

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,931 Member
    <3Tracey, my husband is retired and has been isolated at home through Covid because his immune system is so compromised. He talks to people on the phone but rarely in person. When he is having a sad day he makes comments about maybe I've found someone else or maybe the weird guy in the neighbor hood that is up early so I see him on my walks is my boyfriend. Whenever he feels lonely or useless he thinks I might be having an affair or something. Later he is apologetic and recognizes that he is probably off beam. It still hurts but I'm getting used to it and don't have my feelings hurt so much. Additionally he has regular long phone conversations with three women including one of his ex wives. He doesn't think there is anything odd about that, but my talking to a few goofy male neighbors sets him off.

    :) The dishwasher technician is here now. Jake and he are having a lively conversation while the man works.

    :)Kim congrats to you for getting help

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,862 Member
    edited May 2022
    Well spent an hour getting allergy tested to find I’m only allergic to cats? No cats here…. Doc agrees there is something wrong and sent me for an allergy blood test. Spent 2 more hours at hospital 2.5 of that waiting for registration!🙄🙄 Then lab nurse only put a bandaid on the needle hole, so by the time I got back to the car, I was spurting blood all over! Put 2 bandaids on it I had in my emergency cash, put finger on it and went back to lab. Head nurse of lab saw me coming and was prepared to fix me and angry with the nurse who used the bandaid.

    I was supposed to go to laundromat after that, but by then it was 2 pm and I had not had lunch yet. Called DH then went home in a grumpy mood.

    Allergist prescribed a nasal antihistamine, but drug store won’t have it available until next week. Not the best situation so back to nasal rinses zer Tex at night, Claritin in morning, and Afrin before bed. 🙄🙄😳

    RvRita in NM
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 946 Member
    Tracey-There is an Amazon scam called "brushing." Sellers send items to real addresses and then give themselves verified reviews. https://clark.com/shopping-retail/amazon-scam-brushing-warning-deliveries-you-didnt-order/

    It's possible that is the issue. There are other Amazon related scams like this. You might consider changing your Amazon password and make sure you have two-factor authentication enabled for your account (the second way of verifying it's you, such as a one-time code sent in text).

    As for your husband's reaction, it probably is insecurity. My mister used to do that, until I called him on his own behavior. Now he has mostly stopped. I lock my phone and my computers. What I discuss with you all, my friends, and my family is none of his business, unless I choose to tell him. To my knowledge, he has not tried to get into my computer, but I don't give him the opportunity. I have his passcodes, but I don't look at his devices either.

    In any case, I hope you work it out.

    I just finished a 50 minute workout and now will go walk/run 3 miles. I know I keep saying I'm giving up on weight loss, but I just cannot believe it can't be done.

    Tina in CA

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 946 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Well spent an hour getting allergy tested to find I’m only allergic to cats? No cats here…. Doc agrees there is something wrong and sent me for an allergy blood test. Spent 2 more hours at hospital 2.5 of that waiting for registration!🙄🙄 Then lab nurse only put a bandaid on the needle hole, so by the time I got back to the car, I was spurting blood all over! Put 2 bandaids on it I had in my emergency cash, put finger on it and went back to lab. Head nurse of lab saw me coming and was prepared to fix me and angry with the nurse who used the bandaid.

    I was supposed to go to laundromat after that, but by then it was 2 pm and I had not had lunch yet. Called DH then went home in a grumpy mood.

    Allergist prescribed a nasal antihistamine, but drug store won’t have it available until next week. Not the best situation so back to nasal rinses zer Tex at night, Claritin in morning, and Afrin before bed. 🙄🙄😳

    RvRita in NM

    It's possible your issues are weather/climate related. When the winds blow from the east here (called Santa Ana's), I have all kinds of sinus-related issues. I also have them when the barometric pressure changes. I think it's hard to test for those types of things.

    Tina in CA
  • chuckees130
    chuckees130 Posts: 16 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Welcome to may peeps. 63, here I come

    This looks like a good page for me too. I'm 63 also.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,319 Member
    :) PIP :)

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,051 Member
    Pip Happy birthday!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,633 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m having a frustrating day today. I need to take my car in for service. It is about nine miles from here. Good news is that they have a loaner available for the trip back home. I’m tired & DH doesn’t want to come with me. I think I’ll check in on it and see if It can wait another day.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,831 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,161 Member
    Morning all.
    Kim: Hooray for the counselling. Your mom is lucky she has such a caring daughter.
    Annie: Joining Lisa and Heather on lunges. If they hurt, don't do them!

    Just a question...Is anyone else using the new "Save Draft" button just below the box you post in? I've started to use it.

    This meme is so me with coffee.
    I've started to use the Draft button, but don't always remember 😃
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,051 Member
    I did my dumbbells 35 reps! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,352 Member
    Worked then put Jess’ things into her storage unit. Talk about stuffed! She had better not think about putting one more thing in there. Then cut the grass. Took a shower and then bought gas for the lawn mower. Had dinner and went to WalMart, then went to Belk’s where I got a good pair of scissors for $4, now home

    Ever since I fractured the bone in my foot, the doc has advised me against doing lunges. Puts too much strain on that bone. I really haven’t found a good alternative

    Tracey – (((HUG))) I agree with Lisa that your husband is maybe feeling a bit insecure, especially since he knows that at times you rely on your paycheck. It’s a “man” thing – most of them feel they must provide for their family and if they don’t, then they are a failure

    It looks like while I was gone they had Jerry doing a lot of the prep. Some things I think he can handle – peeling the onions, separating them. But the tomatoes looked terrible! Not sure what he was doing but I wouldn’t give that to any customer. I just said to him “guess I better watch out. Pretty soon you’ll be taking my job”. He did show me that he got two more pins from BK. This is a reward to him. I don’t think anyone else is interested in pins, but if that keeps him happy, that’s fine.

    Chuckees – welcome

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Thank you Carol for messaging me. It has been a rough couple of months. I am still swimming, but barely. More like treading. I am okay though.
    100%/Perfection- Traits I learned from my father. I have always learned everything from the basics up. Jobs, driving, crafts, studies...if I couldn't apply myself 100% then I didn't do them. It is a downfall as well. I know what to do, how to do it, and why I should do things, but these days I seem to lack the energy to do anything about it. I really need to figure out "me"

    While I was getting to this spot in May, I briefly read someone's post about focusing on the negative instead of realizing what you did get accomplished. That kind of hit home. This past weekend I had plans to get lots accomplished. That didn't happen.... Worked Saturday. I did hand my SIL a bunch of bills and told her they needed called. She didn't say a word, just got it done for me. A customer did tell me that the reason everyone thinks I "own" the place, is the air of confidence and authority that I exude. (positives). After work, my DH and I took my new car to dinner at a really nice restaurant. Dinner was wonderful and included a glass of wine. One glass and I am not much good for anything. I figured I would get things done Sunday morning before my Mother's Day 2 hour massage. Well, I couldn't get my *kitten* in gear. Of course, after the massage, I really didn't want to do anything, but did get to the grocery. It is amazing just how big the little trunk is in a Miata. I got 10 bags of groceries in it and still had room! Once I got home and groceries put away, my energy was done. I needed to do laundry, pay bills, deposit checks, file papers, do work paperwork, and clean the kitchen. None of them got done. I watched stupid videos all day curled up on the couch. Positive was that I got to the grocery.
    Yesterday was a much better day. I managed to get papers filed, checks deposited, bills payed, papers shredded, kitchen cleaned, dinner cooked, floor mopped, folded the clothes on the couch, and packed lunches for today. All positives. Today I have laundry almost done and put away. One load about to go into the dryer and then the last load will go in the washer before I head to bed. We also got to watch our youngest grandson play baseball for a little while. Good day. Two days of good food I am sure have helped. My weight has been creeping back up towards that 130 mark, but am down 4 lbs in the past 2 weeks. Positive. I haven't had a migraine in 3 weeks. Positive. You ladies are all still here. Great Positive.

    I feel out of the loop, but will try to scan and catch up! You are all special to me!

    Lots of Love
    Kylia from Ohio where summer has arrived for now.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,494 Member
    Chose well: Joe, readings, BP steps >7400, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, dogs to powerline
    Bonus: recycling, pickup plants, PT appt, Bi-Mart, Post Office, Library, Freddie’s, 2 sets PT
    Just one thing: back to bupkes
    Workin’ on it: 140.9 , H20x5, active 5:13
    Meaningful May
    10: Be grateful for the little things, even in difficult times. Sea, sky, puppy tummies and ah! That first sip of tea!

    PT seemed less intense, but by the time I got home after running errands knees were pretty achy, so skipped 3rd set of exercises ;P

    Lisa :love: the tea mems, thanks for pointing out the “save draft” button. Really love the way you feel about your family. Corey’s mushrooms sound mouthwatering.
    Betsy ((hugs))
    Annie be so very careful about the lunges. Do you have any stairs in your house? Might try hanging on to the handrails on either side and do mini lunges up. PT tried me on mini lunges supported with a cane in each hand. Not good. :{ Ah I see Lisa and Heather gave more timely cautions.
    Kim sending love and energy right back to you. Winning the healthcare lottery: ‘bout damntime something went your way. Well done on giving your mom a healing, nurturing break. Very well done for pursuing your mental health despite her comment.
    Vickie I’ve been wondering about Kylia too @kymarai

    Only to the bottom of pg 22 but been sittin’ too long. More later.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.