
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 3,032 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,589 Member
    Was going to exercise yesterday, but Vince got up early so I decided I’d like to leave as soon as possible so I gave up exercising. We got here about 5:30. Not sure why we got here so early. When we made one stop I experienced explosive diarrhea (sorry if TMI). My stomach just felt “yuk” so Vince stopped for lunch but I went on. Felt better so had a sub when we got here. I’ve been wanting to try this place. Haven’t been there in years.

    Uneventful driving, which is good. Weather was great.

    Did a Kelly Coffee Meyer DVD today. The plan is to do a Jari Love DVD tomorrow. Spent most of the day today going food shopping, went to WalMart and Aldi. Also went to the women’s lunch, just had a grilled chicken quesadilla.

    Ahhhh...it feels so good to be wearing shorts. Now I only hope I can continue wearing them when I get back to NC

    Betsy – have a wonderful, fantastic cruise

    Marie – welcome! Didn’t Rori have a broken toe? If I’m right...what is it with Colorado????? lol I’m trying but it’s not working too well improving the balance. Not so on the strength, tho. The biphosonates just never really worked for me and right now I’m taking Prolia which seems to be working. I’m guessing it’s because the biphosonates have to go thru the digestive tract before getting into the bloodstream where as the Prolia goes in immediately. Whatever the reason I’m just glad it’s working. As a matter of fact, at one point it was working so well that I had osteopenia and insurance wouldn’t pay for the Prolia. I had to go on a biphosonate, but same thing….didn’t work. So I’m back on the Prolia

    Carol – when I have a colonoscopy, I usually get the results immediately.

    Pip – you...take it easy at the gym???…. Does that exist?

    Michele NC now FL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had a nice time watching old westerns with DH. He is tucked in bed & I’m in my place watching veterinarian shows. 😊
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,479 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Was going to exercise yesterday, but Vince got up early so I decided I’d like to leave as soon as possible so I gave up exercising. We got here about 5:30. Not sure why we got here so early. When we made one stop I experienced explosive diarrhea (sorry if TMI). My stomach just felt “yuk” so Vince stopped for lunch but I went on. Felt better so had a sub when we got here. I’ve been wanting to try this place. Haven’t been there in years.

    Uneventful driving, which is good. Weather was great.

    Did a Kelly Coffee Meyer DVD today. The plan is to do a Jari Love DVD tomorrow. Spent most of the day today going food shopping, went to WalMart and Aldi. Also went to the women’s lunch, just had a grilled chicken quesadilla.

    Ahhhh...it feels so good to be wearing shorts. Now I only hope I can continue wearing them when I get back to NC

    Betsy – have a wonderful, fantastic cruise

    Marie – welcome! Didn’t Rori have a broken toe? If I’m right...what is it with Colorado????? lol I’m trying but it’s not working too well improving the balance. Not so on the strength, tho. The biphosonates just never really worked for me and right now I’m taking Prolia which seems to be working. I’m guessing it’s because the biphosonates have to go thru the digestive tract before getting into the bloodstream where as the Prolia goes in immediately. Whatever the reason I’m just glad it’s working. As a matter of fact, at one point it was working so well that I had osteopenia and insurance wouldn’t pay for the Prolia. I had to go on a biphosonate, but same thing….didn’t work. So I’m back on the Prolia

    Carol – when I have a colonoscopy, I usually get the results immediately.

    Pip – you...take it easy at the gym???…. Does that exist?

    Michele NC now FL

    Lolol you’re funny
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,111 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,802 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Only if you're interested in doing something like this as we go along ...

    Feel Good Feb and/or Exercising the Alphabet in February
    Feel Good Feb

    Exercising the Alphabet in February

    In other words, on February 1, you'd walk to a street that starts with A or do an exercise video hosted by someone whose name starts with A or something ... A.

    On February 2, you'd go swimming at a Beach or play a game of Baseball or something ... B.

    On February 3, you'd go Cycling or Climb some stairs or something ... C.

    and so on.

    There are, of course, 26 letters in the alphabet and 28 days in February, so you'd have 2 free days if you didn't exercise those days or couldn't fit in the next letter of the alphabet.
    I have listed several January highlights so that meets the calendar suggestion for February 1...

    And I walked to the Asian "dollar store" next to the Asian grocers and bought Art supplies at lunch today. That'll be my A. :)

    Put myself in someone else's shoes --- I've been treating my difficult work colleague with kindness by talking to her about her son, complimenting her skirt, talking quietly and gently to her and so on.

    And today, I walked to Bathurst Street to Buy some Books. I also climbed stairs in my Building. :)

    Watch a movie that reminds me of kindness --- probably not tonight!

    C is for Climbing and walking on Collins St!

    Take a picture of three things that make you happy --


    D is for exercising Downstairs!
    Rowing - 16 minutes
    Walking - 38 minutes
    Weights - 10 minutes

    Be kind to yourself -- Sleep, gardening and cycling! :)

    E is for Exercising!
    Plus we cycled on Endeavour Ave and the Esplanade. :)

    Start a conversation with someone new --- I'm not the sort to strike up random conversations, or conversations at all. But I did chat with a person I met recently and one I haven't seen in a few months today.

    And ... F!

    Consider a current struggle. Write down two thoughts that bring you comfort.

    Hmmm ... A current struggle, like only one? Let's go with waiting. I feel like I spend most of my life waiting.


    And a walk to the botanical Gardens through the rose Garden!

    Consider and celebrate diversity! Does that include people who look at things completely differently than you do? If so ... woohoo! I've had that opportunity today!

    H is for Hobart - walking around. And Hanging clothes outside.

    Identify a role model who embodies perseverance and find 2 ways to emulate them.

    Well, I don't have role models ... and I've persevered as much or possibly even more than many people I know.

    However, today was brought to you by the letter I. I did walk by and around IMAS (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies).

    Check an item off your to do list this weekend!

    YES! I tidied a shelf in the kitchen. I've been meaning to do that for months but finally did it today. There was a large quantity of rubbish on that shelf ... more than I thought. So, much of the cleaning process was just throwing things out.

    I've also been dusting our entertainment unit and all the stuff on it.

    And I went outside and tidied the area right in front of our front door which involved moving a whole bunch of pots and other garden things to a different location and then sweeping out a year's worth of leaves and stuff. I climbed up and down and up and down stairs doing that.

    This evening I made an attempt at digging the area I want to plant things next to my dry stream. I got a new spade which is great, but even so, there are so many roots, I'll need to use something else to break it up.

    Just getting rid of Junk and Jabbing the Soil

    Make twice as much for dinner and either invite guests or deliver a meal to a friend ...

    We're actually doing that sort of dinner thing on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, all my exercise was in K ... Kingborough today!


    Heaving a heavy mattock in the garden:

    And walking our Kitty, Rhody. :)

    Make a list for the week ahead so you stay focused.

    I have one massive ongoing things to do list with the most urgent things at the top.

    Walking exercised my Legs.
    Gardening exercised all my Limbs!

    Consider a recent disagreement. Did you extend forgiveness?
    I don't like being at odds with people.

    Meandering around Bunnings.
    Moving the Mattock.

    Express creativity! I finished another version of my Project Plan!! That's as creative as I had a chance to be today.

    N = Nowhere
    I walked the stairs to nowhere and the road to nowhere.

    If you are in line today, let someone go ahead of you. I do every now and then. :)

    O - walking Rhody near home.

    The next time someone does something you appreciate, let them know. I did today! :)

    P - Perusing the shops today while it rained outside and Purchasing a few things.

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,219 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up and dressed and about to leave for Tracys to take care of Miles
    Alfie has a vet appointment this afternoon. Hopefully it won't be to expensive.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,796 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,479 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,442 Member
    Heather Wow! Bea’s Snuffles is awesome for a child her age to design! How old is she again? I wouldn’t be able to design anything like that! Not talented in that type of art work at all. I am not good at designing. I’ve never been able to decorate my house properly or make something by sewing machine without a pattern/ Same with knitting or crocheting. That child puts me to shame! LOL

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,640 Member
    Feb 16 The next time someone does something you appreciate, let them know. Joe fixing reading lamp, bringing down and putting things up in cabinets that are out of my reach.
    Strolled with Joe and the dogs to the mailbox again yesterday morning. Two days in a row! Less windy, still chill, more pleasant, Joe was waiting for me to leave for line dance class to take the dogs by himself. Told him it was more important to walk with him than to be on time for dance class. Plenty of time to get to the second/intermediate hour. Think he was gratified that he came first for a change… ;}
    Heather C.S. Lewis referred to “gold meat” in this morning’s reading. Googling brings up gold wrapped meat (insert disgusted rage here) but I don’t think that’s what he means. Could you enlighten me? Here’s the excerpt
    “The value of the myth is that it takes all the things we know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by “the veil of familiarity”. The child enjoys his gold meat (otherwise dull to him) by pretending it is buffalo, just killed with his own bow and arrow. And the child is wise. The real meat comes back to him more savoury for having been dipped in a story; you might say that only then is it the real meat. If you are tired of the real landscape, look at it in a mirror. By putting bread, gold, horse, apple, or the very roads into a myth, we do not retreat from reality: we rediscover it. As long as the story lingers in our mind, the real things are more themselves. “
    :love: your cards, especially the one on the dark blue, and Snuffles! Johnny is a prince to sacrifice his painting time for the difficult cardboard cutting.
    Margaret “glare ice” new term to me, but very descriptive. Hope your arm pain eases soon. Brava for vit D levels, hard to do in the cold and dark north, glad you got an rx.
    Debbie and pip :noway: :cry: :rage::cry: ((hugs))
    Rita that is an impressive a1C improvement. Brava! Don’t think I could sustain the Cleveland diet, period. Love my New Balance waterproof hiking boots, though you may not need the waterproof part where you are ;) Would you consider PT for your elbow and knee? I’m a huge fan. Do my exercises and I can dance and walk downhill. When I don’t is when it all goes to pot.
    Allie fingers X’d the dentist is gentle.
    Katla how long will your Son be in town to visit?
    Karen, what Beth said. Hope the next conversation is in a quieter place, and your son shifts to wanting to hear you.
    Beth hope the aides “get the picture” ;) Fingers X’d the testing is productive and the side effects fade immediately.
    Carol prayers for benign results. Grateful nothing worse found.

