
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    Heather: I do so agree. As children we were pushed to conform, and fit in. Trying to please my very critical mother was impossible, so eventually I just stopped making the effort, and went my own way.

    I had a period in my late teens when I was a bit of a wild child. Meeting my DH was a turning point. I finally found a family who accepted me for my unique personality, and I stopped rebelling. They encouraged me to go back into education, and to set my sights on the stars.

    We are much more than the sum of our parts.

    🥳🎉 Cheers to all those celebrating.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    I did take a nap...I must say well worrh the wait for the bed..it is on the firmer side and i guess thats what is needed ,because im out like a light and sleep so well.. im getting used to it because of the different mattress i had, but for me was so worth the money..

    Allie - what mattress did you end up getting? I too need to mattress shop, will probably go for the 2 long twins like Machka has. Need something kind of firm that will last.

    Lanette B)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    had a bit of miscommunication with dh this morning. He said he needed me to come over so he could go pick up new meds for mil- I wasn't planning on going this morning to walk the dog(going to be 103 today plus I am going over there this evening and spending the night both tonight and most likely Wed. night). Got there and he was gone. I got a message to tell me don't bother coming, she was asleep and he was going to get her stuff(didn't want to wait for me, I didn't know what time I was going to go)
    I messaged him and he did some other errands while he was out. She slept the whole time I was there( about 2 1/2 hrs or so). Woke her up to give her her pills and she went back to sleep.
    Daycare girl got bored. Of course, didn't want to play with any of the things I brought over and was upset we were not going to the park.
    Dh is working a full 8hr shift so there 9 hrs so I will be there until 9AM, get home just in time for Ezie to come in. I will try and get up early and walk the dog before coming home but not sure that will happen.
    One day at a time

    Hope I get some sleep tonight or it is going to be a long few days.
    Have to go to Kaiser with them on Thursday to help get the wheelchair to get her inside. He can't leave her in the car alone to go get one. Thursday night she is going to have to be alone for a few hours- I can't do three nights in a row and he is only working a really short shift.
    She is doing so much better- most of the confusion is gone, pain a lot less, new meds so she will pee less instead of more(diabetis med).

    I will make sure to take my own pillow and blankets, don't think I will need much blankets with it so hot today- it is a comfort thing

    The doctor called today- about 8 weeks for her hand/wrist/ ribs to all heal plus he did see some dark areas on her lungs but they are going to just watch them. I am surprised there are not more- with her smoking over a pack a day before she fell. Still smoking but not as much because it is hard for her to walk down stairs to go out in the back to smoke- only place she will smoke. We tried to get her to do it on the front porch but she won't- doesn't want anyone seeing her. Says she doesn't smoke that much but dh is the one that picks them up so we know how many she is going through

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have been enjoying the birds here, especially the hummingbirds. They are beautiful. I noticed a cat trying to eat the little birds. I’ve chased the cat a few times without harming the cat. I had an ah-ha moment today. Many years ago we had a bird loving old man across the street from us. My beloved kitty, PeterCat, disappeared shortly before we moved. The old man poisoned my cat. Our neighbor was friends with the man’s wife and told me about the poisoning the day we moved away. Now I am hoping to keep the cats away from the hummingbirds. Their feeders are high above the ground, on my windows. I don’t plan to kill any cats in our neighborhood. “NO WAY!”
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Well we found the pot roast in the microwave. Mom got it out for lunch and forgot it. I'm just cranky because my side hurts and I have no idea why. I guess I'm allowed a cranky day once in awhile.

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie - so glad the pot roast showed up!! You certainly are allowed a cranky day. I was lucky enough to have wood to chop on my cranky days.

    Rebecca - love the photo of you and Athena. Sounds like you are having some perfect Grandma time with her. You are very smart and resourceful in the toilet training realm. ;)

    Heather - neat that you got your DH out on the dance floor. Congrats on a very enjoyable cruise!

