

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thanks Sue- I will check in with every one in the morning.Love your town- we make sure we go there when ever we do the road trip up there.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,345 Member
    edited September 2022
    Michele- it's telescopic. I only use it for things that are out of reach. My cleaner dusts everything she can see. :D With a normal duster. I'm also having a skirting binge.

    So sorry, Sue, for all the nightmares with smoke and ash. And anyone else nearby, like Lanette. <3<3<3

    Beth and Katy, I think of you daily. Showing such love and responsibility.
    Beth - I spoke to DH about our garage loft and going to the tip the other day. He did not exactly burst with enthusiasm, but the seed is planted. With him, it's best I plant the seed and then let it lie dormant for a while. He has got the hedge trimmer charging to cut our enormous bay tree. I've been 'casually' remarking about it for a week or two, now that the birds are all fledged.

    Rosemarie- I send you all the hugs I can muster for your caring situation. I really do have no words. <3<3<3

    Love to anyone on this thread who is going through hard and difficult times, or suffering silently. Sometimes the hardest struggles are the ones no one can see.

    Pip - Hooray! Brilliant! What an achievement! B)

    Love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    Weided my duster in the bedroom. :p Then I decided to tackle one of my drawers. Managed to throw away lots of old makeup and nail varnish that must be 10 years old. Or older. :o Made more sense of my costume jewellery. Found a whole lot of euros, about a hundred pounds worth, that will buy us a seafood lunch in Sète.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I did that when I cleaned out the bathroom about a year ago. Threw out all sorts of toiletries and organised the cupboards in the bathroom so that I can find stuff and so that it was easier to get ready for work in the morning.

    I did, however, keep the nail polish because I've been using it for little art projects. :)

    Carol, that might be a good way for you to start ... get rid of your personal stuff. Your toiletries. Your husband won't likely be able to find a use for that stuff.

    1948CWB wrote: »
    For some crazy reason (maybe because Heather was dusting and cleaning) I decided to go through a book shelf full of various clutter and the top half of a hutch cabinet. Filled two garbage bags with the stuff. Then, DH came along and decided he had to go through the garbage bags and take out what he thought we should keep. Will probably not let me get rid of anything.

    Carol in GA

    Machka in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,360 Member
    Hi all. Expecting elder daughter and her family for a birthday lunch for DHso limited time for comments.

    Commiserations to those near the wildfires. It must be very scary.

    Heather: I’ll be wielding my telescopic duster this morning. DH will be vacuuming all the dog hairs up 😝 (our temporary guest is shedding bucket loads)

    🥳🎉 Cheers to all those celebrating.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    edited September 2022
    Heather,[/b] I always find it interesting when spouses or partners give a gift that is just as much benefit to them as it is to their partner. Like these experience gifts that are all the rage these days, cruises and such things. Effectively they've given themselves half of that gift. I guess it's all down to the relationship.

    I like the experience gifts. :)

    Regarding gifts:

    If we need or want something for the house, garden or ourselves, we just get it. So if we suddenly decide we want to make waffles, we buy a waffle iron. If we decide we want a decorative pot in the garden, we get it. If I want a particular toiletry or clothing item, I get it. So we don't give each other those sorts of things at Christmas or for special occasions.

    We also don't need to keep accumulating stuff like ornaments, etc. so we encourage people not to give us that sort of thing and we don't get each other that sort of thing. I used to collect bicycle ornaments ... several years ago I stopped adding to the collection and started collecting bicycle cards (greeting cards with bicycles) instead because they're so much easier to store. Eventually, I'll probably take photos of them and the cards will go.

    Fortunately, our family doesn't exchange gifts anymore. :)

    But that doesn't leave a whole lot to give each other. So we go for the experiences. And yes, they might be for both of us, but in many ways we're rebuilding memories together after the whole memory-building process was interrupted 4.5 years ago and some memories were lost.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    Lisa - I love the cruise, in fact, I'm over the moon about it. :p<3 But the window situation is really getting on my nerves, and I hate the old, shabby bedroom deco that we inherited from a teenage boy. Yuk! DH doesn't even notice.
    I am really looking forward to the cruise, but, if someone handed me the money, there would be no choice.

    The new bed cushion covers have just arrived - my little attempt to make it look better. ;):)

    I spend most of the day in the bedroom. It's my study and retreat.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Why don't you start redecorating the bedroom?

