

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,137 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Breakfast at hotel this morning has given me a tummy ache. 🙁 Ohwell

    Our son is coming today. Despite 3 pfizer shots for each of us and flu shots, he insists taking us somewhere to prove whether we have the virus. I’m not very happy with our son just now. I don’t feel “the love.” 😕

    He's taking care of you and his family. :heart:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,137 Member
    Katla - So sorry you are forced to wait to see your new grandchild. It will be worth it in the end. <3

    I spent the morning talking to my old yoga friend on the phone. Lovely long conversation. She has 'down below' problems which are proving hard to fix. I think I cheered her up.
    Of course, that meant I did not type up my article. But I had been promising to phone her for a week, so I needed to do that.

    Zoom at 4 with my girlfriends.

    I'm firming up my travel arrangements for Wednesday and should get to Nottingham early or mid afternoon. My son will collect me and we will wander to a pub for a swift drink before we get on the tram to his girlfriend's house and go out for a meal. He has booked a vegetarian restaurant.

    I have started the transfer of some of my savings funds so that I can pay for next Spring's cruise in the next couple of weeks. It's a big chunk of the money I received as part of my divorce package in 1998, but you only live once! And, at my age, life and health are very uncertain. One more fall like DH had and it's bye bye cruising. Seize the day!

    I also remembered just in time that it's DSIL's birthday on Saturday. Arranged for some flowers to be delivered. <3

    Paid the window cleaner. So all is good. Now to do some bonus rowing before I put my face on for the Zoom.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    With Europe going back into lockdown now are you going to be able to cruise?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Tom got results back from vet all clear for both urine and blood so we think poor Homie has the beginnings of doggie dementia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 29min 31sec, 92elev, 81ahr, 98mhr, 3.38ap, 5.07mi= 455c
    Strava app= 612c
    Zwift home spin bike- 35min 17.31amph, 214elev, 107aw, 65arpm, 136ahr, 157mhr, 10.1mi= 318c
    Zwift app= 215c
    Walk home to gym- 10.59min, .51mi= 50c
    Strava app= 63c
    Treadmill jog- 29.39min, 6.2-7.3sp, 9.15min mi, 134ahr, 176mhr testing pace of new music to add to jogging playlist so it wasn’t a continual run,, 3.20mi= 281c
    Walk gym to home- 9.23min .54mi= 51c
    Strava app= 66c

    Total cal 1155
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    edited November 2021
    :) still lingering at jury duty because of covid protocols, my group had a break for over three hours while another group of potential jurors is interviewed I decided not to drive home but instead alternated periods of walking and sitting in my car reading. I finished my library book , have almost finished my audio book, and just got to an eating part in my e book.

    :smile: Katla, you are fortunate that your so will even allow you in his house since he is so cautious

    :)Allie I am surprised that Tracy and her family aren't better protected considering your health and the arrival of a baby.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,137 Member
    edited November 2021
    Machka9 wrote: »
    This past weekend's camping trip.
    Our pre-voyage meal, waiting for the ferry, and on board the ferry to take us over to the island ...


    I'm writing a story about the trip which I'll post later. :)

    Machka in Oz

    BTW - those are the bicycles we took with us. :)

    Mine is the purple one (behind) and my husband's is the orange one (in front).

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Took yogi to the vet because his “rogue nipple” (on his chest area) got inflamed/swollen and he scraped it somehow which probably got it infected. Gave me this ointment that has steroids in it and if it goes down, that will be that. 2nd option will be is to chop it off which is a quickie process. Trying the ointment first.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,014 Member
    Got some of the living room decluttering done- trying to put all the craft/sewing supplies that I am not using right now packed up in totes so i have room to put the Christmas decorations up on Friday/Saturday.
    Thinking about my aunt today. She is the last of the ten kids in my dad's family-until 12/30 of last year, it was just her and dad. Today is the 14th anniversary of the death of her daughter. Her son, who was just two months older than me passed away 20 yrs ago and now they are waiting for the biopsy for her only surviving kid, her youngest son, for possible mouth cancer. I would be shocked if it wasn't. He has chewing tobacco in there all the time. She has also survived(or divorced) I think 4 husbands.

    Have Zumba tonight but not Wed. Sure hope my energy goes up because right now, I am dragging.

    Dh is picking up salmon tomorrow for our Thanksgiving dinner. Don't want him to have to brave the big Asian market on Wed. after working a full shift super early Wed. morning(goes in at 1AM). Not the typical Thanksgiving meal but that is what works for the three of us. Salmon, shrimp(either scampi or Kung Pao shrimp,) fried rice plus most likely mac and cheese and deviled eggs and steamed broccoli. May see if I can do just the fried rice and not the mac and cheese(and just do that another night for son.- we don't need two carbs and they both love my fried rice)

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,137 Member
    Good morning.