    Vicki - glad they let you off jury duty for a week, what a nice trip you had. :)

    Debbie - continued hugs. Please remind me, are your parents still alive and if so, how's their health?

    Rosie did fine with the cleaner this morning while I shopped. Hopefully have stocked up enough that I won't need to go for a week, if I run short I can find something at the Produce Guy's stand at the end of the street.

    At the grocery, I walked by the bakery department and the ice cream. Walked by. Just said no. I have nearly finished up all the frozen treats I stocked for DH - toward the end, he had no appetite for them but I made up. Sigh. Yesterday I made a loaf of banana bread. Just as I was taking it out of the oven, my great friend and her son showed up to weed eat for a bit. I was able to send 1/3 of the loaf, still warm, home with each of them. Which left me just enough for a couple days. Perfect.

    Barbara - it's 69 in the house and 80 outside right now. Thankfully the house is still cool from the past couple days of highs in the low-mid 50's. Starting Saturday we'll probably hit 95 for several days. The heat pump guy called and said they want to install the new one and new water heater on Friday (high will prob be 85 here). I said good, I can try it out, lol.

    Which means a great chance for me to clean out the garage a bit, rearrange things and not freeze before they get here Friday.

    Have a great evening-

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State <3

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member

    Debbie - continued hugs. Please remind me, are your parents still alive and if so, how's their health?

    Have a great evening-

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State <3


    Lanette- my mom is still alive and in pretty great health- physically just has issues with her knees but works in the garden every day. She has cut back and not doing the full acre.
    Dad passed away 1 1/2yrs ago -covid related.
    Mom is an hour away from me. She has a room mate now who has taken over and kind of pushed my sister and I away.
    I will go up and see her again when things get a bit better with MIL.
    Need to get my stuff packed and go over there.
    Going to be a long night and even longer day tomorrow if she doesn't sleep well.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Lanette - its a Serta I think.. let me look at the paperwork tomorrow and ill let you knoe.. it wasn't cheap.. but its worth it to me.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I did my dumbbells Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Worked today then got to the gym. Seems they’re now going to be starting a yoga class in the afternoon on Tues (which is when I can usually get to the gym since the aerobics room is empty), I’ll have to see how it works out. I hope it does

    Yea for Yogi doing so well

    katie – my deepest sympathies

    Karen VA – awwwww! Vince talked about three kittens (when we no longer have Loki who has anxiety). His concern is that they’d probably outlive us. I told him then Jess needs to help pick them out

    Went to Rummikub. Honestly, after the July gathering, I’m going to email the president and tell her that I’ve been chairperson for almost 10 years (yup) and that I think it’s time for another member to be chairperson. Really, I’m tired, tired of the “I don’t have room to host”, just tired of it all.

    Used the CPAP for the first time last night. The mask kept falling off my face, but Vince said that since the hose is on the top, it keeps falling forward so I need to push it back. Got the small mask today so I’ll try that one tonight

    Rebecca – ohhhhh, is Athena in a regular bed or a toddler bed?

    In the 90’s today, Vince did more powerwashing and I was in the pool.

    Lanette – good for you keeping on walking! That’s the way to do it

    Michele NC
    who is very tired
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    No workout today, went to see sister, then mom, then brother
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    DH is not doing well and I am not the only one who has noticed. A home health aid came to work with him today. I am grateful for Chris. He is doing his best to help DH. Keeping DH in my prayers. Right this minute DH is napping in his favorite chair.

    Sorry ...

    Are your kids coming again soon?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka— Our son & daughter in law are moving into their new home. Plenty is left to do and they seem delighted.
    We hope our daughter will be able to visit later this summer. We will see how things go. 😊
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka— Our son & daughter in law are moving into their new home. Plenty is left to do and they seem delighted.
    We hope our daughter will be able to visit later this summer. We will see how things go. 😊

    Hopefully they are able to visit sooner rather than later!