2022 Cycling Challenge



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Mar 7 - Peloton ride for a total of 9.98 miles
    Previous - 756.32

    YTD - 766.30/2022
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    Peloton - 14.46
    Previous - 743.01
    YTD - 757.47
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Home late, but got it in

    Prev: 308.16
    Peleton: 13.16

    Total: 321.32

  • Sparticus_2022
    Sparticus_2022 Posts: 23 Member
    Peloton 20.79

    Previous 113.04

    YTD 133.83
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Took yesterday off after demolishing my knee. Got in a ride on Zwift today - all ladies group rides are quite fun. :smile:

    Ride - 9.36
    Previous - 1093.68

    Year Total - 1103.04/2022

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Head just wasn’t in it tonight. Feel like a failure…

    Prev: 321.32
    Peleton: 5.60

    Total: 326.92

    Repeat it girl - the only bad ride is the one you didn't do!!!

    Hate those moments but you are NOT a failure

    No ride here today.. hoping to get back at it tomorrow!
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    @pridesabtch - Tomorrow's a new day....you are not a failure!

    No ride today. Had a great Yoga class with a new instructor!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,225 Member
    @pridesabtch - Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens to us all.

    Two rides done for the week.

    Previous 711.10
    Today 20.06
    YTD 731.17
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Thanks y'all!

    Prideful me is struggling with my current level of fitness. I know I'm getting stronger on the bike, but the progress is soooooo slow. I tried to take an FTP Test on the Peleton (aka "damn bike") and I totally failed. My head was not in the right space and I crashed and burned. Didn't make it 5 minutes into the test before I quit. I suppose I went out too hard, but the level I was riding at seemed so pathetic... It was awful. I pulled out of the test and tried to do a simple recovery ride, which I also bailed on. True I ate just before riding, which was not smart, but still I should have done better. I'm struggling mightily today to accept where I am fitness wise, but it's hard for me seeing how far I've fallen off the pace. From doing TT 6 years ago to struggling to go aero on my bike.

    Anyway, I hope I can get my head on straight and let this go and get back at it this evening. Maybe not a test, but just a ride. Yesterday I couldn't even manage that.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Haven’t been on the bike this week. Hopefully tomorrow! Had a very successful long run, 3 miles warm up, 10 miles marathon pace, 3 miles faster than marathon pace, plus 1 mile cool down - despite having picked up a stomach bug. I’m better now but this took everything out of me. Plus- the snow is melting fast so I’m getting in a few runs when I can. Today is a 9 mile hill workout. Feeling ready for the big day but also nervous.

    @Bill70sStrong hope you had fun snowshoeing!

    You must have confused me with someone else....haven't snowshoed for ages. lol
    Haven’t been on the bike this week. Hopefully tomorrow! Had a very successful long run, 3 miles warm up, 10 miles marathon pace, 3 miles faster than marathon pace, plus 1 mile cool down - despite having picked up a stomach bug. I’m better now but this took everything out of me. Plus- the snow is melting fast so I’m getting in a few runs when I can. Today is a 9 mile hill workout. Feeling ready for the big day but also nervous.

    @Bill70sStrong hope you had fun snowshoeing!

    You must have confused me with someone else....haven't snowshoed for ages. lol

    Sorry @Bill70sStrong and @ashleycarole86 ! I did get you confused. Glad you had fun @ashleycarole86 ! Also very impressed with your pz4 class. I’m up for another ride together!p just have some schedule issues…..

    I’ve had a rough couple days so I haven’t been following the messages on MFP lately. Just found out that my 12 year old golden retriever, Buddy, a rescue puppy we got 11 years ago, has lymphoma. More testing to follow and a visit with CSU’s vet school later this month, but the prognosis is potentially poor and I’m devastated. Plus my right hip, knee hamstring hurt so I’m scaling back my runs this week and skipping my hill workout. Just bummed.

    @wendsg What an amazing weekend you had! Makes me tired just reading about it! So impressed!

    Hopefully my week will end better than it started. Going to visit my daughter over the weekend. She’s booked us a Soulcycle class Sunday morning- I figure that counts towards the challenge.

  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    edited March 2022

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    edited March 2022
    @SavageMrsMoose So sorry to hear about your pup. My golden had a 12 pound mass removed from his chest in November recovery was a bear, but he is doing well now. I hope they can help your pup. He's a pretty boy.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Your Buddy is so sweet. Sending good thoughts your way during this challenging time @SavageMrsMoose
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Mar 9 - Peloton ride for a total of 15.01 miles
    Previous - 766.30

    YTD - 781.31/2022
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member

    I guess your username sums it up eh ;)
    I hear what you're saying. The PZ instructors talk a lot about letting go of where you want your FTP to be and just taking it for what it is - a measure of your current fitness.
    It sounds like you're disappointed with where that is, but you are here and working on it. Hopefully you can find the fun in rebuilding it again.
    Good luck - my power zone ride this morning was absolutely soul crushing so I didn't feel so hot about myself either.. amazing how much the mental component factors in!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    edited March 2022
    Chillin on the Peleton

    Prev: 326.92
    Peleton: 13.15

    Total: 340.07

    In a better head space today. Thanks for the kind words.

  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    @pridesabtch Glad you're in a better head space! Totally sucks when you see a visible slip (I about kicked myself when I had to bail on my vEveresting attempt, knowing that I've completed vEverestings in the past, but life goes on). Just remember, any day up and moving is a good day, even if your performance isn't up to your standards. You're always improving!

    @SavageMrsMoose OMG I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. :disappointed: At least he's had 11 years of a wonderful, happy life with you guys before this health fiasco. :heart:

    Tour of Watopia's kicked off in Zwift, which is perfect for when thunderstorms are rolling through the area. Gonna be sporadically on the bike over the next few weeks, because there's also a /run/ side to the ToW, and I'm planning on finishing both.

    Ride - 24.01
    Previous - 1103.04

    Year Total - 1127.05/2022
