
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 53min 28sec, 66elev, 3.17ap, 90ahr, 120mhr, 6.09mi= 538c
    Strava app = 694c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 13.58min, 125elev, 182aw, 21.9amph, 35-40gear, 5.10mi= 150c est
    Zwift stats- 14min, 127elev, 181aw, 63arpm, 21.86amph, 5.10mi= 146c

    Total cal 688
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Mushrooms- IF you haven't watched it yet, you should watch Fantastic Fungi on Netflix. It is a documentary about all of the new things that they are finding out about mushrooms and fungi (health and medical benefits). They also explain what happened to the use of herbal/natural medicine when pharmaceuticals became more popular. Once pharmaceutical companies and governments started researching and creating drugs to "help" people, the government made many natural remedies and ingredients illegal; even though they had been used in folk medicine and native american medicines for millenia. It is so interesting and really worth the watch. Lots of good information, people referenced Paul Stamets, Andrew Weil, Michael Pollan. Putting the trailer in the spoiler.
    I, personally, have never tried mushrooms or anything stronger than mj. Many years ago, DH and I were given some mj that was laced with something stronger (without our knowledge). After some major ridiculousness that had me on the floor laughing like a crazy person, I went straight into the whole freak out paranoia and thought I lost the baby (she was asleep in her crib). That said, after seeing many family members on many different drugs for different things; my plan is to go the "natural" route for as much as I can. I have already sent letters to my children and my DH so that they know that I prefer to be treated with cbd, mushrooms, herbal remedies for as much as possible. I even sent them names of companies to look into for purchasing meds.

    Heather- Did your luggage make it aboard? So happy you are on your way and being pampered, as you so deserve!
    Lanette- Sounds like my DH followed the same RA med path as your hubby. He is currently dealing with jaw bone splintering/ bone loss due to the methotrexate that he took in the beginning of his RA diagnosis. He has JUST beginning to get on board with medical MJ. He doesn't like the taste of the tincture; so he uses gummies quite a bit. I don't think the gummies provide enough for the intense pain relief, but he is in a much better mood when he takes them. It takes the edge off his depression and anxiety, so he is mentally on a more even keel.
    Karen- I hope you are able to glean a little bit of knowledge to help you. I hope you feel the love and hugs as we all reach out in support. I do not suffer from depression per se; but since I have become the sole breadwinner, my anxiety level and "blue" days have become more intense. To lessen those feelings, I go outside. Either into the woods or by the water, if possible and just walk (or sit) and breathe. Hugs to you!
    Suebdew- Oh my dear friend! I am so happy to see you post! I am glad your hair is coming back in; and curly, too! That's a fun change! I hope you are getting all of the rest you need, as you have had a rough year. Sending you healing thoughts and lots of love!
    Barbie- Hugs to you! Bessie and Bernie doing any better? Was Sasha the oldest?

    Well, I am officially back on the wagon with my eating. Logged everything today and hope to do so for the remainder of my five pound loss...lol ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited June 2022
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) A comment on the antidepressant topic--Before asking about experience with medication, what about asking people who have dealt with loss, depression, illness, etc., to tell you what they have done to deal with these things without medication. The answers will be surprising and varied and amazing.

    <3 Barbie

    Excellent comment!

    Would love to hear non-pharmacological strategies from anyone who cares to share.

    (Some of you already have done so, and I have taken it all in.)

    Karen in Virginia

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Evening ladies
    Tucking myself in early as i have to get up early and get Dan up to the airport,poor guy was pacing ,but is excited to go ,he is spending the day at Disneyland on Wednesday.. i hope he has a fantastic trip.i have to check on his cat while he is gone.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Carla I feel you! My youngest daughter did not call my DH yesterday. When I texted her to ask if she had, her response was that they had been busy all day and were watching a movie! I too am angry and so disappointed in her! He bought them a fricking house! Yes, they are paying for it (or were until some things came up last Sept), but some gratitude and not attitude would be nice. I really am pissed!

    Lanette Thank you for the link. I plan on sharing it with my SIL and my youngest daughter. Both of whom are definitely suffering with depression/anxiety worse than mine.

    Thank you all for all of your comments and suggestions to Karen. I have things to learn about.

    Sue Good to see you! My friend lost her hair after Covid at Christmas time. She finally had enough to go to the hairdresser about 2 weeks ago. She said the same thing, it is soft and curly. Still patchy, but wigs and hats have helped her through it.

    Pip Great news for Yogi!

    On to next page.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Heather-Yes, waiting is the very worst part of vacationing. I prefer departing in the morning, but it doesn't always work out that way.

    Debbie-Big Hugs.

    Traveling-I cannot imagine not traveling. The mister groans about some places I want to go, but when I tell him I'll go without him, he joins. He has an incredibly strong sense of FOMO (though he is getting better). I also think it's healthy to take separate trips from time to time, even if it's just a weekend.

    Good news! I've lost a bit of weight...in my wrist. 😕 *sigh* Unfortunately, my wrists have always been the size of a child's, so it's not really a win. It's not from where the weight needs to disappear either.

    Time to get work done. Need to get the week's worth done before Wednesday! Have a great week!

    Tina in CA

    I used to live to travel and travel to live. :)

    But that was taken away over 4 years ago.

    Plus I won't set foot in an airplane until COVID is much less prevalent.

    Maybe next year.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Note too that depression isn't just feeling a bit sad or a little stressed. It's a medical condition. And it is OK to get help for a medical condition.

    We'd get help for physical conditions ... we can also get help for mental health conditions.

    Thankfully mental health is just as important as physical health these days. It's not something we sweep under the carpet anymore.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Carla I feel you! My youngest daughter did not call my DH yesterday. When I texted her to ask if she had, her response was that they had been busy all day and were watching a movie! I too am angry and so disappointed in her! He bought them a fricking house! Yes, they are paying for it (or were until some things came up last Sept), but some gratitude and not attitude would be nice. I really am pissed!

    Lanette Thank you for the link. I plan on sharing it with my SIL and my youngest daughter. Both of whom are definitely suffering with depression/anxiety worse than mine.

    Thank you all for all of your comments and suggestions to Karen. I have things to learn about.

    Sue Good to see you! My friend lost her hair after Covid at Christmas time. She finally had enough to go to the hairdresser about 2 weeks ago. She said the same thing, it is soft and curly. Still patchy, but wigs and hats have helped her through it.

    Pip Great news for Yogi!

    On to next page.

    the biggest side effect I had was also the hair loss after covid. The doctor did 13 blood tests trying to figure out why it was falling out-she said maybe it was stress after all the tests came back ok(I had covid the day after my dad passed away from it).It didn't fall out completely and my hair is very long and curly so most people didn't even notice it but I sure did, especially when I was washing it. Dr just told me to use Rogain. It took a while but it stopped falling out and it did grow back but my hair grows so slow that it will take a very long time to grow to the length of the rest-it is past my waist when wet/straight.
    For my son, he lost his sense of smell- We both had it 1 1/2 yrs ago- he still can't smell most things.