    Maybe browse op shops and ebay to see what kind of deals you can get on things.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    Well, we'll see if I still have a job on Monday. Went home early with a massive headache, neck pain and backache yesterday. Wrote to my boss/supervisor, whatever you want to call her and basically asked her where the heck the disconnect/miscommunication went awry? Very politely, but firmly. I explained that I'm only asking for the equipment I left on my desk back in March 2020. I asked her why she was asking someone, who has nothing to do with my medical assistance billing job, why I need this equipment back after I told her verbally last spring, in an email last spring and several emails over the summer and fall. I told her that I felt very disrespected for that and I was sorry if she felt this email was in any way disrespectful. It was simply what I felt. I said that due to the headache I've suffered daily all week, it became unbearable today (yesterday) I was leaving early. I also said that the money that I bring into the district can be used to purchase the equipment I need to do my job so I don't have to deal with neck, back and eye strain.
    So......... we'll see if I still have a job on Monday.

    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN

    Why wouldn't you have a job on Monday?

    Wellness is a big thing down here. If we don't feel comfortable in one way or another, we're encouraged to express it. And there are people on staff who will do things like an ergonomic assessment for new employees and employees who have moved.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,345 Member
    edited September 2022
    Machka - I have very little income, so a nice dress, that is a bit more than I want to pay, or a new phone, are very welcome gifts. I always buy it on credit, and he puts the money in my account to pay the bill when it comes in. I am going to say 'no presents' again this Christmas to most people and make a bigger charity donation. We are going to my son's on Christmas Day, so we will be exchanging presents with them and giving to the kids. I think it's reasonable to give a gift to someone if you are seeing them on the day, but I'm not mailing stuff, or giving to people a month later. I would only do that for the grandchildren. DH's sister is the one who us most attached to present giving, often two months after the date. I do send her a birthday present, but I'm telling her now I don't want Christmas presents. DH can do what he likes. I like the thing on the day, or not at all.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,345 Member
    The morning was so beautiful that I couldn't resist a 5k. DH came with me and we parted at the toilets. He walked on down to the Palace Pier. That's a 6-7 mile return trip. I turned round at the toilets and sat for five minutes on the bench, admiring the sea and watching all the elderly women going in for a dip.
    There were some serious swimmers out there, probably training for next Sunday's triathlon. They were slowing down by the time I was on my way back. :D Also some very professional looking runners out and about. :o
    My son is entering the sprint tri, and Edie is doing the kids version. We will have to be at the start early next Sunday to cheer her on. DH's daughter and friend are staying the night, so they will have to get their own breakfast.
    Then when I got in, a very old 'friend' rang. I haven't spoken to her for years, but she wanted to pick my brains about Egypt. She is going there for a holiday in November.

    Love to all. I think my knees are holding up after running on two consecutive days.

    Heather UK xxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Yay Edie for doing the kids' triathlon! Atta girl!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    edited September 2022
    Machka - I have very little income, so a nice dress, that is a bit more than I want to pay, or a new phone, are very welcome gifts. I always buy it on credit, and he puts the money in my account to pay the bill when it comes in. I am going to say 'no presents' again this Christmas to most people and make a bigger charity donation. We are going to my son's on Christmas Day, so we will be exchanging presents with them and giving to the kids. I think it's reasonable to give a gift to someone if you are seeing them on the day, but I'm not mailing stuff, or giving to people a month later. I would only do that for the grandchildren. DH's sister is the one who us most attached to present giving, often two months after the date. I do send her a birthday present, but I'm telling her now I don't want Christmas presents. DH can do what he likes. I like the thing on the day, or not at all.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I was given a gift as a farewell from the previous place I worked. I felt a little bit of excitement as I unwrapped it, which I had to analyse because I haven't felt remotely excited about a gift in years ... maybe decades. I figured out that it was the first gift I've unwrapped in probably 3 years! And the only gifts I unwrapped then were the "secret santa" gifts at work with a $10 price limit.

    Phones are like waffle irons. We replace them when we need to. I had my first phone from about 2016 to 2021, and have relatively recently got my second one.

    Clothes I usually get at OP shops or wherever I can find them at a very inexpensive price. I rarely pay more than $10 for an item of clothing, and usually down around the $3 point. I like certain brands of clothes because I like the way they fit me, so I look for those brands in the OP shops. Also if I lose a bit more weight I'll have more than enough clothes to last me for years!

    We've got pretty much what we want/need. Even in the area of cycling, we're pretty much set. We used to gift each other with new cycling jackets or something, but not anymore. We've got enough.

