How on earth do I stop the after dinner snacking?!



  • xionfairy
    I know a lot of times if you eat fiber rich food or just drink some metamucil it will make you full and you won't snack. My mom did it when she was on a diet and it helped her feel full, no cravings and even lost weight from it.
    So try taking metamucil after you eat it should help you out. :D
  • paulamjoudrey
    paulamjoudrey Posts: 2 Member
    set a goal. Make a plan. Finish up in the kitchen early and turn off the lights. Setting a new routine is never easy, no matter the habit you are trying to change. IT CAN BE DONE. Good Luck while i go take my own advise.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    I got into a bad dessert-after-a-hard-day habit, and with a 2yo + university + 2 very obnoxious dogs, EVERY day was a hard day. I tried subbing a few things and it all just failed to click as it still sat in my brain that I "needed" something after dinner. So I just went totally cold turkey on it. I still enjoy a cup or two of decaf coffee (with milk) after dinner but only have a snack or dessert if I've gotten to the end of my day and have a bunch of calories left over. I don't plan/budget cals for it, I plan to NOT have a snack/dessert. And honestly, sometimes, I just go the hell to bed. A good book (or whatever! :D ) in bed is enough to make me forget my bad habit urges.
  • Rakalze
    Rakalze Posts: 8 Member
    How about eating healthier snacks like fruit or almonds after dinner?
  • Ad141274
    Ad141274 Posts: 13 Member
    I drink a lot of water and I make myself workout when I want to eat something that isn't good for me . I only allow once I have logged in all food consumed and exercise done . :happy:
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I also plan for dessert! I just need something sweet after dinner and I feel that it's unrealistic and unnecessary to try to force myself not to eat after dinner. I usually have lots of fruit with some protein or whole grain. You can eat a decent amount of fruit without consuming too many calories, but adding protein or whole grains will help will you fill up so you don't snack all night long.
  • julianadelbosque
    If I don't have a lot of calories to spare but need to snack, I like to incorporate greek yogurt in some capacity. Last night I had half a cup (35 cal) with half a tbsp of cocoa powder (10 cal) and some fresh raspberries (15 cal). I was stuffed afterwards!

    Tonight I had half a cup of greek yogurt (35 cal) and 1/4 cup cheerios (25 cal) with 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (20 cal). I then also had a 73 cal piece of ghirardelli chocolate with caramel because I swear I am never satisfied at night without chocolate, but I know I could do without if I had to. I just prefer going over a little and feeling satisfied than staying at/under my deficit and feeling very unsatisfied!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    For me, snacking often was a habit. I now ask myself if I'm actually hungry or am I just bored? Plus, having to log my calories makes me less inclined to snack because I have to take time to log it. If you're actually hungry, obviously you should eat. If not, just distract yourself and soon enough he habit will be broken.
  • papayawhip0126
    papayawhip0126 Posts: 4 Member

    I have gotten in the habit of having a cup of tea after my meals. After 2 weeks of doing this, I can tell you, it works. My brain is like "okay, mealtime is over, I had my tea." It's a ritual.

    Sometimes we eat more just because we like our mealitmes, they are relaxing, we want to extend them. We are not actually hungry. By slowing down and giving yourself permission to drink a full cup of tea, uninterrupted, you've extended the mealtime without adding calories.
  • mi18agnes
    Plan your snacks.
    Choose better your snacks (baby carrots are great ones).
    Ask yourself: Am I hungry? Am I bored? Am I thursty? Is this WORTH it?
    Be ready: prepare fruit salads or some healthy snacks so you can go for them when the time comes.

    I hope it helps :) Good luck!!
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    Are you a pot smoker? I suggest cutting out the green first, then seeing how your munchies improve.

    Me, I just have a snack because I'm hungry. No need to overanalyze it.. You're probably just pissed off at your diet by the end of the day and racking up 400 because you can. Try eating something more filling & limited, rather than mindlessly popping more & more cheetos!

    Omg I wonder if there are any forums addressing this. It completely sabotages my diet at night and my stomach becomes an empty pit. I think its essential to quit smoking if you want to see progress.