Just Give Me One Month - August 2022



  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    May SW: 201.6
    June SW: 194
    July SW: 190.6
    Aug SW: 187.2

    Aug 1: 187.2 Did some going out this weekend, so up a bit from salt mostly
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 185.6
    Aug 4: 186.8 Did measurements this morning, another 2 inches off my body!
    Aug 5-10 did not weigh in

    Aug 11: 186.8 This was quite a surprise, I was out of town, missed one gym day travelling, replaced another gym day with a 4 hour hike/fishing day. I did keep to having a protein drink for breakfast and one other meal every day, but the meals had stuff like potatoes, and I had ice cream 2 evenings.
    Aug 12: 184.8
    Aug 13: 183.8.

    Aug 14: 184
    Aug 15:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 17:
    Aug 18:
    Aug 19:
    Aug 20:
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4
    Aug 10: 163.6
    Aug 11: 163.2
    Aug 12: 164.0
    Aug 13: 163.8
    Aug 14: 162.4

  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I am 5 ft 3.

    Heaviest: 198
    June start weight: 187
    July start weight: 184.0
    UGW: 130/135

    Aug 1: 181.6
    Aug 2: 178.2
    Aug 3: 177.6
    Aug 4: 177.2
    Aug 5: 178.0
    Aug 6: 177.2
    Aug 7: 176.8
    Aug 8: 175.2
    Aug 9: 176.0
    Aug 10: 175.8
    Aug 11: 175.6
    Aug 12: 173.4
    Aug 13: 173.4
    Aug 14: 172.2
    Aug 15: 173.2
  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    edited August 2022
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8: 66.1
    Aug 9: 65.9
    Aug 10: 66.2
    Aug 11: 66.2
    Aug 12: 65.8
    Aug 13&14: period bloating so no weigh in
    Aug 15: 65.7
    Aug 16:
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4
    Aug 10: 163.6
    Aug 11: 163.2
    Aug 12: 164.0
    Aug 13: 163.8
    Aug 14: 162.4 (False low, dehydrated)
    Aug 15: 164.6 (Paying for a fun weekend)

  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    May SW: 201.6
    June SW: 194
    July SW: 190.6
    Aug SW: 187.2

    Aug 1: 187.2 Did some going out this weekend, so up a bit from salt mostly
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 185.6
    Aug 4: 186.8 Did measurements this morning, another 2 inches off my body!
    Aug 5-10 did not weigh in

    Aug 11: 186.8 This was quite a surprise, I was out of town, missed one gym day travelling, replaced another gym day with a 4 hour hike/fishing day. I did keep to having a protein drink for breakfast and one other meal every day, but the meals had stuff like potatoes, and I had ice cream 2 evenings.
    Aug 12: 184.8
    Aug 13: 183.8.

    Aug 14: 184
    Aug 15: 184
    Aug 16:
    Aug 17:
    Aug 18:
    Aug 19:
    Aug 20:
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I am 5 ft 3.

    Heaviest: 198
    June start weight: 187
    July start weight: 184.0
    UGW: 130/135

    Aug 1: 181.6
    Aug 2: 178.2
    Aug 3: 177.6
    Aug 4: 177.2
    Aug 5: 178.0
    Aug 6: 177.2
    Aug 7: 176.8
    Aug 8: 175.2
    Aug 9: 176.0
    Aug 10: 175.8
    Aug 11: 175.6
    Aug 12: 173.4
    Aug 13: 173.4
    Aug 14: 172.2
    Aug 15: 173.2
    Aug 16: 171.8
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4
    Aug 10: 163.6
    Aug 11: 163.2
    Aug 12: 164.0
    Aug 13: 163.8
    Aug 14: 162.4 (False low, dehydrated)
    Aug 15: 164.6 (Paying for a fun weekend)
    Aug 16: 164.2

  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    May SW: 201.6
    June SW: 194
    July SW: 190.6
    Aug SW: 187.2

    Aug 1: 187.2 Did some going out this weekend, so up a bit from salt mostly
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 185.6
    Aug 4: 186.8 Did measurements this morning, another 2 inches off my body!
    Aug 5-10 did not weigh in

    Aug 11: 186.8 This was quite a surprise, I was out of town, missed one gym day travelling, replaced another gym day with a 4 hour hike/fishing day. I did keep to having a protein drink for breakfast and one other meal every day, but the meals had stuff like potatoes, and I had ice cream 2 evenings.
    Aug 12: 184.8
    Aug 13: 183.8.

    Aug 14: 184
    Aug 15: 184
    Aug 16: 183.8
    Aug 17:
    Aug 18:
    Aug 19:
    Aug 20:
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4
    Aug 10: 163.6
    Aug 11: 163.2
    Aug 12: 164.0
    Aug 13: 163.8
    Aug 14: 162.4 (False low, dehydrated)
    Aug 15: 164.6 (Paying for a fun weekend)
    Aug 16: 164.2
    Aug 17: 163.0

  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I am 5 ft 3.

