

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Laies, have been reading all the posts, just not getting around to join in. Been a little off my game lately too much of everything food company in and out , my Dd is remodeling her home and I am now helping there also have BIL dog for a month while they areoff on a cruise. I find that too truly keep on track I need to have more attention on just me right now not doing so good at that. Best thing is I have not gained so thats a plus, want to say congrats to aall who have been doing so good! We sure have some new fashionable ladies here good for you,
    Welcome to all who are new
    :flowerforyou: welcome to the new granddaughter congradulations

    Bye for now, well wishes to those who are needing them

    Juanita in cool and colourful sudbury just love fall
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pat don't you just hate those impulses! I make sure that there are no foods in the house that would cause me to impulse eat. I'm not sure hubbie likes that but after his heart attack this spring he doesn't need it anyway. It still is dangerous for me to go to a grocery store by myself and I do avoid that. It is so easy for me to walk past a candy aisle on the way to another one when I am with him but I better not do it if I go by myself.

    Things are so much more stable today with MIL. The Director of nursing has gotten involved and I'm sure she doesn't like it that a patient lost 30 pounds in a month and no one noticed. So I think her eyes may be on them for awhile. They did get blood drawn today after eating today and it shows the dehydration. She does have known kidney failure problems and I was really worried about what her potassium level would be. When she broke her hip several years ago they found her Potassium was 8 and she was in ICU for 5 days before they could do her hip surgery. But it was normal! Because of her extreme weakness they did change her diet to pureed:cry: She did OK at breakfast but oatmeal can be eaten OK on a pureed diet but lunch and supper aren't to good. Yuck. So she is eating these puddings they call magic cups that are high protein and carbohydrate. Brother in law did tell me today that he was glad that they had me and my medical knowledge. I had jsut told Charlie tonight that sometimes I feel it is more of a curse. After I talked to the nurses tonight and saw that with just a little bit of hydration today that they were able to draw blood today without effort I told Charlie that HE DID make the right decision yesterday to let her be in her own environment.

    September has been really bad, first my sister's blood clot in her lung with my daughter's car wreck shortly after. Then my car accident and MIL being so ill. But it's almost over!!!!

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Pat - I'm with you on shopping at walmart. Not only it's too busy but they never seem to have enough cashiers open. Of course I hate crowds. I'm the one that is at a store at opening to avoid the crowds. I totally understand that thought about swiping a cupcake from a kid :noway: Good thing we are stronger then our impulses :laugh:

    Heather - congratulations on the new baby!

    Joyce - I'm so sorry that Sept has been such a rough month for you. It certainly sounds like your MIL is doing better today.

    It was a nice quiet day at work, the boss worked in the shop most of the day so I was alone to work in peace & quiet. Then I went to the Y and did an hour of strength training. Came home to find our power had been off. I guess the installation of the smart meters have started.

    I've gotta get a bit of housework done and make my lunch for tomorrow.

    Sleep well everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just popped on to read before bed. Made it to yoga tonight. Tomorrow will be pretty full: a walk with friends and a game of minature golf, a lunch, then two meetings later in the day.

    Joyce.........I didn't realize until you listed all that has happened just how much you have been through this month; that has been a lot!!! Certainly hope things get back to normal for you; glad to hear things are a bit better for your MIL

    Juanita........Hang in there, nice to hear from you.

    G'nite all,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Heather - I only held my plank for 2 min 20 sec. At the rate you're going, I'll NEVER catch up to you! Awesome time

    grandmalle - maybe you could write down a sort of "schedule" for your brother?

    Sylvia - I would certainly bring it to the attention of the executive director at the Y about the curtain rod falling down. If something like that hapens and really hurts someone, they could be in for a lawsuit, which I'm sure they'd want to avoid. The price of a new rod is certainly less than the cost of a lawsuit. To be honest, I'm surprised they'd use a tension rod and not something that's bolted into the wall. Your poor gd

    Did 15 minutes of yoga today, held my plank for 2 min 20 sec, then took the extremepump class for an hour. The building should be delivered today, it hasn't as yet. Since they were supposed to deliver it on Fri and they didn't call us to tell us that they weren't, I'm very surprised Vince hasn't called the freight place yet. I'm thinking that we'll be putting it together. After I got back from the extremepump class, I felt like I needed to have something to eat so I took one of those Sargento low sodium cheese sticks and wrapped it around a piece of turkey. High protein.

    Tomorrow I've decided to do the Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred DVD. Haven't done that in a while. You know, I think I'm getting tired of the same old DVD's, maybe need to buy some new ones. Then again, Christmas is coming and I have some on my wish list at Amazon. Hopefully, I'll get some for Christmas.

