

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Kevrit- I have a frozen water bottle, and I have a nasty heel spur, after 2 shots of cortisone and 2 rounds of prednisone I am feeling much better. we are about 3 1/2 -4 hrs from disney... dont think we will be doing that. hubby isnt much into amusement parks ,but would love to go again someday...
    gonna hope in the shower and get ready for work.. ta ta and check in when I get home tonight...
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Been up since 5 this morning. Didn't sleep well. Guess I'm nervous about my interview this afternoon. I fed and walked our babies (a chocolate lab- Moose; and German Shepard - Shep). Well Moose walked me and Shep, who has lots of hip issues, walked slowly behind us.

    Went back to my grocery store this morning. Hubby requested that I make cabbage soup as he is still not feeling well.

    The load of towels I did has been folded and put away. Have another load of laundry in the washer. My steam mop died this morning after less than a year. Call the manufacturer and they are sending me another. I am thankful they didn't question me when I called. Good customer service and they didn't even ask me to send in the old one.

    Need to print out my resume and get my outfit together for my interview. I haven't worked in an office setting in over 4 years and even them, it was a very casual environment for over 12 years. It will be an adjustment, if I get the job.

    Rita-- thanks for the words of encouragement. I hope I don't clam up and get tongue tied. I do that when I get really nervous.

    Joyce - I know this must be very difficult for you and your DH. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    Sylvia - I agree with Rita. You need more calories. I lose much less (and sometimes even gain) when I have several days of really low calories. I try to get in at least 1000 calories.

    Guess I better get going. I need to get the babies to the groomer. Totally forgot I had made an appointment.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lost my first post with Windows +=!#*? updates. Grrrrrrr!
    So here I am again with Word.

    Have had some lovely updates on the baby who is called Eliza Daisy, Edie for short. She looks like her brother at that age, but MUCH smaller.

    Joyce – sending supportive thoughts your way. When my mother was near her end my brother and I decided, with the help of a consultant to go down the “Liverpool Pathway” which was set up to ease people’s end. We were both able to be with her at the last and she was completely peaceful. Even so I do still have occasional pangs of guilt about our choice. My sister in law was very against it because of her religion. Just recently the government has changed its mind about the pathway as some people in some hospitals have not had a good experience with it. I think it had been badly used on occasion. I have nothing but praise for the way our hospital handled things and we were grateful.
    Sometimes we yearn not to have to be the strong one in these situations, but if that is the way we are made then so be it.

    Went back to the store today as I was still worrying about what to wear in Rome. It’s going to be warm there so wanted another cotton t shirt that would be long enough to hide my rear in the treggings. In England no one would blink, but I’m not sure about the matrons of Rome, considering my age. Found a cheap, black and white stripey one with ¾ sleeves. I stocked up with a vest and knickers. I think I am fixed now. I also bought DDIL some shower crème and DS some saffron, as I reckoned everyone was getting presents bar him. He loves his saffron and is always delighted to get some for Christmas etc.
    When we go up tomorrow we will take sushi up for lunch to save them having to cook. Coming back we will probably have the same thing I had today, prawns dressed in chilli and garlic from the station branch of the store. Last time I stank out the whole train carriage! Today’s prawns I had with an avocado. Just about my favourite lunch apart from Asian soup. 350 calories inc the avocado.
    Can’t wait to see them all. DGS has a rotten cold and is a bit put out by the usurper. We have strict instructions to make a fuss of him. He is really looking forward to our coming and wants to play football with DH.
    Having a nice, quiet pm as DH is at cricket. Haven’t done any strength training today so that is next on my list. I will be pushed for time tomorrow so may only get gymming in. Plank – here I come!
    Love to all from Heather in very warm Hampshire UK

