

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Weekend!

    My niece came to visit this weekend and brought along her friend's dog. He's part shepherd/part lab. What a nice one he is too. It really made me miss having a dog around here. This one (Eli) is about a year old so big, but still puppy-like. He made one mess in the house...probably marking his territory...and went for a swim in the pool...accidentally. It was nice and warm out so he could dry off pretty well. I hope she will bring him again.

    Tomorrow there is a baby shower after church so I will go to that.
    Yesterday went to the memorial service of a friend's husband.

    I'm heartened to hear of all the weight loss successes! It's fun to read about and encouraging too.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Phew - slept like a log for 8 hours. Why is having people over so exhausting. I know the young couple enjoyed themselves, especially the mum.
    I am going to say it here because I will not say it to anyone else other than DH that I do fear that the baby could be autistic. I thought that the first time I met her at 4 months. It's much to early to diagnose that sort of thing and it is not my place to broach the subject, but I have a feeling, judging by her behaviour. She is only 8 months so things could change. Awkward subject though. I haven't said anything to DSIL, and feel I should butt out of the situation, but I feel awkward keeping quiet too.

    Jodios- I feel your frustration with the clothes buying. I do think if you are working you should be able to enjoy buying lovely clothes and celebrating your body. Wanting other people to vicariously enjoy what we do sometimes meets with frustration. If being careful with money is his main modus vivendi then he is never going to share your joy. Feelings about money are often very deeply ingrained. Sometimes very careful communication can work. I'm sure you know how to do that. Of course men can be threatened by our new found confidence in body and mind apart from the money question.
    I would love to buy more clothes, but have so little money. I had a bit of rent from my apartment this month, but I jow have a window repair to do and council tax to pay for the vacant months. Woe! I would really love to sell it, but think I might have to extend the lease first. More money. I will ring up some estate agents when we get back from Rome and get some advice on that. As long as I don't lose money on it all.

    I have just emailed the owner of the apartment in Rome to confirm the time of arrival etc. With DH still so nervous I decided it would be better to take up his option of being collected at the airport. The driver will take us to the apartment and explain everything to us. I think it is worth it if it sets DH's mind at rest. We were going to catch the little suburban train to the nearest station, but that is €8 each so the €50 is really only €34 euros extra. In typical Italian fashion the owner wants the balance of the rent in cash!!! We have paid a small deposit on line. I am reading a very good book called 'The Dark Heart Of Italy' which explains that behaviour. Apparently he would be called 'furbo' - very good at diddling the government. They despair at the government's corruption so consider it smart to line their own pockets. Makes sense! I also have a detective novel, based in Rome, to take with me. Getting in to the groove now. Even my Italian is beginning to stick, having gone in one ear and out the other for months. All my reading it on the train is paying off. These days it seems it doesn't stick until the 20th time of reading!

    Left over hummus for lunch. Yum!

    DH has just brought me a coffee.

    Bye for now, Heather in cloudy Hampshire, UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends!
    Finally got down to posting. so much has been happening with many of you.
    Best wishes to all who are handling all their challenges courageously,
    Cheers for all the victories.

    My experience at the gym was good. Having gone back after nearly 18 months I could see my body was stronger. I could run on the treadmill at 12kmph ( for 3 mins).......could only manage a 10 and then too feel my lungs would burst earlier. Could lift heavier weights than I last remember.
    The credit goes entirely to the Jillian Michaels videos where she kicked butt. I have not lost weight, maybe gained a few pounds, but I'm happy to see I'm stronger. Running regularly has pushed up my endurance and speed.
    Thank you lovely friends for all your support and tips.Joyce loved your romantic story......eternal love

    :flowerforyou: Katla you are so strong doing things on the boat all by yourself and when your back hurts you polish your deck and bake chocolate cake Wow!

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie I'm swept off my feet knowing you are a potter. Hope you get back to your studio for short spells at first and then longer ones. Maybe have a few people who would like to learn, Or probably rent it out...... so it earns you something, just rambling a few thoughts that came to my mind.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Granmallie Cheers for all that you have achieved inspite of your painful heel and Congrats on your anniversary!

