Just Give Me One Month - August 2022



  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    MFP SW: 192 lbs 12/31/2021 UGW: 172
    Jan SW: 191.8, Feb SW: 181.4, Mar SW: 176.4
    Apr SW: 176.4, May SW: 174.7, Jun SW: 174.8
    Jul SW: 175.2, August SW 172.7

    Aug 1: 172.7
    Aug 2: 173.4
    Aug 3: 172.2
    Aug 4: 171.0
    Aug 5: 171.0 Been slacking on posting daily. Will do better.
    Aug 6: 169.0 Starving today after too few calories yesterday
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0

    Each little bit helps, better than gaining I guess.

  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8:
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I am 5 ft 3.

    Heaviest: 198
    June start weight: 187
    July start weight: 184.0
    UGW: 130/135

    Aug 1: 181.6
    Aug 2: 178.2
    Aug 3: 177.6
    Aug 4: 177.2
    Aug 5: 178.0
    Aug 6: 177.2
    Aug 7: 176.8
  • gmoise76
    gmoise76 Posts: 1 Member
    Female - committing to 30 days at time - low-carb, exercise 5 days, weekly weigh-in

    Heaviest - 230lbs
    GW - 175lbs

    Aug 7th SW - 203

  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    MFP SW: 192 lbs 12/31/2021 UGW: 172
    Jan SW: 191.8, Feb SW: 181.4, Mar SW: 176.4
    Apr SW: 176.4, May SW: 174.7, Jun SW: 174.8
    Jul SW: 175.2, August SW 172.7

    Aug 1: 172.7
    Aug 2: 173.4
    Aug 3: 172.2
    Aug 4: 171.0
    Aug 5: 171.0 Been slacking on posting daily. Will do better.
    Aug 6: 169.0 Starving today after too few calories yesterday
    Aug 7: 169.0 Burned lots of calories yesterday with little time to eat.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0

    Each little bit helps, better than gaining I guess.

  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8: 66.1
    Aug 9:
  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    MFP SW: 192 lbs 12/31/2021 UGW: 172
    Jan SW: 191.8, Feb SW: 181.4, Mar SW: 176.4
    Apr SW: 176.4, May SW: 174.7, Jun SW: 174.8
    Jul SW: 175.2, August SW 172.7

    Aug 1: 172.7
    Aug 2: 173.4
    Aug 3: 172.2
    Aug 4: 171.0
    Aug 5: 171.0 Been slacking on posting daily. Will do better.
    Aug 6: 169.0 Starving today after too few calories yesterday
    Aug 7: 169.0 Burned lots of calories yesterday with little time to eat.
    Aug 8: 170.2 Recovery day yesterday so expected weight gain. BF% & BW% both improved
  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    @mlrtri Great progress. Wow! Whatever you're doing, keep going with it.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8

    Each little bit helps, better than gaining I guess.

  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    PSA: to everyone underestimating your progress - guess what? You can do it. Will you be perfect and weigh less every day? NO. But just by sticking with whatever plan you have, you're committing to a long term journey, one step at a time, but always in the same direction: towards your goal. You can modify your plan as you go, finding out what works for *you*, but realizing you're in it for the long haul makes fluctuations just bumps in the road.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    wiley1st wrote: »
    @mlrtri Great progress. Wow! Whatever you're doing, keep going with it.

    Thank you 😁.
  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8: 66.1
    Aug 9: 65.9
    Aug 10:
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 264 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) ugh!
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    October sw 190
    Nov sw 187
    Dec sw 187
    Jan sw 183
    Feb, mar, apr sw 186
    May sw 187
    June sw 187.5
    July sw 186
    Aug sw 188
    Aug gw 184
    Ugw 120

    Aug 2 189 I forgot to add that the other day lol. It is high from my birthday weekend of yumminess.
    Aug 5 187
    Aug 9 189. I don’t get it. Working crazy hours and working out everyday. Should be going down not up. Ugh.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member

    I am 5 ft 3.

    Heaviest: 198
    June start weight: 187
    July start weight: 184.0
    UGW: 130/135

    Aug 1: 181.6
    Aug 2: 178.2
    Aug 3: 177.6
    Aug 4: 177.2
    Aug 5: 178.0
    Aug 6: 177.2
    Aug 7: 176.8
    Aug 8: 175.2
    Aug 9: 176.0
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4

    Each little bit helps!

  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    MFP SW: 192 lbs 12/31/2021 UGW: 172
    Jan SW: 191.8, Feb SW: 181.4, Mar SW: 176.4
    Apr SW: 176.4, May SW: 174.7, Jun SW: 174.8
    Jul SW: 175.2, August SW 172.7

    Aug 1: 172.7
    Aug 2: 173.4
    Aug 3: 172.2
    Aug 4: 171.0
    Aug 5: 171.0 Been slacking on posting daily. Will do better.
    Aug 6: 169.0 Starving today after too few calories yesterday
    Aug 7: 169.0 Burned lots of calories yesterday with little time to eat.
    Aug 8: 170.2 Recovery day yesterday so expected weight gain. BF% & BW% both improved
    Aug 9: 170.3
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 264 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) ugh!
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    October sw 190
    Nov sw 187
    Dec sw 187
    Jan sw 183
    Feb, mar, apr sw 186
    May sw 187
    June sw 187.5
    July sw 186
    Aug sw 188
    Aug gw 184
    Ugw 120

    Aug 2 189 I forgot to add that the other day lol. It is high from my birthday weekend of yumminess.
    Aug 5 187
    Aug 9 189. I don’t get it. Working crazy hours and working out everyday. Should be going down not up. Ugh.
    Aug 10 188