What was your "last straw"???



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Is this the last straw? I sure hope so. But I can't foresee the future. I cannot hate myself if I do give up and regain weight. But I can only hope I jump on it before I reach the 230s again, let alone ever another 240. And that's why I'm here! I'm hoping this website will keep me accountable to keep going, even when I don't think I can.

    Hang in there with us!
    I don't have as much to lose... only about 30.. but I've been stuck at a plateau for a solid year. I know how much it messes with your head.
    But you're right about the most important thing.. quitting gets you nowhere. and even back 20 steps.
  • GottaLoseIt13
    GottaLoseIt13 Posts: 31 Member
    My last straw was on Labor Day when I took my daughter swimming.

    When we were done, I went into the bathroom to change. And that's when I really took notice of how truly fat I am. How my stomach had gotten so large, it looked as though I was 8 months pregnant again! I felt so disgusted and ashamed of myself...to let it get this bad... I knew something had to change...
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I saw a stretch mark where I had never EVER had a stretch mark before... on my arm.

    I was horrified.

  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    All of the above (except sky diving - how did I miss THAT?), and not being able to breathe when putting on my shoes or giving myself a pedicure, the disgust I felt every time I saw my reflection in a window or mirror, and knowing full well that I was avoiding social events due to my shame...I could go on but won't. My thoughts on weight loss consumed me and I'd just eat more. Obviously, the weight didn't come on overnight, but I just kept thinking I'd deal with it "tomorrow." Finally, I realized that tomorrow never came, so I decided to deal with it "today."

    Same.. I have been avoiding social situations coz I'm just too ashamed.. its' as if my life's been put on hold coz I'm so fat.

    Sometimes this thought would lead me to binge, which obviously doesn't help me lose weight.

    I really have to remember that its TODAY that I need to work on. No more "start tomorrow"
  • troubledog2
    I purchased two huge vintage beveled mirrors. I put one outside my door and one outside of my office. Walking past these full mirrors, was disgusting. I am 60, it is now or never on this weight lost issue.

    I once attending a TOPS meeting and the speaker said that "a person who is heavy will view themselves from the shoulders up, and will think they are thinner than they are".
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Honestly, I was sick of being fat and lazy. I felt like I had become a pathetic, excuse making, panzy that was a shadow of my former self.
  • nannyal
    Waking up in the night and worrying I might have a stroke or a heart attack. I sleep better now.:happy:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Feeling the skin on the sides of my belly stinging due to putting on fat weight rapidly over a particularly bad week. That scared me.
  • I was also saying "ooof" on getting up from the sofa as well as doing sumo impressions to get into my jeans, much to the amusement of everyone except me. Bad back, bad knees, bad hips and achilles tendon burn - all weight related problems. The final final straw was a photo of myself in 2007 (when I used to be thin and lean and fit) and then saying inwardly "my God, what have you done to your body?) It all changed then. Joined MFP a little way into my weight loss programme on a friend's recommendation and it has helped me enormously. Total not reflected here but am 2st 4lbs lighter since I started altogether and not missing the crap food or the sofa slouching!
  • Charloutte21
    Charloutte21 Posts: 2 Member

    My last straw was going shopping and constantly having to try bigger sizes to try and hide myself. Or trying loads of clothes on and buying none of them because I felt awful about myself.

    I'm nearly 21 and I decided that it was time to take care of myself a bit more, I believe I have a sugar addiction and not only is it expensive, it's worrying that I might end up with Diabetes when I'm older.

    So I'm looking to lose a stone at first, then perhaps some more. I'd like more people to look at me!

    Add me if you want to share advice, or just need a weight loss buddy :)
  • fdlg75
    fdlg75 Posts: 1 Member
    -None of my clothes fit and finally admitting to myself that I am only getting bigger.
    -Stepping on a scale and seeing the number 5lbs heavier than what I had always considered my heaviest weight ever.
    -Seeing photos of myself and feeling like I don't recognize myself anymore.
    -Having to buy new work clothes because I don't fit in the old ones...and we wear scrubs so there should be no excuses!!

    Wow! it feels pretty good to write those down, like a release or something :wink:
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    Everything hurt. I was tired of hearing "but you have such a pretty face", and sex wasn't fun anymore.
  • ixmardukxi
    Being bullied at school, lost 120 lbs and never looked back ever since
  • 1japancat
    Spoken like a true mom. I got on here to help keep me on track. I have a 3 year old I need to keep up with. I weighed 25lbs less last summer and then just fell apart this spring/summer. Now fall is here and I'm so sick of weighing 30 lbs more than I should and feeling like a "fat mommy" in my mom's group. Sadly, I wasn't happy with myself last summer only having 5 pounds left to loose. I think that' my big downfall. Before having a child I was a very healthy weight, but I always was unhappy and thinking I needed to loose just 5 more pounds. I can just balance out and be happy where I'm at... I'd like to learn this lesson
  • cherrikim
    cherrikim Posts: 57 Member
    Woke up last Saturday & was just tired of my clothes getting to tight & sick of all the fast food. I've been on & off of MFP since probably 2011, but this time I made a twelve month plan that I put into action Sept 3rd. My first week is going very well, now my test will be this weekend.

    What I really get disgusted at is when I'm out & pass a store window or mirror & see my reflection. That really gets me in the mood to do something about my weight. Maybe if I had big mirrors in my apartment I would be smaller.
  • susanrobison32
    susanrobison32 Posts: 13 Member
    When the Dr. told me that I was boarder-line diabetic, and then he told me about this site.
  • fitnessvicky
    I'm Vicky, many things were going on in my life, that lead me to eating to satisfy my emptiness, I had recently had a miscarriage, and along with that I got a divorce then soon after I got the call that my Dad was sick with Cancer and had one year to live. Within a week I lost my job. I ended up moving back home with my parents to take care of my mom & dad. Going back on Welfare. Very disappointing cause I had been up for a promotion at work, also going to college to get out of my dead end job. Now, I was back in a town that I spent my whole life trying to get out of. To deal with the stress I started to walk. I first would go just a couple of blocks, then a mile, then five, then ten, and ended up walking 60 miles a day. That's when the doc. told me I had developed arthritis in my feet. Now, I just stayed home and ate. When I had found the time look for work, I got a job at a banquet hall. The doc. sent me to a podiatrist where he would form some inserts in my shoes that wouldn't hurt my feet. Then, I started working up to 90 hours every two weeks. After my dad died, my mom had a stroke. So, when I wasn't working I was walking. I then joined a TOPS support group, because I had gained 80 lbs. from the banquet hall. I'm still struggling. Ten years later, mom passed away and the arthritis has gone to my hips and knees. I've tried "Sitting Fitness". It seems to work.
  • sazzydee1
    Seeing a photo on a website of me doing a 10k run in central London. My thighs were enormous and then it hit me that I had been burying my head in the sand and needed to lose weight.
  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    When I had a scheduled surgery and the surgeon told me I was fat and needed to lose some weight to see if that resolved my problem. Then my GYN told me I needed to lose weight once I stepped off the scale, and when I was on 3 different types of blood pressure meds and meds for diabetes and lastly was when I saw a picture of myself and saw how fat I really was.
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