
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Heather – Iceland looks very inviting to those of us sweltering in the heat right now. Majestic and raw terrain for sure. Keep an eye out for Icelandic Sheep for me. The Shetlands we raised were close cousins. That cheese plate looked scrumptious!

    Carol – that price heat pump-A/C replacement isn’t surprising. I got the new unit installed on Friday, and yesterday it got a good cooling workout. The outside unit is quiet and quite a bit smaller than the one we had put in 15 years ago.

    Tracey - yep, you and your daughters do look like sisters! Several of my friends are huge fans of Garth Brooks - glad you were able to see him!

    Kim – those fires are so scary! Several years ago when SW WA State had a drought and forest fires, planes flew over our house to drop fire retardant on a blaze a mile or so away. Yep, they flew pretty low. Have you had any luck finding a place that’s closer to you for your mom?

    Sue – so glad to see you back posting again.

    That reminds me – has anyone heard from Janetr?

    Debbie – MIL’s diminishing appetite reminds me so much of DH in the last months of his life. It’s also mentioned in the death booklet. Good for you sticking to your guns. I think it would be a good idea to get someone from home health care to come and assess MIL. They see things family caregivers don’t see plus can give good advice. Our doc was trying to get that set up for DH with the idea of getting him into hospice when DH’s health took a turn for the worse.

    Margaret – so very sorry to hear about Drew’s health problems. Glad to hear you are looking into alternative therapy like nutrition. She has been such an important part of your life this past few years. All of the things you mention were likely stressors for her. Agree 100% about the lawns that look like golf courses. We have a dandelion and pasture grass lawn because we refused to put “weed and feed” on it.

    RVRita – so glad you found a functional medicine doctor! The one I ran across 20 years ago changed my life. Unfortunately, she retired shortly after she got me on the right track with supplements. It appears Naturopaths in my community are picking up the slack.

    Beth - with this toe thing and the crazy weather, I've been hitting the fridge and after supper crackers/snacks way too much as well. I need to curtail it. It dawned on me I was eating much better when DH was here, even though he didn't eat much or liked to eat what I cooked. At least I made a better effort and maybe I was burning calories due to stress?

    Pip- do you still have that boot? Send it up here!

    I’ve had the windows open, cool breeze is cooling the house down. I’ve been on a mission to keep energy costs down. DH was always cold, so had the heat on a lot, especially a space heater by his sofa in the living room. I’m also more mindful of turning off lights and other things that use electricity. It will be interesting this fall and winter, I don’t plan to use the woodstove a lot – but will get some firewood ready in just in case we lose power for a few days.

    The sun will soon be up and I’ll resume spraying before it gets windy.

    Have a fabulous Sunday!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    ::::: putting on the boot:::::::
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did Jane Fonda’s Trim Tone and Flex DVD. Not very intense. Then took a walk around the block. Vince is powerwashing the driveway right now. It’s cloudy out but I just might go in the pool anyway.

    Carla – YIPPEE!!!!

    katla – I use tofu, especially the silken variety, lots. Vince can’t see it.

    Lisa – I think I might have told you all, the other day right after the guy put in the new shrubs, I came home from my walk and said “what the…”. Seems critters (probably deer) were forging for moisture and we had just watered the plants. So I had to cover up the landscape fabric that they pushed aside.

    Michele NC
    who is off to the pool
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2022
    This morning we have bright sunshine and a lovely breeze. Currently the temperature is 76 Fahrenheit, at 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight time.

    We are enjoying the morning breeze and a lovely song from a nearby song sparrow. 😊

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
    Lisa - I'm looking for a self-propelled mower and have been considering battery operated for trimming and getting under trees. Please share make/model if you get a chance. I see a lot of them on the market right now, all kinds of prices. It's overwhelming.

    All of my "husbands" here in the neighborhood have the gas ones, which might be better for longer grass (it got away from all of us due to the wet spring here.) But battery might be just as good.


    SW WA State

    Lanette - We picked up a Ryobi, 40v self-propelled with battery. You might remember Corey works for a landscaping company. He says the Ryobi they work with are reliable. Home Depot had the lowest price for one with a battery. So far I'm quite pleased with it. Especially the push-button start! I really hate yanking those pull cords.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member

    Lynette and Lisa – when our last lawn mower gave up the ghost, Vince asked me which one I wanted. I told him I really didn’t care about what manufacturer we got, but it absolutely had to have an electric start. We think the battery on ours has died so for now I have to use the pull cord, but I hate doing that.