    However, I can see the attraction of receiving unexpected gifts ... things we like but haven't requested. :) It's just not something we do.

    Machka in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,355 Member
    Margaret-thanks for sharing information on nux vomica, I find homeopathic approaches to things interesting. I do approach them cautiously. Many of our current medical treatments have their roots in homeopathic approaches. However, as with anything we ingest, we need to check them thoroughly

    Karen-the Binzbo is very clever!

    Barbie-no recipe for the Brussel sprouts! They are a brand called Paisley Farm-located in Willoughby, Ohio. I buy their stuff at Kroger (Frys in the parts of country). They also make pickled beets, bean salad, etc.

    Sue-hoping all remain safe with fires. I experienced the ash snow years ago in San Diego-scary stuff.

    Carla-we have employees provide medical statement for any special equipment needed. Since WFH became the rage, if people what extra equipment (like I have dual monitors in office that go with small surface tablet and I have two more at home. We provide two extra screens-I keep department ones in office and personally bought two for home for my convenience). That has worked well for us. I can't imagine not providing at least one larger screen since so many places are using the smaller laptop/tablets.

    Beth-my husband always wanted me with him for something like cleaning garage. Never did quite convince hi that if we worked in different areas we could accomplish more. Hope progress for moving
    your mom continues.

    Pip-congrats on finishing ride!

    Gifts-I must admit I love giving gifts. I give to my executive group at Christmas. Usually some sort of smallish Christmas ornament-just a token really. If they regift it, I won't know. I think regifting is fine-I may not use or like what you have given me-but it may be perfect for me to pass on (it is still a gift to me because it saved me shopping!). I do ask my children what they would like or need. Also-they tell me what is appropriate for grandkids. I have bought the kids new shoes or coats for gifts. Experience gifts are also good.

    While watching football yesterday I sorted out some jewelry. Put some in the box for Goodwill, organized other stuff in new jewelry boxes so I can actually find it! Have more to go but a very good start. Plan on shredding papers while watching my NFL game today. I am also working in basement for one hour today.

    Off to get some breakfast and get day started. Will get walk in this am. They are predicting rain for afternoon and the games I am interested in are the early ones.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member


    That's what I've been doing this weekend! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    Machka - I don't do that kind of physical work any more. Not worth the effort. I used to decorate, even wallpaper ceilings, but those days are long past. I am sure I would pull a muscle, rick my neck, or twist my knee, or something. The main problem is that nothing at all can be done until the windows are replaced. DH has no interest in replacing the windows and I have no spare money. He hates disruption in the house. I don't think he really likes men coming in. He likes our, very cheap, painter, because he is a cricket fanatic and a one man band.
    I don't like breaking eggs to make an omelette, but I am prepared to, if the results are worth it.

    There are so many other things I think are priorities, that he doesn't even notice. Even Edie mentioned that our front wall is falling over, so I'm sure her mother has been talking about it. :o Our driveway is a mass of cracked concrete and weeds. I am ashamed of the house above the ground floor, which we had painted a couple of years ago. but he is perfectly satisfied. These matters require careful preparation and tact, but he usually comes round in the end. I have to remember not to push it, so he thinks it is his idea.

    That was why I was so delighted when he came up with the extra cruise idea, out of his own head. :p Never mind that I have other ideas about how we could spend the money! He thought of it, and I am grateful. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm sorry to hear that about your house. :( I know you love the area but is the house getting too much for you two to maintain?

    M in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,417 Member
    Good morning ladies <3

    Beth - I admire your steadfastness in getting your mom moved to NY. There will probably come a time when you'll look back and wonder how you accomplished it all. :)

    Heather - Home repair/upkeep. I know the feeling. :# If I plan to stay here for another 5-10 years, and I could if my health holds up, I'll be shelling out $ for a new roof and some repair on the south side of the house. Can't worry about it right now. The plusses tremendously outweigh the minuses.

    SueBdew - under the mower??? Yikes! I'm surprised you didn't lose some skin or more. :# Glad to hear you are doing OK.

    Barbara - I'm too thinking of JanetR. Hopefully she'll pop in one of these days and catch us up.

    Rebecca - I'm so glad you were able to be with your sister. Sudden loss of her husband like that - I can't imagine, and I'm sad for her. Nice she was able to have a memorial for him.