    PS - those of you who are eating v low calorie, PLEASE EAT! You are likely to feel low in energy and much more inclined to break your diet. At the very least eat the 1200 minimum and most of your exercise calories. I eat 1700 a day because I exercise 450 off and rarely feel hungry. I think I have broken my diet no more than 6 times in the 16 months I have been doing it. That's because I eat a lot and love every mouthful. I never feel deprived. In the long run that is the way to go. And we are all in it for the long run. aren't we?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day !
    Joyce,you and your husband and MIL are in my prayers.Please.take care of yourself.
    Got my flu shot this year already.Since I`m Violet`s caaregiver 3-4 days a week and she`s in kdg,I defineitly needed to get it.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies,

    Not too warm but quite humid today. Did ladies exercise group earlier. Off to help at cross country later. I'd like to thank everyone who posted about their own falls; it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who has hit the ground one way or another. Better balance to ALL of us!!!

    Joyce........My heart is with you as you face this; you know the morphine will make the end easier for MIL and the people with her. You were beyond gracious and kind to hold the phone for her daughter to speak for what will probably be the last time to her mother.

    Kevrit.....The only reason I got so many steps in (believe me, that's not the usual!!) so early is because I met friends to walk; of course, we all talked the entire way!!!

    Heather.......Love, love , love the name!!! My own English/ or Welsh (I think they went back and forth) dgm was named Daisy!!!

    Got to run, be well!!

    ps. this is strange; pg 13 says "down for maint."---I can get 12, I can get 14, just not 13----anyone else?????
    pps.....were we naughty on that page??? can't remember anything........
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Mid-Week Ladies –

    Wow, the weather has been simply spectacular these past few days. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the rest of fall could be mild days and sunny? We got two gigantic pumpkins at the orchard this past weekend. We’re going to put off carving them for a week or so, so that they don’t spoil before Halloween. It was a short drive up to Linvilla Orchard, but it was the first time I had ever been there. Lot’s of produce and they had a nice gift shop.

    On Sunday, had lunch w/2 ladies from MFP, Lucy and Michelle. It was a wonderful time getting to know them and meeting them in person.

    I was up in NYC for a conference on Monday and Tuesday so didn’t eat in the most healthy way, but still tried to make good food choices. I really enjoy NYC, and by coincidence will be up there again next week, but this time for pleasure. From Delaware its just a short train ride up, so definitely nice for a long weekend. Well, I have been a bit off program for a few days now. I have been doing well in meeting my step goal of 14,000 each day, but have not been doing my cardio. Also, for the last few days I have not logged any of my food. I expect when I get on the scale tomorrow it will have crept up a few pounds, but we will see.

    :smile: Grandmallie – I agree with everyone else, how sweet to have the flowers delivered at work. What a nice gesture.
    :smile: Barbie – congratulations on being able to hold a plank for that long, that is wonderful. Boy, you did dig up a lot of rocks!!
    :smile: Rori – loved seeing Mars in your sink, I imagine once we get our bathroom completed we will at least one of our four cats resting in the sinks.
    :smile: Katla – sounds like your boat and deck have been keeping you busy.
    :smile: Phoo – I do scrapbooking, but have never tried making greeting or holiday cards, so am looking forward to see what you have created. I typically do scrapbooks of my vacation adventures, helps me live the time away again.
    :smile: City Jane – if you Rome holiday is not filled up and you need any recommendations please feel free to email me. Know the owner of a great restaurant and also a great tour guide if you should need one.
    :smile: Michelle – I really enjoyed the Jillian Shred DVD, great workout.
    :smile: Jenn – welcome to the group.
    :smile: Joyce – I’m thinking of you and hope things get better for you.

    Be well ladies.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Joyce - so sorry your MIL is failing. She has been lucky to have you in her life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your DH and MIL. :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a quick post.

    Andelane Bailey Roberts arrived at 10:20 AM today. She is 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. She has a ton of hair. And her face is all cheek. I will post pics later. (newborn photos are the greatest)

    I am very excited and now the two weeks I have to wait until I can hold her seem like torture. I am finally really happy to be a grandma. It took me awhile to get used to it but Olivia made it so fun. Now I get two beautiful granddaughters to spoil.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    very quick post as I am totally exhausted and going to be at 6!!! I could barely get home. I posted on my home page that I told my boss NO MORE evening clinicals EVER. I never make demands so I think I got her attention.

