

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2023
    Karen Hoping it is not raccoons. Check with insurance if it is major. Need to find where they are coming in and seal the opening. Happened to a friend and they had to have it professionally cleaned and all new insulation because of raccoons. It is not a job for the average homeowner because droppings can be toxic. Every fall at our son's house I have to leave the lights on at night to deter bats from getting inside.

    Interesting about fire and pets. Last night while cooking the smoke detector went off. DrewB went and hid. She is not afraid of fireworks or loud dogs. The alarm upset her. I know now if there is a fire where she will go and hide. Small children can respond in the same way. Important info to know if heaven forbid you have a fire in your home.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    edited March 2023
    Lisa - I too have been wondering about Tofu. Seems like sometimes meat is just plain hard for me to digest, sits there like a lump and I don't eat much at a time. Cut up in soups and stews, it seems to do OK. I'm guessing my absent gall bladder is at least partially responsible.

    Thank you Kim for your suggestions on how to use it. I used to eat it decades ago, marinating in soy sauce, etc. DH wasn't a fan and then some scare came out about soy and breast cancer so I left it alone. Turns out, from what I've recently read, soy actually prevents breast cancer. I'm going to pick some up at the store and get going with it. I see lots of recipes on the internet.

    And Kim - so sorry to hear about your mom's upcoming surgery today. I recall when my mom broke her hip, she ended up with just a very small (to me) scar at the top of her leg. Your mom's sounds more complicated. Broken in 2 places, wow. I'm guessing it was a fall? Thank you for filling us in.

    Debbie - so cute about your son! Does he have a job with computers? He could have probably also fixed Katla's log-in problem in 2 seconds. Does your DH eat Tofu and if so, any recipes? That's something about his hours getting cut way back. :# Maybe in a week they'll want him back at 32 hours again.

    Katla - welcome back, great to see Schooner again. <3Pip is da bomb :p

    Rebecca - loved the photo of Athena helping dad. :)

    Annie - sorry, I keep forgetting to congratulate you on your weight loss last month. :D Way to go! Your poor dad, I'm sure your mom's continuing fragility is weighing on him whether he admits it or not. Worry can take over our brains. I'm always happy to hear you are still riding horses when you get a chance and hope it continues.

    Lanette B)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Wow! Go Pip! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Happy Birthday today, Vicki!
    Welcome @sista67 Susan ! Logging food and weighing portions was a real eye-opener to me. Try different activities to find some you enjoy. Baby steps. You can do this.
    @Katla49 Hip, Pip Hooray!!! So delightful to see Schooner’s pic again.
    Oh Annie, tax troubles on top of everything else?!? :brokenheart:
    Kay know what you mean about protein bars instead of real food. A timesaver but takes its toll.
    Lisa is there a way you can check taxpayer on that lot? Or is that how you already contacted them? “…jumping jacks, you’ll feel better…” LOL! Hope the symptom tracker gives you some clear answers.
    Rebecca “…more important how (you) feel…” Truth this. Hugs for your disappointment.
    Carol at least you lost 5, more than I did. Thankful my average weight stayed the same.
    Pip brava and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Allie yes you were there for that reason. What a blessing your ears, shoulder and experience were to that woman.
    Michele tracing paper haha! I could do that too, but could never color the picture as beautifully as Machka does.
    Tracey fingers Xd for the new job. Have you met the supervisor?
    Debbie relieved to see your post. Was beginning to worry.
    Tere ((hugs)) Whooshing you peace and your DH pain relief.
    Kim ((hugs held extra long)) prayer said for your mom, her caregivers and you. Take care of yourself, and if your brother comes around, watch your back. :heart:
    Machka never have I ever had a MySpace account or listened to music on a Walkman (other brands yes, Walkman no) We still have a functioning VHS recorder/player and tapes, but the Betamaxes are all gone. ;)
    Viv :astonished:
    Kylia your joy in driving your Miata shines through. Glad you have that refuge.
    Karen have I told you lately how jealous I am of your grands and your geezer place?
    Ginny who will take up the burden of those discussions when you retire?
    Heather gorgeous pic and Bravissima for the 400 words!
    Carla amen to the snow melting and blue skies.
    Rita and Carol Joe has no patience with tech either but I’m grateful he doesn’t try and get angry, just hands it to me. However, there is a stubborn streak when he wants to do something. His latest bug is DIY acupuncture, wanted me to order the needles. Thankful to read that distribution is restricted by federal law to licensed practitioners. Hope that deters him but he’s muttering about sewing needles… :’(
    Margaret good advice especially about where pets and littles hide.
    Lanette well done on the cabinet doors. Sad but true these days about what a workman might unintentionally share with a thief.

    Annie, Heather, Lisa, Okie, Sue. Karen (twice :> ), Terri, Michele, Machka, Kylia, Carla et al thanks for the birthday wishes! I did treat myself. Line dance class, then made myself a feast: 150g baked russet potato with 1.5 T butter and 3 T lowfat sour cream, 4 oz steak, big salad with 16 g Roquefort, 3.5 glasses red wine, 2 Riesen chocolate covered caramels and 2 squares Ghirardelli 72% intense dark chocolate. AND instead of eating in front of the TV, I sat at the table and read a favorite cozy mystery, Charlotte Macleod’s The Withdrawing Room. Joe bought the wine but eats at way different times from me. As another birthday gift, he encouraged me to leave the dishes for him to wash. What a guy!

    2. Notice three things you find beautiful in the outside world: Tumble wriggling in the meadow grass. Shadow leaping to catch the ball Joe throws. Dove cooing in the forest.
    1 Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness. Take a breath, then smile.
    03/01: Move: 2 sets PT with dumbbells, line dance class. active mins: steps:
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10 = apple, beans-garbanzo, cranberries, olive oil, onions-red, potato, radish, romaine, scallions, tea, CI<CO=
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, one load laundry. Wt: 136.0
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    February: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    I just sent a check the other day!
    2 points for me as I have never had a Myself account, or an AOL email. I tell husband I wish a typewriter as some months all my own pals write at once so I can have 10+ letters on my desk to answer. But then I think it would probably aggravate my palm tendon issue. I fear my piano playing days are numbered. 😥
    So sorry Kim my thoughts are with you regarding your Mommas fall and surgery. Calm thoughts to you and healing thoughts to your Momma.🙏💖
    Katla no worries come hell or high water we'll get your proper name to show. You know our Pip she is like a dog with a bone, she won't give up💖👍🏻. I would imagine she needs the front desk lady's phone number as well, so she can "give her the BOOT if she needs too.🤗💖
    Hugs to everyone that wishes one.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,556 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just talked to katla, all is well, she’s back in the group with her preferred name

    Pip - you're the best!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Pip congrats to you for solving Katla's log in crisis

    :)Katla congrats to you for persevering and not giving up and accepting help

    <3 Barbie
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,362 Member
    Tere-hope your husband heals quickly and well. I must say, I do not miss dealing with a sick or recovering husband. He was always worse than anyone else-he would tell you that!

    Kim-Hope your mom tolerates surgery well. I have had two hip replacements but have no idea if that is anything like a broken hip recovery.

    Lanette-I have just told my boss I think sometime this year. I had been thinking about July. Due some things that recently came up I may feel committed more to the end of the year. Part of my problem, honestly, is most of the time I do enjoy my job. I still feel like I am contributing positively.

    Barbara-your birthday sounds like it was wonderful. Happy belated! I guess the person who will have the next chats will be the next director. Don't know who that will be-it is now complicated.

    Pip-way to go! I have to admit, after I got back from my walk I sat down with dinner and started reading hoping to see the resolution to Katla's problem. It has been like watching a suspense play! That was very kind of you to do Pip.

    Katla-so glad you have your desired screen name back. You can take the worry off the list.

    I guess we are supposed to get a bunch of rain here tomorrow. I will mostly be working from home so shouldn't bother me much. Looking forward to weekend even though I will have to work part of it. Get new mattress delivered Sunday.

    Went lazy last night and didn't tidy up kitchen. Off to do that a couple of other small chores.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    Went to Fairfield with dh, did a few errands and went to lunch. I was really not impressed with it. He had raved about it. To me, it tastes just like the other two Asian buffets that had Mongolian bbq in the back that both closed down. This one is ok, if you know what to expect. The desserts looked EXACTLY like the old places. Selection on all the food seemed the same too.
    At least there were things to try and it was a meal I didn't have to cook.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,123 Member
    I did my dumbbells Yay! Thirty reps.

    I went up to five pounds on Tuesday, but got a little sore so back to four pounds tonight. Maybe I will do five again on Saturday.

    Annie in Delaware