

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Katla - So sorry you are forced to wait to see your new grandchild. It will be worth it in the end. <3

    I spent the morning talking to my old yoga friend on the phone. Lovely long conversation. She has 'down below' problems which are proving hard to fix. I think I cheered her up.
    Of course, that meant I did not type up my article. But I had been promising to phone her for a week, so I needed to do that.

    Zoom at 4 with my girlfriends.

    I'm firming up my travel arrangements for Wednesday and should get to Nottingham early or mid afternoon. My son will collect me and we will wander to a pub for a swift drink before we get on the tram to his girlfriend's house and go out for a meal. He has booked a vegetarian restaurant.

    I have started the transfer of some of my savings funds so that I can pay for next Spring's cruise in the next couple of weeks. It's a big chunk of the money I received as part of my divorce package in 1998, but you only live once! And, at my age, life and health are very uncertain. One more fall like DH had and it's bye bye cruising. Seize the day!

    I also remembered just in time that it's DSIL's birthday on Saturday. Arranged for some flowers to be delivered. <3

    Paid the window cleaner. So all is good. Now to do some bonus rowing before I put my face on for the Zoom.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited November 2021
    October was so busy for me I missed a payment. For some reason this company chose this month to stop sending a paper statement. I used that as my reminder to pay that bill. I called them to reinstate the paper billing. Now I have it on my calendar too. I do not want all my bills to be automatic. Some because it helps me monitor their price increases and some because it makes it easier to cancel the service.

    I am going over our finances with younger son because he will help settle the estate. One of the first thing I have in the book is to cancel any services no longer needed. They will continue to charge until you close the account. Another reason I want some paper bills. They won't fall through the cracks so easily. I am outling how bills are paid so it will make it easier to settle the estate. Also have your estate manger have ways to find and deal with accounts. It is hard enough even with all the info. Yes needs to be someone you trust. Best person is who you have as power of attorney.

    Fortunately the service fee was relatively low $10 for the bill I missed.

    Son and are taking about 20-30 minutes at a crack to go over things. Next step is together revamp the information so it is easier for the person to follow. The first thing we will plan is where to find things needed..keys, tax files, where is the will (trust) list of companies to maintain property, etc.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    Allie: - You had such an eventful year. Let’s hope things are quieter from now on.

    Machka- You look radiant.

    I’m feeling rather tender in the abdomen area after my appointment on Friday so taking things easy today.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Katla I am living in one of hot spots of the nation. It astounds me how lack some are becoming because of burnout. Your son is on the other end of the spectrum. I know it a pain, but hopefully you can look at it as to be proud of how protective he is being of his child. Even with shots a person can be a carrier.

    I am due for my booster Friday. Glad I scheduled this before opened to all. Because we are such a hot spot I have changed they way I conduct the things I do until things settle a bit. Our hospitals are full which scares me for DH who is struggling with his cancer. So far he can do day to day tasks. They do take him three times as long.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Katla - Your son is trying to do everything he can to protect his newborn. Being vaccinated does not make you safe. It makes you safer. Try to see his side. If you get to hold your newborn grandson after getting tested again, it will be worth it.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited November 2021
    Look what Bea chose for reading tonight! My DDIL sent the pic. My book WELL I NEVER is there and also DH's daughter’s book, (by Becky Ward. ) :p:D

    I also found a way to transfer my phone writing to my laptop and Word. I copied and pasted it into a draft email, then, on my laptop, copied the draft email and pasted it into Word. :p

    Will send the article off tomorrow.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Breakfast at hotel this morning has given me a tummy ache. 🙁 Ohwell

    Our son is coming today. Despite 3 pfizer shots for each of us and flu shots, he insists taking us somewhere to prove whether we have the virus. I’m not very happy with our son just now. I don’t feel “the love.” 😕

    Your son is being careful. I bet the family has been in quarantine and have all been tested in anticipation of your arrival, to protect you as you are protecting them. Knowing you are all safe will make for a more joyous and carefree time together. Have fun!

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Katla,here is hoping all goes off without a hitch...i dont know what my daughter plans on doing..neither she nor Carmine have the vaccination and i knoe Kyle has at least the 2 but he got soooo sick with both of them i think thats what sent Carmine the no go on it..but she is in school full of kids ,she could bring home something.. ill be there while Tracy is at the hospital, and im hoping to be able to go up to see the baby they are aloud 1 visitor ,so we shall see..
    Thats 7 weeks away.. im not worried about it for the time being..
    I had a burst of energy after my day of rest yesterday..2 loads of laundry,packed most of my stuff ,baked cranberry orange muffins ,went and took care of Homer and cleaned out my car ,did dishes and did a couple of hours on the afghan...
    That sucker is heavy,but it sure will be warm.I did pick up the yarn to start Tracy's
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Beth--So sorry to hear about your dad and mom. Pray things improve soon. Glad to hear they are going to let you talk with the doctors.