    Joyce: wish I could be there to support you in person. You are in my thoughts and prayers
    Robin: congrats on the grandbaby!!!!

    Night night! Meg from hot Omaha today
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well got a surprise at tops tonight I was down a whole .2 was sure I had a two lb gain the way I acted with food this week. 2 suppers one out of town and my pickerel supper at home. And 2 brunches one at sons and one in restaurant that's a lot of food. Out of the home base. I took it and was very pleased. It kind of says look your body is trying help it.

    Read some posts but not all. Congrats to the new grandma's it's just great.

    For those of you caring for your loved ones. Prayers are sent your way.

    For those of you doing what needs to be done to lose the weight keep at it.

    For those of you like me not sure which way your going well lets take a grip and go the right way doing the right things.

    See you all lighter.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Joyce - my thoughts & prayers go out for you & your family as you travel this journey with your MIL. You have a heart of gold. :heart:

    Lin - congrats on the loss, whatever or however it's yours to celebrate :drinker:

    Meg - I don't know how you are keeping with such a hectic schedule. Take care of yourself.

    Robin - congratulations on the new addition, what a beautiful name. I can't wait to see the pictures.

    Jenn - I hope the interview went well. I went through that whole process about 1 1/2 ago so I understand the nerves.

    Suzy - pumpkins already? That just means we are so much closer to winter...booooooo I'm a horrible Canadian, I really don't like the winter, the cold & snow. ick

    It's my birthday tomorrow, so my DD is cooking dinner for me. She's such a great kid. Saturday we will be going out for dinner with my DS, still don't know if his GF will join us or not. It will either be just the 3 of us or maybe 4. I'm hoping I don't have to work on Saturday, that we can get inventory counted and entered tomorrow & Friday.

    Sleep well!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin,Congrat`s on grand baby:drinker: :drinker:
    Sandy,Happy birthday tomo:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: row,enjoy
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Well the interview went very well. I wasn't sure about the job at first, but now I think I really want it. Both of the directors I interviewed with were very down to earth. We talked for an hour and then they took me on a tour. I met many of the people I would be working with. I've never been introduced to people before being offered the job. Maybe that's a good sign.

    Robin- Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

    Sandy- Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Time for a relaxing bath and calling it a night.

    Sweet dreams to all.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Where does the time go. I try and read everyday and am logging my food. It was areal nice weekend. Went to Kansas on Saturday with DS,DDIL, and GD. The wedding was nice and got to see alot of DHs family we have not seen in awhile. Everyone noticed the weight loss and that was nice. My two GDs that were there, we walked from the church to the hall for the reception. It was about 4 blocks, but last year at this time I would not been able to do it. Monday was weigh in day and I lost 1.6 so glad about that. Yesterday DGD and I worked in my spare room and got it cleaned out and cleaned up. She is 5 and she was having so much fun shredding papers. When the bin got full she would yell at DH to come empty. We filled it 6 times. So glad to have it done and the old desk out. DS stopped and picked up the old desk so have that done. Then the guy from the heating company came and checked the funance. And of course it could not be something easy. It has to be replaced. Come to find out it is 29 years old. We were told it was only acouple years old when we bought the house 10 years ago. We are just lucky that it didn't blow up or catch fire. So have acouple places coming out to get some prices. This has been the year, first the basement flooding and the roof leaking now this. I found it interesting that the guy told us we only need to replace the furance not the central air unit. They run off each other. So going to check with the other companys to find out what they say. I sure don't want to have that break down next. I have been up since 3 this morning as couldn't sleep worrying about how we are going to afford this. Trying really hard to hand it over to God and let it go.

