
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,533 Member
    Karen in VA ~ Yes, I have taken a variety of anti-depressants for many years. They have helped me function very well and without them I will go through days of crying jags and worse. Better living through chemistry helps me! :)

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2022
    Lanette — Long ago I went to Hendricks Park in Eugene with a number of other students. The Psilocybin mushroom experience was delightful. I did not have any negative results. That was about 54 years ago. It is a good memory.

    Barbara — A neighbor gave me baskets for the hummingbirds. I tied them to branches of our rhododendrons. I don’t know whether the birds used them. The river level has dropped and the blackberry vines are blooming. The birds lived in the vines before but I haven’t seen them in the past few days.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lanette — Long ago I went to Hendricks Park in Eugene with a number of other students. The Psilocybin mushroom experience was delightful. I did not have any negative results. That was about 54 years ago. It is a good memory.

    Over the years we had them growing in livestock pastures. DH would try them, I never did. Had one experience with "spiked" hashish when I was in my late teens, not sure what was in it but it really knocked me out and I steered clear of everything but occasional MJ after that.

    But after reading the research being conducted on Psilocybins, think I'd try them if the need would arise. Similar to how medical MJ & CBD has been found to be effective for many folks.

    I was a fan of Adelle Davis, an American nutritionist who wrote several books like "Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit". I recall she took LSD in her later years and raved about it.

    :D GOSH we DO talk about everything in this group, don't we? New ladies hang in there. We're an eclectic gang! :D

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Some say depression is anger turned inward. As I read what many of us in this list are going through, it's also exhaustion.

    Dr. David Hanscom, a former Seattle spine surgeon who has abandoned the "knife" for more holistic ways of dealing with back and all types of pain, addresses depression in this article: "Depression is Anxiety".


    I have used his expressive writing techniques in the past to get rid of mental junk. Write it on paper, then shred the paper. Fascinating food for thought.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
    Hello, all,

    Read everything, not just loads of comments this morning. My brain room is being taken up by the latest experiment - spent grain bread.

    Boring for most unless you bake bread or do any home brewing:
    Some might remember that my DH's hobby is home brewing - he's an IPA buff, so he's always coming up with new things to try or add. For Father's Day, along with the new Keurig, he also got a new full kit to make five gallons of beer with whole grain. Not something he's done before. He mentioned that he thought that after the brewing, the grain would make good bread, so I went looking for recipes and found more than a few.

    So, this morning, I replaced about a quarter of my flour with the still wet grains (kept in the refrigerator overnight) and upped the usual yeast, sugar and salt a bit. It's in for the first proof, and then I have to decide on the shape, whether two loaves, or one loaf and a half-dozen sandwich rolls or what. Read a lot of recipes last night, and in the end, decided to use my own proven recipe and simply treat the grain like it was another flour.

    A lot of recipes noted that the best idea was to let it slowly develop the gluten in the refrigerator overnight, which will be the next thing I try if these don't work out.

    Yesterday was laundry in the morning and then lazing around with Corey most of the day. Both kids called him, which I was pleased about. Carla, I'm sorry your daughters boofed it. Shakespeare said it right in Lear: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." They all seem to go through different ungrateful periods of time because their own lives take precedence, understandably enough. But understanding it doesn't make it hurt any less.

    Time to go relax a little more. Just too hot outside to work, and a stinker of a headache for third day in a row. My sinuses are just awful right now.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Please, anyone that is willing, to share thoughts/opinions about antidepressants - have they actually helped any of you with anxiety, depression, inertia, follow-through, sleep, etc.? I have been feeling so low for over 6 months now, and I have so very much to do to purge our house, give away most of our belongings, etc. Major downsizing and a move in the offing, and I cannot see through the fog...

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen, I’m right there with you trying different things. I have been on the max dose of citalopram (not sure of the real name. This is generic) for at least 20 years now. It is beginning to not work any more. I am waiting on an appointment for therapy and med review.
    Meanwhile, I found Natrol Sleep+ Calm gummies at Walmart (purple and white container) that has been helping me get much better sleep. It’s melatonin and L-Theanine both recommended by my np.
    I have also found an app called “MoodLinks” that is meant to be used and shared with your doctor. I find it very helpful even without a doctor.

    I tend to sleep too long for my nerves to recover from stress, anxiety, and depression. Gives me a rest from reality. Not the best therapy but temporary until real therapy can start.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen — Why are you planning to move? Do you dislike neighbors, or prefer a different neighborhood? I hope you are able to find a home that makes you happy.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    I must say the guys were prompt and set the bed up in record time..only thing i forgot to have them do is put the slide things under so i can move the bed oh well,when my brother comes down ill have him help do that..
    I got the bed made up and promptly lay down and took a lovely nap it was divine.. no more sleeping on the floor..
    Gave the guys each 20 bucks and a cold bottle of water gor the ride...I would do buisness with them again in a heartbeat..
    I got a call from the drs office from the bloodwork i did this morning.. i guess my hemoglobin, and white and red blood counts are low and they wanted me to contact both my cardiologist and nephrologist.. so I did..
    My son will be staying overnight tonight and im taking him to the airport in the morning..im hoping they dont cancel his flight.. he is so looking forward to it.. but tomorrow is going to be a long day because I have to be up at like 3:30 and after taking him up ( he wont take his car ugh)I watch Miles until noontime.. then yes i will need a nap for sure..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Worked today. I’m hoping to get to the gym tomorrow. Ceramics tonight so no walk around the block

    Flea – hug

    At one point my MIL was on 10 different medications. Same as you are talking about, one for one thing, another for the side effect, another for the side effect of that drug and so on

    Allie – so glad you’re so happy with the new bed and the installation.

    Had a home visit for my CPAP. You are supposed to be connected to the WiFi but for security Vince has ours hidden and we couldn’t find a way to enter the network name. Well, Vince enabled it long enough for it to show up and then we can use it for the CPAP then he disabled it.

    Guess we need to have dinner in a few.

    Michele NC