

  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    edited May 2023
    musicsax wrote: »
    Cream tea is a scone with jam & clotted cream (some people have butter too, but not me) and traditionally tea is drunk with it, but I always have coffee. There was nothing different for the Coronation, but we had it as our own celebration!! I always have my jam on first and then cream on top, but in other parts of the UK people have the reverse!!

    I finally discovered my local grocery has clotted cream and double cream! I made some scones (I ensured it wasn't an Americanized recipe though I can't say how accurate they are to the real deal over in the UK), bought some delicious jam, and IT IS SO GOOD! I tried it with cream then jam but that's simply because I had opened the cream first to taste it by itself so I went ahead and spread it on first. I'll have to switch it up and see if it changes in taste.
    Cream tea sounds delightful, I might have to have my own little cream tea. I will usually have a tea as a late morning treat and, if needed, an afternoon pick-me-up anyway.

    In Devon it's cream then jam, in Cornwall it's jam then cream, the two neighbouring counties have warred over this for centuries! (Not literally 😉)
    Also the whole of UK is divided over whether it's pronounced scone like gone or scone like bone. I'm a cornish-style 'scone like gone' girl personally.
    I only have butter if it's a cheese scone or a fruit scone, but never a plain scone, which is the only kind you should have with jam and cream. Oh, and it must be strawberry jam and never with coffee, that's madness!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,396 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    Round 222
    May 2 – May 11, 2023

    61 year old female, 5’5”. I am married, semi-nomadic (we live in three states, Mass, Maine, Florida).

    Goal for Round 222 – I want to start the process of transitioning to maintaining. While I would like to get to 126 (roughly weight at daughter’s wedding), I also don’t want just an “on” “off” switch. I’d like to finally start filling in the supplement section that I have claimed I was doing since February. And, I’d like to start expanding what I do for exercise. For a weight, I would like to end the round no higher than the nice surprise of 128.2 with which I started the round.

    During this round, I have DEXA scan, BMR, and risk assessment on May 6th. Entering a chipped 5K on May 7th (not sure if walking or running, but I need do it to adjust my comfort zone). Mammogram on May 8th. Annual physical also on May 8th. Likely, all my annual blood work and such on May 9th. Then Dentist on May 11. A regular apmt except for it will be the first time seeing the dentist since starting Invisalign, which then includes me brushing, flossing, water picking, rinsing, etc, many many times a day. Going to be an informative round.


    Harry and Han are our cats, who travel with us. Have two “kids”, who are very much adults, a DGS, and second GS on the way. We have three parents, 88(father), 86(mother), 84(MIL) still with us, and I have logically been needing to help them more as they age. I got my act in gear during COVID, somewhat inspired by NOT becoming my parents. I lost 30 lbs and was exercising daily. Unfortunately, I am an “all in or not” person. Selling family home distractions, plus medical incident with my father and all their new needs, became an excuse. A year and a half later, I gained 25 lbs and lost all my athletic improvements. I need to figure out balance and how to make health be a daily priority for life!

    Round 126 153.0 equivalent 9/14/20
    Round 127 149.2 9/24/20
    Round 128 147.2 10/4/20
    Round 129 145.8 10/14/20
    Round 130 144.4 10/24/20
    Round 131 142.2 11/3/20
    Round 132 139.4 11/13/20
    Round 133 137.2 11/23/20
    Round 134 136.4 12/3/20
    Round 135 132.6 12/13/20
    Round 136 132.0 12/23/20
    Round 137 132.0 1/2/21
    Round 138 131.0 1/12/21
    Round 139 128.2 1/22/21
    Round 176 138.2 1/26/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 177 134.8 2/5/22
    Round 178 137.0 2/15/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 181 138.2 3/17/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 182 137.8 3/27/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 183 133.4 4/6/22 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 184 136.0 4/16/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 12.5 oz
    Round 185 136.8 4/26/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 13 oz
    Round 186 136.0 5/6/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 187 137.8 5/16/22 Harry 10 lb 14.0 oz Han Solo 11lb 11.5 oz
    Round 188 135.8 5/26/22 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 210 146.6 1/01/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 211 144.4 1/11/23
    Round 212 146.6 1/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 213 143.4 1/31/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 214 142.4 2/10/23
    Round 215 140.0 2/20/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 216 138.0 3/2/23 Harry 10 lb 11.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6.5 oz
    Round 217 136.0 3/12/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 218 134.0 3/22/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 7.5 oz
    Round 219 133.8 4/1/23 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 220 131.4 4/11/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 221 130.0 4/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 222 128.2 5/1/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz

    Exercise & Supplements
    Supplements are to try and correct dry eye issues. See if they pay off.