    :p Yesterday I ran across another YouTube channel that has really caught my attention-


    Boy, talk about decluttering and downsizing and cutting down to the basics and essentials. It has renewed fire under me to keep tossing, boxing up, reorganizing. I have no desire to live in a car or camper. :D But it made me look around the house and DH's shop with renewed vigor- if I HAD to downsize to 10% or less of my current possessions, what would I keep? What is really, really necessary?

    It was interesting seeing what people deemed important, how they "made do", and their stories - some had no choice in living as "nomads", others chose this lifestyle intentionally. I love to study people and their motivation, and there's a variety here. Plus, there's practical knowledge about how to heat/shower/cook if a person experiences a disaster such as a windstorm where the electricity is cut off for days.

    Sue - hope you are faring well. <3 I need to check the news feed to see if there are updates on the Bolt Creek fire.

    We've been blessed this morning with on-shore winds. There are a few showers blowing in from the SE, so the smoke should be clearing here. Not sure if the showers will hit the fires east of us, but maybe change in air direction will lessen the spread.

    Make it a fabulous Sunday!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hope it is/was/will be a peaceful Sunday morning for all...

    Responses to the posts that stuck with me, and my apologies to the ones who didn't:

    Pip - well done!

    Carla - Glad you're slugging it out with the principal. Incurring physical injury or even continuous physical discomfort to accomplish an office job is a walk-away moment, especially when you've told them what you need! I'm glad you're standing your ground--I've found that most people don't have evil intent, they're just oblivious to the outcomes of their action or lack of action. Hope it's resolved well...

    Beth, Ginny, Lanette - While neither of my husbands has needed my presence when working on projects like that, my father wanted whoever was at home to be dancing attendance on anything he did, and especially any outside project. Not saying this applies to anyone here, but there were a number of reasons my sister and I went to his funeral only to make sure he was really dead. He was.

    Heather - Totally understand the house thing. I'm really struggling with walking through our house and knowing something needs doing in every room--we have lived in the house four years now, moved in as soon as it was livable, and since the initial push, have been able to complete only small jobs here and there, first due to both of our jobs, and then my inability to participate at the level I wanted to. I hope to be able to participate more fully soon - cooler weather is coming.

    Like you, I've swung around to the fact that we need to hire someone to do the rest of the big jobs, and just do one at a time. We've already discussed it a LOT, and once we pay the house off (hopefully December, but more likely January or February), we're going to get bids on each of the big projects, set the money to the side, and have someone else do them. I hope we finally get that master suite built next year. Wanting the master suite is combatting the need to get a barn or shed erected so we store the outside equipment under protective cover, and destroy a couple of small ramshackle sheds that are deteriorating by the day. We will discuss it ad nauseam over the months to come, I'm sure. It's kind of who we are together.

    Onward and upward,

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,161 Member
    :p Yesterday I ran across another YouTube channel that has really caught my attention-


    Boy, talk about decluttering and downsizing and cutting down to the basics and essentials. It has renewed fire under me to keep tossing, boxing up, reorganizing. I have no desire to live in a car or camper. :D But it made me look around the house and DH's shop with renewed vigor- if I HAD to downsize to 10% or less of my current possessions, what would I keep? What is really, really necessary?

    It was interesting seeing what people deemed important, how they "made do", and their stories - some had no choice in living as "nomads", others chose this lifestyle intentionally. I love to study people and their motivation, and there's a variety here. Plus, there's practical knowledge about how to heat/shower/cook if a person experiences a disaster such as a windstorm where the electricity is cut off for days.

    Make it a fabulous Sunday!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    From travelling for months on end with a bicycle and a few bags, I know I can live with very little.

    And from living off the grid for a year after a bushfire, I also have some idea how to deal with disaster experiences.

    After reading various conversations here, I'm tempted to write a little article entitled something like:

    What Audax/Randonneuring has taught me about life.

    Audax/Randonneuring is ultra-distance cycling and I've been involved with it since 2001, although to a lesser extent in recent years.

    Some of the things Audax/Randonneuring has taught me include ... knowing how to keep going, knowing when to quit, the things in life that really matter, reading nature and understanding what it's telling you, how to push myself beyond what I ever thought possible, how to prepare for the bigger things, how to enjoy the little things, that some of the best memories come from overcoming adversity, enjoying adventure and challenge, doing things for myself ... and sometimes working as a team, choosing the unusual, living outside my comfort zone ...

    Hmmm ... I might have to develop that a bit more. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,796 Member
    Morning ladies
    Alfie had me up at 5:30.. sheesh i dont even get to sleep in on the weekends..
    But I did weed the patio and get rhe laundry into the dryer so that an accomplishment