    :heart: Suzy dont fret about the lost days you can start again

    :smile: Meg always love to read your posts and have noticed how you dont give up :)

    :smile: Michelle what is the deep water class you do?
    Dont remember who started the topic about charity and giving I was overwhelmed. It made me happy to know so many givers:heart::heart:
    :heart: Joyce sending you my prayers and hugs. You are a tremendous person I'm glad to have met.
    Lets drink our water, and walk our steps.
    Barbie thanks for motivating us always.:bigsmile:

    Best wishes to everyone
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    New to MFP. I'm Jenn. 49yo and live just north of Dallas, Tx. Looking for motivation and support.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Sunday Morning, Ladies! How are all of you doing today? I am feeling pretty darned chipper for a change. :wink:

    Yesterday was wonderful, expect for the loose gravel of the market grounds. That made it difficult for me to stay steady on my feet and carry "the goodies", too! :laugh: I did not actually buy any Hatch chilie's, but I have been promised the finished product of the 2 bushels that we did bring back to our part of the Valley. I'm from MN, I haven't had much practice cooking with roasted green chili's, so I am going to be "schooled" in the technique by my friends before I jump into that tradition. However, I certainly did find the other fresh vegetables and all of the jewelry & craft tables! :happy: I did my part to support the local artists!

    I found this you-tube address somewhere here on MFP this morning, and I sat and worked through the chair exercises. Thank you, to whomever posted it. There is a series of these, and I think this will be helpful since everything else I try to do right now is so painful on the knee and ankle. It's something.


    Sylvia- Congratulations on the NSV w/ the size on the t shirt. It is so fun to get into new sizes! :flowerforyou:

    Meg- I haven't seen the cheddar cheese, but the chili's yesterday were going out of the market by the bushels! And the aromas! Oh, my, there were portable chili roasters in about 25 spots, so the odor filled the air. It was wonderful.

    Jenn from Dallas- Welcome! You will find lots of support here. :flowerforyou:

    Today we have a fundraising concert at church which should be wonderful. So I will have a very peaceful and Blessed day. I hope you all do, too.

    I will check back in later.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Well ladies, Bodi and Ritter love the new "grass". It looks so nice. Now I have to get the deck done because it looks awful.

    Today is all about balance. The Fall equinox reminds me that all things ebb and flow and we just need to find the balance. This something I need to focus on.

    Today is also a time of giving thanks for me. I am truly blessed to have a lovely home, a great job, a wonderful husband and adult children, the best dogs on the planet and a beautiful granddaughter. (yep still only one, Andelane is taking her dear sweet time to make her grand entrance.)

    I hope you all enjoy your Sunday!
    Have a blessed Mabon.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Potentially very stormy PNW
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    I don't post here often but I do love reading about all the successes of other people. My journey is in a restart mode. I'm about two weeks into it. The weight loss is very slow but I do feel better. My DD and her two little boys were here for a week. They are such fun and really light up a room. It really played havoc with my program. I did very little walking and began to lose focus on my eating by the end of the week. It made me feel horribly guilty even though I know guilt doesn't help. I'm back at it and will get back to the gym on a regular basis starting on Monday.

    The sun is shining in Mid Missouri. The humidity is gone and it is absolutely glorious. I'd love to spend more time out of doors but it seems that bugs are really attracted to me. I am covered with bites and itch constantly. This should be end of my complaining.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Off to the ER. The nurse caring for MIL today is only a weekend nurse so of course she saw changes that the daily nurses and called the doctor. He wants the ER doctor to do an evaluation to see if she is dehydrated and what the best course of action is. Personally as a nurse I feel she is dying and let her go. My husband was very upset years ago that even though we as a family made the decision to put our dog to sleep he wishes now we had not done that. Did Buddy have all the chances to live??? He was also upset that his Dad made the choice to no longer take chemo anymore. So we will be going. I need your prayers that I can keep my own views enough to myself but yet support him in what he says. He and his brother are POA for medical health care

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Pat (Phoo) – I am so envious of the trip for Hatch green chilis! I love that even at the grocery stores (at least in NM) you can buy your bag of chilis and they will roast them out in front while you are shopping. When you’re done you pick them up to take home. I did that one time when we lived in AZ, but were visiting NM, and took them home with me in the car. The aroma was amazing but partway through the drive we realized the bag was leaking so we had to stop at a Kmart and buy a garbage can to stuff it into. The slider track for the side door of the minivan was never quite the same and for a long time after, when the sun heat up the inside of the car, you could smell the chili.

    YannieJannie – hope you’re soon recovering from that fall.

    Joyce – prayers and hugs for your family.

    Last night’s party for DH’s work group was a success, but a small group. To me that made it extra nice, but DH was a little disappointed at the turnout. The last guest left at 11:30p. By the time the minimal cleanup got done it was midnight and I had a cup of cherry [decaf] tea to sit and relax with for a few minutes, then went to bed around 1a, but couldn’t stay asleep. I don’t know if it was because I knew I needed to get to church early to set up communion or what, but it was NOT restful sleep last night. Tonight will be better. I finished the rest of the cleanup after church today and the last load is in the dishwasher churning away. (The nasty, nasty smoker pieces... ewwww.)

    Gail, metro ATL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Bless you Joyce, I know how hard that all can be, have been through it myself.
    Well It is 1 pm here on the east coast and it is a bit breezy and fallish out.. beautiful:wink:
    I have just sat down for a few minutes, since 5:30 this morning... got up and went grocery shopping, came home put it away, went to the gym,took the dogs for a walk, put a load of laundry in, made, a dulce de leche cheesecake, rice krispie treats,cheeseburger pie,turkey and rice(for the dogs) and have a roast with oven roasted potatoes in the oven,the laundry is in the dryer and will fold that when done... and put fresh sheets and make up my bed..
    was going to make homemade mac and cheese but decided against it,until he plows through some of the food I made already..
    my veggie drawer is overflowing:bigsmile: and bought 2 kinds of hummus, and have on order at our local price chopper, 2 containers of pumpkin hummus, now that will be awesome...
    I didnt go hog wild buying alot of junk, I bought stuff that we will both eat. I know I have some boneless skinless chicken breasts in the freezer downstairs, have to roust one out to cook for myself this week..
    My back is a tad bit sore so think I will lay low the rest of the day...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Joyce,praying for you and your family.
    Had a nice time with the GDs.The baby is such an entertainer.She`s starting to walk.Can`t believe she will be 1 next month.
    Have a good sun.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Meg in Omaha -

    Not sure if they still do it, but HyVee supermarket used to bring in Hatch chilies and roast them in a big roaster in the parking lot around this time of year. It was the only time they had them. I saw this a number of times at the HyVee on Center at Saddlecreek. Roasted chilies freeze well. I wish we could get them here :cry:

    Jill from western MA and formerly from Omaha!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Feeling much better than I expected today......mainly just a bit sore in my wrists; otherwise fine. I realized that was the fourth fall since May, which sounds like cause for concern but they were all vastly different: 1. At dd's school a low-to-the-floor chair skidded out from under when I tried to get up 2. The fall that went with the concussion with building the shed 3. Bike hit a curb and I got dumped 4. Yesterday the mis-step in the hole. This is still strange even though I see no connection that could be neuro related. Given my hip osteoporsis and warnings from the rheumatologist, I think I'm starting to feel a bit paranoid maybe; but it is a lot of falls.

    jodios.....Your cooking class sounds like loads of fun. I think Heather covered the dh/ money issue very well; nothing to add except I'm sorry you were made to feel bad about bringing the possibles home.........men!!!!

    Heather.......Given your mom experience, I'd say if you think something is off, it probably is. Maybe they are having the same thoughts and just don't want to give voice to them. It would be a very difficult subject to raise. There are many kinds of "delays". Wonder if the peds dr. has raised any concerns during his/her evals of the child?

    Anamika........I think you have mixed me up with Sylvia, she's the potter..............sadly, not an artistic bone in this body.

    Have a good day!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got back from a nice walk at the wilderness park with the Energizer Puppy - Bruno. I can't believe that the first time I saw him I worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up with ME on our walks! That little guy has boundless energy. I'm pooped, but now have to get ready to take the grandkids swimming. It'll be fun, though. It's 2:00 and I haven't had lunch yet, si I'd better eat a little something to avoid a repeat of yesterday.

    The weather here is absolutely glorious! Temp of 74, clear and sunny. I hope it stays like this for a while.

    Happy Sunday, everybody!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: I finished my back yard project today after many many weeks of work. The projects was to dig out all the rocks, dirt, roots and a big stump on what will become a real flower bed…..here is the big hole empty.


    Here is the pile that contains about half the rock that I dug out.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Barbie- good for you.. that looks like a heap of work....
    It is a stunning day here today.. beautiful fall weather. my heel is acting up now, been on it since 5:30 this morning with not much rest,so im sitting for awhile, then maybe later will have a skinny chai latte and some graham cracker's..
    then to bed early and start all over again..
    2 1/2 weeks till vacation... I am stoked:bigsmile:
    I even have snacks packed for the flight lol,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Barbie..........good grief!!! Didn't realize you were digging half way to China!!! Well done!! Now what kinds of flowers are you going to plant there??
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just got home from our sailing trip and am starting with the last page. I’m sure I’ve missed some important posts, but I don’t have the focus to go back and read everything. :noway: We had a great time. It was dry while we were at our rendezvous point with our sailing friends. It stayed dry most of the way home, and then dumped buckets of water on us for the last hour of the journey and clean up. We were soaked, but the boat is cleaned up and we’re now home and dry again.:bigsmile:

