

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am so impressed with the level of strength I see displayed on this thread. So impressed.

    :heart: Renny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Popping in for a quick one before I get packing and sorted. Have done my gymming, but have yet to do the strength training. Plank day today - my least favourite exercise.
    I find that when I am nervous my heart rate goes up higher on the machines. Normally I have to work very hard to get it up to the 120s. Today it was up there. I didn't get to sleep until 2am with my nerves and had to take an anti hystamine to get off. if I take one it always makes the gym harder work!

    I know I will feel better when I have got my stuff sorted. It's all the little jobs, setting the light timer, sorting out the plants, clearing the fridge, downloading the camera so it's clear etc. DH is off to football so I am on my own. I used to worry for a week beforehand so 2 nights is an improvement!

    I've got to do the online check in this morning. As we are only taking cabin bags that means we won't have to be at Heathrow too early. We always are quite early though as I hate stressing about being late. We are leaving the house just before 8 am, not too early, thank goodness. It's a Sunday so shouldn't be too busy on the motorway.

    OK - thanks for letting me worry in writing. It helps a lot. Just got to get on with it, but planks and weights first!

    Will speak later. Love to all. Heather UK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my friends.

    Well, I actually got to post in September (just before it ticks over into October).

    My second lot of surgery wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped and I ended up staying in hospital for ten days instead of one. Still, home now.

    My youngest DD came over to visit from Germany with her blessed miracle bump. She's nearly 20 weeks and things seem to be going well. She's kept her baby bump very elegant so far. I'm going over in December to spend some time with her and buy things like the pram etc. Exciting times.

    In the meantime, my glorious grandtwins will be three in November - I'm not sure how that is even possible.

    I cannot wait until my doctor gives me the ok to start exercising again. Weight has gone down a little too low and I'd actually like to put on five or six pounds, but I will worry about that once I'm getting about more.

    Anyway my lovelies. I haven't had chance to catch up with any of you, but send my good thoughts and wishes to each of you.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    GREAT to see you back Amanda! Hope you are fighting fit soon.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Yes Michelle - the press ups are push ups. I have done 2 mins 45 secs today planking.

    I have checked in online. Now sorting my washbag and medecines. Also the liquids - 100 mls only. I hate that. :huh:
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    :smile: Good morning everyone. Here in NY it is a little cool this morning. Wanted to sleep in but have to start putting stuff together for the day trip to the Adirondack mtns. to see the fall foliage. It's supposed to be a beautiful day. Hoping to get some good walking in today. I started to backslide a little so this should help by not being around food all day. Just have to remember my bottles of water. What are you doing today?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    I am up and staggering...DH is cranky this morning,so im staying clear.. im having some tummy troubles, so will see how I feel in a bit before either going to the gym or taking a walk..
    had my warm lemon water and having a cup of tea now..
    Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend:smile:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele - thinking of you today as it is delivery day for the 5 yards of egg rock. Did not move the slicks yet .... The worker bees will be here at 9-ish to move the rocks as well as to bury some drain pipe coming off the gutter downspouts. It won't be long and the yard will truly be done!

    Work was really busy this week (and next) as we have lots of end of September/October 1st renewals. The presentations and analysis are done, now the brokers bind everything up and it comes back to me again for the invoicing. Reminded the boss last night that next week I am only in the office Mon-Wed, and then will be off for a trip with my sisters. If binders don't come in and it can't be done by Wednesday it will have to wait until Wednesday next week.

    My sisters and I are going to Branson -- should be a fun trip! My other sis is in NM, so we'll meet in the middle at St. Louis, near where my middle sister lives. I'll drive the 3 of us from St. Louis to Branson on Friday and we'll come back to St. Louis Monday, then fly home Tuesday. (My middle sister has Parkinsons, so doesn't do well driving any distance, and our older sister won't drive on the highway or any location except where she lives in NM.) Unfortunately DH is not going as planned and is mighty disappointed. He was going with me to St. Louis, to the middle sister's place, and hanging out w/our BIL to golf. Did I say MIGHTY disappointed? He turned in his vacation request (but didn't print his submission), only to find out a few days ago it never reached the scheduler. They scheduled him to work and because all the pharmacies are pretty short staffed, can't get a substitute. He had to cancel his airline reservation (a $200 hit - ouch!).

