Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey! I want to go cause TROUBLE! That was another one of our theme songs...lol

    I have a baby but I aint dead!!!!

    Checking in:
    calories- 1010, but will prb get a snack in before bed time
    water- yup PLENTY
    sodium- around 1800 right now...but again getting a snack sometime tonight
    excercise- elliptical 18 mins bike 25 mins
    cals burned- 612!! WHOOP WHOOP!

    Hope the scale doesnt show me a 2__ something in the morning ...I hate that number!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Check in
    calories, under by 100
    exercise, organizing my room for th enew bedset
    water, not enough..I sound like a broken record
    proud, I wanted a snack today so I just stuck with what I had planned because I so despreatly wat to see 199 soon.one pound short

    hhave a great nite girls
    check back tomorrow :)

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My goal is to check in everyday! So here goes

    Calories: 1425
    Water: 104oz
    Exercise: Elliptical
    Calories Burned: 396
    Proud: I got up as planned, went to the gym and gave it my best. Even though I'm still tired from moving all weekend. I want this! I want to see onederland!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in

    cals - 1791
    Water - not good
    Exercise - 45 min (425 cals burned) on the elliptical
    Proud - That i worked out today , even though i was a bit tired....

    So here i am at 1st of august ..5 months left this year. I am setting 40 lbs as my goal before 1/1..that would be 100lbs..I would love to hit 100 lbs by the end of the year, that is averaging like around 2 lbs a week till the end of the year...I know that i won't do 2 lbs every week...Not going to be upset if i don't hit it but i am going to try my best to get it done.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for today:
    Cals - Perfect. Literally. I have 0 cals left. :happy:
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Swimming + the walk to the pool = 430 cals
    Proud - We had a healthy meal here at home. Then at the ballpark I had about 12 peanuts and a Bud Select (my mom and I shared two, so I had one). I was a good girl at the ball game. Then the family went out for frozen yogurt and I used up the remaining 200 cals on a very tasty cup of frozen yogurt in assorted flavors - blackberry, dreamsicle, vanilla, and yellow cake batter. Yummy!

    Blue - I sent my number to you. I may have some time tomorrow afternoon for a quick meet-up. I'm having lunch in Clayton from 1-2:15 p.m.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Came across an interesting article about Plus size clothing in the New York Times magazine this weekend: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/01/magazine/01plussize-t.html?pagewanted=1&th&emc=th
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mornin' ladies!
    I'm back at work today. I may leave early though because I'm so exhausted I'm shaking. I think the shaking is partly due to all kinds of withdrawal since I've been living on pretty much nothing but caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and sodium since Saturday. :laugh:

    Didn't check my weight this morning but I was 196.2 last night when I got home with my clothes & shoes on which surprised me (in a very good way) since I've eaten whatever I wanted since Saturday. I kind of mentally tracked cals and even with all the beer I'm pretty sure I was under maintenance every day. My new habits are turning into old habits and I make way better decisions and my body craves better food. My friend stopped for fast food after the concert Sunday night and just the thought of it triggered my gag reflex. :laugh:

    It may take me another year or maybe even longer, but I have no doubt I'm really going to lose at least 40 more pounds.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Back to 198 this morning...just happy I didnt see a 2__ something!!! My goal for this week was to get back to 195...so here's hoping!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-That's awesome about not wanting the fast food! After the bar "meals" or what I thought were snacks were the hardest for me to give up! Hope you had a great trip and get some rest!

    Cris-Yay for no 2somethingon the scale!

    Day #2 of getting up early to go to the gym completed! YAY! And I finished w9d2 of c25k. However, I did forget my socks to wear to work. So here I am in my work shoes with no dress socks. Feels nasty! At least it wasn't a bra or something I guess.

    So now you GOTTA do it tonight Cris. So we can finish this TOGETHER!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh...and a bit of a vent. My wonderful co worker made a pound cake and brought a piece for everybody. I don't know what pound cake is but she told me how much butter and sugar was in it and I wanted to throw up. I politely took it. It will be going home to a family member. :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I got your FB message but been busy at work! I am so glad you did it! I have a mental block about it too but now that you did it I cant let you down! I hope I can do it...Im not gonna lie, I had a hard time with the bike and elliptical last night and they are usually my "easy" excercise...**sigh**

    Julie- welcome home!

    POUND CAKE= SOOOO MUCH BUTTER!!!! But its gooood
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Yeah she said she put like 4 sticks of butter in it. I can't cave in. I got ottta control with the sweets and I am trying to wein myself off! :laugh: Yeah I was seriously having an anxiety attack driving to the gym this morning. I got to the gym and put my HRM on and my heart rate was about 110..it's usually in the 80's before I start..I closed my eyes during the warm up and took lots of dee breaths and told myself I could do it over and over and over. I'm sure I looked like a moron. I don't care. I did it. That's all that matters. And you will do it. Because your competative enough! :tongue: :drinker:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks for the article, Heather!

    I just realized I didn't post at all yesterday. Woops :)

    I've been trying to sort out the messy files in my brain. Lots of new things happening coming up... and I was feeling like I didn't have a great handle on the new things from before! (Does that make sense to anyone? Yikes!) This is the first time I've ever lived with a boyfriend, the first time I've cared for children for longer than a babysitting job, the first time for a lot! While it certainly isn't bad at all, I think I had a false sense of confidence coming into it. So I've been feeling rather on the failure side that life isn't perfect and everyone isn't smiley all the time. Like everything else I have to deal with, I just need to breathe, relax, and do what I can. I need to do a better job opening my mouth and saying how I feel. Perception is not reality. Time to wake up and take other people into consideration (more... I'm not THAT selfish haha!)

