

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    For some reason the DVD I was planning to do (Kristen Dowell) wouldn’t play in my DVD player so I did one by Michelle Dozois. The plan for tomorrow is to Non Stop Strength Cardio Sculpt DVD

    After exercise stopped at Brevard Charities where I got some shorts then the SPCA thrift store where I found a pair of pants in the color I want. Hope they are OK. Then stopped at Upscale Retail but didn’t see anything. Now home. Got dinner ready to microwave. We need to go to WalMart so hopefully we can do that later and I can go in the pool.

    Debbie – at one time I bought the prune puree, too. But I can’t find it anywhere. The only alternative is prune puree baby food, and that’s hard to come by just prune. It’s usually something like prunes and apples. So I wonder if I made my own puree would that work????

    sista – try having lots of snacks (of good things, of course). Like cheese cubes, popcorn, even pretzels. Maybe that will stave off your hunger so you don’t overeat at night. I know that’s my downfall so for Lent I’ve given up eating after dinner. So far, so good. I tried that for a few years and I always failed. So we shall see how it works this time. Can you try having a bowl of fruit out so that you grab that first?

    Pip – you are an angel for helping katla

    Sandy – welcome.

    Karen – great job with the fire drill

    Michele wishing she could stay in FL longer
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,118 Member
    One note about raised bed gardens: remember to plan the paths in between. You might want to make them wide enough for the lawnmower.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Stealing from Barbara.

    Pip Pip Hooray!!! …and Hallelujah Katla49!!!

    YAY from me too! Great job PIP!

    KATLA you were still a part of us! You never left us and we will never leave you!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »

    More winter weather forecasted so my plans this weekend are to do some more major decluttering in the basement (decluttering is really too tame of a word for what I'm doing) and cleaning out the kitchen refrigerator and freezer. I find that when I feel like I have control over my living spaces, my health goals follow suit and become more manageable as well. "Stuff" just zaps my mental energy.

    Beth near Buffalo

    :) You might enjoy reading "Outer Order Inner Calm" by Gretchen Rubin. It is one of my favorites.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Happy Happy 🥳 to Rita !
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Happy birthday Rita!
    Ginny I too really enjoyed my work and the local people I worked with. What tipped the retirement scales for me was plans for wholly new industry specific software including email and ultimately operating systems. Never regretted my choice, especially after the merger with another company the next year. Good luck!
    Debbie those were two very BIG deals. Sure hope your DH’s fewer hours let him rest and get a better perspective all around.
    Rebecca when you figure out how to let go that need for family approval, please share with me. Haven’t been able to flip the switch so that my (and Joe’s) approval are all I need. Yours on food prep. Truth this.
    Annie when I first read “went up to five pounds” I skipped over the word “to” and thought uh oh, poor Annie gained five despite all her hard work. Was I ever glad to be mistaken. Well done!
    Katla hope you can feel the floods of happiness and relief whooshing to you from us all!
    Michele I agree about the scripted “reality” shows. The competitive cooking shows like “Worst Cooks” and “Holiday Baking Championships” hook me in but afterwards I always feel cheated, so much more “television” than cooking/teaching.
    @sista67 Susan pre-logging is a great idea. “failing to plan is planning to fail” It helps me is to keep something wholesome to chew when I “want to eat” like measured amounts of raw almonds, vegs, fruit. Many times I eat because I really want to chomp something or someone into bits… :laugh:
    Tracey look forward to the pic of your latest creation.
    @nanerkay Sandy from KY praying also for PT not surgery for your hurt knee. Skipping meals can play heck with blood sugar. Good luck, you can do this!
    Karen, yours to Debbiie. Wise words. What a warm and compelling invitation. Sorry, but wouldn’t want to leave Joe and the dogs for long enough to get there, much less appear in public in my swimsuit :devil: What a successful evacuation drill. Hope the facility has spare rollators in strategically located storage structures outside.
    What Heather and Evie said about fatigue, old mental scripts and choices.
    Heather got a belated birthday call from an old friend/roomie/coworker at 7:30 this morning. Debated answering as I was on the toilet, but thankfully I was done and it wasn’t a video call. :laugh: warm memories and grateful thoughts. I am so much happier and content than I would have been, had he reciprocated my feelings :heart: Johnny and Joe must be brothers from another mother. He still refers to his old aqua blue truck as green. SMH
    Beth :love: the idea of your enclosed raised beds. Spring come soon!
    Lisa has Corey recovered already?
    Barbie :love: your raised beds. Wish we had more sun, but unwilling to lose any trees to get it.