    Lisa – please ask Cory a question for me (unless you have the answer). I’d like somehow to have a border between mulch and grass. But I really don’t want something physical (like stones or bricks). Somehow I’d like to make a trench between the mulch and grass. I don’t have a problem maintaining it. How can I do this since there is mulch already there? If I use some sort of equipment, I would think the mulch would go all over the place.

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    wasn't sure when I was going to get some sleep last night as our neighbors right behind us had a nice big and LOUD mariachi band in their back yard. Was very glad when they moved it inside(I could still hear it but no where near as loud as it was less than 100 ft away) about 11:30. . The bedroom window stays open 24/7/365 because that is how the cats go into their catio.
    Went over and walked MIL's dog for 40 min then got her some food and the dog fed.
    She started really eating yesterday- asking for more food twice while I was there this morning. DH is there- he worked a short shift again. She complained that he was leaving her to go to work(after yelling at him for hours earlier in the evening- saying it was his big mouth that made them send her home instead of keeping her in the hospital- she doesn't need to be in the hospital. She thinks she should not be any pain at all.
    I am making Japanese savory pancakes to take over this evening- she liked them last time( a month ago) then sending dh home to sleep for 4-5 hrs before going to work while I stay there until 9 tomorrow morning. I will stay long enough to get her up, changed, etc. Walk the dog if I have time, then be back home by the time my daycare girl comes in- same thing Tuesday night.
    Hopefully she sleeps better both nights- I have zumba then next evening and it is hard to keep up when I am too tired.

    Came home and worked on the last part of the catio- the door needed the chicken wire over the screen- the rest we did weeks ago, just never finished the last part- don't want any more cats escaping

    Flea treatment for all the cats(or as many as we can catch-and if we miss them today, I will work on them tomorrow and the next day)7 inside and one of the semi-feral cats outside need to be done. Some are very easy, a few we have to trick. Waiting for son and his girlfriend to come home to help. Two were her cats before she left them here. They will be the hardest to do.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Good morning all from The Ozark’s! It’s a pretty morning and everyone in my house is up and going. Reminder - Parents and sis live with and two of my kids and the fiancé of my middle daughter. Daughter and Fiancé live in in a large RV to the left of us. They’ll be moving soon to a place about 45 min away. DH has been working on it for a few months and it’s a couple of weeks from being ready to move in! Woohoo!!

    Barbie - That’s what I’m doing too… One day at a time! Food, steps and trying not to be influenced by DH that has a huge sweet tooth! I like using MonkFruit and erythritol.

    Tracey in Edmonton - I found a site online with very old cookbooks (archive.org) and that has helped me stay interested (along with a few other sites) in being healthy. Today I’m using the leftover shredded carnitas (pork) to make BBQ sandwiches for dinner. :)) Garth will be AMAZING!! He was playing in Nashville the night DH and I went to see Queen. We loved our show but I heard Garth’s show was spectacular!

    Heather - What a grand trip! I love seeing your photos. DH and I made a couple of trips to Europe several years ago and my pictures are my fabulous memory both on phone and printed, framed and on my walls!

    Michele NC

    I love going to Farmer’s Markets and Secondhand hand shops! I enjoy finding vintage things for me and for resale! :) Spices can be tricky but I’ve been reading a lot of cookbooks and I think I’m FINALLY getting the hang of it.

    Pip - I love your dedication! I haven’t kicked in to start doing the daily moving YET as I’m trying to get the calorie deficit part down first. :)) So far so good!!

    M in Oz That’s a lot of great info! I’ll grab it and go through it in more detail. Thanks!!

    Lisa in AR We live atop a big hill at the edge of the Boston Mountains in AR and last few days has been horrible (90’s) with not a leaf in sight moving! This morning though it’s a different story! We are enjoying a pleasant day with a breeze and it’ll only get to 81! That lawnmower sounds awesome! I have a riding lawnmower that is in need of a new battery but should be fixed soon. Looking forward to it in a weird way. It’s very zen!

    Have a great day!
    Leslie from the Ozark’s!

    Thx, it has to become a habit, just like brushing your teeth , a lot too times I’m not in the mood but I do it anyway
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited June 2022
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka—Have you tried tofu? It is plant based and has healthy protein.

    I've been using tofu and similar for the past about 25 years. :)

    We also use TVP.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Debbie - what a blessing you are to MIL! (((HUG)))

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Pip those are darling!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs 58min 14sec, vacuum, dust, laundry, fold and put away, trim shrubs outside, make hummingbird food, clean/wipe down patio furniture, fill fountain, water plants= 1056