    Sorry I'm being so thoughty and wordy... :)

    I didn't make it to rugby last night, which is quite fine with me. In conjunction with the above paragraph, I am entering a new phase of life where I am not a rugby player with other things to do. I am a girlfriend, a roommate, a step-mom (more or less), and employee, a (soon-to-be) student, and THEN a rugger. I'm actually excited about that! I don't feel the pressure to do everything for a team like I used to.

    Instead, last night, I got to pick the girls up from school, we did chores, ate pizza, and painted fingernails (PS - The Barbie Princess Mermaid Movie... not all you'd expect. haha) I am really grateful for the time I am going to get to spend with them this week and next. It'll be good for all three of us to have some one on one time.

    Tonight we're making fairy cookies! :)

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories: Under
    Water: Awful
    Exercise: Nothing really... cleaning?
    Sodium: Under! (this has been easier than I expected)
    Proud: Spent some one-on-one time with the girls :)

    That's PLENTY from me! haha Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Tstout- I remember when I was kind of thrown into that "mother/wife" kind of role...I was only 21!!!! It was really hard for me to adjust going from all night parties to staying at home and cooking/cleaning/ entertaining the kids....the biggest lesson I learned was that you dont have to be the perfect partner. As much as you may love his girls they are HIS responsability. I know that sounds harsh but at least from personal experience I took over as if I was my step sons mother when I moved in with Fiance and while it was great that I built such a great relationship with his son it also made me resent him (my fiance not his son) a little that I was all of a sudden going from fun girlfirend who likes to party to "mommy" role.

    He never asked me to do all the stuff I did for his son, I did it because I felt like it was my role as his gf...looking back I think I would have been more laid back about the transition and would have been less anxious about being "perfect" homemaker mother and wife. Its been 6 years now and I feel like I have finally settled into my role. And it by no means includes being a perfect homemaker, wife, and mother...I help with his son a lot but leave most of it up to him. I dont cook dinners every night like I used to...I let him do it more often than not :wink: , and all household chorse are supposed to be shared..even though I get tired of waiting for him to do his half so I do them a lot..but my point behind this long ramble is dont over extend yourself. Love those girls but dont feel like you are responsible for them!

    Good luck!
  • Danielle_81
    Hey everyone...I'm still alive (in case anyone was worried :laugh: )

    I'm working on getting back on track....I logged yesterday for the first time in a week, but didn't do my supper. Maybe I'll get that in after I get to work. :indifferent: I'm REALLY trying to keep myself going because I know if I don't start back up I'll never keep going. I can't defeat myself....

    talk to you all later...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Go to tubbssnowshoes.com and you can see what snowshoes are. It's actually the brand of the new ones I bought. Snowshoeing is great exercise, easier than you'd think and FUN! Especially if you already like hiking. Visit me in the winter and I'll take you snowshoeing now that I have an extra pair!

    Cris: Nice job on the 198! You'll be seeing 190 in no time. I'm glad you still leave the house even with a baby....so many people don't seem to understand the balance between family and going out with friends. Never lose that balance!

    tstout: My boyfriend has a 6 year old son and I spend a lot of time with them, even though I don't live with them. I take the approach Cris mentioned, where I do a lot for bf's son, but always let bf be the lead and be responsible for him. For a while I thought that was being selfish and uncaring, but I've learned that it seems to work best. I love the kid, though! They're a joy, aren't they? How old are the girls?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: WAY over (Applebees boneless wings)
    Sodium: WAY over (see above)
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Sport Resort for Wii and bed pilates with lots of "warmup" time.
    Proud: Even though I ate poorly last night, the scale was back down to 190.6 this morning!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    myworld-Way to jump back no the horse!

    tstout-I don't have any advise to give you but Cris and Heather's sounds good to me! It' sounds like you are trying to find a happy mix!

    Heather-Okay so that looks freaking AWESOME! I wanna try it out now! Minnesota, here I come!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am finally cashing in my free PT sessions that I won during the biggest loser contest. I have my pre-training consultation on Monday and then she goes on vacay but we will prob start training Aug 23...Im excited to learn new things to do at the gym

    The pre-training consultation will basically set my goals and take my measurements- Im making my goal the 170 by Jan 4, 2011- my 1 year anny with MFP

    Omg I want to see that 170 sooo badly! Last time and only time as an adult that I weighed 170 was for a few month in 2006 and I did it because I found out Bobby was proposing at the beach vacation we were going on and I wanted to look good. I did get down to 169 but no proposal...I lost my job a week before the vacation and he decided to use the $$ he had saved for the ring to support us while I was unemployed...ugh it sucked!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Congrats on deciding to cash in the PT sessions! Yay! I can't wait to celebrate your 170.

    Jess: When you decide to visit, let me know and I'll have the snowshoes ready! Nate and I spent every other weekend snowshoeing during the winter and sometimes during the week (when we don't have his son). It's awesome and we've seen so many cool things. It's amazing how quiet and serene the state parks are with almost no one else there!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I think that's fantastic that you are cashing in your PT sessions! I think that might just the push that you need! Let us know how it all goes for you!

    Heather-I will definitely let you know if I can swing coming up there! That would be freaking awesome.