    5/02 – Rainy day. Used the Apple+ Fitness for the first time in 2023, and the first time ever in Andover. Did 30 min spin (just did steady state at 26), then a 10 minute core

    5/03 – No exercise

    5/04 – Practice loop w/ hills to prepare for Sunday 5K. “The Loop”

    today 3.4 miles 43:26 min 12’45” pace 294 cal 150 avg bpm 135w avg power mixed run/walk (40 min 5k)
    prior 3.4 miles 48:08 min 14’08” pace 272 cal 132 avg bpm all walk (44:44 min 5k)

    5/05 – nothing, following instructions for RMR test tomorrow morning

    5/06 – “CC Roads” – 5.84 miles, 86:52 min, 14’52” pace, elevation gain 434 ft, active calories 446

    5/07 – Colleen Ritzer 5k, 35:54 min, came in 22nd out of 204 females aged 60 to 69

    5/08 – nothing

    5/09 – 20 min spin on apple+

    5/10 -
    5/11 -

    SW: 128.2


    5/02 – 129.2 Had a visit with my friends Ben and Jerry, that I have not seen in 2023. Oh, well. The irony is that I was thinking how I would not buy this flavor again, as I finished the ice cream pint. I even thought how I could throw the rest away, but I ate it anyhow. The good thing is that I tracked it, and I stepped on the scale today despite knowing what was coming. The questions that come from this are 1) why did I allow myself to purchase it? It was on sale and was thinking I would find a day to make the ice cream work (just not yesterday) 2) why did I allow myself this stress response? Less than 24 hours from getting home we found out the master bathroom shower is somehow leaking through the walls into the basement and we are now facing getting a plumber and potentially wall repairs to our newly refinished bathroom after he gets done. Still, that is not an excuse and something to improve.

    On a positive note, I did my first Massachusetts walk yesterday. Not super long, only 3.4 miles, but I had a great walking pace, especially since I have not seen a hill in ages (Florida elevation gain during my walk is 7 ft, but yesterday was 208 ft). It also got my BPM up to a nice rate. Average was 132 BPM, with a high of 150+.

    I swear that sharing with this group is like therapy!!

    5/03 – 129.6 Yup, the ice cream sale was buy “2”. At least it is over and done with. Otherwise the day was really good. I finally used the Apple+ Fitness that we have set up. I did a 30 minute spin (but only at steady state) and then a 10 minute core (meh, I’ve had better). I am reset and ready for a great day today.

    5/04 – 129.8 I need to stop this cycle. Yesterday was no exercise. Perpetual rain. I should have used the Apple +. I did not. Had perfect calorie day, until about 9 PM. Then I found M&M’s that my MIL had me bring from Florida to use in baking. Gone. Being home, I am getting scattered again.

    Today, I am heading to my parents at the assisted living. Today starts my next 8 to 9 months of dealing with their hoarding. Getting involved in their financials, and dealing with estate and medical issues. In all that, I need to remember me, and to not resort to Netflix and eating as a stress relief.

    Just finished dinner prep. Now heading to MFP diary to pre-track my day, and try to get some early morning exercise.

    Late add: I got my butt outside in the cold cold drizzle and did a run/walk of the hilly neighborhood. Getting ready for Sunday and my baseline 5k.

    5/05 – 129.2 Finally, a back on track day. Three days with bad dietary endings. Good to see some of the gain was temporary. But I can do math, so I know there were some surplus calories that make a gain real.

    Today, being smart before my fun tests tomorrow. For the RMR, to get as accurate a number as possible, one is to avoid things that might ramp up ones metabolism. These things include exercise, stimulants such as coffee, and then there are constraints regarding food such as being fasted tomorrow morning. So anyhow, no coffee or exercise for me today. But I have plenty of other things to accomplish today, so that’s ok.

    5/06 – 129.4 Did not get my post up this morning. But had a good busy day. Did my DEXA scan, RMR, AI risk calcs, visited with DD, SIL & DGS, picked up my packets for tomorrow’s 5K, walked the cats, and did an experimental neighborhood walk. Will post info on the scans and such later.

    5/07 – 128.4 Actually very excited for the number. Last night after my busy day, I bent the wrong way picking up a mostly empty box and I got a back zinger. It’s clearly another bulging disk issue that I have had before. I took a solid dose of Naproxen Sodium, which I know can cause fluid retention/weigh gain. Anyhow, going to be an interesting morning. I have to leave for the 5K in 45 minutes. Then once home, I have lots of work to do to get ready for a contractor who is coming early tomorrow morning. Regarding the 5K, I will enter it even if it means I am only walking it. I want to get comfortable with competing every now and then.