    Tracey--What fun socks. I have a DGS that likes different kinds of socks, so everytime I see some fun ones I buy them. Have a box ready to mail for Christmas. Really like your outside decorations. Christmas is my time of year and DH has learned to just go with it. I am not sure how much outside will get done with him feeling so worn out all the time. HE is at the doctor this afternoon so will see what they say is next.

    I am so proud I have all my shopping done and wrapped. Have one box to finish getting ready to mail. My spare room has no where to walk, but I am done. We will decorate this coming Sunday. Then work on Christmas cards.

    Flea--How thoughtful of your friend. I understand how easy it is to say just let me know what I can do. I really have to rethink and just do something. Thanks for putting it that way. Hope you are feeling better and get good report this week.

    Katla--Glad you are safe and looking forward to meeting the new grandbaby. Looking forward to pictures. I can understand why you are getting frustrated, I just pray it all goes well and you get a visit that makes up for all the stress you have had the last couple days and the whole time planning this trip.

    Allie--With all you have gone through this last year, I am grateful you are still with us and getting better everyday.

    Well going to be a long week as I work everyday until Saturday. Everyone enjoy your day and pray we all remember all we have to be Thankful for.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND,NE <3
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Good morning. It's great they have temporarily reinstated some of the things we had before. Unfortunately, it seems that there will be changes. But hopefully they're going to listen to us in the future.
    Allie: - Good for you, for being sympathetic to Carmine. It isn't necessarily a permanent thing. I know that our younger girl, who was a bit of a tomboy, insisted on being called Robert for a short period of time when she was about 9 years old. We were advised to indulge her. The teenage years are a difficult period for some as they try to find who they are and what they are. 👍🏻 For the back pay.
    Machka: - You have made a good job of that gravel path. I hope your family in BC stay safe.
    Beth: - I hope your mum gets to see your dad. It's difficult at this stage when you live so far away, and doubly difficult for you because of your mobility problems at the moment. (((Hugs)))
    Rebecca: - I think what Barbara says is very helpful. It is sad that she has made herself ill with her life choices. There are times when there's just nothing you can do to help people, they have to want to help themselves.
    Debbie: 😲That pomegranate is enormous
    Heather: - it's because we can hand grandkids back 😂 Couldn't do that with our own kids when it got too much. Kelly puts it very well. Grandlove is a grand feeling to give and receive. 😍 The dress and cape for Bea.

    Very true! I noticed with my attitude lately, that I have distanced myself from her, just to keep myself healthy. I cannot help her anymore.💖😔
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    November: leaner/stronger/kinder than October.
    Chose well: Mon: dermatologist, chose to stay over in Grants Pass as too tired to drive in rainy, windy, dark. Tues: emailed grant application. Wed: caught up 3 days readings, BP, dogs to powerline, Shadow to vet for new cone, dog group.
    Bonus: Mon: Winco, Wal~Mart, Natural Grocers, TJ’s. Tues: unpacked, put away, organized. filled in RothIRA paperwork. Wed: one load laundry.
    Just one thing:
    16: Look at life through someone else’s eyes and see their perspective. Ugh. This is hard.
    17: Try a new way to practice self-care and be kind to yourself. Walk instead of wine today.
    18: Connect with someone from a different generation. Time to email M.

    Will take awhile to catch up. All ok at dermatologist, don’t have to go back ‘til Feb. Took Joe’s advice and stayed over as too tired to drive in rainy, windy dark. Right choice for safety; for burdening Joe with Shadow’s care, not so much.

    Katla safe travels, easy delivery, happy healthy baby and mama.
    Rebecca saw that blown over big rig on the bridge on the news Monday night. Scary! Also so much flooding, was worried about Barbie.
    Machka how big is your property? It looks so much larger than I had in my mind.
    Allie brava for loving Carmine through this tough time. As if being a teenager weren’t hard enough. Carmine is blessed to have you and so are we. Thankful anniversary.
    Lisa I think that water close to the house is Evelyn’s. Our creek is at the bottom of a very steep ravine. We can hear it but not see it from the house.
    Karen O M G. Copperhead bites and triage that isn’t? Just WOW.
    Debbie, chiming in with Julie about the guy living on your Mom’s property. Doesn’t sound wise. Hope his son finds him a situation soon. Could it be time to gently remind your mom about the plan for you to spend more time there? To ask her to keep “your” bedroom for you?? IMHO You need to be able to retreat to that bedroom at will and your mom needs you more than loud, inconsiderate boarders or creepy squatters.
    Kelly “grand love” diary entry. Beautifully said. :heart:

    Anyone heard from Kylia lately?

    Lighter, lovelies!kvw435xbdpxg.gif
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    Thank goodness the bridge was revamped recently, and the railings were new, and strong. Now the posts separating the walkway from the roadway are bent though. Our drive to Mt Vernon was nice, no flooding anywhere except in the fields.
    Presently in Vancouver, WA😊👍
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Worked then went to senior bowling. Ceramics tonight

    Trying making sweet potatoes in the convection oven. They were on sale for 29 cents/pound. I figure I can cook them up, freeze them before we go.

    We’re planning on leaving tomorrow around 8-8:30. I think at work they thought I was leaving Wednesday and that I’d be at work tomorrow. Nope, we’re leaving tomorrow to arrive Wednesday. So they asked me to do extra prep which I had no problem with. Had I not had to do that, I probably would have left around 10:30. As it is I left around 11. But I did extra lettuce, I peeled extra onions and did extra cheese.

    Katla – I’d be upset, too.

    Margaret – I know Jess has a calendar just for her bills. She marks down when they’re due

    Making the sweet potatoes in the convection oven. I need to get more comfortable with mine.

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went into work today at a little after 5. Got most everything done. I had told them before that I had a MD appt. What I didn’t get done, they said not to worry about coming back. So I went to Food Lion, got milk and sweet potatoes (they’re on sale for 29 cents/pound). Now have yogurt in the IP. Prebowled for when we’re in Iowa. We just finished putting out the “fence” for christmas

    Spoke to the doc about my leg hurting when I walk. He suggested taking ibuprofed. I realized that since I started working 5 days/week, I tend not to change my inserts from one set of shoes to another. So I’m going to try being extra-vigilant about doing this and see what happens. Why do docs always immediately suggest medication???

    Allie – you’re doing a wonderful job

    Rebecca – one thing I wish (but I know it can’t happen) is the every doctor have access to one patient portal. This way one doc would see that another doc prescribed pain pills so won’t. But I know that won’t happen

    Got my flu shot and pneumonia. You know, a few years ago all you’d see are signs “get your flu shot here” Now all you see are “get your COVID shot here”. I almost forgot about the flu shot!

    SueBDew – the reason I’m having trouble getting exercise in is because I was always a “first thing in the a.m. exerciser”. If it doesn’t get done first thing in the morning, I find every excuse in the book not to do it. I thought if at least I could go to the gym on the weekends, that might help. But as it turns out, they don’t open early. For some reason, I don’t seem to mind taking a walk – IF the weather cooperates You know what I’m looking forward to going to see Jess (in add’n to seeing her). Being able to exercise at the hotel. The work I do is prepping the lettuce, tomatoes, onion, cheese and pickles at a local Burger King. OK, not that glamorous. But it works for me. It’s 5 minutes from my house. To a certain extent I can make my own hours. Like last week I needed to go for a blood test. I usually get to work around 7 but that day it was OK to go in at 8:30. Today I had a MD appt at 9 so I went in at 5 and did most of the things. I don’t want to work 8 hours/day. I want to spend time with Vince. I’m usually done to 3-1/2 hours or so. To me, that is enough

    Katla – safe travels

    Margaret - if I remember correctly, in July of this pandemic, they were suggesting putting out Christmas decorations to make people feel better.

    Barbie – whenever we’ve had a problem with Chewy, they’ve always responded positively. Like there was one time we ordered cat food and cat treats. Well, the container of cat treats broke and they were all over. Chewy sent us another container.

    All 9 of the Christmas trees are up and the lights are on a few.

    Michele NC

    Yes, that would be helpful huh! I envision that we will have chips in our hands with all our health history, in the far future.🙃😊
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited November 2021
    Michele making a calendar for bills is part of my plan with son. Many are automatic still I want the timing too so easier to know which bills to cancel first. Some like water and trash are four times a year. Car insurance twice. Home once. Home taxes twice. It will need to be a year calendar. Late fees can add up quickly. Doing this will help me too to make sure bills are paid on time. I admit having so many automatic and paper and e-mail reminders made me complacent in my system.

    Making progress in clean out. I got about a third of attic done. Now that cold weather is here I will have to wait until spring. Now I will turn attention to basement. I did get through Christmas decorations. Had three give away boxes and I still have one thinking box. I put out about half of what I usually have out. I did take another box to son's to do some decorating over there since I go over there almost every day.

    Finally got my Sunflower painting to my cousin. She posted it on Facebook with a lovely Thank you.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla sorry for the frustration! People that are vaccinated can carry Covid as easily as non vaccinated. They can even get covid! My DH's daughter that was double vaccinated and had the booster shot now has Covid. My Daughter in law's Mom and dad both double vaccinated and her with the booster both got covid. Your son is just protecting your new Grandson 💞 I'm sure you will be over joyed very soon when you get to meet him 💞

    <3 Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member