    Joyce-- Hugs and prayers to you, DH, DMIL. It is not easy to lose those we love. You and DH will always know you did all you could and you have went above and beyond with DSIL. Hospice is a good deal. I have voluteered with our hospice at the hospital for several years. My DMIL had hospice the last month and they were great with her and the family. Be sure and take time and take care of you. I have to agree this month has not been an easy one.

    Meg--Congrates on the loss. I love this cooler weather. If it would stay like this till next May I would be happy. Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like they are really working you at work. They are starting the flu shots at the hospital here this next month. They are making them mandatory and if you do not take it you have to have a note from your doctor why you can't take it. If you don't they say they will not let you work. I have no problem taking them, the last three years with in two weeks of getting one I lose my voice completely. Last year they had to give me presone to get it back. Fun Fun. DH was invited to join the Cosmopolitan Club. DH did join. They were talking about that diabetes van and what they do. They are going to raise money to buy a new one that they can make handicap ready. So people in wheelchairs can get inside for testing. Sounds like they do alot of good things to help people with diabetes. It is something we are interested in as I am diabetic and my dad was, my mom is and DH's sister has been since she was 9 and now has alot of health issues.

    grandmallie--Happy late anniversary. Sounds like DH did good having flowers delivered at work. Sometimes those things really make the day. I need to go get the ring ajuster as my rings are falling off alot. I don't like not wearing my wedding ring. I don't want to get them sized until I reach goal.

    Jean-- Welcome. You have come to the right group,. I had the lap band done last Nov. It has really been a struggle as I am an emotional eater and get so moody. My doctor put me on wellbutrin to help. Good Luck on the job interview.

    tina-- one of the tests my doctor does is the AC1 and that tells him my blood surger aveage for the last 3 months. This last month when they did it, it was 5.8. He tells me anything under 6 in not an active diabetic. So my losing weight and meds are working. I have found that eating cinnamon or taking cinnamon pills really helps keep my blood surgers down.

    Heather--Good for you for ording things for yourself. Please post pictures of your mini skirt and boots. they sound so pretty. 64 is only an number, enjoy life and all your hard work. Congrates on the new grand baby. They are since a Blessings.

    Sue--Congrates on getting back on the horse. Good when we can do the things we enjoy.

    Sandy--Sure hope it works out so you do not have to move until you want to. When DH's grandma was living we would go visit and she would get up several times in the night and come in and put blankets on us. I was so hot I would get up and take them off after she left the room. We would do this alnight. Happy Birthday tomorrow. Hope you enjoy your dinner DD is making and supper out with DS. Hope his GF comes to the dinner. Congrates on the smaller yoga pants. Isn't it fun to go down in size of clothes??

    Katla--Congrates on the loss and being so close to goal. Sounds like DH made a good trade, hope you get lots of time to enjoy the boat.

    Sylvia--Glad to hear you are back in the studio. One day at a time. Funny how we get upset over cable being messed up. I remember growing up with just 3 channels. When I tell my GC that they look at me like I am from the stone age. Sorry to hear about GD and rod at the Y. I am surprised they put it back up with duck tape. Sounds to me like it is a law sutie waiting to happen. So glad she was not hurt any worse.

    yanniejannie--Glad you were not hurt when you fell. I agree when I fall the first thing I do is look around to see if anyone saw me. Last year it seemed everytime I was over to my oldest DS's I would fall down his deck steps or something, One evening we were over for a family dinner and I fell walking across the floor. I noticed acouple days ago my knee is all black and blue and sore. Not sure what I did but it looks nasty.

    Robin--thanks for the reminder to remember all we are Blessed with. Congrates on the new grand child. Are they not the best and of course they all take after us in only the best way.

    Well ladies I am ready to call it a night. DH and I are both off tomorrow so want to get some things done out in the yard. We both work all weekend so want to get done before the weather turns. Have a good night and sweet dreams.