    Adding: turns out I never put up my post earlier this morning. I survived the 5k! Now to clean!

    5/08 – 129.0 Yesterday was interesting as my back was in significant pain, and I was debating about trying to run during the 5K at all. But I really wanted to try, and to obtain a baseline for an officially timed 5k with running (years ago I walked one or two – my walking is pretty fast). Got there early, with around 3600 others (Look up Colleen Ritzer if you are curious about who this honored). Lots of time to kill, and lots of feeling my sore back (I did take a second max dose of NS). Got to the starting line and decided to see what would happen if I ran. I could always stop and walk. Race starts uphill. :’( and all my exercise until a week ago has been in the keys that is beyond flat. I actually ran almost the whole time. I allowed myself two breaks. One less than .2 miles and the other .03 miles. For the second .03 break, BPM was 178 (planning to verify with PCP today that that is ok to do).

    Getting back to what was interesting. At the end of the race, I had zero back pain, and had forgotten about it. About a half hour or so later, it returned.

    5/09 – 128.4 Mammogram results were back in a couple hours. Amazingly fast! All was good. Then later in the day, at my physical, for the second year in a row, I gave high BP readings (4 pm 143/76 I think). I now have to do self reporting into the office to prove that my BP is fine. In fact, my usual issue is low BP that makes me dizzy (show me a needle and you will see that reaction). I started self testing as soon as I got home and yup, it was initially high at home too (5:47 133/81 and 6:20 140/77). Good news is that that means my home unit provided data comparable that in office and has more meaning. By 7:07, I was 115/69, and 8:27 was 110/66. This morning 115/69, and then 102/76 after a quick 20 min spin. I guess I used up all my good news over the weekend. Tomorrow, I get to do all my blood work…….

    5/10 -
    5/11 -

    White coat syndrome? Lots of people suffer with that!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member


    @Sheilaboneham He's so handsome!
  • shmmm3
    shmmm3 Posts: 255 Member
    RND 222

    Goals: no ultra-processed food, added sugar, or dairy. Whole foods, plant-based Mediterranean diet mindset.
    #1 Calories at max 2000 for 10/10 days
    #2 strength train or yoga for 10/10 days
    #3 drink 3 liters of water for 10/10 days

    Previous days:
    5/2 130.6 calories over 2000 but lots of water and very little salt. Husband made braised lamb with carrots, potatoes, shallots, and garlic for dinner. It was incredible. I had seconds of all the vegetables. Today's focused goal is to not snack between meals or after meals. Let myself feel hungry and acknowledge it and wait for meal time.
    5/3 130.0 Goals achieved yesterday even though my exercise was yoga for a few minutes here and there throughout the day. I like that way of doing it. It's easier for me than committing to a 30 minute session. 3.5 liters of water and calories just at 2000. I'm hoping for a bigger drop tomorrow when all this bloating should be gone. Baked sweet potatoes until they're mushy inside and then loaded with beans are the base of my diet right now. I wanted a sweet dessert so badly last night even though I was stuffed from dinner I couldn't finish my plate. Of course my second stomach was saying it had more room for dessert. I gave it a la croix and nothing else. Building habits takes so much time! I got into the WFPB habit after about 1.5 months, end of March to now, and it really is my new habit. So maybe another 1.5 months I can be out of the habit of wanting sweet dessert at night. I have to be strict with myself but I think it can be done. By June I could have a new habit of preferring tea to dessert. I can hope.
    5/4 130.0 Goals achieved and I was able to do a home, quick paced, sweat dripping strength training session for 25 minutes before I quit. Intermittent yoga throughout the rest of the day because I didn't want to sweat again. Got ravenous before bed and ate too many dried apricots. I logged it this morning and my calories a day went up to 2000. Still made that goal! I know if I'd gone to bed earlier it wouldn't have happened. Staying up too late equals more time to get hungry.
    5/5 129.0 Goals achieved and then some. I was a productivity pro yesterday. Had three glazed donuts for breakfast and then tacos for dinner. Cumin made the tofu really flavorful + mashed beans, crunch from red cabbage, avocado slices, and a bit of hot sauce on top. I didn't want dessert after all that. A new cookbook came in the mail yesterday, ATK's The Complete Plant Based Cookbook and I spent the night flipping through it. It has write ups on substitutions and flavors and an index in the back of the complete nutritional profile of each recipe in the book. That was a nice surprise.
    5/6 DNW Goals achieved and a big day planned today. Happy Saturday, everyone.
    5/7 DNW
    5/8 129.0 Starting the work week feeling good and ready to take it on.
    5/9 129.0 I'll be happy if I can keep it here for the round. Less productive than I wanted to be yesterday. Try again today.
    Round goal: 127