    Hormone therapy, had to pass as I was an ex-smoker who was on the pill way too long and both bio mom and half sis had 2 kinds of breast cancer each. Hot flashes didn’t bother me much (I’m too cold most of the time ;) ) but that meant Joe and my co-workers had to put up with the “Decade of Anger.” :rage: So grateful that’s long past.

    Like Michele, thinking about a Lenten discipline. Considering a fast from computer games, thanks to Vicki’s inspiration. Time to get up off from my butt.
    02/15: Move: 3 sets PT with dumbbells, mailbox stroll with Joe and the dogs, line dance class, active mins:229 steps:8127
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 8 =avocado, beets, cucumber, olive oil, pecans, pomelo, romaine, wheat-sourdough. CI<CO=145
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, fruit prep, ordered threader floss, post office, Grocery Outlet. Wt: 136.0
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    February: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,870 Member
    edited February 2023
    Barbara and Rita - Bea is 6, soon to be 7. I don't know if I am biased, but I think she is amazing! She knew exactly what she wanted and gave DH all the orders, dimensions, etc. All the parts! I really thought it was all going to be a disaster. We just had a pile of parts! She knew the nunbers of bits she wanted. She was very exacting. :p I think she got the shape from Minecraft. DH's biggest input was on how to fit the head to the body. Once he said it, she immediately agreed.
    I think she might have inherited some genes from her grandfather, my ex, who was a Design Engineer, teaching at Imperial and the RCA. He could mend, fit, make, see, anything! I am in awe of those kinds of brains!
    I said to her, 'Perhaps it might be good to draw a design first'. She said 'I don't have to draw it, I can see it in my head'.Of course, DH is her willing slave! :p:p<3

    Barbara- I also like the blue one, which was a kind of rescued accident! But I will be lunching with my friends and think the cards have to be similar. I'm tempted to fiddle with the daffodil one, but I might make it worse. I know she loves daffodils. :p

    Hoping Max is still well tomorrow. I want a bit of free time to prepare for our visitors. DH and he like going to the fish restaurant. They both enjoy a 1 to 1.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m looking forward for a visit from our son in the near future. Meanwhile I spend as much time with DH as I can. ❤️
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,310 Member
    edited February 2023
    1077 calories eaten today so far, with more valentine's day chocolate due tonight. I have a bit of a headache from the rain. So we shall see if I stick to my diet or not. I still have horseback riding and dumbbells to do, too.

    I can have one piece of chocolate and still have a 300 calorie deficit. The question is whether I can have just one?

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 3,032 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,332 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Today is shopping day after I have an X-Ray done on hands. I want to hopefully find rice paper sheets and want to create a shrimp, avocado, cucumber rice roll. I like the fact that after you moisten the rice paper it becomes see through, so you can see all the stuff in your roll. Thought it was pretty in the recipe.

    Hope you find them. Most stores around here carry them now. If you can get daikon, add that too(pickled carrots and daikon that are shredded are great in them too.)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,332 Member
    Off today so did a little shopping(of course, we always do), picked up banh mi sandwiches on our way home. Haven't had one in a long time. Our favorite place closed down. This other place is ok but almost twice the price for the same size sandwich.

    Heading out to start pruning. First to do is my nectarine tree. Need it pruned and sprayed before it buds out. Then the raspberries then the roses. Won't get it all done today but will start. Cold so not sure how long I will stay out.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,219 Member
    Lisa- hope your hanging in there.. I think Spring is trying to Spring early because im sneezing my fool head off.. well it will be a Nyquil night...