    Time to get moving, will update stats later.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    March: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Our raised beds are small We grow tomatoes and garlic

    Barbie - where did you get those nice frames? Are they wood or plastic?

    Every time I think I'm not going to do much of a garden, I get the bug again. :D I watched a video yesterday on reusing the potting soil in containers. I've been doing that anyhow, this video showed different additions - compost, etc. a person can add.

    Lanette B)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    Ginny - what will you do when you retire? Do you have a bucket list? I admit, I still miss some parts of work - some of the neat tasks I performed and some of the people. If I could have designed my "retirement" I would have kept working 2 days a week. It was so nice to feel needed and a part of a team I respected, and that I was making a contribution.

    Managing the dog doesn't always cut it, lol. Especially when I realize SHE is the manager and I'm her subordinate! :p

    Heather - is the new kitchen going to come all the way out to where the kids are standing? If so, that is huge! Barbie could hold dance classes and all of us would fit, lol.

    I saw on Bob & Brad this morning it's good for us to walk sideways in our house now and then, keeps our hip muscles strong.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State with a few flakes of snow on the deck left over from before breakfast.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    edited March 2023

    Debbie, no advice just many hugs. My ex-mother-in-law, I would have happily given to Goodwill. She operated at the top of her lungs, which I despise, and even more unhappily, wanted me to call her "Mom." My ex-husband expressed this to me, and I told him that I came pre-installed with a mother who I loved beyond reason. I was never going to call her that. Really frosted her flakes.

    And speaking of frosted, a chill woke me up about an hour ago, and would NOT subside until I curled up under a heated blanket. I despise shivering, it always leaves me with a headache from clenching my teeth.

    And... the rain came in, will stick around most of the morning, and possibly longer At 48° and 97% humidity, you might as well put my feet and hands and all joints in a deep freeze. Tired, achy and cranky.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    The mouths on both dh and MIL are the worst I have heard. The f-bomb every few seconds-cussing at each other and the yelling is crazy. I don't ever remember my parents cussing at all and for sure never said the fbomb! Dh will say it 10 times in one sentence. He knows it really bothers me but when he is mad, that doesn't matter. When that starts, I tune him out totally because I don't want to hear it.
    My former MIL had her issues(and they were really big, but she was on meds for them) but she only showed love for me. I was the daughter she never had after having three boys. I had the opportunity a few years back to spend some time with her when she came out to visit her other son. I got the chance to thank her for all that love and told her I didn't appreciate her enough back then. Having dealt with current one the past 30 plus years, I really miss the closeness I had with Shirley. She is now in a dementia ward. She still knows who I am and I stay in touch with her by sending letters. Texts to former father in law. I thank him all the time for how wonderful they both treated me, even now that I am not legally part of the family.

    Totally agree with your other comment about too much stuff. Dh is bringing more stuff in and it is really getting to me.There are no free spots down the hallway now, even blocked half the door to my sewing room. Not like I have even been in there in months. That is a huge project for after I semi-retire in Sept. The walls are covered too. All kinds of pictures, etc. No blank wall space. I have too much stuff too and need to work on that. Mine is mainly craft supplies and then the toys for the daycare are over flowing. SO looking forward to when I can give it all away.
    After being in this house for almost 31yrs, there is just too much stuff and neither of us is one to get rid of stuff very often.
    I was doing great for a while- had some mystery shops that paid to donate to Goodwill. I did about 15 or so of them and each time I gave at least two boxes away. Was sad when they stopped doing those shops.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,118 Member
    Carol hope your DH gets a clear diagnosis and it is a good one!

    I did my measurements, thank you Kylia! I also weighed in at up half a pound. Doesn't matter much, I know it will come down. My diet efforts always seem to start with a bump. When I get that stationary bike set up next week, then I should see some steady losses!

    My dad and I are in the first stage of taxes: procrastination. I just got an invite to lunch tomorrow and I have to decline, so I can keep time open for taxes. That will help my diet anyway.

    Annie in Delaware
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Carol ... lifting both you and your husband up in prayer!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Kim ... so, so sorry to hear your mom has fallen and praying that her surgery was successful. Long road ahead for both of you. Hugs.

    For the first time in over a decade, my husband and I will be receiving a fairly large tax refund. We think we are going to use it to build a raised bed garden. Because we have so much wildlife walking around in the back property (and a misbehaved dog), we need to enclose anything we build with wire fencing. I also want the garden to be pretty as well as functional. More of a hobby garden really. If we hope to have anything this summer, we need to get moving on it though.

    More winter weather forecasted so my plans this weekend are to do some more major decluttering in the basement (decluttering is really too tame of a word for what I'm doing) and cleaning out the kitchen refrigerator and freezer. I find that when I feel like I have control over my living spaces, my health goals follow suit and become more manageable as well. "Stuff" just zaps my mental energy.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I have two raised beds that my parents built for me for my birthday quite a few years ago. I LOVE them.
    Mom has a LOT that dad built and the past two years since he has been gone, they are getting used but the main garden hasnt(hopefully this year it will).
    I wish I had more of them. I save those for my favorite veggies. One is for my tomatoes and one is for my cucumber. Everything else is in big pots and drip system.
    I have always had a garden and I love it. Dh complains about the cost of the water but I just tell him he spends a lot more on his hobbies or going out to eat with his friends so to basically shut up about it. I don't spend much money on anything else and I am still earning money.
    I will help mom in her garden and I will get produce from her but I still need that fresh veggies and not have to drive an hour to get them.
    Mine are huge. Don't think they need to be quite so deep but it works. They are 8ftx4ftx4ft.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    If some of you remember, my DH had a colonoscopy about two weeks ago and has been feeling very off. We went to the ER yesterday and when we were finally seen 4 hrs later, they said his red blood cells were very low. Now they are thinking that he has internal bleeding going on. Will be doing several test today and tomorrow to try and diagnose the source. Prayers would be appreciated.

    Carol in GA

    Carol - sending prayers and good thoughts for your husband and you. Hope the tests show nothing major that a little time won't take care of. (((HUGS)))) <3

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited March 2023
    Carol - Big hugs! At least they are getting to it ASAP. I know it's a big worry for you. <3

    Yes Lanette - It looks huge to me! It's going right out into the side reveal!

    House prices are falling nation wide. Prices of raw materials are rising. I think it will all be OK in the end, but I can’t help worrying a bit. Thank goodness they currently have a view of the sea! Even though their main bathroom toilet is out of order. :sad:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,541 Member
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD, I know there is much I should do that might help. Things like writing down my feelings then ceremoniously burning them, while dancing around. Or buying cheap China dishes and labeling each one with a thing my family has done I though calluse or rude. Then marching to the nearest brick wall, putting safety cones around, and hurling each one. That's my favorite actually. I have always told my sisters that I want to confront them, listing all the times they fell short in thinking of my feelings in certain times of my life. Just to say they out loud. But I think after that our relationships would never be the same. So probably most should be left unsaid. I could list them each on a piece of paper, put in a Mason jar and address each individually. Maybe draw a picture on how to let that hurt go. Or an action to honor myself in having to go through that, or feel that.

    Yes the washing, cutting, saute-ing, boiling, or braising is all part of eating healthy isn't it? Its easy to open a package and scarf down the contents. But spending time cooking something, and eating that, well it gives yourself honor and respect you deserve.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Ginny - what will you do when you retire? Do you have a bucket list? I admit, I still miss some parts of work - some of the neat tasks I performed and some of the people. If I could have designed my "retirement" I would have kept working 2 days a week. It was so nice to feel needed and a part of a team I respected, and that I was making a contribution.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State with a few flakes of snow on the deck left over from before breakfast.

    That is what dh did- He took early retirement because it was available- They had an 85 and out clause that there was a rumor they were going to pull.(years worked plus age equal 85 to get full pension). He had had double hip replacement twice by that time. He didn't have the age to fully retire as he was only 52 at the time. They offered to have him come back with restrictions on how many hours he could work and still get his full pension so he took it. He wants to continue doing this until at least he can start pulling from his 401K which will be this summer. Next March I can start pulling SS(taking half of his because it is more than what I would get with mine)
    It isn't a great job but no learning curve- he has done it all these years and has trained many of the ones that have come after him(including my daycare girls step grandpa, that is how I met her).
    He did take six months off after he retired before going back part time. He was working two days a week before covid hit and they needed him.
    They called him this morning to ask if he could come in- everyone called in sick in the deli- told them sorry but no. He was heading to his mom's.
    His friend who works for the sheriff's department in Sac is looking into doing the same thing- he works in book keeping so his job isn't physically hard. He will be 62 in Sept. He has enough money coming in but wants the job to pay for his medical
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    If some of you remember, my DH had a colonoscopy about two weeks ago and has been feeling very off. We went to the ER yesterday and when we were finally seen 4 hrs later, they said his red blood cells were very low. Now they are thinking that he has internal bleeding going on. Will be doing several test today and tomorrow to try and diagnose the source. Prayers would be appreciated.

    Carol in GA

    Prayers said- healing for your husband and peace for you. Praying they can get it fixed and he is feeling better very soon