    The surgeon removed my drain tube yesterday. Youch. That was incredibly painful, and the site still hurts quite a bit, but I am trying to deal with it with just tylenol. I have been taking Norco and/or Vicodin, but I get so nervous about the opiods, that I have stopped taking them. Hubby is not happy about that, but I would rather put up with the pain now than deal with addiction later.

    Still no news on the biopsy of the material they removed. The surgeon said if she hasn't heard by Monday, she will give the lab a call.

    Other than that, I don't do much but sit, walk a little, sleep, watch Vera, play on my computer, and make some light food. One of my colleagues brought us a salmon dinner last week which was very thoughtful and very delicious. He had caught the salmon and grown all the sides -- scalloped potatoes, green beans, and acorn squash.

    Many people have told me to call if I need anything, but now I truly understand how empty that phrase is. I had read a lot about that phrase, how it puts the burden on the suffering person, whether it is grief or healing. I appreciated so much that my salmon colleague just texted me and said "I'm bringing you one of my coho for dinner, which night is best, Monday or Tuesday?" His mother is also dealing with breast cancer right now, so he knew exactly what to do, and it was perfect.

    Thinking about all of you often, as I sit here in my recliner and convalesce.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    I hope you continue to heal and that you hear news about the biopsy soon.

    You're absolutely right about:
    "Many people have told me to call if I need anything, but now I truly understand how empty that phrase is. I had read a lot about that phrase, how it puts the burden on the suffering person, whether it is grief or healing."

    I got that a lot with my husband's situation.

    I also see "don't be afraid to ask for help" included in many stress reduction advice lists (as shown in the images below) and it has become a pet peeve of mine.
    1) It implies that the stress is our fault. If we just asked for help, our stress would be relieved, but we're too ... weak, shy, afraid, or whatever to ask for help.
    2) It puts the burden on the suffering person (as you say). I need to figure out what I need and when I need it and then articulate that to someone who might be able to provide me with whatever in a timely manner. That's a lot of thinking and planning on my part!!
    3) We can ask ... but that doesn't mean we're going to get help. In fact, it becomes very frustrating when we do ask and ask and ask but there is no help available and people/organisations start becoming annoyed with the asking.


    I really appreciated one my work friends who came and got me from the hospital and took me out for coffee, and who drove me home from the hospital a couple times, and who gave me a container of soup that lasted about 3 meals.
    And another work friend gathered Worker's Compensation information, arranged for me to meet someone to walk me through the process and came with me to the first meeting with that person. She was able to listen and ask questions that I couldn't even think of then.
    In both cases, I didn't have to think or plan or ask.

    I'm glad to hear that you've got a similar colleague who understands.

    I'm in the process now of trying to get help from Carer Gateway, the caring organisation here in Australia. But the hoops I have to jump through are something else!! I'm currently weighing up how much I want help. They keep telling me to ask for help (and almost spamming me with email), but when I do, I'm told I have to do these 10 things (or whatever) to get help and they don't really have what I want/need.

    Machka in Oz

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,514 Member
    November: leaner/stronger/kinder than October.
    Chose well: BP, dogs to powerline,
    Bonus: 2 hrs lopping brush and lifting into burn barrel
    Just one thing:
    23: Set aside a regular time to pursue an activity you love: line dance practice? Walking dogs? Baking Christmas cookies?

    Margaret our cell phone service does not offer the option of paper invoices. To feed my hardcopy habit I have to log into my account, copy and paste the online statement into a word document to print it. There isn’t even a download to pdf or print from online option. We get cable and internet from the same company and next month will be our last paper statement in the mail. :rage:
    Vicki sending good thoughts for your DH’s dr. appointment. That’s a long stretch of work, hope the holiday keeps things quiet and not hectic.
    Pip OWW! Poor Yogi!
    Katla hooray!
    Michele safe travels.

    Joe helped with the brush pile, moving the stuff closer to the burn barrel so I didn’t have to. We are perhaps one third through the pile. Will keep chipping away at it and hope to be done before the ok-to-burn season ends. Depends on having calm dry days in between the rainy ones.

    Lighter, lovelies!2faqkelvhd8d.gif
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    FYI- just so you all know, yogi feels no pain, not even when I touch it to put the ointment on.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited November 2021
    Barbara you are right certain businesses will only do billing through e-mail. Another reason why important to have this kind of info for estate planner.