    Got to get on with it - the rock w/b here in an hour.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I found out last night that my mother passed away on Thurs (yup my birthday). I don't know how to feel about it. I always thought that I wouldn't feel anything. You see I haven't had any contact with her for about 15 years. 21 years ago I found out that my sister sexually abused my son. My mother chose to side with her and my brother (or the ostrich is what I call him) didn't want to know about it because he wanted to believe that he had a "normal" childhood. Growing up my mother told me regularly that I wasn't wanted, that I was the cause of both her marriages ending, that if it weren't for me that she would be happy. She had her perfect family a girl & a boy 2 years apart and then 7 years later I came along. She was physically abusive to all 3 of us. When my brother & sister left home (the same year) I was 10 and my mother leaned on me for everything. I did the housework, the cooking and taking care of her. She married my alcoholic, abusive (physically & sexually) stepfather when I was 12. I was the one that had to call the police when he would be drunk and throwing things at us. I was the one who cleaned up the mess, mine was the shoulder she would cry on because she wanted him back. Every time she would take him back. I left when I was 17 and they still involved me in their fights. When I got married at 20 and pregnant at 24 my stepfather left her. Again it was my fault. I chose to limit access to my kids and then when I found out about what my sister did...I lost it. My sister has never tried to contact me since. Shortly after my mother moved in with my sister because her kids were removed from her home. I spoke with my mother a few times after but the final straw was when she called my son a liar. I have had no contact with anyone in my family since. No one at all. I did years of therapy and I grieved for the mother that I never had and never would have. So why be sad now? It doesn't change my life in the least bit. I can not go to the service on Monday and I don't really think I want to. It's hours away from me now. I haven't laid eyes on my sister since I found out and I'm not sure I could contain my anger.

    Thanks for listening and letting me get it off my chest.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Sandy Oh boy~ so sorry your life has been full of turmoil... you are a very strong person for going through that with grace and dignity..
    I commend you..
    I understand your torn feelings,but what she did to you and your family is inexcusable...
    sending you love and hugs from Ct
    I went for a walk and did stuff outside and hit 10,000 steps already.. going out for seafood later, taking a steak and baked potato over to my FIL, he will love it:happy:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sat!!
    Sandy,how terrible.Sending you hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
    Amanda,good to see you.
    Hugs to you all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry: Sandy. I am so very sorry. I would have the same reaction as you. Injustice is a level of difficulty only those who have experienced it can understand. Glad you expressed your thoughts here with agroup that holds no judgments, just encouragement. ((Hugs))

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Sandy - my heart goes out to you. What a lot to carry. So glad you can talk about it. It's not surprising some of us put on weight as protection. Don't let your mother's death and all the stirred up memories derail you - you have been doing so wonderfully. :love: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I have just about finished my packing and organising. Just the camera to download and myself to shower and titivate. :laugh: My suitcase is a VERY small space to get everything in to, but I have managed. We are taking 40 teabags to Rome as we don't like the ones they have abroad. An English woman's cuppa is the most important thing.:bigsmile:

    Tonight I shall be watching a series about a Sicilian detective on TV. It helps to practise my Italian. I have my guide book to read on the plane, my nuts in my bag in case I am starving. I always have a packet of mints with me in case of hypos. Like a baby I need feeding regularly.:blushing:

    See you tomorrow night in Rome!
    Heather with the heating on in Hampshire UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning ladies. The weather here is so much cooler and Fall like. I love it. Lastnight we had some rain. We went to my DGSs football game and they took all the players off the field due to lighting. So we left with a group of people and then found out later they played. I had a nice NSV Thursday. I went shopping for some new pants, but can't make myself buy any yet. I did find acouple tops on clarence $2.99 each. I took size 3x and 2x to try on. The 2x fits and I was surprised. Sure alot difference from 5x last year.

    Jenn--Congrates on the postive interview. Sounds good!

    Barbie--One company that came out told us not to get the heat pump as it doesn't work when it gets below 25 outside. I must say I am very surprised at the prices so far from $3000 to $6900. Have acouple other places coming out to check it out and give us prices. Then we will dicide what to do.

    Joyce--Hugs and Prayers to you and DH. May you have peace knowing you did all you could and she is at peace. When my sister passed away my siblings and I set around after the funeral and talked about things we did growing up.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Sandy sending you hugs:heart: . You r in our prayers.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy thoughts and prayers are with you so sorry it had to happen on your birthday, but you are surrounded with love here hope you enjoy your supper out with your kids

    Juanita in sudbury
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Ok this is not going well. I typed up alot of commets and some how only part posted. Sometimes I just do not trust or like computers. Sorry if I missed you.

    Sylvia--Congrates on not having to have surgery.

    Gail--Sounds like a fun sisters trip. Sorry DHs plans were ruined.

    Sue--Holiday plans sounds like fun. How nice of DS to make the trip a gift. The holidays will be here before we know it. I tell myself every year I am going to get an early start.

    Sandy--Sorry about your mom. You are grieving for the mom you never had. You are a good person and I am glad to call you my friend. Hugs and prayers to you. I hope all goes well with your family birthday dinner tonight and getting to know DS's girlfriend.

    Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the beautiful Fall weather.

    Blessed! VickiL GI NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sandy, I'm so sorry for what you have been through. After suffering so many years of mental abuse from your mom it should feel good to know that it's over, but I know it doesn't. My sympathy.

    It's raining here today, and cooler. Nice change. Hubby went swimming with me this morning and was commenting on how well I'm doing. Sweet guy! Then he went to the studio with me and we cleaned for two hours. REALLY sweet guy!

    Now we're out at the lake cabin. I love it out here when it rains. So peaceful. Even better when it snows. No bugs! Bruno is on my lap sleeping and all is right with the world. Tonight I'm making sweet and sour chicken from the Heart Association cookbook.

    Hope you are all having a great day.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wish I had time to read and enjoy all the posts. But I am fast approaching what my energy limit is as this time. I will sure be glad when my body gets back to normal and I can get back in my normal groove!!!!!

    Funeral is over. Daughter and family just left, am all full of Ellie hugs to keep me going until I see them in October during fall break at school. So am really looking forward to filling my Ellie hug bank back up!!!! The older grand child, Trinity, was always kind of scare of Grandma Vi but Ellie loves everyone. So I have all of the things set out for the sister Karen to come and look through and the grand kids went through the jewelry and knick nacks today. So the older one is looking through the jewelry and purses and suddenly liked Grandma Vi. She said this lady had style! So I will enjoy seeing ehr wear some things of ehr grandmas and have some good thoughts of her. All of the family at the funeral home got to know Ellie real good in the short hour of visitation this morning. I was proud of my husband,, he even got up to speak during the funeral but I felt sorry for the 2 younger siblings since they knew her during her mental breakdown years.

    I just now did my diary for yesterday. I was surprised at how much under my 1300 calorie goal I was. I did enjoy one mini chocolate chip cookie. Yum, good. I felt like Cookie Monster eating it. Grandys was one of our girls favorite places to go to when they were young and being nostalgic today they wanted to eat there. I was the only one who didn't so the yes won over. I really wasn't that hungry so I only ate half my meal but I didn't have time to do research on how salty that chicken may have been. But I think it was OK and I will enjoy supper.

    I'll sleep a couple of days then up to normal routine at the Y and life in general.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sandy.........No child should experience what you did and I'm extremely sorry for what happened to you and angry. For the dysfunction to carry over into such a horrendous event with your son is horrifying. The fact that they denied/ignored it to protect the only way of life they knew is not surprising, both heartbreaking and awful, but not surprising. . You are to be commended for your strength in getting away from these sick monsters........yes, monsters. Of course you are grieving; for the normal life that you deserved and that could and should have been yours. My best advice is to cry a bit and walk away with your head held high......you are a survivor in this world, sweetie. Also, if you need it (and you will know) get more counseling........it would not hurt if you can't get over the emotional turmoil of this event. {{{{{{HUGS!!!}}}}}}}}

    I volunteered at the race from 5:30am till 11:30.....faced terrible traffic trying to get home and promptly took a nap. Food has been worse than bad but will be better for the rest of the day.

    Heather...........glad to hear that someone else carries their own tea bags!!!

    Best to all,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Heather - I hope you have an absolutely wonderful trip!

    Did 30 minutes of yoga today, just did a DVD at home since for some reason Vince felt he really wanted to go to the open house at the vet's clinic today. I wasn't that gung-ho, but he was. So I did some yoga at home, went to the farmer's market (only got a sweet potato), then one grocery store, then WalMart, then home to unpack the groceries then we went to the open house at the vet's. Came home and made an applesauce bread which stuck to the pan. Went to one food store for cheese sticks (Wal Mart didn't have what I wanted so I got these on sale) and met the lady who runs the farmer's market taking down the sign at the front of our developement so I invited her up to our house. She didn't mind taking the bread that stuck to the pan home with her (good, less for me to eat), then made another apple bread for a lady who is having knee replacement surgery Mon. I'll go to the hosp Tues and take it to her, also put some beef ribs in the crockpot. Not sure how this recipe is going to work out since there isn't much liquid at all. Later today I have to lector at the church, then going to leave asap to get to this barbecue place. Evidentally, its pretty well known around here and it's closing in a few months. The owner is elderly and his children have no desire to take it over. I'm just hoping that the buffet will still be open when we get there. I'm hoping the deacon will be at this Mass so that I don't have to wait to do the prayers of the faithful and can leave that much earlier.

    Just had a bottle of water at the vet open house. I don't know why, but they were really pushing these barbecue sandwiches, I just said "no thanks" I think Vince had a piece of cake and a diet soda. I brought the rest of my water home and put some of the True Lemon in it. I needed the tartness to squelch any desire for sweets

    Amanda - In a way, I'm glad you had to stay at the hosp for longer. If you'd been home, you probably would have exerted yourself, in the hosp you couldn't. So sorry, tho, that the surgery didn't go as well as planned.

    Gail - so sorry your dh can't go to St. Louis.

    Sandy - thanks for sharing with us. You are doing a wonderful job of coping. So sorry this happened on your birthday.

    Vicki - wow! What a great NSV. Our second home in PA had a heat pump, and the guys are right, they really don't do well below something like 25 or 30. The previous owners put in propane backup. We do have a heat pump down here, but it only "heats" the downstairs and honestly, its not like it gets below 25 very often

    Getting ready for church now. Love to everyone.

    Michele in NC