 Posts: 156 Member
    edited October 2021
    UGW: 175
    Oct SW: 220.3
    Oct GW: 215

    10/1 - 220.3 Ready for a great month. Positive vibes!
    10/2 - 219.4 Need to desperately break out of the 219-220 cycle. Travel day today so I know the scale won’t be happy tomorrow.
    10/3 - 220.8 Expected. Back to tracking my calories and carbs today!
    10/4 - 221.1 Fun with friends so wasn’t surprised.
    10/5 - 220.1 👍🏽
    10/6 - 220.8
    10/7 - 221.1
    10/8 - 221.1 3.25 mile walk completed today
    10/9 - 220.1
    10/10 - 222.7 WTF 🤬 How? Ate within my calorie goal, no snacking which is a big win, and 3 mile walk.
    10/11 - 223.1 😟 4mile walk yesterday
    10/12 - 220.5 🤷🏽‍♀️ Thinking about taking a break from the scale for a few days. It’s been a rollercoaster. We’ll see. It’s such a part of my daily routine.
    10/13 - 223.7 🤔 3 mile walk yesterday
    10/14 - 222.8 Staying on track even if the scale has been sucky
    10/15 - 222.6 Long day yesterday led to some snacking.
    10/16 - 224.5 Not a typo. Enjoyed a wonderful evening at the the Two Michelin star and voted #40 on the world’s best restaurants list, Suhring. I completed a 3.25 walk/run in the morning so maybe it kept me from being 225 😂. Back to the basics today!
    10/17- 224.6
    10/18- 222.9
    10/19 - 224.2
    10/20- 223.3 I’ve been walk/jog the past few days and definitely cut back on snacking. My body has been sore since I’ve started jogging more. I’ve also recently stopped taking my BP meds so I that could also cause some water retention. Even though I know I won’t hit my October goal, I will focus on being lower than I started.
    10/21- 224.4 Too sedentary yesterday and not enough sleep.
    10/22- 226.6 Whew, I need to make some changes. Hurt my toe so I wasn’t able to get in any exercise. Time to refocus, already planned my meals for today. I snacked all day long yesterday so I can only blame myself. I must get back on track!
    10/23- 228.5 Planned and logged my meals yesterday so I am a bit shocked at this number.
    10/24 - 224.8 not sure I believe this number. Probably a little dehydrated
    10/25- 223.8 I hope this sticks!
    10/26- 224.4
    10/27- 221.6 Wait, what?
    10/28- 221.5
    10/29 - 221 My spouse and I are working on moving more throughout the day. I think it has helped me turn things around because it was not looking good for a while.
    10/30 - 223
    10/31 - 221.3 Ended the month 1 pound up from where I started the month, but I learned a lot about my body and I think, what my body may need to lose weight. My November goal will be a repeat. Not discouraged, determined.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,469 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.

    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 145.6
    Challenge Goal: 140.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0

