
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Betsy-I really appreciate your feelings on caregiving and the future. Worded very eloquently. Since my husband died 7 years ago I have not really had another relationship. My thoughts have been that I don't want to take care of someone and more importantly I don't want to bury another. I am also trying to set things up to make easier on children.

    Flea-sorry to hear of the loss of friend. I do admire the way he had control over things. It sounds like he lived a very full life.

    Allie-glad you have medical appointments scheduled-hope they get to the bottom of things.

    Rebecca-sending good thoughts your way for surgery. Totally normal to feel nervous. I know many people who have felt so much better after the surgery.

    Off and running for a busy week. Good time with kids this weekend but tiring!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Well, my turn to be up early after a sleepless night. I was playing solitaire at 3 a.m.

    But the good news is that Teddy is fine. He had me worried about eating plastic last night, but he just now ate a full breakfast. His energy is normal. And his belly is not tender. Yay!

    Machka you asked if I could slide my eating hours later so that I was eating with my parents. I can't cook both for me and them at the same time. I could grab a yogurt though. That's something to try, thank you.

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept pretty well.not great but eh..up ,dressed and fed Alfie though he hasn't eaten yet and about to take off to see my little munchkin.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Hardly slept last night. I have come to the conclusion that I have anxiety about DH'S sister's visit with her boyfriend next weekend. Was worrying about food etc. One complication is that he is a vegetarian and allergic to fish. I have coped fine with that in the past, but for some reason, I was feeling unsettled. We had agreed to all go out on the Saturday night, but I was feeling guilty about that and wondering if I ought to cook, when they had driven for over two hours.
    Came downstairs and talked to DH over our morning tea. He reminded me that, because we see not doing Christmas presents, she had said she would rather spend the money on a nice meal out together. That makes me feel much better! :D
    I will still provide nibbles when they get here, and breakfast and snack lunch on Sunday. I think it will be the wonderful focaccia, with own choice of fillings. I might see my way to soup, who knows. :p
    I always feel so annoyed with myself when I get like this, but there it is.

    I did a good morning's work, typing up my old poems about my first marriage. Makes me a bit sad to revisit all the conflicting emotions, ranging from passionate engagement, to indifference, to overwhelming regret. Reminds me to never take anything for granted. There was so much to love.

    The cleaner is coming this afternoon. I will get her to concentrate on the areas our guests will see! :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    30 Days of Gratitude

    1. Smell - freshly cut grass on our lawn.
    2. Technology - the amazing advancements in medical technology.
    3. Colour - blue. Beautiful blue sky peaking through the clouds.
    4. Food - soup. That's what I've been eating just recently because there's less chewing. We always keep a few cans of soup on hand for situations like these.
    5. Sound - my music. I've recently acquired a number of nature sounds CDs with music playing along with sounds of ocean waves, birds, and so on. Lovely.
    6. Nature - I love nature. It would be incredibly difficult for me to pick just one thing. I am so grateful that there is nature and that I can enjoy it.
    7. Memory - Winter 2017. The last time I visited my parents and a wonderful 1-month holiday to Canada that June/July. My husband and I did two cycling events and a lot of other cycling. We climbed mountains and explored a glacier. We visited friends and family.
    8. Book - Norman Doidge's The Brain's Way of Healing. I found it inspirational!
    9. Place - home. I've moved and travelled a lot and home is wherever I happen to feel really comfortable. Right now, home is a certain house here in Tasmania where I can go and just be myself (mostly, for even a little while). Home is where I can lie down on the sofa and doze off when I've had a rough day, like I did yesterday.
    10. Taste - salt. My favourite taste. :) On the one hand I need salt because of my exercise and medications, on the other hand I need to reduce my salt because of my kidneys. But given the choice, I'll usually go salty over sweet ... or maybe salty and sweet!
    11. Holiday - Christmas!!!!
    12. Texture - smoothness. I like smooth clothes, smooth sheets, Rhody's smooth fur ...
    13. Abilities - I don't really think of myself in terms of having abilities. I've sort of thought of myself as "the jack of all trades, master of none". However, organisation is one that I've been thankful for throughout my life.
    14. Sight - the beauty all around. In our yard, where we go cycling, where I work, and travelling around this island.
    15. Season - I like the seasons in the following order from best to worst: Summer, Autumn ............ Spring ................... Winter.
    16. What about your body are you grateful for? Healing ... that it heals. Mostly anyway, and perhaps imperfectly, but healing does take place.
    17. What knowledge are you grateful for? Everything I do know. It all contributes to my work, my carer role, and my other activities.
    18. Piece of art - of the arts, I think the two I appreciate the most are literature and music. On the subject of music, I have really appreciated discovering ABC Classic FM on the radio and the app on my phone. I pop in my earbuds at work and I can focus on my work while feeling relatively relaxed at the same time. :)
    19. Touch - Rhody's fur, his little wet nose, his whiskers
    20. Who in my life - my husband. I'm glad he is still in my life. My parents who have always been supportive.
    21. Song - He Is -- Mark Schultz. One of several songs that has been with me through the difficult times.
    22. Story - I'm grateful that there are so many stories! I love reading. It provides me with a much-needed distraction.
    23. Tradition - I like the little traditions of Christmas. :)
    24. Challenge - all the long distance cycling I've done over the years! :)
    25. What moment this week are you most grateful for? Now. The start of a 3-day weekend! I'm taking Monday off.
    26. What form of expression ... the written word. I like being able to communicate non-verbally through emails, facebook, etc. :)
    27. What small thing that I use daily am I grateful for? ...

    Is my bed small? It's a twin ...
    My pillow? Having discovered good pillows, I can hardly sleep on any other pillow.
    My laptop! That would probably be the one. :)

    28. Small thing that happened today ... I got to rest and get a few things done. Plus I got to watch Murder She Wrote!

    Machka in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,531 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gratitude — I am grateful for the ability to talk on the telephone with DH. He is working on improving his health. I get to visit in person when our daughter can take me to him. The ability to chat on our telephones makes it easy to talk with each other whenever we want. 😊 ❤️
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Grateful for...
    28-*small thing that happened today- ......... I'll have to let you know when I get home ......... wish me luck
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Over here with mr Miles.. getting back into a routine.. i haven't been gone a week and so much change .. he is walking all over now ,but falling and getting bruises..enjoying playing with kitchenware .. big plastic spoons etc...
    He took a small nap..
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – What a mess, the Grands will remember these events and it will forever negatively color their relationship with their dad, he thinks he is hurting your DD but really he is hurting himself. What a jerk! Sending thoughts of patience and strength to her.

    Smiles Kim in N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Lisa im so sorry ,my first husband did the same thing talking trash about me to a 8 and 12 yr old now Tracy can't believe anything he says because he says one thing and does another..
    I never said anything about him to the kids because he is there dad.. but it has come back to bite him..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Lisa, so sorry for the drama. Let's hope he fades out of the scene.

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    edited November 2022
    Thank you Kim and Allie and Annie - It actually brought back memories of my father in a rage saying horrible things about my mother and my mother's friends. Words that I genuinely had no idea what they meant, had never heard before. Not exactly a fond memory.

    My grandson, luckily, at 3 years old, probably won't remember, but my 7-year-old granddaughter will, which just breaks my heart. Ah well - I can't fix it, but genuinely appreciate the listen. Corey's all-male perspective is that he doesn't want to hear the drama, whether from Kelsey or me. The fixer in him just doesn't want to know about something he can't fix. I get that. I'm just giving her the sounding board she needs, and trying not to let it upset me too much--I can't fix it either, but I'm OK with that.

    Just doodling, doing chores, watched Yellowstone while I was setting up my pills for the week. Now it's laundry...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Awe, so sorry Lisa, that is so childish of him. I remember hearing my parents fight over really silly stuff after they divorced. My Dad was never home when I called him, and I dial his number over and over till I cried in a heap. I was in high school. For awhile I stopped calling him Dad, because dads are there and he wasn't. I also recall a rather heated tennis match I had with him on one of his visiting weekends. All the emotions coming out with each wack! It was glorious!😂😂😁😠😡. We had a good long talk afterwards.
    I hope your grandkids have a place to exercise their feelings out.💖👍🏻🙏
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We’re having a good time today. DH & I had a good lunch & he is chatting with our son, It is noon now & I may be back to my apartment soon.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    edited November 2022
    Lisa - Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. :s:'( So sad all round. You are doing great, being a listening ear. <3

    The house is clean. :D I asked her to leave the top floor, our bedroom, and DH'S study, and just concentrate on the visitors' areas. She made a special effort in DH'S bathroom, which they will be using. Scrubbed all the tiles.

    I've booked the Persian restaurant for Saturday. We have to give up the table at 8.30, so I've reserved it for 6.30 - 6.45. It has a good selection of vegetarian dishes.

    Tonight I made a big vegetarian curry. Delicious! There is enough for me to have some for lunch tomorrow. I'm reading the Tim Spector book, so I'm very conscious of my veggie fibre. :p Cauliflower, spinach, chickpeas, peas, onions, celery, carrot, garlic, potatoes, mixed spices, cloves, cardamom pods, cumin seeds. Brown rice.
    With raita - cucumber, scallions, garlic, lemon juice, homemade yoghurt.
    And a mixed pickle with all sorts of veg in it.
    Not too bad for one day. :p
    Lunch had lots of arugula. Rye bread. Blue cheese - mouldy and fermented!

    Pears for dessert.
    Then one candy. :*

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    edited November 2022
    24. challenge. The challenge recently is learning to keep my distance from middle sister and her toxic.
    25. moment this week. When my eldest son called and we chatted for an hour.💖
    26. form of expression. Writing to my many pen pals.😁
    27. daily use item. My Christmas mug from a good friend, and my tablet.
    28. what happen today. Still waiting for nurse to call me.
    29. friend/family member. Filling out early because I won't be coherent to fill out. My husband because hopefully he'll be by my side throughout the day of surgery.
    30. talent or skill. Singing, playing the piano and juggling. (not at the same time).😂
