We are all psychically capable! Experiences to share?

PaulyJoMomma Posts: 104 Member
I know this is very off topic, but this is a thread for different off topics & I had a feeling/urge to post this so I thought why not!

We all were born with psychic capability whether folks acknowledge or not is another thing. I’m have experienced so many spiritual or psychic things unintentionally and didn’t even realize what was going on at the time only to come to a realization later in life that I’ve done things that I am learning the label for like soul travel, precognition, interacting with people who have passed, hearing spirits and people who were not present that I could hear like they were there and not in my mind, but like they were physically there because I could hear it with my ears, etc.

Something told me to get out of my shell & terribly comfy comfort zone & reach out here in this space to see if there are folks that want to share their experiences and have what I consider to be one of the most fulfilling, exciting, informative, and encouraging topics you could discuss, but then again my friends & family consider me to be the queen of difficult conversations and will talk about religion & politics with any and everybody if I could. I love to understand other people’s perspectives, values, & beliefs. They are all so important and critical to what we call our team we all belong to of the human race.

Care to share?