

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So today I had my workplace health screening. My numbers are worse than last year but I am not surprised. After the stressful year I had. I know how to make them better. When I first got on MFP and did well my numbers were decent and getting better all the time. Now I have stepped quite a ways backward. I know what I need to do and I just really need to get my butt in gear and do it. Will you all please kick me in the rear. Thanks.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello again,

    I've been MIA for awhile but have continued to read all of the posts. So much going on. :smile:

    Grandmallie: Hope you have a wonderful time in Florida. My parents moved there shortly after my dad retired and they lived in Fort Myers. They would often go to Sanibel Island and raved about it. When I visited we would go to walk the shoreline and pick up shells. Watching the sunset over the water was beautiful. You mention you drink lemon water in the morning and I have a missionary friend in Cambodia that only drinks hot lemon water. She had issues with kidney stones and says this helps keep them away. :drinker:

    Rita: Wish my DH and I were in the position to buy your Tenn house. We've visited there several times and love it. One of the places we would consider if we moved when I retire. Good luck with the new job and new home.

    Heather: Congratulations on your new granddaughter. Would love to see a picture of you in your new outfit and furry boots. Excited to hear about your trip to Rome.

    Michele: Sorry you were outbit for the dress on Ebay. Hopefully you'll find one that you like even better.

    Katla: Sounds like a nice trade with the fishing boat and tractor. This way you both are getting something you'll use. I know my DH would trade a tractor for a boat. He loves to be on the water.

    Sylvia: Hope you had good news from the Dr. at your visit. I understand how that 1 pound heavier can ruin the day if you let it. Try to realize that it is just a temporary issue and not anything you can't overcome.

    Jaunita: Welcome to the group.

    Welcome to all of the others I missed.

    My DH was just diagnosed as pre-diabetic and the Dr. is currently having him test his blood each morning when waking. There seems to be a variety of readings and we're trying to figure out if something he did the day before would have an impact. His readings have ranged from 100 - 125 with most of them around 113. The Dr. had him test for 10 days and wants him to come in on Thursday for a test that he says is more reliable. He did a blood test about a month ago and now wants to do another to see if things have changed. We have been eating low carb (under 100) each day, and very low sugar and sodium for about 1 1/2 months. Hope those diet changes have made a difference. He has also lost about 15 pounds. He never was heavy but most of his weight is his belly. I'm getting confused about the different tests and readings. I've heard the best test is the one taken after 2 and 4 hours of eating but the Dr. hasn't had him do those yet. He eats the same as me each day but also eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at night. The bread is low sodium and low sugar, peanut butter is low sodium and jelly is no sugar. He does add about 1 tsp. of cinnamon on it. For exercise he walks about 2-3 miles three times a week other than what he normally does during the course of the day.

    We have a week in Canaan Valley, West Virginia planned the second week of Oct. and hope to see some nice fall colors.

    Better get back to work now.

    Tina in Maryland
  • bergamese
    bergamese Posts: 36 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am 50+ and have over 35 lbs to lose to get out of the "obese" category. I struggle with perfectionistic body images -- in the past I've lost a lot of weight, then thought, "meh, I still am over my target weight" and thrown in the towel. This time I am focusing on a lifestyle change that I can sustain. No crazy eating, no massive amounts of exercise.

    I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. I look back at photos and I wasn't really heavy, I just had a different body shape than other kids, but my family criticized and picked on me for being fat. I internalized their criticism, became an emotional eater, and have struggled with my weight since then. I had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy in 2005 and since that threw me into menopause I have had an even more difficult struggle with my weight.

    I don't know if I can keep up with this thread -- it moves so fast! -- but I would love it if you would all add me as a friend. I usually log into MFP from my phone, and I don't have access to the message boards from the phone, but I *do* post support to my friends and I could really use help.

    Wow, that was a long run-on sentence. Please do add me. Thanks.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    what the heck it wont let me log the rest of my food.. grrrrrrrrr
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Granmallie. I`m having trouble with the site too.got food logged ,but can`t see what anyone else is doing.
    It`s been down all afternoon.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I did it!!! I booked a session with a personal trainer :noway: It's not until next Saturday because of my schedule. Not sure if I'm ready for it yet. yikes

    It's getting busy at work with month end and inventory that has to be done by Monday. I like being busy.

    I made it to the Y after work, did 50 min on the bike after 1/2 mile walk on the track. The bike that I use overlooks the pool so I can watch all the kids taking their swimming lessons. They are so cute.

    I gotta run and get lunch made and my gym bag packed. Have a great night everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies! Welcome to all new posters and those who are coming back after an absence. It is hard for me to keep up with all of the postings, but I do try to do so.

    They are showing the police stations in Columbus, Ohio where there has been an explosion. Please, Lord, protect those in the building and those who will now need to enter the building to decide what has happened. I just don't know what is happening in our country; I just don't understand.

    Joyce- It has been a bad month for you, but this too shall pass. You are a strong and able woman, and I hope you remember to take good care of yourself while you are also caring for others. Glad that MIL is doing better.

    Sandy- I really would like to have access to all small "Mom and Pop" type shops for food and goods like they do in Europe, but, we Americans/Canadians are spoiled and do like access to everything, all at once, right now- so Walmart's are evrywhere, even though they make us crazy!

    Katla- Thank you for your kind words. I am trying to take good care of myself, but, this week, I am up 1.4#. That is just so frustrating! However, I am feeling calmer, having less anxiety, and am finding things for which to be grateful. Yup, I am better, thank you.

    Jenn- Welcome. It is nice to meet you. I, too, gained back weight after gastric bypass, probably because of lack of attention to my diet, cockiness, and lack of exercise. I am working hard to find a way back to where I felt healthy and proud of myself after the surgery. Hopefully, we can support each other through this journey.

    Meg- Rest and take care of yourself, you have worked hard enough for today.

    Linda- Take care of the sore back! I love pike! (except for the nasty bones!)

    Sylvia- Yikes! I would have gone back to bed! Take care of that spider bite, they can infect easily. And, don't worry about the 1#. It will go away again.

    Robin- I am glad to see that you are positive and dedicated after getting that medical feedback. You CAN do this!

    I am trying to get ready to take a trip to somewhere in Orange County, CA. I am going on Thursday morning and will be gone for the weekend. I haven't finished my wash, I haven't packed a thing, I have no idea what to take for food, and I'm not stressing over it. That's amazing. I just know it will all fall together. Hmmm, this is a pretty awesome feeling!

    Well, have a great evening, everyone. Pray for those in Columbus. Do something very kind for yourself. Have sweet dreams-- no more weird nightmares!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    It was a busy day. Worked doing the billing for my husband's company and handled a few issues for him as well. Then I went to the grocery store and stocked my new fridge. All fresh veggies, lean ground beef and turkey, boneless skinless chicken and some shrimp for dinner tomorrow. Got things ready for my interview tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little nervous. I haven't been on an interview in many years. Time flew by. I wasn't hungry so I didn't think much about food.

    Hubby called saying he was not feeling well, so I made him some chicken soup with loads of veggies. I had a bowl for dinner.

    Didn't do good on my water intake. Probably because we didn't have ice and all the bottles of water were warm until late this afternoon. I can't seem to drink water unless it's very very cold.

    Nights are always bad for me. The hunger always seems to come after 8 pm. Don't feel it yet, but usually when I haven't eaten much in a day, that late night munchie monster will show up. Thinking if I write about it , it will calm that desire and make me more accountable. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Sandy - Great job at the Y.

    Bergamese - Welcome. I've only been here a few days and this group is very supportive. I hope you enjoy being here as much as I have.

    Tina- welcome back. Sorry to hear about your husband, but sounds like you are both keeping each other on track. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the test results come back good.

    I hope everyone has a restful evening.

  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member

    Very nice to meet you. Glad we both woke up and are back on the right track. It helps to know someone else that has travelled down the same path. We can do this!!

  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Happy tues.
    Welcome,Jenn.I had lost over 100 lbs and recently have gained 50 back.I`m an emotional eater also.
    Been working on exercise and food and hoping to get this wt off for good.
    This is a great site,with lots of support.


    So nice to meet you. I am so happy to have found this site and this group. What a great bunch and so supportive. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I was so nervous about going to the new dermatologist yesterday that I wasn’t acting like myself…I was cranky and forgetful and not focused so I understand what’s going on with you today…..get to bed and to sleep and tomorrow will be a new day when you can hug your dogs and be more accepting of all the stuff that life is throwing at you.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, with all the stuff going on in your life, you need to stay in the moment and not try to tackle everything at once and commit yourself to healthy eating so your body can be adequately fueled to tackle everything that’s going on.

    :flowerforyou: Jenn, I love the way you made the saga of your fridge dying become a blessing…..what a great attitude.....I plan my food for the day ahead of time and always plan a bedtime snack because I know that I'll be hungry then.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I have been strengthening my legs this year so I am prepared to kick you in the butt to keep you on track.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Tina, good luck finding out what’s the best food plan for your husband….it sounds like he has a good attitude.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, a session with a personal trainer sounds awesome…..I can’t wait to hear how it goes.

    :flowerforyou: Jake had some errands to do today so I asked him to go to PETCO and buy more dry food for Bernie…..he bought the food and a toy for Bernie, Halloween dog biscuits and some rawhide chews for the dogs :laugh: .

    :flowerforyou: Today Jake and I started filling in the empty hole in the yard starting with some compostable packing material followed by a layer of small rocks.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies,

    Welcome newbies. Only got home about an hour ago; would have been an hour earlier but stayed after the last meeting to get caught up with a friend. She did a half ironman in Md. last weekend (called the Chesapeakeman; somewhere near Salisbury) and ran into a bunch of jellyfish and got stung horribly during the swim portion; fortunately she's a demon biker and runner!!! I was out early for a walk and got my 10,000 steps before 11am. The birthday celebration lunch and minature golf were fun.

    Sylvia.......Certainly hope things have improved as the day went on.............how awful.

    Hello to everyone else......I'm for bed.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    katla - safe travels! Sounds like a good trade to me. You're awesome having to get your rings resized again and again

    Jenn - welcome. Sounds like you are very determined, keep coming in here especially if you ever get in an un-determined mood so that you can get back to being determined. I like your attitude about your refrig (clean out)

    barbie - going to a MD that you feel really comfortable with is so very important. I'm happy for you

    Mini NSV for me. Tonight I really didn't want to make anything, but I know that Vince wanted some sort of snack so I made these chocolate muffins. This is the first time I tried the recipe and I really think it needed more sugar. Well...live and learn. Anyway, even as I was making them, I really didn't have any desire for them. But you know what? I did try some of the batter, and am I ever glad that I did! I'd forgotten to put the sugar in! Had I not tried the batter, I wouldn't have noticed that at all.

    grandmalle - I'm like you, I start packing way ahead of time. I put things in a basket as I think of them. Same thing here -- Vince forgets things. How long will you be in FL?

    Sylvia - I'm so sorry things aren't going that great for you.

    Joyce - what a dream!!!

    Robin - sending you a swift kick :)

    kayak_kutie - I did put a bid on another dress on ebay. But to be honest, I'm not very hopeful. I did go to a Goodwill today, found a dress that it looks like someone made it for their child's christmas pagent. Well, it MIGHT work. I also found a bedspread. I don't really like this Goodwill. Everything is just in bins, not separated by type of clothing or size or anything. Everything is mixed up. I felt like a dumpster lady there. Well, I'm going to go to two other Goodwills and the Salvationi Army, see what they have. If I have to, I'll raise my bid on ebay, but I'm not real hopeful. I did work the box office at the Green Room today. It was for sales of tickets to benefactors only. From 10 until 12:30, I had a total of 6 calls. Well, I was told to bring reading material with me when I first signed up! When I was ushering Fri, the lady I was with said that I should ask there if they have anything in their closet that I can use. I honestly didn't think I could ask them, but then again, things are different down here. Sure enough, they really don't loan out their clothes. And I can fully understand why. They'd have to keep track of who has what, who brought what back etc. etc. so this didn't really surprise me one bit. I'll be looking froward to hearing more about your trip

    bergamese - welcome! Come in as much as you can.

    grandmalle - I've experienced when MFP wouldn't let me log my food. What I've found usually works is if I hit the "refresh" button.

    Sandy - yea for you booking a session with a pt. I always liked working with a pt, it made me accountable, I had to be there. Whenever I worked out at the Y, I used to like if there was a nice view to watch, made the time go by faster.

    Pat - have a safe trip

    Well, did an hour of Jillian Michael's Extremely Shed and Shred DVD today. Then went to the Green Room, when I got home we put down riverrock between the old retaining wall and the fence. That is hard work. For one thing, I have to sift the rocks first, put them in the dumpcart, wheel that into the pool area, then shovel it over the retaining wall. The bad thing is that no one sees all the work! Well, at least the weeds won't grow. You know, I've had this pain in my upper right back for some time now. To be honest, I don't want to tell Vince because I'm afraid he'll tell me to stop with the riverrocking. I don't want him to do all the work by himself. It was getting better, but now it's back to the way it was. I suspect it might be the repetitive motions of shoveling that is doing it.