    Blessed! Vickil GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Terri, I have been carrying a pedometer for years and it has encouraged me to walk more----I love the feeling of “getting credit” for the walking I do. I am retired so I have a lot of time to choose what to do and I choose walking. I gradually started going to bed earlier so I could get up earlier to have enough time for long walks with my dogs in the morning before I had to be somewhere…..thus I traded the late evening hours of sitting at the computer or watching TV for early morning hours of walking. I meet my friends for a walk rather than coffee or a meal so I can socialize and exercise at the same time. When I started on MFP four years ago I had to be creative to walk 10,000 steps a day and gradually by looking for opportunities to be active, I’ve increased the number.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, you might feel better if you focused on adding more nutrient rich food to your day…..your body needs good fuel to be at its best.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, hearing about you getting ready ahead of time reminded me to start making my list for the trip we’re taking the first weekend in October…….i don’t necessarily start packing, but I make my list way ahead of time even for a weekend trip.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, it’s easier to get a lot of steps if you don’t have to go to work……I get up very early so I can walk my dogs one at a time for about 20 minutes each first thing in the morning. I jog in place or walk back and forth while they are sniffing in the grass….then I eat my breakfast and do my spiritual reading and take both dogs for a walk for about two hours….that adds up to a lot of steps before 8 AM…….I go to bed at 7:30 PM to accomplish this….the rest of the day I am on the lookout for ways to be active.

    :bigsmile: Jenn, I’m thinking good thoughts for you and the job you interviewed for.

    :flowerforyou: Suzy, how great that you got to get together with two ladies from MFP….we feel like family and seeing each other would be awesome…..congrats on your 14,000 steps a day.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, we had to replace our furnace and heat pump last two years ago when we bought our house…..I thought it might last another year, but if I was wrong, then we’d be In big trouble in the middle of winter….we were able to get a three year no interest loan which is what made it possible for us…..i wish you luck on your furnace purchase.

    :flowerforyou: Jake and I worked hard this afternoon putting more rocks, compost, and dirt in the big hole in the backyard…..there is another day’s work before we go to buy good soil for the top layer and then we wait for the peony plants to be ready to be picked up. This was my big project for the afternoon instead of strength training This morning was a dog walk in the rain and a great line dance class.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 26,000 steps today
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    The new strength training challenges provided by my personal trainer, Rose, caused me to pull something in my back. :noway: A few snaps and cracks later from my excellent chiropractor and now I'm as good as new. :happy: Latest NSV is trying on clothes in size M, and having them fit! Medium is such an arbitrary size. When I was bigger, I always knew I was Large or XL. Now, I have to try items in multiple sizes to see what actually fits. The scale however stubbornly stays where it’s been for over 2 months now. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    Heather: I share your passion for shopping online. Lands End pouches show up regularly at my front door. I’m not ready for a mini-skirt yet, but I am ordering more knits in bright colors. Congratulations on the new DGD! Have a wonderful first visit.

    Sandy: Good for you investing in a PT. This is my first time working with one, and it’s great to have someone push me to next level. I was skimming along in neutral gear before starting my work with Rose. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your special meals with family.

    Joyce: I think you are showing remarkable patience and compassion in the face of your family issues. I hope happier days come soon.

    Grandmallie: I’m feeling vicarious excitement about your vacation in Florida. I don’t pack much ahead of time, but I do make packing lists, in pencil, which I edit and re-edit as I get closer to actually packing.

    Sylvia: Glad you are feeling better. Duct tape to hold up a shower rod is deplorable. Crossing my fingers for an easy dissolution of your clot.

    Rita: Congratulations on the interview and best of luck on relocation to CT. You’re on a positive roll!

    Jenn: I’m holding a good thought you get a job offer soon. I agree that meeting people and taking a tour are very positive signs.

    SuzyinDE: How fun to meet MFP friends in person. By coincidence, I will be in NYC next week , too,only my trip is for business in midtown Manhattan. Then on Oct 3rd, I'll be taking Amtrak to Wilmington. After Wilmington, I am visiting Lewes area before coming back to Colorado. Message me if you think a meet up is possible.

    Robin: Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Love her name!

