Why do people, especially women, enjoy lifting so much?



  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Why do I enjoy lifting?

    [happy sigh]

    I enjoy it because I know that whatever muscle I had underneath all the fat at 253 pounds and now at 191 pounds will still be there when I get to my goal of 170 pounds.

    I enjoy it because I know my bones and ligaments will be well-supported, that my chances of osteoporosis are decreased, and that I will be able to retain my independence when I reach my golden years.

    I enjoy it because lifting heavier weight this week than I did last week is freakin' addictive.

    I enjoy it because..."Seriously, do you SEE my shoulders?!"

    I enjoy it because being and feeling strong is empowering.

    I enjoy it because my back pain and visits to the chiropractor have SIGNIFICANTLY decreased.

    I enjoy it because I look smaller than I actually weigh.

    I enjoy it because it makes me feel beautiful and sexy and even cocky sometimes.

    I could go on and on and on and on and on.

    I am IN LOVE. :heart: :smooched: :blushing:
  • michail71
    michail71 Posts: 120 Member
    Speaking as a guy I wish more women were not afraid to lift! Sadly so many of them think they'll look like men.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    From someone who basically only runs and lifts; yes the highs are amazing and somewhat similar. Pride in accomplishment for sure. Knowing I'm doing something I love that's great for me.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Masochist. I enjoy pain.

    Oh, and the results are pretty awesome too.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    "Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general." - Rip
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Because after a good workout (especially if it involves dead lifts), I feel like I could run through the city tearing down buildings with my bare hands. Who wouldn't want to feel like that!? :wink:

    And, of course, the muscle definition!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    My question is, "why do women tolerate being weak and reliant for the most basic things on others?"

    Amen sister.

    And I'm not afraid to admit that I sometimes flex my muscles in front of the mirror and watch in admiration (and so does my husband). I used to admire waif like women, now give me a solid strong woman any day of the week. So hot.

    OMG, I'm always checking out my muscles, especially now that I can start seeing them again as the jelly disappears lol

    LOL... sometimes when I'm getting ready I'll go to straighten my hair- I'll pick up my flat iron and immediately set it back down to do a bicep flex :laugh:
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I like seeing what my body can do.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    "Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general." - Rip

    Agreed. I mean, last weekend I carried 9-10 grocery bags on one arm. The other day I let my 45 pound son hold onto my forearm and I basically curled him. That's fun...and useful!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE lifting! I can make excuses why I can't (arthritis in a knee and sciatica in my back...) but I lift anyways because it makes me feel AMAZING!!! I almost feel invincible.

    Shoot the other day I was able to dead lift a personal record of 150 lbs. I felt invincable after that!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Because I want to be strong, and powerful and tough.

    I don't want to rely on other people who are stronger, to help me lift or carry stuff. I want my bones and the rest of me to be tough and able to withstand greater forces (have broken bones before, would rather not again) I'd like to feel more confident and strong in my abilities, and to feel like I can hold my own, look after myself and not ever need someone to protect me.

    Lifting weights is just a part of that, but hitting new PR's shows I'm getting stronger and I'm on my way there. These things make me happy (I'm sure you have your own goals) and lifting helps me achieve them basically.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Muscles are sexy. I feel alive when I do it. It's so much more fun for me than cardio ever was.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Seriously. I just wanna expound on my love for lifting. It's the highlight of my days.

    I might tear up here.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I run and lift weights so I get both highs! Running for me is such a great stress reliever. Weight lifting which I do more of and equally enjoy makes me feel strong. Strength is so sexy to me! There's nothing sexier (in my opinion) than a strong, defined, muscled body.... and lifting weights gives me just that.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Because I intend to be the strongest 80 year old woman on the planet, with no trace of heart disease or back pain. :wink:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Seriously. I just wanna expound on my love for lifting. It's the highlight of my days.

    I might tear up here.

    *there, there* :flowerforyou:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's not the weight room that I enjoy, it's the slinging and stacking of landscaping rocks on my property made possible by my lifting weights that I enjoy.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I burn a ton of calories in cardio and in order to not get loose skin I try to balance it out by a lot of lifting and squats, little did I know it does a whole lot more ! Its made me cut! And I love it :)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I hate lifting! In the moment, there's nothing about it that feels good to me.

    BUT I love the results! My favorite part is how it makes the day to day easier, like being able to toss my bike in someone's pickup no problem.

    And don't let age stop you! Strength training is one of those awesome things that even the elderly can do! It will help you out more and more as your mobility declines with age. It will help you get stronger, be more flexible, improve balance, and prevent injury, such as from falling.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Because it is easy to measure concrete progress. Even if I am in an endless plateau, I can usually increase the weight I lift or the number of reps somewhere.

    And it is practical. We all have to put our bag in the overhead bin, lift heavy boxes or something else that requires strength.