    10/01 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/02 - 144.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.48 miles in 95 mins
    10/03 - 144.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.46 miles in 95 mins
    10/04 - 142.4 at 7:30 a.m. ...5.73 miles in 98 mins
    10/05 - 143.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...6.58 miles in 120 mins
    10/06 - 141.6 at 7:30 a.m. ...rest day
    10/07 - 143.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.33 miles in 94 mins
    10/08 - 143.0 at 8:15 a.m. ...5.77 miles in 105 mins
    10/09 - 142.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...flu shots, B&N and lunch with family
    10/10 - 143.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.42 miles in 109 mins
    10/11 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/12 - 145.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.47 miles in 98 mins
    10/13 - 143.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/14 - 144.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.12 miles in 108 mins
    10/15 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/16 - 143.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.85 miles in 105 mins
    10/17 - 143.4 at 9:30 a.m. ...6.27 miles in 109 mins
    10/18 - 143.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/19 - 144.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.48 miles in 99 mins
    10/20 - 144.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.38 miles in 117 mins
    10/21 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...rest day
    10/22 - 144.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.71 miles in 100 mins
    10/23 - 142.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.07 miles in 108 mins
    10/24 - 142.4 at 7:30 a.m. ...rainy rest day
    10/25 - 143.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/26 - 143.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 105 mins
    10/27 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/28 - 143.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.33 miles in 112 mins
    10/29 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    10/30 - 143.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.37 miles in 112 mins
    10/31 -
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,059 Member
    SW: 134.0# Oct. GW: 131.0#
    10/1: 134.8#
    10/2: 134.8#
    10/3 Travel
    10/4 Travel
    10/5: 135.0#
    10/6: 135.2#
    10/7: 135.0#
    10/8: 134.0#
    10/9: 135.0#
    10/10: 134.0#
    10/11: 134.4#
    10/12: 135.0#
    10/13: 134.4#
    10/14: 134.0#
    10/15: 134.4#
    10/16: 135.0#
    10/17: 134.8#
    10/18: 134.4#
    10/19: 134.0#
    10/20: 133.2#
    10/21: 133.2#
    10/22: 133.6#
    10/23: 133.6#
    10/24: 133.4#
    10/25: 132.8#
    10/26: 133.2#
    10/27: 133.8#
    10/28: 133.8#
    10/29: 133.0#
    10/30: 133.4#
    10/31: 134.0#
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,842 Member
    edited October 2021
    October starting weight: 203.7 (9/30/2021)
    October goal weight: <200 (maybe this is the month) but then again I'll be happy to just maintain!
    Note: Lowest in August 201.1

    Date - Daily WI / 14 day TREND (Happy Scale Smoothing based on change over previous 14 days)
    10/1 - 204.0 / 203.6
    10/2 - 203.7 / 203.7
    Morning WI before starting our road trip.
    10/3 - Vacation DNW
    10/4 - Vacation DNW
    10/5 - Vacation DNW
    10/6 - Vacation DNW
    10/7 - Vacation DNW
    10/8 - Vacation DNW
    10/9 - Vacation DNW
    10/10 - Vacation DNW
    10/11 - Vacation DNW
    10/12 - Vacation DNW
    10/13 - Vacation DNW
    10/14 - Vacation DNW
    10/15 - Vacation DNW
    10/16 - Vacation DNW
    10/17 - Vacation DNW
    Day of reckoning … What’s the damage?
    10/18 - 207.6 /207.5
    Up 3.9 pounds since I left. Lots of walking & hiking 43+ miles for exercise however the opposite of activity was driving 2900 miles … so lots of sitting. Then the rest obviously is revealed in the scale … eating at restaurants 16 days for breakfast lunch & dinner, snacking daily on M&Ms, not enough water, too much alcohol. I’m not surprised. If I had just ordered better and not given into biscuits, fries, etc it would have been much better. But it is what it is. Now to focus and tackle the gain before it gets comfortable.
    10/19 - 207.3 / 207.6
    10/20 - 206.2 / 207.3
    10/21 - 207.1 / 207.3
    10/22 - 206.8 / 207.2
    10/23 - 206.1 / 206.9
    10/24 - 206.8 / 206.9
    10/25 - 205.9 / 206.6
    10/26 - 207.0 / 206.8 - Meals were on point. Hummus & chips, peanut butter, ice cream, king size snickers ... not sure why the 1-5pm timeframe had me munching through all this junk. Scale tells the tale.
    10/27 - 208.9 / 207.4 🎂 Celebrating too much this week
    10/28 - 207.8 / 207.6
    10/29 - 208.5 / 208.0 @ fishing camp 🎣
    10/30 - 207.9 / 208.0 @ fishing camp 🎣
    10/31 - 209.0 @ fishing camp 🎣

    Completely disappointed in myself gaining 5.3 pounds this month.
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited October 2021
    October Starting Weight: 158.6
    October Goal Weight: 154
    October Ending Weight: 152.2

    10/16: 158.6
    10/17: 157
    10/18: 156
    10/19: 156.6
    10/20: 155.6
    10/21: 155.6
    10/22: 155
    Week 1 Loss: -4.2

    10/23: 154.4
    10/24: 154.2
    10/25: 153.6
    10/26: 153.6
    10/27: 153.4
    10/28: 153
    10/29: 152.4
    Week 2 Loss: -2

    10/30: 152.4
    10/31: 152.2
    Loss for Month: -6.4