    Heaviest: 198
    June start weight: 187
    July start weight: 184.0
    UGW: 130/135

    Aug 1: 181.6
    Aug 2: 178.2
    Aug 3: 177.6
    Aug 4: 177.2
    Aug 5: 178.0
    Aug 6: 177.2
    Aug 7: 176.8
    Aug 8: 175.2
    Aug 9: 176.0
    Aug 10: 175.8
    Aug 11: 175.6
    Aug 12: 173.4
    Aug 13: 173.4
    Aug 14: 172.2
    Aug 15: 173.2
    Aug 16: 171.8
    Aug 17: 173.2
  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8: 66.1
    Aug 9: 65.9
    Aug 10: 66.2
    Aug 11: 66.2
    Aug 12: 65.8
    Aug 13&14: period bloating so no weigh in
    Aug 15: 65.7
    Aug 16: 65.7
    Aug 17: 65.7
    Aug 18:
  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    May SW: 201.6
    June SW: 194
    July SW: 190.6
    Aug SW: 187.2

    Aug 1: 187.2 Did some going out this weekend, so up a bit from salt mostly
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 185.6
    Aug 4: 186.8 Did measurements this morning, another 2 inches off my body!
    Aug 5-10 did not weigh in

    Aug 11: 186.8 This was quite a surprise, I was out of town, missed one gym day travelling, replaced another gym day with a 4 hour hike/fishing day. I did keep to having a protein drink for breakfast and one other meal every day, but the meals had stuff like potatoes, and I had ice cream 2 evenings.
    Aug 12: 184.8
    Aug 13: 183.8.

    Aug 14: 184
    Aug 15: 184
    Aug 16: 183.8
    Aug 17: 184.6
    Aug 18:
    Aug 19:
    Aug 20:
  • wildstarsgirl
    wildstarsgirl Posts: 373 Member
    MFP SW: 216 (Sep 2021)
    May SW: 198.4
    Jun SW: 197.8
    July SW: 200.2
    UGW: 143

    Aug 1: 200.8
    Aug 2: 199.3
    Aug 3: 199.9
    Aug 4: 200.6
    Aug 5: 201.3
    Aug 6: 200.3
    Aug 7: 200.8
    Aug 8: 201.4
    Aug 9: 202.6
    Aug 10: 201.6
    Aug 11: 201.4
    Aug 12: 201.4
    Aug 13: 200.8
    Aug 14: 200.8
    Aug 15: 201.0
    Aug 16: 200.4
    Aug 17: 200.4
  • TeaganPJ
    TeaganPJ Posts: 57 Member
    Female 5 ft 7. From the UK so excuse the different units please😌

    HW: 69.2kg
    August SW: 67.1kg
    August GW: 65kg

    Aug 1: 67.1
    Aug 2: 66.4
    Aug 3: 66.2
    Aug 4: 65.8
    Aug 5: 66.1
    Aug 6: 66.7 weigh in post breakfast
    Aug 7: 65.3 clubbing last night so very dehydrated
    Aug 8: 66.1
    Aug 9: 65.9
    Aug 10: 66.2
    Aug 11: 66.2
    Aug 12: 65.8
    Aug 13&14: period bloating so no weigh in
    Aug 15: 65.7
    Aug 16: 65.7
    Aug 17: 65.7
    Aug 18: 65
    Aug 19:
  • AmberHenderson630
    AmberHenderson630 Posts: 61 Member
    Consistency in exercise is my August goal

    Jan SW: 157.6
    Feb SW: 160.2
    Mar SW: 162
    Apr SW: 160.4
    May SW: 156.5
    June SW: 156.3
    July SW: 158.9
    August SW: 157.8

    August 1: 157.8
    August 2: 156.7
    August 3: 157.4
    August 4: 157.4
    August 18: 158 I’ve been more consistent in exercise, but not weighing in. I’ve also found I haven't been drinking nearly the amount of water I usually do… too much coffee. Time to get myself back on track.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,395 Member
    MFP SW: 200 (Jan 2022)
    Aug SW: 167.8
    Aug GW: 160
    UGW: 115-120

    Aug 1: 167.8 (TOM)
    Aug 2: 167.4 (TOM)
    Aug 3: 167.2 (TOM)
    Aug 4: 166.8
    Aug 5: 166.4
    Aug 6: 165.0
    Aug 7: 165.0
    Aug 8: 164.8
    Aug 9: 164.4
    Aug 10: 163.6
    Aug 11: 163.2
    Aug 12: 164.0
    Aug 13: 163.8
    Aug 14: 162.4 (False low, dehydrated)
    Aug 15: 164.6 (Paying for a fun weekend)
    Aug 16: 164.2
    Aug 17: 163.0
    Aug 18: 162.2

  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    May SW: 201.6
    June SW: 194
    July SW: 190.6
    Aug SW: 187.2

    Aug 1: 187.2 Did some going out this weekend, so up a bit from salt mostly
    Aug 2: 187
    Aug 3: 185.6
    Aug 4: 186.8 Did measurements this morning, another 2 inches off my body!
    Aug 5-10 did not weigh in

    Aug 11: 186.8 This was quite a surprise, I was out of town, missed one gym day travelling, replaced another gym day with a 4 hour hike/fishing day. I did keep to having a protein drink for breakfast and one other meal every day, but the meals had stuff like potatoes, and I had ice cream 2 evenings.
    Aug 12: 184.8
    Aug 13: 183.8.

    Aug 14: 184
    Aug 15: 184
    Aug 16: 183.8
    Aug 17: 184.6
    Aug 18: 184.4
    Aug 19:
    Aug 20:
  • wildstarsgirl
    wildstarsgirl Posts: 373 Member
    MFP SW: 216 (Sep 2021)
    May SW: 198.4
    Jun SW: 197.8
    July SW: 200.2
    UGW: 143

    Aug 1: 200.8
    Aug 2: 199.3
    Aug 3: 199.9
    Aug 4: 200.6
    Aug 5: 201.3
    Aug 6: 200.3
    Aug 7: 200.8
    Aug 8: 201.4
    Aug 9: 202.6
    Aug 10: 201.6
    Aug 11: 201.4
    Aug 12: 201.4
    Aug 13: 200.8
    Aug 14: 200.8
    Aug 15: 201.0
    Aug 16: 200.4
    Aug 17: 200.4
    Aug 18: 200.1