Activity Suggestions for Obese

I’m starting my weight loss journey after coming to terms with my size. I currently weigh 272 pounds and am 5’7”, so quite obese.
I never considered myself exceptionally out of shape or unathletic, and I’m still quite young (early 20s), but I started avoiding physical activity as I gained weight. So I guess I don’t know where I’m starting.
Any advice for a very heavy beginner? Good ways to challenge myself without overdoing it? How to ease my obese body into movement?
Also, specific belly fat burning activity would be good. This 54.5 inch belly needs to melt away! Thanks for any ideas and support!


  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,216 Member
    Just walk! I lost most of the weight I lost by changing my diet and walking. In 4 months I dropped 60lbs. A few months in I added some dvds. Then at about 4 months in I joined a gym and started doing bootcamp style workouts. I have been going ever since, about 3 1/2 years ago. Walking is great. Good Luck!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,876 Member
    Unfortunately you can't convince your belly to get smaller. Genetics determine where you'll lose weight first and no exercise in the world can change this. But being in a calorie deficit will mean you'll lose weight overall. So you got that one covered.

    for exercise: consider what you'd enjoy doing. Don't do exercise because you think you need to but because you might enjoy it. Just walking because you have to can be dull, but maybe there's a reason. Start a 15 minutes from home blog/facebook photo series and explore your neighbourhood. Walk yourself up to walking up the hill/mountain outside your home. Would you enjoy yoga or pilates? Both are good for muscles if done correctly. Lifting weight? Swimming? Running might at the moment not be too good for your joints, and cycling might be problematic as most bikes are not considered to be safe for your weight. But hey, there's so much you can theoretically do! People your size can learn to do the splits and become really flexible, be good walkers, lift weights, dance.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,370 Member
    edited March 2023
    Yeah, I agree just start slow. Walk for ten minutes. Tomorrow walk for 12...or whatever you can comfortably do. Fitness ramps up quite quickly and you'll be surprised at how fast you will improve if you stay with it, but the extra weight will mean some things are just out of reach (like maybe running might be hard on joints, etc.) If you had some active thing you really liked as a kid, see if you can't find a way to get back into that. I was a competitive swimmer and still enjoy it when there is a pool available.

    I lost 80 pounds and have kept it off with daily walking outdoors being the majority of my exercise. When I was still really over-weight I did home Zumba workouts. I mean, I did a lot of watching, and some actual dancing! :lol: There are many workouts on YouTube. I do daily resistance bands and about 15 different physical therapy type exercises for old injuries. That is important for flexibility and mobility.

    Weight loss mostly happens in the kitchen, so learn how to log your food and log every bite you take. That is in itself the most important thing you can do for yourself. After a while it becomes easier, so stick with it. I still log food, 15 years after losing my weight. It takes me just a minute or two to log a meal. Worth it.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,735 Member
    Walking is always good, because it can be done anywhere and gets you outside and hopefully into nature which is good for your mental as well as physical health. There is a series of videos by Leslie Sansome that you can do at home that incorporates brisk walking with things like high knees, low kicks and side stepping, IOW, low impact cardio. Some vidoes include light weights with the movement. Another option is to just put on your favorite music and dance.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,168 Member
    Do anything that you’ll stick to and enjoy that isn’t impactful. Things like walking, swimming, and hiking, which makes a lot more fun than just like walking around the neighborhood or something. In the gym you can ride the bike, use the elliptical or walk on the treadmill.

    So lots of options