    Heather - congrats on the new addition. Isn't clothes shopping so much fun? And, as usual, your meals sound scrumptious.

    Rita - big congrats

    I'm so frustrated right now. I was outbid on that dress on ebay by -- get this -- 50 cents!!!! I really liked that dress, too. Well, I'm volunteering at the Green Room tomorrow so I'm going to beg the artistic director to see if they have anything in their closet that I can borrow. The other things I found on ebay are really too big or too small for me.

    Mahjongg tonight

    Joyce - I usually get those impulses when I'm out food shopping, especially if they are giving away free samples. I USUALLY can resist -- usually. I do find that I eat out of boredom, tho. You are such a gem!

    The more I think of it, the more I am so sorry that I lost that dress on ebay.

    Pat - I don't like the produce at WalMart. They don't have a big selection, either. One of the things that I like about them is the fact that they will price match, so if a store further away from me has one thing on sale, I can get it at WalMart (which is pretty close to my house) at that price.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today has been a rest day and I’ve done almost nothing. I did take a very nice nap. :blushing: Tomorrow we’re planning to travel to my SIL’s home on the other side of the state for a few days. DH traded her the tractor he inherited from his dad for the fishing boat she inherited. They live on acreage and we live beside a river. She has use for the tractor and we don’t. We have use for the fishing boat, and she doesn’t any longer. It seems like a win-win situation to me. She’s had the free use of the tractor for years so she may not consider it win-win, but she agreed to the trade. I’m hoping for a safe trip with reasonable weather.

    Grandmallie: I hope you enjoy your Florida trip. You’re lucky to have someone to look after things at home. :flowerforyou: Regarding rings: We had our wedding rings resized last November and now it is getting too loose. I suspect I’ll be getting mine resized again in the future. I’m a few pounds from my goal, and I’ll wait awhile after I get there before making changes.

    Sylvia: I’m sorry your granddaughter was hurt when the tension rod fell. Nobody could have predicted that. I hope you aren’t too hard on yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter. It sounds like you’re going to be able to dress up in style to see her.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: My mom fell a few times during her adult life and the two I remember clearly were on “rustic” outdoor paths with steps at the homes of two different relatives. I was in my teens for both of the falls I recall, so she couldn’t have been past her 50’s. In her case, embarrassment and some bruising was the worst of it and I know she hated the embarrassment most. I hope you will not have any more trouble.:flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo): It sounds like you’re taking good care of yourself these days. I’m so glad.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope October is less stressful and that things settle down for your family.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great week!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I'm Jenny...all my friends call me Jenn. I live in the suburbs of Dallas. I've been married for 8 years to a great guy that's always very supportive. In 2003 I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 180 lbs in 18 months. I enjoyed life for the first time in years. I was very active; worked out daily. I was the person I wanted to be. In 2007 I became pregnant after years of trying, but soon realized it was a tubal pregnancy which landed me in the hospital and the begging of my downward spiral.

    I stopped working out. Didn't follow my healthy eating plan. Food made me feel better and masked the pain. After several years, I managed to accept the situation and made peace with the fact that I would never have children. But I didn't change my ways. Food still gave me comfort. I'm sure there are some of you that understand that feeling. I avoided mirrors, photographs. Didn't socialize with my friends. I just worked as much as I could.

    Six years and 65+ lbs later I woke up and looked in the mirror. I saw the real me. I didn't like what I saw and I knew right then that I had to do something about it. I am going back to my healthy eating ways. The exercise is not as easy to get back to, but I'm trying. Joining the gym tomorrow. Trying to find some time to walk even if it's for a few minutes a day. I dusted out my workout videos. I'm determined to do this. I know it won't be easy. I know stress is a big trigger for me. And I can't seem to get away from it. I just need to learn how to turn that stress into energy.

    I made it through my first week. And I'm still just as determined.

    Glad to have found this site to help me get the support I need from others that have walked down the same path.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to the dermatologist today. This is the new doctor I made the appointment with in March. I changed doctors to use one in the network with my new insurance. It was a full body check….the last one I had was about three years ago and I expected this one to be a non-event like the last one The new doctor is fabulous but she found a few spots to burn off with liquid nitrogen and some other areas that needed special creams. Jake liked the doctor so much that he decided to use her for himself and made an appointment and signed papers to have his records faxed over from the doctor we’d gone to before.

    :flowerforyou: Jenn, I never thought I’d be successful when I started on MFP, but the longest journey starts with a single step and one day at a time I’ve added new behaviors to my life and my life has been reinvented…..keep coming back.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    22,000 steps today
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all just bumping my spot. 14 hours and I'm exhausted. Be back tomorrow. Congrats to all who get them and hugs to those who need them. Take care, Meg
    ps Kata I'll look to see what brand the bikes are; I just cant' remember right now! :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome Jenn. I hope we can all be a support to you. One person has even joined over eaters anonymous since she realized that she wasn't eating because it tasted good but because it's something that you hide behind. We have all enjoyed the insight she has gleaned from the meetings. I was like you to, living life on a yo yo diet. I am beginning to understand now why I am overweight, what my triggers are. Can I always avoid them, no. These girls here do help me be stronger. And they are my accountability partners and are here to hold me up when I am falling. Actually once I found this group I never post on my own home page anymore.
    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies,
    was up early,had my lemon water and went to the gym, now back and having a quick breakfast and cup of tea,and then get lunches and dinner together.., then have to stop at the tailors and pick up my jackets,then go to work...
    I am freakin excited.. I found pumpkin hummus at price chopper and such little things excite me :laugh:
    was downstairs and heard the dreaded furnace turn on:sick: oh well it is that time of year isnt it?
    we are counting down 2 weeks from thursday we will be going to florida,the DH laughs at me because I start packing about a month a head of time, but the laugh was on him last time, he forgot his shirts:bigsmile:
    well I have to take clothes down, even though I have a bunch down there,because I wont fit into any of them:smile:
    I did buy myself a couple of pair of flats ,will see how they work
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Feeling relieved today.
    1 Happy to have my granddaughter delivered safely.:love:
    2 My furry boots have arrived. They are tight, but apparently that is how they should be to start with. They look fab.:blushing:
    3 I at last got an email from the owner of the Rome apartment. I was up in the night worrying that he hadn't replied so sent another one. He replied this afternoon. :drinker:

    DH seems a bit more settled. I think he will make the trip. The drugs are kicking in.

    Had yoga today. My friend is back so had her round for a mint tea. Lots of chat.:bigsmile:

    DH is out at the last cricket of the season. I will be watching a film.

    Love Heather UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well I came home from cottage last night with a sore back like ouch. We were 8 for supper counting myself hubby's cousins from Toronto. A couple from town One aunt and another cousin from an hour drive away plus 3 of us. Hubby made supper nice pickerel or like you call them Northern pike I think. And fries I made a big salad but that wasn't the hit. I gave that and left over desserts to my son. He couldn't be there kids after school activities. Hockey it was.
    Sitting here this morning with hot pad on my back but going to bed shortly I was up at 5:30 got tired of tossing and turning.

    Congrats on the new Baby Heather.

    See you lighter well maybe not lol.

    Linda from Northern Ontario Canada.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Yesterday was sort of a bad day for me. I woke up a pound heavier than the day before, and although I tried to shrug it off, it actually sent me into a day long depression, along with other things. I never made it to the gym. I ate more than usual, but still barely within my plan, and the only time I left the house is when I made hubby take me into town for icecream. My son, who has emphysema, emailed to say his thyroid has stopped functioning and his cholesterol is dangerously high, so they have added two more meds to his very long list. The cable guy came and couldn't fix our service, saying it was a problem on the pole somewhere in the neighborhood so they will have to get a bucket truck out to check all the poles till they find the problem. It could take a week or more. I got bitten by a spider on my ankle. Not sure what kind it was but pretty sure it wasn't a brown recluse. We have lots of those but this guy was all black. Anyway, I spent the day in a funk. Worrying that I'm losing my momentum and am going to gain it all back.

    Today I have to go for another ultrasound of my carotid artery. So that's been on my mind too. So I'd better get ready to go. I hope you all have a great day.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good morning. Ihave an early meeting then going home for a quick nap before clinical tonight. Make it a good day and know that i am thinking of you all. Meg
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Sylvia, we all have those days when nothing seems to go right and we get down in the dumps. I thought menopause would stop the PMS, but not for me. Cheer up! Just remember no matter how hard you think you've got it, someone else is worse off. Just look at your blessings.

    Yanniejannie, I fell just 2 weeks ago at the Vet's office walking back to my car! I had on flip-flops that were real 'floppy' (I loved these because they fit so well and didn't make my feet hurt) and caught the edge of one of those car stop cement thingy. Down I went right in front of a vet assistant and another patient! Embarrassed and bruised, mostly embarrassed. It happened right in front of my car and my DH who was driving had a heart attack I think! LOL, well, I am a clutz anyway but got a good cut on my knee and toe from the fall. All better now. I too have fallen about 3 times in the last year. Once, my puppy tripped me with the leash on the road while walking, another time I twisted my ankle on a stick that was in the road while walking my dogs. Seems like I'm always falling for my dogs! LOL

    Grandmallie, you are so good about exercising in the morning! If I didn't have to be in work for 7 am, and already get up at 5 am, I would do better on getting exercise in the morning.