    Tomorrow is yoga and then deep water class. Afterwards, I'll probably stop at one grocery store and then on the way home I may stop at this antique place to see if they have any clothes. Then we have senior bowling. Need to get my carrots and grapes ready to take with me

    yanniejannie - how horrible for your friend!

    Michele in NC
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It has been raining here for days, very depressing…even though I know we need the rain. I have reached a plateau with my weight and I know it is because I am not exercising like I was this summer. My plan is to be positive and move more :smile:

    Heather…Wow, your plank at 2 min. 40 seconds rocks! Congrats on your new granddaughter, nice that you also got something for her older brother, I also try to remember the other siblings with a gift. My great-niece is due any day (we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl) she is young, as is the father. The mother and baby get so much attention that I think I will remember him with a gift when the baby is born.

    Meg…Congrats on your weight loss last week, hope you survived this Monday & Tuesday, take care.

    Sandy…It’s inspiring to see you continuing to go to the Y!

    Katla…Nice trade, glad you had a great sailing trip.

    Barbie…The number of steps you do each day are amazing!!

    Yannijannie…A year ago, I fell down a flight of cement stairs in the airport when my luggage shifted and I lost my balance. I had head trauma, both wrists were severely sprained (apparently, sprains take longer to heal then fractures) and one knee had a partial tear. For the next few weeks my balance was off and I fell again over an uneven surface in the road…I don’t know if it was my fear of falling or a result of the head trauma and/or knee pain. It was awhile before I could use the stairs and I still avoid them. I agree with the others that have commented that Yoga is good for balance…it has helped me regain confidence.

    Hope you all have a good week! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nursing home called later this morning. She had lost a couple more pounds and not eaten or drank anything. So we were going to go in anyway but we went right in. I can't believe what a change in what she looked like Sunday night. Unable to speak, gasping but they had her sitting and she didn't have any strength to hold her head up. So we had them put her in bed, do one of those finger oxygen tests and get her oxygen started. Her little fingrs were so cold that couldn't do the finger test but they put her in bed and put the oxygen on. She looked so much more peaceful. But naps are short and when she wakes up she either looks between Charlie and me and then goes back to sleep. She has a history of sevre mental illness that has been well under control with medicine for many years. But the person with out the medicine is not a nice lady. Now she can't take those mediines. So she is becoming quite agitated at times. Is the agitation from air hunger, anxiety over the situation of dying or being with out her medicines???? We couldn't get Charlies brother he was left with making decisions. And he is so self doubting but he did make the decision for hospice. The docotr had already left the order if we wanted it and they had already called the on call nurse to let her know that she would more than likely get the call and would be needed quickly. So she came did an assessment, talked at length about what they did and didn't do and then assesses MIL. She says less than 48 hours. So she gave her some liquid Morphine for the anxiety.

    I didn't get my supper until after nine,that meant I cmpletely missed the evening snack. So my diabetes schedule was way out of whack. Tomorrow I need to make sure I take my water jug with me and it's a nice enough day I can do some walking outside and jsut have my phone on me. I know I am all upset at her daughter and one son. But no matter how much a a daughter has ignored her Mom, after she dies she is still going to have a lot of guilt. Or at least I hope so. So I called her and she was crying so much. So I told her that I had a suggestion. She had already told me that she couldn't come in. So I asked her to get herself calmed down and then told her that I would put my phone to her Moms ear and talk to her and tell her by and say she loved her. So I have no idea what she told her. Vi dind't have any response. Maybe if she had been in one of her more awake states she might have had a response. I just know that I have Karen a chance to tell her that she loved her. I felt that she at least deserved that. She won't get the daughter of the year award but she won't have to live with the fact that her Mom died without her being able to say goodby.

    Thanks for being my sounding board and just knowing I have this family helps me. I am pulling double duty. I am going through my own grieving and also having to lead my husband through this by not only both hands but all 10 fingers, ten toes and both feet. I just wish I felt like I dind't have to carry him so. When his brothers got there they quickly were of the opinion that they should let Mom die. Dont go from treating to not treating. She is septic, in renal failure and has been sending silent signals for about a week about how she feels. The hospice nurse did let him read the advance directive his Mom signed but he is still doubting.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Joyce- my heart breaks for you, It makes me sad that the rest of the family sorta drops the ball, we have gone through this a few times, with my mom,and with my MIL,,we were the ones to do all the running, we would take my FIL down to the hospital every day.. and the hospital and my FIL are an hr away..
    when the time comes,the one thing we didn't have was guilt...we did what we needed to do, our parents raised us and took care of us,and when they are older it is our turn to take care of them..
    I wish your MIL a peaceful journey, and your DH a peaceful transition into the next stage .. sending love and hugs:heart:
    I woke up at 3, still felt tired and just woke up again at 6:15, my heel is a bit sore, so I am icing it ,and if it feels better I will be taking a walk rather than going to the gym...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce - I'm really sorry for what you're going through. Several years ago my Mother-in-law, father and mother all passed within 6 months of each other. They had all been in nursing homes and they all lingered painfully toward the end. So I really understand what you're going through. It's very hard,

    My day was better yesterday. Of course they didn't tell me the results of the ultrasound, but from what little I could see on the screen I think it looked better than it did a month ago. Of course I'm not even sure if I was seeing the problem, since I have no earthly idea what I'm looking at. They've been trying to dissolve the clot with drugs. Fingers crossed that I won't need more surgery. Or have a stroke while waiting or it to dissolve.

    I made it to the gym and went into the ladies shower area and found that they had put that shower rod back up -with DUCT TAPE! I kid you not! So, I went to talk to the manager. He said they already have new rods for the showers, but have not found a good time to put them up. It will take closing the locker room for a couple of hours while the workman works. They can't find a time that the showers are not busy, what with all the classes. He apologized for having clobbered my granddaughter. I think I'm not going to let them shower up there till they get the rods fixed though.

    So I felt a little better yesterday. I did my cardio machine and swimming. I'm thinking that I need more calories so I don't get depleted during the day. My goal is 1200, but I often don't get that high. Sometimes 600 or 700. And I never eat my exercise calories. So maybe if I set a goal of 1500 maybe I'll make it to 1200. Heck, I'm not losing much at what I'm doing so I might as well try. I'm not really a believer in that whole starvation mode idea, but we'll see how it goes. Last night we went out to eat and I ordered Flatbread pizza with spicy sausage. It was really yummy. I ate half and guessed at about 560 calories, using a similar one from the database. It wasn't very big, but it was pretty cheesy. And we won't even think about the salt!

    Tonight my son, DIL, and their four kids are coming over for dinner. I'm making cranberry pork roast in the crock pot (son's favorite). I'll make something else for me. Bruno should have fun.

    Have a great day!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: The end stages of life are so hard. I have great sympathy for your DH and also for you. Losing a parent is so hard. I know I tried to do my best for both of mine and fell short of perfection. Perfection in this endeavor is the province of the Lord. We just do the best we can. You’ll get through this, and so will your DH. He is so lucky to have you in his corner.:heart:

    Katla in NE Oregon at SIL’s house

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well second load of laundry in the dryer the dogs walked twice and my own walk... 11,000 + steps whoooo hoooo, didn't get to the gym but at least I got moving...
    hope everyone day is peachy, getting the rest of my stuff together for the trip, Michelle we are going down for 9 glorious days, then we will be down for 2 weeks the end of december,but we drive down with the dogs then...
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am at work again. Just love these quiet days, but know they won't last!

    rjadams - Here is a "kick in the pants" for you as requested!

    Grandmallie - Will you be going to Disney while in Florida? Why does your heel hurt? I was told once to freeze a soda bottle of water and roll my foot on it when it hurt. You may want to try that. It feels nice on your foot when it hurts.

    Kayak_kutie - Sorry you can't buy my house! I've never tried to kayak but my daughter does. She is lucky and lives on the lake.

    bergamese - Welcome and will add you as a friend

    JennInTx - Good luck on your interview! I just had one and know what you are going through!

    Barbiecat - Thanks for the well wishes and I know that I need to eat well and exercise to stay healthy in this rough time. I don't need to get sick this month! Keep encouraging me!

    YannieJannie - How do you manage to find the time to get 10,000 steps in that early in the day? I can't even get there by the end of the day!

    Joyce - My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. Both my in-laws died within a month of each other, 9 months later my grandmother died and 6 months after that my father so I really feel for you.

    Sylvia - You need more calories! Your body thinks it is starving so that's why you can't lose at that low of food intake.

    Well, time to go for a walk and back to work. Welcome to newcomers I've missed and a big hug to all who need it!

    My goals for September

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    about 90%
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    about 95%
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)----about 95%
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    about 95%
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)
    walking 100%

    Rita from middle TN and soon to be CT!