What was your "last straw"???



  • jleesummer
    jleesummer Posts: 4 Member
    I was at work a few weeks ago, (I work at a preschool), and I was talking to one of the kids, and out of nowhere she pointed to my stomach and asked "Is there a baby in your tummy?"

    The innocence and honesty of a 3 year old girl caused me to say once and for all "That's it. No more. I'm done being fat." That was like 3 weeks ago. The next day I started going to the campus gym 3-4 times a week, and last week I took up running (which is a total blast by the way!)

    This is the longest time that I've spent consistently getting healthy, without any crash diets or any crazy exercise programs that were way above my skill level. Sure, I'm not losing weight as fast as I have in the past. I've only lost 6.5 pounds in three weeks, but I'm happy. I feel good. I really REALLY look forward to my morning runs. It's the best part of my day. And I don't beat myself up for having some ice cream every once in awhile or a drink with the girls. I feel like after 10 years of on and off dieting, I finally got it right. :)
  • rowrunyoga
    rowrunyoga Posts: 65 Member
    What finally got me off my *kitten* was seeing a picture of myself at a wedding... I appeared to be pregnant.

    I also noticed my scrubs for work were getting a bit snug... and I'm way too cheap to buy a bigger size.

    Here's to all of us getting fed up and getting fit!:drinker:
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