Less Alcohol ~ DECEMBER 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    @Womona - what about making mini-quiches in a nonstick pan - like a muffin pan? You can make different kinds and add spinach and red bell pepper so the look has green and red specks... very holiday-ish. And anyone into working out loves eggs. I'd make one tray with sausage bits in it and one with vegs. I'll bet the "healthy" people will hit the sausage ones first :).

    My other go-to is just boiling 2 lbs x-large shrimp and making a shrimp cocktail platter.


    OMG that’s such a great idea! Thank you!
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    Good eve

    1. @MissMay thank you so much for the Christmas vibe and I love love love the snowflake. Please add that to the gallery
    2. I found my Christmas decorations. Sometimes DH can throw me off my game when he moves things and oops.....forgot to tell me 11 months ago.

    So not much going on today at our household. I did get in a nap then the grind of the week starts at least through Wednesday. I have the holiday meals planned and most things bought. Need to wrap a few last minutes things.

    Then I am going to start to look at travel plans for the spring. Just what I need a week away.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    Interesting! A Mocktail Box :) Mixology for non-alcoholic cocktails with everything needed to make that month's recipes.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    Hi : - )

    Going for my usual goal of 16-20 AF days, Diary style

    Friday December 17 - Drinks. Prosecco and cheese followed by Beef Vindaloo, chicken pakora, and another drink.
    Saturday December 18 - AF. I had an awesome time shoveling and stuff, felt like having a drink afterward (cocoa with bailey's and grand marnier) but resisted because I didn't want to be puffy for the holiday party that begins at 9pm Sunday night.
    Sunday December 19 - Drinks - 2. It is going to be challenging over the next couple of weeks with plans to meet up with different friends for drinks. I plan AF for Monday and Tuesday.

    Rolling Total: 13AF days out of 19 days.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    15/19 days AF. I wasn't planning to drink last night, but one of my feral cats has been very sick and hadn't improved much since seeing the vet on Thursday. I couldn't get him back to the vet over the weekend and I was just consumed by worry that he would take a turn for the worst before our appointment this morning. I had a single (admittedly large) glass of wine strictly for the fuzziness.

    Fortunately, he improved overnight, even jumping up on the bed at 3:00 AM to nap with me. This morning he has no fever, so they gave him a shot of B12 and told me to stay the course. No wine tonight!

    Tomorrow will be another story. I am flying out to spend the holidays with my sister and her family. I am a nervous flyer to begin, so I will probably be half-drunk by the time I board. :lol: Once there, I have no illusions about staying sober. I will be 16/27 days by the time I get back.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Received a call this afternoon from a client I was with earlier in the day.

    "Wanted you to know I just tested positive for COVID" she said.

    Merry (blank) Chirstmas 😭

    I'm having a drink

    Ugh. I hope hope hope you didn’t catch it!!!!!! Maybe the alcohol will kill the virus???? Haha!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    Another AF day (2 in a row!). Annoying day at work, is love a drink, ans even have enough calories for it, but I really need to get back to sleep I through them night again. Alcohol messes with that, so I’ll just not do it.

    @Mouse_Potato glad the cat is feeling better. I can only imagine how worried you were. Good luck on the flight and on your trip. Don’t worry about being AF, being mindful about it is a big step forward.
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    @MissMay :'( Fingers crossed you don't get it.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,607 Member
    AF last night and I also did my first Caroline Garvan workout (youtube). It's the real deal.

    I hope nobody here catches Covid. In the U.S., the at-home 15 min test kits are now available. Some communities are giving them out for free otherwise they should be for sale at the pharmacy. I'm grabbing one or two.

    I gave up...the way this is going, it's possible I will catch it spending Christmas with 2 family members in health care who see lots of sick patients and one is a teacher with lots of unvaccinated kids. This gang is going to church (not me) where they will sing with a thousand plus more people, most who just got off a plane from a colder state. EEK!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,607 Member
    Wanted to add what's my "easy" how to boost my immunity during the holidays game plan. I committed to myself to do this:

    1-Sleep more (add an hour in the morning)
    2-Meditate 10 min after exercise
    3-Laugh more (funny movies at night) - yes laughter is supposed to increase white blood cell count, who knew?
    4-Drink 2 Pellegrino litres a day (I bought a ton in preparation).

    All of the above should help me be at my best. The idea is to focus on something easy and do-able. Yes I will delay drinks as much as possible too.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    Hi : - )

    Going for my usual goal of 16-20 AF days, Diary style

    Friday December 17 - Drinks. Prosecco and cheese followed by Beef Vindaloo, chicken pakora, and another drink.
    Saturday December 18 - AF. I had an awesome time shoveling and stuff, felt like having a drink afterward (cocoa with bailey's and grand marnier) but resisted because I didn't want to be puffy for the holiday party that begins at 9pm Sunday night.
    Sunday December 19 - Drinks - 2. It is going to be challenging over the next couple of weeks with plans to meet up with different friends for drinks. I plan AF for Monday and Tuesday.
    Monday December 20 - AF - Planned AF for Tuesday.

    Rolling Total: 14AF days out of 20 days.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    @MissMay - Prayers that you don't get covid but if you do that it is a VERY LIGHT case.