Men, do you feel stuck in other areas of your life, business, relationships... discuss?

Do you feel like getting your health on track contributes towards getting other areas of your life on track, such as business, overall happiness and relationships?


  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 853 Member
    100% yes. My mood has changed so much. I don't wake up feeling like crap anymore. I'm excited to go out and do this and this motivation has definitely carried over into my career and relationship.
  • ssnikol71
    ssnikol71 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my big question. I wonder on the effect of the weight loss in the field of work.
    Hope we’ll find out. Good luck to all!!!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,539 Member
    Weight loss changed everything for me. I was committing slow motion suicide. After I lost about 35 lbs I started at the gym. Another game changer. The gym is vastly overrated as a weight loss tool. But as a lifestyle change fitness and weight loss work hand In hand.

    Then I found Harry the tailor. I went from dressing like an unmade bed to the best dressed guy in my office. It was great fun. And BTW, since you mention relationships, my wife seemed to like the results of my time at the gym. I was in my 40s. You go to the gym and you’ll see a lot of guys in their 40s. There’s a reason.
  • ssnikol71
    ssnikol71 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement !!! I just started , and i have a long way to go.!!