    Why is it that I get a call for assistance just before the shop goes on break then say they can't work on their computer problem right then because it is break time and they use the pc for surfing the net? Why call me then? Makes no sense. Anyway, I have to go back to work because of calls right now. I will post again later.

    I was happy to see I was under my calories yesterday, no liquor either! Happy with myself for now. Worried about getting the house mortgage in CT, and happy about the new job. What a mess of emotions! Hope I can stay focused on my health through all this! Thanks for all the support on this thread, thanks for all the well wishes, hugs to all who need them, and congratulations on all the achievements!

    Rita from Mid TN and soon to be Mid CT
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Welcome,Jenn.I had lost over 100 lbs and recently have gained 50 back.I`m an emotional eater also.
    Been working on exercise and food and hoping to get this wt off for good.
    This is a great site,with lots of support.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are getting ready to go to my SIL’s place and it is a 400 mile drive, so I’m just touching bases. I hope everyone has a good day today. I’ll have internet available, so you’ll be hearing from me.:flowerforyou:

    Jenn from Dallas TX suburbs: Welcome to the group. The ladies here are amazingly supportive. I’m so glad I found them when I was early into my weight loss adventure. You join by posting, so you’re in. MFP allows these threads to get to 500 posts and then cuts off further posting. Barbie has been seeing to it that we get a new thread since long before I stumbled into the group. We all owe her a lot of gratitude.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Congratulations on needing to replace our Florida clothes. What a great NSV. How long do you stay when you go there?:flowerforyou:

    Heather: It sounds like your Rome adventure may turn out well. Congratulations on the new grand daughter.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Linday from N Ontario: I’m sorry that you aren’t feeling well today. Hosting a big group wears me out and I imagine it contributed to your sore back. Feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Sounds like you had a terrible, no go , horrible bad day. I hope that today is better.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a really weird dream that some one actually thought I was a minister and that I could perform a wedding, for none other but my own daughter! I was so stressed over it that I went to sleep during the ceremony while someone else was speaking. One of the little flower girls was crying, for some reason they were all on the pulpit stage with me. So I sat down and took this child and gently rocked her until she went to sleep. Then it was my turn and the little girl woke up, I wasn't well rested though. So while I am trying to do this little pre-wedding vowels talk I nod my head off. Some people just thought it was contemplating what I was going to say. So I started talking about things. The couple being married was my own daughter and son in law and I was saying all this stuff about God creating the marriage contract between a man and woman, and were asked to go before a body of believers to celebrate that union. So many people in the congregation stood up and say amen I just decided to go ahead and ask for anyone there who wanted to renew their vows to stand up and repeat their vows as my daughter and son in law did. So the ceremony went well, they still thought I was a minister. In actualality I did have an awful nights sleep, got to sleep around 6 AM, slept fitfully. The night before I was dreaming I was a contestant on the show Survivor. We weren't placed on an island but as homeless tribes on the streets of Los Angeles. So I am exhausted today.

    A friend's daughter is getting rid of a stationary bike and it's free so the friend is coming over today to bring it. He says it measure distance, pulse, calories, etc so I hope it's a good one. But it's free so what the heck

  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome. Still trying to read a few of the past posts to get caught up.

    Katia - have a safe trip.

    Jane - I think it's a good thing we recognized the emotional eating syndrome. Now that I've recognized it, I am more conscience of how and when I eat. Trying to turn things around. Still early in the battle for me, but I plan on doing everything I can to be successful.

    Rita - Good work on staying under your calories. What an exciting move for you. A new job and a new home. I understand that moving can be challenging and stressful. Think positive thoughts and positive thinking creates positive results. It will all work out for you. Sending positive thoughts your way.

    Sylvia - Sorry to hear that you had a bad day. I hope today is a better day and that your doctor's visit today proves to be a good one. You have done great. Don't let the 1 lb and things you can't control get you down. We're all pulling for you!

    Well my fridge died on me this weekend. Not the best time (not that any time is a good time). I have been unemployed for almost 2 months, so this was not a planned expense. But I did get a good deal and the new one just arrived. Now I need to restock it. I took this as a sign. I needed to clean out the old fridge of all the bad things. Something I should have done the minute I set out on this journey. Fate just helped me make it happen.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
