Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 207



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,310 Member
    MLML1984 wrote: Β»
    Hey! I'm in! :) I need the accountability!

    38 year old female...5'4" ....used to be in GREAT shape, but let life take the steering wheel the last few years and made fitness and overall health the bottom of the barrel as far as priorities. I'm BEYOND ready to feel good again. I'm ready to start prioritizing my health and wellbeing again....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.

    Heaviest: 232
    Goal Weight: 150
    Starting Weight: 232

    Monday, December 5th: Starting Weight....232 lbs. Stuck to all my calories today and upped my water.
    Tuesday, December 6th: 231 lbs. Stuck to all my calories today, BUSY at work, didn't have enough water.


    β€œTo change your body you must first change your mind.”

    Wednesday, December 7th: 230 lbs. as of this morning! Another busy day today, but I'm going to up my water and CHARGE my fitbit so I can get more steps in. The first half of the week is always my busiest so I'm looking forward to more movement, exercise, and water/vitamins the remaining part of the week! Woop Woop! :)

    12/08 -
    12/09 -
    12/10 -
    12/12 -


    I saw this quote on the bottom of another member's post (@deepwoodslady) and LOVED IT! What a great way to see how far you have come and where you're goal is! I copied/pasted it for me below so I can also keep track! I love the quote she added to it as well:

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again! 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    @MLML1984 The quote was mine, but the rest I got from someone else who has been kind enough to share with all of us. I love it too. I'm looking forward to marking off my next decade but I have a ways to go to get there! Good luck to both of us and welcome to the challenge!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,310 Member
    Round 207


    ROUND 165 FOR ME.

    β€œToday….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R206 EW= 197.8
    R207 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.

    R43 thru R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = -19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)

    R53 thru R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = -4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1)

    R63 thru R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = -8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)

    R73 thru R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = -5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)

    R83 thru R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = -8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)

    R93 thru R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = -2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)

    R103 thru 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = -14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 thru 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = -4.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 209.6)

    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = -1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = -0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = -3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)

    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]-16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)

    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]-5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)

    R173 thru R182 (12/28/21 thru 04/06/22) = (b]-7.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 199.6)

    R183 thru R192 (04/07/22 thru 07/15/22) = -1.4 LOST (Ending Weight 198.2)

    R193 thru R202 (07/16/22 thru 10/23/22) = -3.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 202.0)

    R203 (10/24/22 thru 11/02/22) = -4.0 LOST (Ending Weight 198.0)

    R204 (11/03/22 thru 11/12/22) = -0.2 LOST (Ending Weight 197.8)

    R205 (11/13/22 thru 11/22/22) = -0.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 198.6)

    R206 (11/23/22 thru 12/02/22) = -0.8 LOST (Ending Weight 197.8)

    R207 (12/03/22 thru 12/12/22) = -xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    12/02 …..197.8….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    12/03 -197.0- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/04 -197.0- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/05 -197.8- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/06 -199.6- (Trend weight 197.9) I just couldn’t get full yesterday. I ate 5 small meals plus 2 snacks and I truly did not even realize it. I should have been logging! Anyway, I was shocked when I stepped on the scale until I realized that it was also an expected bloat day. Today is a pill day so that, along with careful meal planning, should allow a better scale result tomorrow. I must stay strong!

    12/07 -198.0- (Trend weight 197.9) Always honest….always with accountability….. Yesterday was much better but still not perfect. Now that the reno is mainly done, I don’t have people here everyday, and I’m fully decorated for Christmas, I think maybe boredom has set in? Especially in the evening when all my household work is all done. I think I need to start a new book or something. NOT SNACK. No bloat today, good TMI and good meal choices helped facilitate this drop. But my habits need to go back to very good, not just good. Good is not good enough when I still have 50 pounds to lose! Travel tomorrow and Friday. Thur = more dental. Fri = Cardiac Rehab Orientation and exercise testing to see my current level. These are in two different cities in opposite directions. I plan on being mindful but we all know how me and big town restaurants go. I'm going to work on my attitude today. First thought for Friday during rehab.....I'll be going twice a week for about 3 months. I don't need to eat all the food up in one visit. I've got plenty of time to s..p..r..e..a..d i..t o..u..t. Be smart about it Donna!

