Less Alcohol ~ OCTOBER 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,831 Member
    edited October 2022
    October accountability: 7 days AF
    Alcohol: 12 days (30.5 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.

    10/17 - AF @ book club
    10/18 - 3 drinks ; DH & I had no plans to drink and no wine in the house! But then my sister dropped by with 2 bottles of wine and wanted to join us for dinner. Best intentions derailed.
    10/19 - 1 small HH margarita @ book club
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    @joans1976 I hope it all turns OK. We’re all on your side! Hang in there.

    @MissMay congrats on finding an awesome townhome!

    AF the last few days, but I have two dinners out this weekend, one that includes coming for cocktails, dinner and then sitting around the fire pit with S’mores, and the after dinner drinks will be flowing. I will need to pace myself and take micro-sips. A little nervous, TBH. Ah, I miss the heady days of not giving what I drank a second thought!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,654 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn.
    I live in SE BC, Canada.
    I joined this group in November 2018, and had my very first AF day in many many years then.
    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days per month, and have maintained that for a few years until September of this year when I had only 14AF days (couldn't resist the daily Margaritas in Mexico I guess).

    I do this diary style.

    Friday October 14 - Drinks - I was almost euphoric finally finishing work for the week last night. My short term tenant finished his 6 weeks of schooling and also left yesterday. I felt so happy and free. This weekend I will be digging potatoes after pulling all of the rest of my peppers and tomatoes. I am hoping to have one more week before digging up all of my carrots and beets. The house will get cleaned some other time :p
    Saturday October 15 - Drinks - Made a good dent in the yard, many hours left to do
    Sunday October 16 - AF - Continued working on the gardens, time is running out before a hard freeze expected to begin next weekend. Prioritizing certain things, beets and carrots will have to wait. I won't get much time during the work week.
    Monday October 17 - AF - Worked out of town, of course felt like drinks when I got home, just didn't.
    Tuesday October 18 - AF - Into a very heavy work week with late nights. Cold weather and rain are in the forecast with so much of my garden needing harvesting and very little time to get it done before the rain (and snow??) begins Saturday morning. Definitely can't add alcohol into that mix. Planned drinks late Friday after work and probably Saturday as I start to peel and cook stuff during the rainy day.
    Wednesday October 19 - 2 drinks. I had no intention of having drinks, I was just sooo tired and didn't even feel like eating. I quite enjoyed the taste of those drinks and the sensation. Planned AF for Thursday.

    Rolling total: 12AF days out of 19 days.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    @joans1976 you are at the 40 AF day mark - super well done! I expect and wish for good results to come you way.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @globalhiker I know exactly what you mean about the exercise. I lost use of the pool in the beginning of September and miss it tremendously. I struggle to find time/stamina to get more movement in on work days. What do you do that you work such long days?
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    @joans1976 oh gosh, so sorry. Hopefully, if it it is cancer, it’s nice and small and contained and they can just pluck it out. You’re a smart girl to stay off Dr. Google!!!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    One glass of wine last night. It was a big pour that I didn’t even finish.

    @lmlmrn I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my energy now that I’ve started doing strength workouts again. I go three times per week. I don’t lift heavy, but without having a class to go to, I’d be lifting nothing! Glad you are seeing benefits. But oh yes that initial soreness! Ouchie!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,561 Member
    @joans1976 we are thinking of you and fingers crossed. The word biopsy ( no matter where) puts me in a spin.
    Hugs your way.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,831 Member
    edited October 2022
    @Womona @lmlmrn @MissMay @dawnbgethealthy @globalhiker and others
    I absolutely love my Strong & Fit class which uses light hand weights (3-8 lbs ... some use up to 25 lbs) and body weight for strength training. In the 1 hour session we do usually 3-6 mins depending on the length of the songs ... warmup, squats, arms, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, core and cool down, The teacher which is 70 and in great shape leads the class 6x per week. She changes the routine and songs every 2-3 months. I try to make it at least 1 per week and have gone as many as 4 times a week. I can either attend in person or over Zoom.

    Example is try doing various lunges to Hotel California 6min with a 15lb bar weight (or hand weights) ... it burns!