    Robin: Home improvement projects are so satisfying, and then you think that the new part looks better than the rest, and that leads to more home improvement. :wink: I’m happy you like your artificial grass and the dogs approve.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I think you’re wonderful to understand your husband’s pov about his mom. :flowerforyou: It is one of the duties of children to go through the end stage with their parents, and no guidebook or preordained “right answers.” You do the best you can. You have a big heart, and I’m confident doing your best will be just right whether this is the final crisis, or one in a series. Prayers for all of you.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’ve never heard of pumpkin hummus, but it sounds like it might be really good. Regular hummus doesn’t appeal to me very much although I know that many love it.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m glad you aren’t still suffering after your fall. Falls can be scary.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You’ve done a lot of work to get rid of that rock. Where are you planning to put it?:wink::flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Wow Barbie, that is a lot of work. I can't believe how many rocks you dug out :noway:

    Just a quick post tonight...too many things to get ready for the week.

    I talked to a neighbour and found out that they are installing the smart meters in the boiler room and new tenants will be charged rent + hydro but existing tenants won't. I'm not holding my breath because I know how things change. They really do need to turn down the heat during the winter. I would bet they would save a lot of money as so many of us have our doors and windows open all year round.

    I went to aquafit this morning and used the webbed gloves, wow do they add resistance. My arms are a bit sore tonight. Back to work tomorrow and it's inventory time so I might have to work next weekend. :sad:

    Sleep well everyone

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    It’s a lovely early fall evening here in Omaha. I just sat down to watch baseball. Got some work done on the book and went for an hour bike ride today. I just love it when people stop me and ask me where I got my recumbent three-wheeler. I met a lady who has MS and poor balance and she had to give up her bike so she was very interested in it. My legs feel like concrete though! We haven’t ridden in several weeks.

    Tomorrow and Tuesday will be hideous! I have to be at work at 8 in the morning and still do my evening clinical, so that’s like a 19 hour day and the same on Tuesday so I’m not sure how much I’ll be here those days.

    Yanniejannie: sorry about your fall. I sure hope the headache and body aches are gone tomorrow but I bet you will be sore! I hope you don’t have any more!

    Grandmallie: I used to have the feeders up against the windows but stopped because it was just too messy!

    Sandy: wow what a change in your size! That is fabulous!

    Barbie; your yard project sure sounds like a lot of work but I bet it feels good! Can’t wait to see the finished product!

    Michele: that cake sounds delish!

    Jodios: what a wonderful feeling to go shopping and find things that actually fit! I have my new Lands End catalogue and plan to do a little shopping now because I noticed I really have nothing for casual wear that is not shorts.

    Eileen: you know pets are such a bother and make such a mess, but what would we do without them? We have 3 cats and a dog and two of them are on multiple meds. They all cause havoc but I wouldn’t have it any other way

    Heather: your trip to Italy sounds magnificent!

    Anamika: so glad to see you again I was glad to hear you are back and the gym and see some success!

    Jenn: welcome to the pack!

    Pat: I can just smell the roasting chilis!!!!!

    Robin: what is Mabon? It’s so nice to see you sharing what you have to be thankful for. I have been trying to notice the rhythms of nature more and feel more connected to the earth. We all live in this giant web of connectedness, but it’s so easy to forget those ties.

    SueMizzou: where in MO do you live? My inlaws are in Miami OK, which is just across from Joplin.

    Joyce: my thoughts and prayers are with you. It is hard to stay supportive when others make decisions we think are made
    without the benefit of our knowledge.

    Gail: I’ll clean your nasties for some of the meat!

    Jane: those babies grow so fast!

    Jill: thanks for the information! I will check that out; we are surrounded by HyVee so I’ll find out if they still bring in the chilis! Where in Omaha did you live? And what led you so far away? We are actually in Papillion.

    Katla: so glad you had a good time on your sail and that the weather at least mostly cooperated!

    Well I’m going to relax with baseball and try to store up energy for tomorrow LOL. It will be fun at the screening. We have a Mobile Diabetes Center staffed and supplied by the Cosmopolitan Club. They arrange screenings and faculty and students go. We do blood glucoses, A1Cs, cholesterol panels, eye screening, height weight and BMI, foot care for diabetics, flu shots, and pneumonia vaccinations. Also blood pressures and teaching. It just will be a long day and will mess with my food plan…can’t pack enough for two meals and three snacks, so will probably have lunch at Subway.
    Well take care everyone and enjoy what’s left of the weekend! Meg from gloriously sunny Omaha