    12/08 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/09 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/10 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/11 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/12 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    edited December 2022
    Pw: 173
    • Wed 12/07: 175.4; +2.4lbs
      ^ ^ I’m sure this is all water weight ^ ^
      Had plenty of temptation for dinner since husband wanted Chili’s and then I topped it off with ice cream for dessert, only positive was that I was conscientious while eating dinner and only ate half of my meal
      I believe I didn’t do so well because I didn’t log my food, and I didn’t log my food because my lunch was too difficult to figure. I let myself slide for the rest of the day after that. weight.png
    Stayed Below SW 170.6 🟒=Yes πŸ”΄=No
    (Sat > > > > > > > > Next Mon)
    • 12/08 Thurs ~ 6th Day
    • 12/09
    • 12/10 Sat ~ 8th Day
    • 12/11
      *MiniGoal: In the 160’s
    • 12/12 Mon ~ Last Day
    Prev Days (Cliffs notes color coded):
    • Tues 12/06πŸ”΄173; -.6lbs
      ~ Made leftover cabbage, chicken thighs and cauliflower rice into a stir fry.. added some soy and sesame, canned mushroom and an egg. It was really tasty! Trying out a new Ticker this week (Thank you to whomever I stole this idea fromπŸ€—) weight.png
    • Mon 12/05πŸ”΄173.6; -1.4lbs
      ~ So much better today! Mondays are always bring such smooth sailing, when it comes to eating weight.png
    • Sun 12/04πŸ”΄175; +2lbs
      ~ Not emotional eating this time. But I did eat when I wasn’t hungry and played a mental game of β€œEat this/that because tomorrow (Monday) I won’t be able to” Not sure what my actual weight was last night but I’m guessing it went up a pound or two; Also, I felt really sick after my binge last night (documenting so I stay present and accountable)..needless to say I’m not happy with that[/quote]
    • Sat 12/03πŸ”΄173; +2.4lbs
      ~ My dad made his famous hamburgers and loaded potato salad and there were a few things that sabotaged my eating and my weight last night.
      ~ I didn’t log anything;
      ~ I didn’t drink half the water I usually drink;
      ~ I went a little crazy with snacking later at night all by myself. I think I was doing a little emotional eating and covered up some sadness that I didn’t and don’t want(or know how) to deal with right now. BUT: Today will be a better day!
    • SW: 170.6
      ~ Fought off my hungry alter ego monster for the last 10 days. Hopefully I won’t have too many more plans during this next round! Remember: don’t stop reading affirmations and meditating.
      ~ Ready as I’ll ever be!!πŸ’ͺ
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,408 Member
    Round 207


    ROUND 165 FOR ME.

    β€œToday….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R206 EW= 197.8
    R207 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.

    R43 thru R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = -19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)

    R53 thru R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = -4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1)

    R63 thru R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = -8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)

    R73 thru R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = -5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)

    R83 thru R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = -8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)

    R93 thru R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = -2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)

    R103 thru 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = -14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 thru 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = -4.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 209.6)

    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = -1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = -0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = -3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)

    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]-16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)

    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]-5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)

    R173 thru R182 (12/28/21 thru 04/06/22) = (b]-7.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 199.6)

    R183 thru R192 (04/07/22 thru 07/15/22) = -1.4 LOST (Ending Weight 198.2)

    R193 thru R202 (07/16/22 thru 10/23/22) = -3.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 202.0)

    R203 (10/24/22 thru 11/02/22) = -4.0 LOST (Ending Weight 198.0)

    R204 (11/03/22 thru 11/12/22) = -0.2 LOST (Ending Weight 197.8)

    R205 (11/13/22 thru 11/22/22) = -0.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 198.6)

    R206 (11/23/22 thru 12/02/22) = -0.8 LOST (Ending Weight 197.8)

    R207 (12/03/22 thru 12/12/22) = -xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    12/02 …..197.8….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    12/03 -197.0- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/04 -197.0- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/05 -197.8- (Trend weight 197.7)

    12/06 -199.6- (Trend weight 197.9) I just couldn’t get full yesterday. I ate 5 small meals plus 2 snacks and I truly did not even realize it. I should have been logging! Anyway, I was shocked when I stepped on the scale until I realized that it was also an expected bloat day. Today is a pill day so that, along with careful meal planning, should allow a better scale result tomorrow. I must stay strong!

    12/07 -198.0- (Trend weight 197.9) Always honest….always with accountability….. Yesterday was much better but still not perfect. Now that the reno is mainly done, I don’t have people here everyday, and I’m fully decorated for Christmas, I think maybe boredom has set in? Especially in the evening when all my household work is all done. I think I need to start a new book or something. NOT SNACK. No bloat today, good TMI and good meal choices helped facilitate this drop. But my habits need to go back to very good, not just good. Good is not good enough when I still have 50 pounds to lose! Travel tomorrow and Friday. Thur = more dental. Fri = Cardiac Rehab Orientation and exercise testing to see my current level. These are in two different cities in opposite directions. I plan on being mindful but we all know how me and big town restaurants go. I'm going to work on my attitude today. First thought for Friday during rehab.....I'll be going twice a week for about 3 months. I don't need to eat all the food up in one visit. I've got plenty of time to s..p..r..e..a..d i..t o..u..t. Be smart about it Donna!

    12/08 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/09 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/10 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/11 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    12/12 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Have you thought about taking your own food for one of the trips and eating at a restaurant the other, thereby helping you stay more in control for the week?