    Barbie: Those peonies you plant in the hole will provide even deeper pleasure given the hard work you put in to create the planting bed. WTG.

    I don't post often, but read everything that hits this thread. Feel blessed to have you all in my life. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    September Goals and progress to date:
    Cardio with intervals as prescribed by Rose 2x per week = 100%
    Body weight strength training routine 3x per week = 100%
    Leg stretches every day = 50%
    Hit my daily protein and fiber goals 4x per = 75%
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Joyce - that was so nice of you to put the phone up to MIL's ear for her daughter to talk to her! My heart goes out to you and your whole family.

    Sylvia - surely you're kidding -- duck tape?????

    Stopped at one food store, went to yoga, then deep water, then stopped at another store. Someone told me they had vintage clothes, but they don't have them any more. Stopped at Big Lots to get the clock Vince likes, but they're ALREADY out of them. Last year they had them in October. Well, they told me to go to Party City or WalMart. Then I had a little time so I went to this "penny pincher" store. I've always wanted to know what it was like. Not impressed at all, doubt I'll go back ever. Now home, we'll be going to senior bowling soon. Made an appt to get my hair done tomorrow. Glad I made those chocolate muffins, I'll take some to them tomorrow. In the morning I'll do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD.

    Jenn - good luck on your interview! Update: of course it went well. Looks like you made a really good impression on them

    I agree with Heather -- eat your calories. However, I do find that if I add in my exercise calories, it gives me a false sense that I "need" to get my calories up. Remember.....eat your calories but be sure it's in the form of nutritious foods. I found that I was eating "junk" food just to get my calorie count up, so that's why I stopped adding in my exercise caloriess.

    yanniejannie - you not only got in all your steps, but you were exercising at the same time! Exercising your jaw, that is. At least you weren't exercising it by eating. I didn't have a problem getting page 13.

    Robin - congrats. I bet you're not looking forward to the two longest weeks of your life!!!!

    Sandy - have a wonderful day tomorrow

    Vicki - that's awesome everything that happened at the wedding, all your personal NSV's. So sorry about your furnace.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm not even going to attempt yo read posts from the last one I did last night. even though I am sure some of them that say you are all praying for me. I have felt them all even though I haven't read about them. God knows.

    We were called at 11 this morning that she was worse. So not even a bird bath type bath could help me today I went ahead and showered and had my good lunch and I am so glad I did. She died at 4:30. Bu her two sons and me were there but by this time her siblings started coming in. For most it was the first time in 10 years that they had visited her. some studies say that comatose poeple can hear you and I am holding on to that for peace. She heard her siblings and children and two grand children she had yearned to see for many years. We were all laughing and having a good time catching up. After she died then we started cleaning up. Everyone left at 6 and the funeral home came and got her body and the long hard task of cleaning her room started. We did not come prepared with boxes and wrap. so they are gingerly put in bags and will be taken into our house just like all of Mom's things did and once they get in my house they never seem to leave. Her daughter is hysterical and I'm not sure how involved she will be. In a way I hope she's not there long during visitation because I have been the only one to offer an olive branch of friednship and she gravitates to me and I'm having a hard enought time holding myself up and carryong my husband. I ave kept to my diet today. I did eat mashed potatoes with no gravy only because it required no chewing to eat it. That's how tired I am.My daughter is coming over after work tonight and help her Dad unload the car. Where they will unload it to I don't know. I have all the things for her to wear and us bring to the funeral home seperate but that wasn't hard to do.

    Again, thank you ladies. I hope all of you who are struggling will soon get over the hurdle and celebrate with all of you who are doing well. Thats waht a family is all about

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Joyce...Praying for comfort for you and your family! My mom hasn't been gone for 6 months yet so I know how you are feeling. Please take care of yourself too.

    Robin and CityJane...Congratulations on those new little ones! How wonderful!!

    Eileen in San Diego
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Joyce - my sincere condolences on the loss of your MIL. I wish you strength in the days ahead.