    Cable was one of the worst to deal with when dealing with son's accounts. Trying to get a live person to talk to was awful. I did learn when an employee says they have to check some info to give them five minutes and if they do not get back to me to hang up and try to get another employee. I think they use that technique when they do not know how to help you. Getting the right person to help you saves a tremendous amount of frustration.

    Macha spot on about help. Unfortunately I think sometimes people just to not know how to help. I do remind myself they are mean well. It is sometimes just easier to lay low when going through a difficult time. Just the energy it took to try and tell the other person what I was going through was too much. Sometimes their reaction to what I was going through also became another layer. My situation triggered their anxiety. Learning to say no without guilt is the best present I have given myself.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,137 Member
    Barbara you are right certain businesses will only do billing through e-mail. Another reason why important to have this kind of info for estate planner.

    Cable was one of the worst to deal with when dealing with son's accounts. Trying to get a live person to talk to was awful. I did learn when an employee says they have to check some info to give them five minutes and if they do not get back to me to hang up and try to get another employee. I think they use that technique when they do not know how to help you. Getting the right person to help you saves a tremendous amount of frustration.

    Macha spot on about help. Unfortunately I think sometimes people just to not know how to help. I do remind myself they are mean well. It is sometimes just easier to lay low when going through a difficult time. Just the energy it took to try and tell the other person what I was going through was too much. Sometimes their reaction to what I was going through also became another layer. My situation triggered their anxiety. Learning to say no without guilt is the best present I have given myself.

    That brought back memories of me screaming into the phone trying to get someone who knew what they were doing. That's not the now me, but WOW I channelled my late-teen hormonal me in those first few months after my husband's accident!

    It is difficult for everyone to know what to do. It is/was very difficult for me to articulate what I needed. It actually took me 3 years to figure it out. And it is/was very difficult for others to figure out what might be useful.

    Nevertheless, it does seem that things with a low level of responsibility on my part were the best choices, like handing me a container of soup or taking me out for coffee.

    One of the issues I'm having now is that I would like to be able to access house cleaning 3 or 4 times a year. I don't need it more often than that because we can handle it in general. But 3 or 4 times a year, we have a rental inspection which makes my husband very stressed and thus makes me stressed. I would like to have a house cleaning service turn up and do the house on a day anywhere from about 1 to 4 days in advance.

    The carer's service here says that they can hook people up with house cleaning services.


    Except ... in order to do that, I need to meet in person with someone from the carer's service. I need to fill out a form and obtain proof of our household income to ensure it is below a certain threshold. It is well below but nevertheless I need to provide current tax statements ... which means I need to get my taxes done (OK, I did that part). Then I need to arrange for my husband to have yet another assessment to prove that he requires care ... nevermind the fact that he's gone for numerous assessments already. An assessment will cost us anywhere from a couple hundred to a few thousand depending on how thorough they want the assessment to be, and it means I will likely need to take half a day or a day off work to accompany him. Then, we'll be signed up for an aged care service (because apparently they're the only ones who have people who do house cleaning) and we will have to provide as much advanced notice as we can because they're often booked months in advance ... but we don't get notice of the rental inspection until about 10 days to 2 weeks in advance.

    I think there are one or two more steps in there ... my eyes started to glaze over when the girl went through them all with me and when she stopped talking the only thing in my head was "nevermind, I'll do it myself".

    Sigh. This asking for help business is not easy!

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Machka - The cruise isn't until mid March. I'm hoping things will have settled down by then. It's mainly Spain and Italy, which have good vaccination rates. There is one night in Tunis, (North Africa) which may be a problem. I don't like handing over all that money, but they are well-insured and guaranteed. Last year we got back our money from them on two cruises when they couldn't sail. It does make me a bit nervous though.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept well and have car packed,Alfie knows something is going on and is stuck to me like glue...he will be spolied rotten so I have no fear there.
    Have to pick up Doris at 9 and off we go...
    We always have a great time ,and plan on the same this time.. me im not buying stuff i dont need.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited November 2021
    Had a bit of a wrestle with the printer, grrrr, but managed in the end to print out a card with my photo of the seagull, enhanced by the Polish app. I will be giving it to my son tomorrow.
    It's not perfect, but

    Also managed to get the article sent off to the Huffington Post. We will see....

    Total chaos this morning with taking the kids to school. Happy chaos! I got there quickly with Max and Edie and DH was a long way behind with Bea. It's a 30 min walk for an adult. All in a good mood though.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx