

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    hi all, just to say I may be MIA for a bit, my 94 yr. old mom feel and broke her hip today. She is having surgery tomorrow... it's an hour drive between my home and the hospital. its going to be a crazy few days.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie thanks for taking such good care of us!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    edited March 2023
    Walking today ...




    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    edited March 2023
    kevrit wrote: »
    I am doing this Happiness calendar for March. Feel free to copy or simply use it if you’d like!

    March, 2023 Action for happiness.org

    1. Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness. I intend to live with more awareness and kindness every day.
    2. Notice three things you find beautiful in the outside world.

    Sky, sand and ocean


    3. Start today by appreciating your body and that you are alive.
    4. Notice how you speak to yourself and choose to use kind words.
    5. Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them.
    6. Have a ‘no plans’ day and notice how that feels.
    7. Take three calm breaths at regular intervals during your day.
    8. Eat mindfully. Appreciate the taste, texture and email of your food.
    9. Take a full breath in and out before you reply to others.
    10. Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face.
    11. Stay fully present while drinking your cup of tea or coffee.
    12. Listen deeply to someone and really hear what they are saying.
    13. Pause to watch the sky or clouds for a few minutes today.
    14. Find ways to enjoy any chores or tasks that you do.
    15. Stop. Breathe. Notice. Repeat regularly.
    16. Get really absorbed with an interesting or creative activity.
    17. Look around and spot three thing you find unusual or pleasant.
    18. If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down.
    19. Appreciate nature around you wherever you are.
    20. Focus on what makes you and others happy today.
    21. Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else.
    22. Notice something that is going well, even if today feels difficult.
    23. Tune into your feelings, without judging or trying to change them.
    24. Appreciate your hands and all the things they enable you to do.
    25. Focus your attention on the good things you take for granted.
    26. Choose too spend less times looking at screens today.
    27. Cultivate a feeling of loving-kindness towards others today.
    28. Notice when you are tired and take a break as soon as possible.
    29. Choose a different route today and see what you notice.
    30. Mentally scan your body and notice what you are feeling.
    31. Discover the joy in the simple things of life.

    Machka in Oz
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Is Sharon from Lethbridge still posting on here?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Kim - So sorry. :'(<3<3<3

    Tracey - Yeah for applying for a new job! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    1 Point for me!

    And I still listen to music on a CD the first time while I rip it.


    M in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Machka 2 points for me.

    Never have I ever:
    Had a myspace account
    An AOL address

    Happy Birthday to the March birthday girls - there a few of us if I remember rightly.

    Nothing much happening in my neck of the woods, which I suppose is a good thing, things can always be worse!

    I've been exercising regularly for a few weeks, what do they say, do something for so many days it becomes a habit - I hope so, but I am easily distracted >:) Unfortunately my weight is not going in the direction I want. Having logged my food for the last week or so, I can see where I am going wrong, but it is hard to get back on track.

    I don't like reality shows and rarely watch them. Some of the shows they have on TV lately I can hardly believe, not sure of the name of one I saw when browsing through the channels, but I was suddenly accosted by a mans genitals on screen and a woman saying what she liked an disliked about them! :o Think it was called naked attraction or something. Times have changed :D

    Time is getting on, so I'd better get some housework done before going to check on my mum.

    Take care and love to all <3
    Viv UK

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Machka 2 points for me.

    Never have I ever:
    Had a myspace account
    An AOL address
    Take care and love to all <3
    Viv UK

    I've been going back and forth about the AOL address. I know we used to get AOL CDs so we could sign up for an AOL address, and we would use the CDs to scrape the ice off our car windshields, but I don't remember if I did have an AOL address for a little while or not.

    But I know I never had a MySpace account and was a late starter with FB.

    M in Oz

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    hi all, just to say I may be MIA for a bit, my 94 yr. old mom feel and broke her hip today. She is having surgery tomorrow... it's an hour drive between my home and the hospital. its going to be a crazy few days.

    Oh my gosh!


    My heart is with you.

    Karen in Virginia
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Happy March 1!
    Took my Miata to get her first oil change this morning. I had a lovely conversation with a young man in the waiting area. He was so proud of his young daughter and trying to be the best father/person he could be for her. Afterwards, I drove the car to work with the top open, heat on, and music blaring. I am so happy when driving her! Work was okay, busy! Ginny You are right! In like a Lamb at least until after work, then all H*** broke loose at our house! I watched the most beautiful lightening until one boomed right outside the window! I screamed. The funny thing is the rain didn't come until about 40 minutes later. Then it came in buckets! The weather is crazy! Stay safe!

    You are all such inspirations! From simply stated goals to explicit goals and everything in between. From caring for loved ones to caring for yourselves. The willingness for trying new things and the securities of doing the things that are known.

    Happy Birthday, Vicki, Barbara, Machka, and Debbie!

    Pip Thank you for helping Katla.

    Teri and Kim Healing thoughts for healing for loved ones.

    Tracey Best wishes for new job!

    Rosemarie and Julie ((hugs))

    I appreciate you all! Thank you for being here.

    Didn't get this posted last night, so posting now before work.

    Kylia in Ohio

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    2 points for me. I've always had a Yahoo account and never been on MySpace.

    Went for my run this morning. Saw these young people shrieking in the freezing cold water! We had a frost last night! :o They were obviously enjoying the pain! :p

    Trying to write something. I've been fiddling around with book admin, but not doing anything actually creative. Must get to it!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Ginny thanks for the tip!

    Kim I'm so sorry your mom fell. Hope the surgery goes smoothly.

    Tere, good luck dealing with your husband's recovery. Hope the pain gets better.

    I had a MySpace account for awhile but it wasn't very interactive. I never had an encyclopedia or an aol address.

    Happy birthday to all the March women!

    And hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Morning ladies
    Over with Miles
    He is going to the pediatric dentist for the first time late this morning.I will go with Tracy and him.
    Also going to a wake tonight of an old friend and boss tonight with my ex Rich.
    My kids dad,Bobby owned the bar where I met Rich he also worked there.
    Will be good to see his kids and his partner.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    1 for me. No MySpace account.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    I got 400 words down. Phew! :)

    Tere- I hope your husband is in less pain today. <3 Has he got good pain relief meds?

    Had Dim Sum for lunch. Yummy! Tonight is duck legs.

    Thinking of Katla. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx